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Everything posted by Nazdika

  1. Sometimes, there are selections of older packs in CM. Just gotta be lucky that those are the ones, you are looking for. Otherwise yes, the ones you find in GHN are the only way to get that reputation these days.
  2. Nope. Can't put it in if one is lower level than the one being able to use it. Not even the ones from planetary vendors, let alone endgame ones.
  3. Mouse droid and sand crawler do not make a noise. I do not know about the probe, but would guess no, as well.
  4. OP mentions he does not want to get yelled at. I doubt he would care for the usual abuse going on in PvP channel
  5. One cannot predict specific cases, ever. Just like in RL One can predict likelihoods though. If I understand English well enough to understand your post, I have to say, we can indeed tell the range of the RNG with enough missions run. Notice that I wrote about several hundreds, not one hundred. Again, even with 1 million missions run, we CANNOT predict single cases, ever, though. Only likelihoods. It is quite similar to rolling a die. Even when I have rolled the same die 1 million times, I cannot predict the 1 million and first roll, or 10 rolls in the next 100, to stick with your example. But after several hundreds of rolls I can make a pretty good guess, whether that specific die is loaded to roll a certain number more often than other numbers. Again, notice, SEVERAL hundreds of rolls. After about 2000 rolls, our guess goes from "pretty good" to "statistically sound" or some such name in English. In my language, that is called the "Rule of Large Numbers". Meaning, a large number of samples will show true distributions of results. Again, not possible to predict a specific case or specific cases, though, only likelihoods. English is not my mothertongue, sorry if I did not manage to get it across understandably enough.
  6. In case you want to REALLY know the answer, you write down each and EVERY result Zenith brings home for a couple hundred missions. Excel is a big help here, or similar program. Only when you have meticulously written down hundreds of result, you truely see a pattern. Simply because that is how statistics works.
  7. Cheapest way to reach 8K via gifts is vendor bought greens, anyway. For the last 2k, farming dialogs and the odd cheap gift on GHN are plenty enough. Via missions one gets all different gift types, bounty hunter is interested most in only five of the 10 types (6 if char is male, and levels the easiest comp via gifts, regardless). Farming via dialogs is far from taking centuries, too, if one knows where to go. Just added 300 to Torian within 3 minutes not long ago. Not exaggerating. Ashara-b*tch needs a bit more patience for a female char, needed few days to get +2K. If one has several classes, needing all kinds of gift types, gift missions may be an argument. Otherwise, no.
  8. Not quite sure what you call nitpicking in a post giving information on the exact question OP asked. Power is rather close to main stat in "raw oomph" as opposed to crit. This. If OP already has enough accuracy.
  9. One can buy crates from the Correlia vendor, where the items can bring a rather nice credit boost at low levels.
  10. As you mention, it is due to the 12x boost. You can still do several things. The following is just what comes to my mind, there probably are more things one can do. 1) list for FP, and do something else while you are waiting (guess you do that already) 2) write in fleet chat that you are looking for people to do FPs, mention your level of course 3) join an active guild with characters in your level range 4) do the heroics, especially H4 5) networking! Add people to your friend's list and stay in touch. Tell them that you will add them, and why. Do add a comment to your own list, why you added them. That can be pretty much anyone that made a good impression on you. When you want to run something, ask them. Some footnotes: - Certainly one learns the skills when healing the companion, but real people tend to move and behave different than an AI. For a bit of a challenge, maybe you can find a buddy to do H4s with less than 4 people. It is a lot of fun, and teaches a thing or two about many aspects you will later need as healer. I dare say you will learn more from Hs, than companion fights. People still do heroics on the servers I am playing on. Probably due to the good drops from low time investments. - Fleet chat, as you may know, can bring you flak for pretty much anything. So, check how thick your skin is before writing
  11. That is bugged for me a lot of times, gut feeling about 3-4 out of 10 times. Short version for me is double clicking on the schem.
  12. There will always be some such, that certainly is true. How many, is a matter of perception. And luck with whom one gets grouped. I dare say, I meet way more fair people, than unfair ones. I find the system works well enough. When it matters more, the group leader can put in loot-master.
  13. Greed is always polite enough. If you do have that crew skill, by all means choose need if you want the schem. If someone else rolled need, and you find out after the FP, group or whatnot, you already have it in your ("%¤#%#&%¤!"#¤") long list of schems, you can trade it to that person for 2 hours, as mentioned above. Reputation tokens, and the "boxes" from FPs I "need" only if I really need and want it. If I would get say 2 KDY construction kits, and others rolled need and got nothing, I might pass. Just play fair, towards myself, as well as towards others. It does happen sometimes, that greed gets the item, even though someone else rolled need. If I know that someone needs the rep token, I pass. I also pass, when my notoriously full inventory has like 2 or 3 slots left, and the item is not worth more than what I carry around (and can trash or sell to a rep bot).
  14. Best is debateable. Some people like to beat challenges. Treek cannot be overrated for a DPS though. She tanks and heals like a double-pro. So much so that sometimes I feel a bit like cheating, when using her, heh. But I got her through CM simply because I just knew, I want her on several chars. Expensive, but worth every coin, IMO.
  15. Nazdika


    You equip one that has a hood. Except if you are Twi'lek, then you are out of luck.
  16. All are possible, albeit many are major pains in the butt to get. Remember all skills that can help you with jumping, running faster (depending on AC), speeder etc.
  17. Mit Glück und Credits kannst du die im AH kaufen. Die Pakete sind zur Zeit nicht im KM erhältlich, gibt aber Spieler, die solche auf Vorrat gekauft hatten. Auf welchem Server spielst du denn?
  18. You, obviously. The higher level schematics use less of the higher level materials, than the lower level ones. It all depends which mats one has most. I do 55 FPs a LOT more than the lower level ones where I find the respective materials. So, coming by 8 higher level mats is a lot easier for me than 16 lower level mats. Whether one actually buys all the schematics is up to oneself. I am not quite sure why people tend to buy all kinds of schems they do not use. But it does not make me all aggressive-like either. Just buy the schem YOU use *shrug*
  19. That is one heck of a funny statement. You expect Bioware employees to work for free?
  20. Main stat for a healer is.... the main stat.... That you should
  21. Gearing up is another thing than the story these days. Depending on how much you can play each day, the story can take a while. One can start collecting Elite and Ultimate Commendations quite a bit earlier. With ultis you can buy decent 180 rating gear (currently the second highest in the game, and the highest one can buy without playing NiM yet). For that, you want to get good enough gear to be comfortable in 55 FPs, and 55 SM OPs. The easiest way to achieve that is doing the Oricon story line. With that you have close to all items in 156 rating, which is more than enough for 55 FPs, and enough for all 55 SM OPs. Then, just by running 1 FP every day one gets 100 ultis per week. Mix in an OP or 2, and you can get equipped pretty fast. The 2 OPs, that give 2 mass manipulation generators each the first time you run them are Scum & Villany (s&v), and Terror from Beyond. MMGs are needed to craft (or let craft) high level items. Most often one buys hilts and barrels with those. Those OPs I would try to get into soon. Do tell the raidlead that you are new. If they are fine taking someone new, with Oricon gear you are equipped well enough for those. Best way to get into those OPs is either via your guild, or standing around on fleet and either asking for group or just talking to those, who are looking to build a group. Do not spend the MMGs right now, IMO, since with 3.0 there probably is new gear you will want to have the mats for as soon as it is implemented. In general, do as many dailies, and weeklies that give elite or ulti comms as you can stomach. Basic and classic comms I personally leave out entirely these days, except for the odd material, schematic or speeder. But the later accumulate anyway on my chars. Do run OPs where you get set token. An armoring with set bonus is worth more than the armoring 2 levels higher without. In general, many items that drop in OP are better than the ones bought even with the same rating level. Main hand is hard to get. One can buy a main hand with 162 rating at Czerka if one has the reputation and the elite comms. The higher ones many let craft. Again, at the moment I would wait with that, since 3.0 seems to be around the corner. Except if you have the credits to just buy one, and it is worth that to you not having to wait. Last but not least, do mix the best of each piece you get. It is not rare that armoring, mod and enhancement each comes from a different item. And do invest into augments. If you cannot afford purple yet, buy the blue ones. All main stat is the recommended stat, except for tanks who may want to get the ideal combo of tank stats via augments. Hope it is clear. Bit late and my head is a bit befuddled ...
  22. Slot bound? Methinks, OP is not yet level 55 (even then, I'd beg to differ, but that is completely OT here) For the old farts among us maybe. There is plenty unclear for players in their earlier levels. And so on, and so on. Awesome instruction for a new(er) player So, to the topic: each class has a primary stat. As above poster mentioned, strength is for jedi knights. In lower levels it can happen, that an item is better for you even if the primary stat does not fit. For example if you have no ear piece yet, and the one you find has a lot of endurance. But in general, indeed, stay away from non-fitting primary stats. Just to mention quickly: willpower is for jedi consulars, aim for troopers, and cunning for smugglers. For a tank, the exact distribution of the tank stats mentioned above is not so important for quite a while. Actually, items do come with those only sometime in your 30ies IIRC. Before that, pack endurance, when you can. Later in the game you may want to read some tank guides, to get optimal distribution of the different stats. Earlier, one can get tank stats with augments. But that is really luxury and not needed for leveling at all. As for shaded out items. Hard to tell when not seeing the item. One can often buy items, even if they are not usable by the char. For example my jedi guardian does not have the armor proficiency to use a generator, so they are greyed out (not the same as shield generator, that he can use). But he can buy one for his companion, for example. Some names are kinda counter-intuitive.
  23. Über die Klassen hast du nichts gesagt. Vielleicht liegt dir ne bestimmte Klasse besser als andere? Von der Story her, oder Spielmechanik oder Aussehen? Abo hat bei mir den Spielspass schon sehr erhöht gehabt. Aber es hat mich vorher auch genervt, dauernd weniger zu bekommen, als die Abonnenten. Bei jeder Quest stand da, weniger Gegenstände, weniger Exp etc. Als f2p muss man schon recht viel dazu kaufen, um den gleich Spielspass zu haben. FPs, PvP etc. sind begrenzt, wenn man die nicht dazu kauft. Weiss nicht, wie du das gehandhabt hast. FPs find ich schon sehr spassig, GSF und solches auch. Aussehen ist mir auch wichtig und macht wirklich viel aus bei mir. Hab letztens nen Char general-überholt mit der Aussehensstation. Etwa ein Jahr festgesteckt auf Taris (Rep), nun flitzt sie nur so über die Planeten (ok, jetzt grad mit 12x Schub). Natürlich auch die passende Rüssi dazu. Das kann aber noch ins Geld, bzw. Credits gehen, falls du wie ich eher nen teuren Geschmack hast Generell ist aber halt wichtig, dass du achtest, was denn DIR Spass macht. Ich hab z.B. ziemlich bald gemerkt, dass die ganzen Nebenquests auf den Planeten einfach nur noch ätzend sind. Auf den früheren Planeten hab ich noch ganz viele gemacht, spätere Planeten fast gar keine mehr. Mich persönlich interessiert die Klassenstory 1 - 2 Mal, Maximum. Ich mach nur noch Klassenstory plus was halt nötig ist, um damit genug Exp zu kriegen. Zur Zeit ist das ja kein Thema mit dem 12x Schub. Sonst hab ich dann halt noch FPs gemacht, PvP und was halt sonst noch Spass machte (Bounty Hunter Woche, etc.) Falls die Klassenstory keinen Spass macht, brauchst nicht mal die machen um zu Leveln. Mit Kumpel machts tatsächlich viel mehr Spass zu leveln. Dafür ist man ein bisschen gebunden. Kannst ja net einfach mal kurz 10 Levels powerleveln und dann mit dem gleichen Kumpel weiter ziehen. Einer meiner Kumpels hatte die Angewohnheit, seine Chars immer mal wieder zu löschen. Da standen dann meine Chars halt wieder mal im Regen. Aber hat trotzdem Spass gemacht, möchte die Zeit nicht missen. Leveln geht auch viel schneller zu zweit. Und wenn du echt nicht findest, was dir Spass macht.... hmmmm. Anderes Game?
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