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Everything posted by Nazdika

  1. I beg to differ. I play several chars, some are group-players, some not. You can skip a LOT of side quests even solo and still get on with the story. My group-players are usually the first on a planet, after the 3rd time I personally have really really seen the side quests. How much *I* can skip depends a bit on the class (you may be a better clicker for X class, or not). Just mind that at lvl 55 there is not much solo left after a while. For Euro servers, latency was mentioned. MUCH less of an issue solo. I started on an american server (as Euro), could hardly send my comps into battle in an FP. Solo no problem. No offence ment to anyone, Euro servers are more friendly, IMO. Maybe a question of culture..... Welcome in case you start on my server T3
  2. You can check which items go into the collections by opening the collection tab in your inventory, and finding the item there. Mind, that prices to add items differ a LOT. About armor, a caveat. Be careful to enter the box into the collection before opening. Just mentioning since someone on my server did the wrong way around, and was rather devastated. About mods: I have several chars with adaptive armor. All earn enough comms to get their respective mods without GTN. I use rule of thumb as a lower line (may change more often if I have the comms): change every 8, after lvl 40, every 4. It works for me (though the test of above poster is a very interesting read). I do swap out the mod-able for a pickup, when I am currently low on comms or just too lazy to go shopping, the ones at least that do not disturb overall good look (belt, wrist, headslot where I hide it). Swapping it in later with mods updated. Also, remember that with lvl 20 you can buy stuff with PvP comms. Keeping my companions in mod-ables is another matter altogether though (*headache* )
  3. Many guilds are very friendly to new players, or are even newish players banding together for learning. As long as you tell them in the beginning, that you are new, and learning, and they agree to have you, you are not a handicap, really. Some or most players have lower level alts, who may be more than happy to run Heroics, FPs of your level. Furthermore, requirements, obligations etc. differ tremendously from guild to guild. From my experience they go from no obligation whatsoever to paying set amount into the guild bank each week, be on TS 24/7, appear for the raids 3 times a week, and be a highly competitive player all around (that was somewhat exaggerated, to get the point across ) So best thing is, to ask those who invite you. Maybe they even have a site + forum, where you can get to know them a bit before joining. It is really quite an awesome experience IMO to learn the game together, and/or being shown the ropes by more experienced players. I think you are right to not be in a hurry, though. The better play styles fit, the happier the guild and you are. Someone who enjoys to watch the stories may be a sub-optimal fit for a competitive progress guild who wants to check off accomplishments. So the better you know your play style, the better you can ask them about specifics before joining. Things I would ask: - expected contributions? (X amount per week? Presence at Guild events? etc.) - presence on TS (Teamspeak - proggie runs in background, lets you communicate via headphone & mic while playing) - maybe someone willing to showing ropes to "The Noob" <- moi - size of guild (just cuz joining a 4 person guild is soooo different from say 50+) - in case it matters to you or guild, age distribution and gender etc. - whatever else interests you of the people who will soon yell into your headphones endangering your hearing due to an unexpected appearance of the XY uber droid who has the core you seek but also 2 blasters, and a goddam mix of abilities to keep it away from you
  4. Full set of moddables is a high mark, for any of my companions, early on, tbh. Except you don't mind the look of social vendor stuff, or it does not show on your companion. I cannot stand Kira, so T7 was all my knights get for a pretty long time.
  5. Archeology from planet one onwards (Coruscant / DK), Bio from later planets onwards IMO. But you have to watch the market more than with UWT, at least on my server. How much you aim for in terms of savings depends entirely on your buying habits. Anything you buy off the GTN tends to be expensive, also, in case you want to buy legacy perks with credits. But, one really does not need to buy anything IMO. Orange shells drop at so many points (FPs, Heroics etc.), can be bought very cheap from social vendors, and with planetary comms (starting with lvl 20, also from PvP). Then you fill them with mods from comms, PvP, etc. If you, like, fall in love with XY item, and are eyeing the GTN for when it has a good price, you want to have that amount to the side, obviously. I am terrible in that regard, so my savings usually are either pretty high, or dangerously low You want to always be able to pay the flight to your class mission planet, is my advice for compulsive buyers Depending on your likes, you may want to add the credits to learn your class skills asap to the minimum. Some of the skills are not super useful, depending on your job, and can be put off a level or two. When they begin to cost +14K, this begins to be a topic, at least for my toons. But with 200K at lvl 19 you are definitely in no danger to get below that minimum What really hurts my toons is the speeder III training at level 40 (for abo, which I assume you have also, else the entire question is moot anyway. Cost me 140K each). If you trade a lot, you later want a GTN terminal and a mailbox on your ship. And of course, the crafts... eat... much... Again, all that is "nice to have", and not mandatory at all.
  6. When the companion makes 2 in one sitting, you double your chances, since you RE double the items (or 3x, rarely). I.e. use +crit companion. Pretty sure that influences not only augment slot, but number of items crafted (not 100% though. There are few things I believe in 100%) Again, crit is of course a statistical measure and will not always.... guess you are aware of implications. No. I used to study & work in statistics, and am relatively fit in not trusting my gutt feeling With all due respect, I think it is a perception, and small sample matter. I hear you. I am a craftoholic, and do like the system. And... it is somewhat painful sometimes...
  7. Also, use a companion who has +crit on the missions. Affection and +efficiency only lower time, and have no impact on the mats you get.
  8. I like the suggestion. My preferred playing mode is massive. multi. player. And still I like to solo, and would adore the option to also solo H4 when I have an autistic day (no offense OP, just my thing, not yours). IMO should be limited to some group content though. Most quests as are are on the easy side already. SOME class quests have some spikes, where you have to use 2-3 thoughts, instead of the usual bash through, cash in. There I'd rather not have the option to just use 2-3 companions, instead of the thoughts
  9. +1 I had to change 14 chars, and when the new Logitech S series is available where I live, I will have to re-do all of them *shudder*. Did not count the keys, but, LOTS.
  10. To the later, I don't. I tried to explain in my poor, non-native english, that I do not know how the bubble behaves for someone not having trained yet what one gets from other trees. Therefore, someone like that may be reluctant to using the bubble for reasons that I have no insight in. To the former, I agree. Athiss at level the first few times is demanding. Add the occasional group where the DPS rather hit the beast than the addons, and you have a very busy and messy healing experience. I also agree that any experience in the healing classes helps in games that follow the Trinity. But one sure does not need Pro level to listen to the tips of the more experienced tank. The OP was talking about healers not listening when OP tried to explain the basics. I know the "ultra basic" rules of Tank Heal DPS, and threat vs. aggro, are often unclear to people new to MMOs, as odd as that may sound to anyone having played such games. I think we all should explain such ground rules more often when running with super inexperienced. I do not know (or remember) whether OP went into such basic knowledge with the mentioned healers, though. But insisting on using KB when your tank asks you not to, idk. It is mere courtesy if nothing else to listen to your tank. Some healers may use it when panicked. Learning to not panic is one very important lesson for any healer. Athiss is a good place to learn that to some degree. Not by far the first one, though.
  11. After inventory space for the legacy, ^ those were my first buys. There are just too many planets without GTN access, and the mailbox comes in seriously handy as well. Ship droid is ok, too. I do not find him as useful as the other two, though. You can buy the sensors he sells on ships of other people, I read recently, even. Do look through the shop, and the legacy unlocks. Some of the unlocks are bundled at a good price in the shop (travel).
  12. Falls da mal wer (wie ich) drüber stolpert: Heiler Skillbaum erste Stufe, wenn auch bedeutend weniger nützlich als der oberste. Bei Hexer ist das Machterguss und die Skillung bewirkt, dass die Überladung AoE heilt im Kegel. Schubsen in Gruppen ist bekanntlich heikel. Aber mal die DDs von Aggro befreien und gleich noch bisschen heilen ist wohl schon ab und an nützlich.
  13. As a fairly new healer in SWtOR I have to completely agree with the OP. I am playing healers in other games since ages, so I am used to training non-healer skilltree stuff first. I lay the foundation first, then build up on it. But that is sure a matter of taste. So far, bubble the tank is pretty much the first thing I do in a fight. I am also playing the other 2 healers, and miss it sorely there. May be because I specced into it even before knowing it would help. It seems pretty force efficient to me, in most situations. I am not in end-game yet though, so I do not know about that. KB: my DPS dislike to rush after mobs that a panicked healer knocked away RIGHT before I could take them off them. My sage healer panicked the first time in Athiss and the tank was as patient and kind as the OP, and explained why it is most often not A Good Thing to do. Made sense to me. Kuddos to anyone NOT leaving groups AND more importantly telling new people how to do things. Vent away on the forum please, such discussions help people like me tremendously. I learned a lot from this thread (and others of course). And, adapting to new and other styles is not something only the tank has to do, IMO. Not listening to the needs of your team, even when told kindly, is the point that would tick ME off.
  14. One more suggestion: Do google, or read the forums, and guides (or ask again) what the stats are, and which class, and specialization use which stat. Endurance for example is health points, and all items (modded or unmodded) with endurance add up to your health. Damage on the other hand depends on your class, and different stats, like aim, strength, willpower, power etc. Damage of jedi sage depends on willpower, damage of a trooper on aim etc. (and other things, just one stat to give you an idea). I do not think it matters much which moddable shell you use, apart of whether it is light, medium or heavy armor. One of my companions wears an orange that was originally an "aim" item (dropped in an FP) where I replaced all mods with "strength" mods. Lil curious thing: there are some moddable blue items, and even a few moddable green ones. Same applies as with the oranges: the mods carry the stats, not the item = empty shell.
  15. Bin auch erst n paar Monate dabei, aba plündern find ich die einfachste Sammeltätigkeit. Es gibt ganz viele Droiden, die du zerlegen kannst. Auf Coruscant gibts ein paar Orte, da kommst gar net nach mit plündern, weil die Leute so viele Droiden plätten. Imp seite wirds auf Balmorra auch echt wild. Und ganze FPs kannst du "durch-plündern". Da hatte ich grad in low levels mit den anderen Sammelberufen z.T. bedeutend mehr Mühe. Kurz: nicht aufgeben, wenns grad ne droidenfreie Durststrecke gibt Bin bei allen erst so um lvl300, weiss also noch net, wie's weiter geht. Aba mit dem geplünderten Reichtum könnte ich da notfalls noch eine andere Crew Fähigkeit nachziehen, falls nötig.
  16. Das ist super gut zu wissen, dank dir vielmals. Ich blätter manchmal in tor-fashion und fand jeweils "*Schmacht*, das dauert ewig bis ich dort bin" - wohl doch nicht. SUPA!
  17. Hm, ich hab noch keinen dunklen Char. Vermutlich willst du dem die SP geben? Oder auch allen? Vom Termin her werden wir schon was finden. Muss ja nicht 3x jeden Tag sein Mach doch mal nen Terminvorschlag oder flüster mich an.
  18. Da hab ich mir eher son knackigen Gladiatorendress oder so was vorgestellt Soll ja auch nicht das gleiche Zielpublikum ansprechen wie die Bikinidresses, gell
  19. Und wo finde ich die Sklavenklamotten für Corso und Aric? Hmmm? Hmmm? Echt nicth fair ... ..
  20. Falls du auf T3-M4 bist, ist die Lösung einfach: tu dich mit mir zusammen Ich farme Esseles solo für Zuneigung. Ich möchte echt gerne auch SP farmen. Beim normalen Questen kommen bei mir die Heldenquests meist zu kurz. Ich level eh schon schneller als mir lieb ist (ja ich weiss, ich hab Probleme ) Mal abgesehen davon, dass die oft ja so 2-6 Punkte abwerfen, dann ist wieder Ende Feuer. Die mach ich eher zum Gruppenspiel üben, als für SP- Interesse? Ich hab verschiedene Chars, die Esseles im Godmode spielen, fände toll, das zusammen zu machen. Und die Punkte kriegst am Ende, wenn ich mich recht erinnere. Gefährtenzuneigung auf jeden Fall (Aric 515 Pkt - kloink) Ich kann das nicht zu oft am Stück machen, aber so 1-2x pro Tag liegen schon drin, falls du verschiedene Chars hast. Zakti (ranged Kommando), Gravan (Hüter - irgendwann mal Tank), Simhi (Wächterin - DD), Sarvari (Revolverheldin). Im Moment baue ich die Heilertruppe auf. Dann kommt noch ein Soldatentank, ein Schattentank, und dann gehts auf zur dunklen Seite Was du wissen musst, dass ich keinen Geschwindigkeitsrekord in gar nix brechen muss. Wenn ich unterwegs bin, dann gezielt, aber man darf auch mal stehen bleiben und so was wie Taktik besprechen oder so. (iGGs zu so ziemlich ALLEN Gruppen, die ich bisher angetroffen habe. Die weitaus meisten hatten ein Rennen zu gewinnen. Reden war da nicht drin!) Bin Altoholic, falls es nicht klar war. Ich möchte einfach alle Geschichten hören Lach mich halb tot über die Antworten der Schmugglerin, iGGs zu den meist lieben Jedis. Und die Pathetic von Gravan macht mich manchmal schaudern, LOL: Aber die von Esseles kenn ich in der Zwischenzeit gut Wär Spass. Bist auf T3-M4 und interessiert? Ah, und noch ein Edit: Zum Optimieren können wir gerne die Antworten absprechen. Gibt Dinge, die ich mit meinen hellen Chars nicht mache, aber wir finden wohl schon ne Einigung. (die Techniker ins Weltall schicken zB, Asara zurück lassen. Meine hellen Chars machen das nicht )
  21. Wenn du das Abo kündigst, wirst du, falls du dich mal wieder einloggen willst, bevorzugter Spieler. Ich würd schon überlegen, was dieser Übergang für Folgen hat. Da kannst du einiges auf der FAQ nachlesen. Als Abonnent kann man max. 22 Chars haben auf einem Server, als Nicht-Abo max. 12. Falls du mehr als 12 Chars hast, die dir was bedeuten / bedeutet haben, ist die Frage nicht nur nicht dumm, sondern so richtig bedenkenswert. Die übrigen Chars werden nicht gelöscht, sondern inaktiv. Als bevorzugter Spieler kann man 2 Crew-Fähigkeiten haben pro Char. Falls du mal spielen willst, ist die 3. inaktiv, bzw. muss mit KM dazu gekauft werden. Auch der Credit-Besitz ist eingeschränkt. Wenn Chars von dir mehr als 200k besitzen, solltest du umschichten, oder bei einem Freund deponieren. (Sie werden "einbehalten" und werden nicht automatisch wieder gutgeschrieben, falls der Char unter die 200k fällt. Ich habe zuviel Erfahrung mit Rechtsstreitigkeiten um da nicht faule Hunde zu riechen) Gibt noch andere Einschränkungen, die bedenkenswert sind, falls du gelegentlich mal wieder reinschauen möchtest. FAQ nennt ein paar Dinge. Ich persönlich habe allerdings nicht den Eindruck, dass sich EA sehr darum kümmert, was sie mal geschrieben / versprochen haben. Von dem her ist wohl nicht alles abgedeckt in der FAQ, bzw. kann sich ohne Benachrichtigung auch ändern. Falls dies alles nicht relevant ist für dich, würd ich auch sagen, kündigen. Soweit ich sehe, sind dann nur die 500 KM pro Monat ein Vorteil, falls du wieder mal spielen willst und die kosten weniger, wenn du sie nachher mal kaufen möchtest. Ausser du findest das Spiel so unterstützungswürdig, dass du eh zahlen willst, ob du spielst oder nicht. Hab ich auch schon mit einem Spiel gemacht, wo die GMs und der Inhaber gratis gearbeitet haben. Bei mir triggert EA jetzt nicht den altruistischen Reflex, aber wenn man zB seit Beta dabei war oder so, verstehe ich es. Die Gründe sind dann aber wohl eher emotional / nostalgischer Natur, was aber auch nicht schlecht ist, wenn sie dir das wert sind. Was ich nicht weiss, falls du mehr als die 6 bzw. 12 Chars hast, die Commendations haben, was würde wohl passieren beim Patch, bzw. was passiert bei zukünftigen Patches.... Gibt sicher noch andere Fragen in dem Zusammenhang, die ich interessant fände und bei denen ich mir 10x überlegen würde, ob ich Versuchskaninchen spielen will. Je nachdem, wieviel mir der Erhalt der Chars wert ist. Viele Leute haben eine Art Bewusstseinsverengung, sobald es um Geld und ihren Vorteil geht. "Wir müssen sparen, koste es, was es wolle". Das Abo kostet hier pro Monat soviel wie 1x Kino. Etwas lächerlich, der Aufstand der in diesem Thread dafür gemacht wird. Leute in der Lehre (vermutliches Zielpublikum von MMORPGs) verdienen hier einen Mini-Lohn, aber Kino und Ausgang liegen allemal mehrmals wöchentlich drin. Alles eine Frage der Prioritäten. Sorry für die lange Post, viel zu weit ausgeholt. Aber jetzt hab ichs schon geschrieben...
  22. I gladly trade EU cards for US ones. I am a sucker for pets, and have several toons wanting them In EU you get a slim DVD case with a paper thingy inside with the code. The code is protected by a cover that one needs to rub off. I could send you code by email, code on paper (covered) or entire DVD case. I'd trade more than 1, and can also buy more for paypal'd money. Within limits, not doing 1K mailorders I just hope the respective pets are not, like, server bound. i.e. I can use US code on EU server... Edit: NM about sending the entire case. That you can achieve by buying from amazon.de directly I guess. As opposed to BestBuy and probably also Gamestop, they do send cross-country I am still interested to trade, since we can both save postage (and me the expensive professional US mail-forward service)
  23. Hi! I am new to SWTOR too. Rolled a Jedi Seer on Shadowlands, but problem during the week is that I myself sit in Europe. So I could prolly not join you during the week. But on weekends I am more than happy to team up with someone who does not need/want to just race through all the content. I have a friend on SL, and we do some stuff together (you are welcome to join us!), but he is leveling several other toons, and his Jedi Shadow is on hold on Coruscant atm. So, I am like you, looking for relaxed groups / people to play with. I want to learn my class optimally, and methinks that is easier when one is actually talking, and not only racing through Heroics, FP, and such. So, in short, will whisper you when I see you on My toon is called Taruh, welcome to find me as well And to the thread in general: This game is crazy expensive, so I am not sure I stay a subscriber (bought a 2 month non-recurrant sub to check it all out). But I have to say, I am having a blast here. I am planning on starting other chars soon, to see other professions, other stories, the other faction, and maybe other servers. So far I have not seen another game that lets me have toons with my US friends, and others on a european server as well. Huge plus for me! So I am in discussion with the Financial Minister at home
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