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Everything posted by calypsissmexy

  1. They are still working on CD and worry (justified) that if they show it and then remove a feature there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth on release. So you'll probably see it when it's in final beta form but no sooner.
  2. Back when I first started on the progenitor, group content was played in a very structured way. Almost every encounter involved some CC and target marking. Now, every pug I join just wants to faceroll through content. I rarely see CC used and I almost never see markers except to point out an objective elite (we gotta kill that guy for bonus). Did I just have an atypical experience back then or has something changed? Have tacticals created this expectation that content should be a faceroll? Of is it something else?
  3. I do use the syllable apostrophe break method. That seems pretty wide open at the moment. Using special/accented characters makes it impossible for people to manually whisper, email, or invite you.
  4. This sounds like it has six legs and belongs in a report forum. Or you have t mapped to something outside the game like TS3 or Fraps and forgot. Or it's just a teeroll.
  5. Jedi knight & Sith sorc Perfection. Already have the slash/fic outline done.
  6. Z axis is height in engineering. 3d programs are at odds with traditional Cartesian axis.
  7. One word. Responsibility I, myself, do heals. But mainly because playing dps means having to rely on a bunch of yolo puggys to throw bubbles and off heals. Cause of course they're all dps, even the Sorcs. And god forbid they do anything off spec like keep the team alive after they e aggroed the whole room with overload and force storm. Edit: talking mainly tacticals since I've been leveling all through dble XP and and now sick of dps pugs) Also leveling is designed around dps primarily. It goes faster if you dps. Tanking and healing through solo content is slower.
  8. My issue is that it's rambling and unfocused. It switches from review to back seat design philosophizing. I'm also not a big fan of face reviews. Talk about the game, show the game and relevant content. Major sites don't usually do face reviews. You basically have to be real pretty or charming as **** to pull it off and most people aren't. I did chuckle a couple times.
  9. If they want it to work like that they needed to make it a first person game. They also need to completely remove the ability to target enemies outside your line of sight. As it works now it just trolls melee. "Oh, you must want to target that guy 30 feet away and not this dread assassin wailing on you 2 feet to your left." Yes, thank you crappy auto-target. Now I can spam my melee attack a few times before I realize my target is that guy way off on the horizon and junk my dps. "You are welcome...******e."
  10. Just walk a slight distance away and it will disappear. Yard work done.
  11. If Cthulhu is on the dev team I will give it a pass in hopes that he eats the people who keep designing bugged armors.
  12. Is the UI the reason everything freezes for a second when you level up? If it is I hope that gets fixed when/if they fix the UI issues.
  13. I really hate vague thread titles. I know it was necessary in this case cause if you said "sarcastic suggestion that Bioware keep sucking" would have been too on the nose but seriously, I hate thread titles like "I have a question" or "need some help" or in this case "serious suggestion". I try not to click these to teach people to use the thread title for a succinct outline of their thread content but I doubt that's working.
  14. They use non Euclidean geometry to calculate the "nearest" enemy. Do you see Dagon complaining? Nope.
  15. There is a button combo that will completely disable double xp.
  16. "A flesh raider bayyyybayyyy!" - cat Jedi master on tython Sounds like he just found the perfect ingredient for his soup.
  17. Actually, I think the law is indiscriminate in this case. Personal data is personal data, whether it's bank accounts or imaginary toons.
  18. Indeed, blame either the strict privacy laws of the EU or the lax laws of the US but the EU won't allow transfers because of it.
  19. Do you have pics of the issue...or am I missing it in that pic you posted?
  20. Lol This is kinda awesome.
  21. Don't knock it til you've tried it. It's pretty god damn awesome. Basically, never again will I bang on the mount button only to find I've hit it too early or started moving too soon. *dances* Should it have been free? Meh...for subs you can spend out of your monthly CC alotment and basically it becomes your sub perk. For 60s with 30 million credits it becomes a little purchase to make life easier.
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