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Everything posted by calypsissmexy

  1. You sound like a very sad person. I don't mean that as an insult. You just sound like you've given up on everything. You cant be bothered to price your packs at 299,999 so they sell first but for a decent amount. You cant be bothered to play the game. Yet you still sub. You just sound really sad. If you want to talk about what's got you so down (not the game) you can pm me.
  2. Now I want to roll a skinny vanguard with that midlength long hair that flops across his face in a shock white color named Obiwarhol. Then just stand around in warzones saying "this is so passé."
  3. How does lex luthor ever get the better of supes? Cause he's a genius and he's devious. Batman is basically the lex luthor of good guys. Saying just because revan can toss a rock he would win is a gross oversimplification of the possibilities. Batman's first thought on learning the potential of the fuzzy lizards would be the same and he would plan for it. Batman doesn't start fights he hasn't already won. That's what it boils down to. If it took him sixty years to plan out a strategy to ace a force user he would wait those sixty years. Of course it wouldn't. Batman repeatedly defeats enemies more powerful than himself. Including superman who could drop a mountain on him. I'd imagine a primary tool against revan would be playing off his conflicted nature. Batman would give him an impossible choice that crippled him long enough to drop his own rock on the force user. It's silly and foolish to dismiss the bat just because he's a mere human. Lucas clearly established in the prequels just how bloody easy it is to surprise and kill a Jedi master. Say revan is better than those Jedi. Well batman is certainly better than a bunch of clone troopers. P.s. if I sound like I'm being aggressive I'm just having fun. This is just a silly hypothetical for fun.
  4. I had no expectations and so don't dislike it for its content so much as its execution. I.e. I think it looks awkward and poorly done. But I have yet to see an official trailer of in game shots that didn't look bad. It's just odd to me like they are letting the office hobbyist direct these instead of getting someone who knows how to frame a shot or how to execute a pan or tracked shot well. Just looks like amateur machinima.
  5. Batman would coat his cave and armor in ysalamiri and cortosis plating. Revan is dumb and can't even predict when 4 random puggies are coming for him and a force bubbled batman would come in like the night on revan's ***. Batman is a master planner and knowing the Jedi can predict the future he would mask his actions, plan for things as red herrings, take unexpected actions just to create confusion, etc. By the time they fought revan would be incensed at how thoroughly outmaneuvered he had been. He would fight poorly and without the force. I just don't see an outcome where bats loses unless its a second act loss before he really turns the screws on revy.
  6. Every gameplay video they make looks horribly framed and awkward as hell and this is no exception. The game can look really cool but whoever is in charge of these vids has no sense. Like showing that static lightsaber deflection? There are dynamic deflection animations in the game but you show one that looks like a manikin? It kinda blows my mind.
  7. I can tell you right now Bioware doesn't give a **** about real world stalking issues their players may have so I doubt they care about in game stalking. Source: experience
  8. Nah, my head stays upright when I'm walking up hills in game. They can do this.
  9. The sith throne mounts and the meditation chairs shouldn't tilt and bank in turns and over terrain. That's pretty much it. They look ridiculous.
  10. It would be nice if my classy sith throne stayed perpendicular to gravity instead of tilting to and fro all the time. I bought it and then immediately stopped using it for actual travel when I realized how ridiculous it looked when turning. I'm banking hard at 5 mph!!! I'm sitting at a 45 degree angle cause CURB!
  11. Nah, I wanna live in Darth Malgus's sock drawer and all his unmatched socks are sentient darkside creatures just trying to get by in Kaas city, as socks. So like the Real World, but in a sith's sock drawer. Bam! Crazier. :rak_02:
  12. Yep. There are several armors with major discrepancies between cutscenes/previews and live gameplay. It's a game I now play when collecting an armor. What unforeseen bug awaits me once I bind this to myself? I'm rarely disappointed when expecting such. Of my 8 chars I play regularly at least half are wearing bugged armors.
  13. I think at max every other month. Once a month feels too frequent. Some people might start playing less cause they know a double XP weekend is coming soon all the time. Why play the rest of the month when you can do all that work in 3 days? Maybe make it a quarterly event so you can level neglected toons. Once a month just sounds like too much.
  14. Woah, you mean people can leave and basically copy their conquest points to another guild? That's messed up.
  15. I assume by "contents" you mean "continents" and you DO have your collections but your legacy has to stay behind because of big impersonal uncaring EU privacy laws that restrict people from doing what they want to.
  16. Oh, almost forgot. Biochem is good for making implants which sell really well and for good prices 20-25k a pop for level 21 implants. I made my first million selling nothing but implants. And it only took a relatively short amount of time for a low level toon. Edit: so I guess my advice is to spend money to make money. Then when you have a big slush fund you can buy whatever you want and won't feel like its a big loss if it turns out you don't love what you bought.
  17. Well there's some fun legacy unlocks that you can buy with creds but your legacy level may be a bit low. Naturally, there armors and implants on the GTN selling for credits. Some of its even priced reasonably. Save up for 41 stat color crystals off the gtn. Hawkeyes and eviscerating and indestructible crystals are good for leveling. Some of the newer ones are fairly cheap. Just limit search to level 11 or you'll get all the level 50 only crystals. Once you get a crystal you can unlock it in your collections and give it to all your toons and their companions. Of course creds are good for crafting missions. That's probably where most of mine to while leveling now that skill training is free. Then you can start crafting and making more money. Synthweaving has some enduring armors that people still love that sell for between 10-40k yet cost almost nothing to craft.
  18. Hehehehehe did you wake up to find another guild had roflstomped yours an hour after conquest started?
  19. Lol, I'm collecting this now. Another bugged armor to add to my list. Luckily I want it for the footies and the top. Bioware, whilst I know you won't fix it, if you do, you should email a "classic" version to anyone who's already collected it in case they preferred the bugged version. I know, I'm being silly. I know you won't fix it.
  20. While I basically agree with everyone saying this will be a huge letdown, my thoughts on if it isn't are thus; Like decorations, you'll be able to craft some customization options or costume exchange tokens to buy customization options from tailors. For more sought after bases or platings you will have to do raids or FPs to get a drop. Each drop is an unlock for your Costume Designer interface. I.e. You kill a raid boss and get Thana Vash's top, no hood no butt cape customization. Most common drops will be butt capes and huge shoulder pads. Some mainstay customization options like basic long cloth robes will be offered through the CM and some rare ones will come in packs. Once unlocked, there will be still be a cost per use of credits or CC or a choice of either. It won't be exhorbitant. Probably low enough to encourage repeated use and experimentation. Collections will not play a part in customization options, basically putting everyone at zero at the start. ****this will not be the case. Nothing I've said will happen. However, it is my best case scenario and it isn't even all that great.
  21. Reading the thread title I was hoping this is what happened. I even pictured Balmorra. Lol.
  22. Should you be announcing that on the forums?
  23. This thread has gone from asking about a bug to knowing way too much about someone's ERP char.
  24. I'm not opposed to chain pulling, but in a pug...it can just be a wipe fest or really piss people off if they aren't informed that's the rule of the day. In tacticals, idiots do it when everyone is DPS so naturally someone wipes because no one is throwing heals or bubbles ("What's the point of throwing bubbles if it's off spec?" is something I've had a say to me O.O <.<). No doubt a group with good communication and awareness of their place in the chain, it can be fine. I've done it with guildies, but a pug I just groan at the repair costs I will be paying on my DPS melee cause she will be left to die as her defensive cooldowns are all popped after a couple mobs and no one is doing anything to mitigate cause yolo chainz!
  25. The submit button has many clickable places, but only a small area that will actually initiate the post submission process. I frequently hit submit then click to another tab, do other stuff for a while, check to see if anyone has replied to my post and find my unsubmitted post still sitting there because even though the little hand appeared and the button clicked, nothing happened because I wasn't in the sweet spot.
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