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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. they honestly should of done this game from the start like knights of the old republic where you start as a lowly trooper/normal person and turn into either a sith or jedi.


    I wish they didn't include non-force using courses in the game personally. I am sure others are happy about it and enjoy it but i hate it.


    what i'd love to see in a sw mmo:

    1) race & gender of character having an impact on the story and interaction wiht the npcs.

    2) class & side chosen during story lol (close to start ofc, but it would show us a bit of pre-story, who our toon is why they want to do this job and so on lol);

    3) story smoothly continued through out expansions, or at least has a bridge between what happens in say 3.0 and 4.0 lol;


    i have 15 sages and 10 sorcs, that's pretty much all i play, though between my 42 toons on harb, 30 on ebon hawk and 16 on red eclipse i've leveled all classses and AC over and over. but for sure my favorite ones are sage, sorc, jug, guardian, commando and merc =)


  2. Ben doesn't need to look back. He has been here since before launch (July 2011). However, it appears he wasn't in decision making role until June 2014.

    Since then we have been focusing on story and have the CxP system..... things that make you go Hmmm.....

    what i'd love to see in a SW MMO:

    1) race & gender of character having an impact on the story and interaction wiht the NPCs.

    2) class & side chosen during story lol (close to start ofc, but it would show us a bit of pre-story, who our toon is why they want to do this job and so on lol);

    3) story smoothly continued through out expansions, or at least has a bridge between what happens in say 3.0 and 4.0 lol;

  3. Well, that's what MMOs do now. They appeal to the lowest common denominator, which just so happens to be lazy/stupid gamers. You should have played SWG. You couldn't be an idiot in that game if you wanted to get very far, which is why it scared so many players away. It wasn't a game for the faint of heart who love to have their hands held and guided through the experience.

    Truth be told, a lot of that confusion was BioWare's fault with regards to range and melee classes and just overall poor game design. It's really the reason base classes were removed from the game. Some classes were somewhat hybrids, and there were some abilities and play styles that were supported that should not have been. The same is the case with a vanguard, which is really a melee class, but it actually has some range.

    i wish i knew about SWG lol. unfortunately i finished up all the SW RPG games i could find just about during launch of TOR lol. could pay sub cause not enough pocket money, so had to wait until the F2P trial lol. so i wouldn't be able to afford SWG haha. though i think there is some sort of emulator or somehting?


    Well, you have to realize you are not the average gamer. Most players who play SWTOR likely aren't going to theory craft, min/max, read progression raiding guides, or even attempt to figure out what is their most optimal rotation for their class. Most players are just going to play the game, and as long as they can get through the easy content, they are likely happy. Ultimately, BioWare is going to always appeal to those gamers the most because BioWare has to ensure those players can do the easiest content. This, of course, is also a business so they don't want to scare away potential customers because the game was too hard, as was the case with SWG.

    in fact lol, i do believe i'm quite average. i'm just not dumb or lazy lol. on business part i do agree with u, though that's unfortunate for us not starter level lol

    If BioWare were to do another Star Wars MMO, which could actually happen since EA has the license to Star Wars games and BioWare is in charge of EA's RPG department, I think it would be different in many ways. Eight individual class stories likely wouldn't be a feature. At most, due to the nature of MMOs having factions, there would be two stories for both sides. From there, BioWare could try and inject some more variety by having several voice actors for classes to choose from (ala DAI) and trying to create variance in interactions with NPCs and companions based on your class.

    if it was a system like Mass Effect and Dragon age it would work out well lol. =) i love in Origins the choices between if you are a dalish elf or a city elf, noble dwarf of an outcast. it doesn't change the story as much as it could have, but it's a good idea to start with hehe.

    Personally, I'd like to see BioWare tackle a sandbox MMO, like SWG, rather than another theme park MMO, like SWTOR. The former is far easier to support and requires less frequent content updates due to being player-driven. The problem with theme park MMOs, like WoW and SWTOR, is their content is always becoming stale quickly and players get bored until the next expansion. Theme parks are just MMOs not built for longevity and historically have bad player retention, with the obvious exception of WoW.

    Give us a BioWare Story mixed with various player-driven systems, such as more in-depth crafting, open world PvP, a space simulator, player-created events, player cities, more depth to guilds, player structures that actually give freedom over customization (not SWTOR's limited hooks), and we'd have something special.

    it would be very awesome if you didn't even pick your class at the beginning just race and gender =) and then during the story you would have to choose your alliance and your class. as part of the story =) so the story would tell how you became a jedi/sith or whatever lel

  4. You'd be surprised with how many people don't understand the most basic of systems in an MMORPG. I knew commandos who stacked strength. I saw sentinels stacking aim. There were folks who did not understand how to properly spec into a class tree. There were even those who didn't even know which cell/form they were supposed to use. Whether this was laziness, ignorance, or just stupidity on the part of the player, BioWare has gone through and removed any of the confusion.


    SWG was always harder than SWTOR. It was one of the most complex sandbox MMORPGs ever made with an incredibly steep learning curve, which is why it never really gained a huge following (even though it was the best MMO I ever played). SWTOR was always a casual theme park MMO, even in closed beta, but it has become a lot more casual and simple over time due to BioWare removing features, simplifying them, and going F2P.


    i can totally agree with that. those gunslingers with aim gear that "helped them aim at the target better", sorcerer dps in NIM DF with defense gear because "it will hurt less", sentinels that didn't interrupt on draxus because "what's an interrupt? O.O"


    but at the end of the day that's catering to the idiot / lazy factor. SWTOR was my first MMORPG. so i never really had something to compare it with, not when i started playing for sure. I always made sure to read up on what the tooltips say. ask in guildchat or general chat what my set bonus was. If was not sure about something, i always made sure to ask. because better i ask a "n00b" question while learning than go to a raid and be like *** is going on :eek:

    I will admit there was one instance that still makes my guildies and friends laugh to no end. When i brought my lvl 55 scoundrel to SM S&V..... and it was only on thrasher when someone asked me why i was so far from the boss that it finally came out that a scoundrel is actually a melee class. i figured since it had a gun, i could stay at 30 m lol.

    and then i accidentally picked up a vanguard piece of set bonus for my commando lol.

    however, that was the IT. I'd always go and read ops strategies on Dulfy, make sure i had a basic understanding of what i'm supposed to do. I mean, it's such an awesome site, it has just about everything u can possibly need lol.

    So i generally figure, if i could figure out all that on my own, means anyone potentially can. they just need to put in the minimal effort. Of course there is always the possibility that BW will listen to those yelling OP, please nerf!! or too hard, pls dumb it down.

    Is it a good thing or not? Hell if i know. I personally believe that it is unnecessary, but hei it's not up to me at the end of the day =) I just honestly hope that if and when we get the next SW MMO, they will have the race of the character actually MATTER and have an influence on the story, if not have a whole game-long race quest chain =) along with the class quests =) hat would make leveling alts much more interesting imo. even if u make 2nd toon of same class, u can make it a different race and that alone would be a big enough change that the story would feel fresh =):D:D:D

  5. Only my newest created character, Marauder, has opened any crates and just after hitting lvl70 on Voss got the first crate that had the Vindicator set pants. Last night that character and a guildy tried Fractured Uprising duo with companions and other than companion management hiccups in the final 2 boss fight got throught it.

    This ranked up and delivered the 12th crate which contained the Vindicator set bracers.


    So I have a hyperhorseshoe up my butt. 2 set pieces in 12 crates.

    careful with that shoe.. might make sitting awkward :p:D:D:Dlol but nice =) good to hear that there are some people who get things fast lol. it gives us hope lol... kinda :D:D:D

  6. Back in the good old days of StarWars, we were sitting around a bonfire made from a shot down rebel fighter and were burning Ewoks and Wookiee in the fire.


    Today we are supposed to act like clowns.


    they make such fluffy carpets though :p LOL:D:D:D

  7. They don't have a soul - the environments do not impart a sense of place (they are just copy / paste maps from other areas of the game), the enemies are just copy / paste trash seen everywhere, and the bosses aren't characters with any sort of story - just some high HP mob with basic copy / paste abilities.


    Basically they are what you get when your staff consists of people copy / pasting assets from the existing game and kludging it all together and calling it something new.


    Clearly they do not have the staff or budget to create new flashpoints or operations set in their own worlds with unique or new designs and populated by actual characters with stories.


    i mean one can hope that maybe this update wasn't all that much because they're planning something truly awesome great and unique for 6.0........ but.... i'm not too sure that history of swtor allows for much hope of such a possibility :D:D

  8. Well I already don't do them, but only because I'm more interested in solo content, rather than a form of protest.


    But I feel like Uprisings are a poor-man's flashpoint due to lack of story and cutscenes. I know people are annoyed by cutscenes in flashpoints, and some flashpoints are too long. Uprisings both do not have cutscenes plus they are short.


    But, it feels like Uprisings do not have a soul, due to lack of story.

    uprising in a nutshell:

    -->wave of mobs

    take a few steps

    -->wave of mobs

    take a few steps

    -->wave of mobs


    the end x.x

  9. QFT, hime-sama

    eeeeeee ....... this does not compute >.>


    Even that's not needed. Some of the "elitist", "toxic", etc. raiders have already done it for them, written guides, made it extremely simple for new players to do the content. Hell, at 2nd week of 5.0 the guides are already being updated. I just don't understand what more people want.


    pressing buttons is clearly too much effort =) that's what's wrong lol:D:D

  10. Game update 6.0:


    The constant barrage of hyperbole and demands for sweeping changes to be made to the game at a slaver's pace on the part of our "fans" on the official forums and Reddit has given us cancer and we have all died. Therefore, TOR will be shutting down next week.

    don't give them ideas lol =) it IS the only SW mmo we have x.x:D:D *hugs the BW*

  11. The problem with raiding is that you have to be good not decent good this is why only a minority of players raid in this mmo and I guess all, most players are decent but there never gonna be good. Of course there are some very good ones but there like the 1% of the player base like awfully bad players are.


    So the focus on their limited budget will not be ops it will be what most players play.


    well of course it's a minority now.... the majority of good raiders left when there was no new raids in 4.0:eek::eek:

  12. So any content that is easy from a subjective point of view is useless, seeing that a small minority of players can easily breeze through it?


    Again: SWTOR has become an (MM)ORPG for a very casual audience. The targeted audience is not veteran MMO players that have years/a decade of MMO combat similar to WoW and LOTRO. I've seen quite a few people in my guild who've joined in recent days, and most of them still need the most basic rundown of things. A veteran uprising is actually quite challenging to them.


    Just because "better" (please define the subjective term 'better) players can breeze through the Uprisings, they are not pointless per se. They might be boring for the "better players", but pointless is a far stretch.


    i believe the word you were trying to find is "sandbox" :D:D

  13. That covers a lot of it. And it won't change until that person gets fired (which will be announced as "has decided to move on to new oportunities") which will probably be too late considering the current population levels.


    lame as it is, a lot of us have invested 4-5 years into this game (not to mention a varying amount of $$), and it is currently the only SW mmo. so i don't think it will die out quite yet. but hei, let's see how much power this horsie has left in it. :D:D:D

  14. Ops are already a huge credit sink. They reward way less credits than the repair bills it takes to actually learn them and complete one. Now the CXP is cut somewhere around 50% (possible more in some like EV with lots of Champions). There is no reason to run them. You don't get gear. You can't get gear to get back into HM progression, so what's the point?


    well, they will only be a credit sink if your group is incompetent. :D:D:D

    SM are bolstered and dumbed to the point where people could do them not wearing gear at all other than empty cartel market armor shells.

    HM and NiM, yes with gear on 220-224 ilvl it might actually be challenging and cause you to wipe. but really. that's certainly not hte biggest credit sink ever. :D:D:D

  15. Using stuns also helps. Acina can hold the leader well she has every time I've done it. I just used stun then a combo of damage reduction/stun to help her recover. 3 or 4 seconds is all she needs to heal herself

    dunno, just finished it on my token sorc. no problem at all, didn't use aggro drop, or stun, or interrupt even. killed 1 mob, then the other mob, then the leader. no LOS either. JUST DON"T STAND IN FIRE.:D:D:D

  16. *snip*

    In my experience I have had the worst luck in RNG. I got my first purple piece at level 20 next piece which was a set piece(Chest) was level 34 my next piece(Bracers) was 42, currently my CXP level is 110 and I have a belt, OH and implant to go for a full set of 230 purple gear. My fellow guildies which were at a lower level of CXP got a set piece at CXP 6 and then again at 9 and at 20 CXP already have 3-4 set pieces this is disconcerting.

    wow, that seems like pretty good RNG from where i'm standing =) i got my first and only upgrade piece at crate #44 (SB pants for my healing set) and that was the only purple piece of gear i got., atm total opened crates is 50. slow i know, but i just don't feel that encouraged to spend so much time grinding... i think i'll wait for 5.1 changes to really put actually effort into it lol:D:D



    that said we got used to the token system, so it's of course a shock that there was a change in it. especially to a system that they once scrapped already 0.o they have however confirmed that GC isn't going anywhere and so we must learn to accept it or just unsub and quit.

    see, the GC in general is not a terrible idea, but they've certainly not put much effort into making it worth our time. reason it's so crap? lack of NEW content, be it ops or warzone maps or new planets.


    the bad thing about the GC is the gearing method tied to RNG. that is the worst part. sure, the few who got lucky will say there is nothing wrong with it. but those of us who are hated by the RNJeezuz will not be satisfied for sure. therefore i'm very happy they're trying to put in at least some way for unlucky people to get their missing pieces lol. :D

    Now whether this will be enough of a fix to make it tolerable? no clue yet, gonna wait on the next stream notes to make a decision lol (certainly not gonna stay up until 2:30 am to watch a stream again lol, last one was disappointing enough lol).


    They don't really need to scrap the whole system though. They just need to:

    --> mitigate the bad RNG ( my choice would be a vendor that would sell set bonus gear for the tier you are at. so if you are within tier 1, for example rank 80+, you can start buying gear you are missing. and so on for each tier. you'll still need to grind a lot on levels, but at a certain point you can buy all you need, so long as prices are not as silly as the rank 6 companion gifts lol.)

    --> make the grind less of chore for alternative characters, or again let your main buy pieces for other classes and legacy them over lol;

    --> or maybe bring back unassembled tokens along with the GC system. so if you are a solo player you can go grind, or if you prefer ops you can get tokens that way. but this would need a way for pvpers to get gear as well =)

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