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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. As usual, they take the easiest option and the one which can get people spending cartel coins. There is not a cat in hells chance it will be 1cc per tab.


    20k is nothing, and you get five tabs for that price. I'm certain that Bioware's main goal is not to make people spend CC on the Outfit Designer, but on the packs. This system encourages you to change your look instead of sticking to your one set for months. This will result in a greater demand for outfits which will equal to increased sale of packs.

  2. Hungarycell, the designer is stil a great deal for min/max players if they care about different looks.


    Updating mods to a higher rating still costs players the same as before, that's true, but you still save credits from changing the looks.


    Before the Outfit Designer, for example, if you wanted to change the look from Malak to Revan it cost you about 35k a slot + augment 42k. So in total you needed 77k to change one item. To change the whole set you had to pay 7x77k = 539k.

    Remember that the cost was higher if you were preferred or f2p (I believe it was 54k a slot + augment 49k which results in 721k for all seven parts).


    Now if you want to change from Malak to Revan, you pay 20k to unlock a tab and 98k to put your Revan armor.


    98k vs 539k, dude.


    What's more, you can now change back to Malak for free instead of paying 245k for swapping mods back (assuming the Malak set was augmented previously).

  3. I just don't understand their reasoning for the restrictions. I thought the point of a costume designer was so we could look how we wanted regardless of stats/ armouring and class.

    Well, the main point was to eliminate the cost of taking out mods and augmenting new gear, so a player can easily change his looks without spending over 500k to do so.

  4. That they couldn't even bring themselves to make an April Fool's joke last year also says something about the condition of the game.


    There was a joke about a new ship class - Asteroid.


    Apparently OP forgot about it.


    I began playing in late 2013, so I never had opportunity to see those other jokes. The droid mini game was the best. It was really hilarious and they even made some effort with adding videos :D

  5. so BW gives us a ton of nice rewards and then makes it so that only the PVP elite stand a chance at it. nice going Bioware. I had considered actually trying some PVP, but I'm not gonna bother if I HAVE to have a premade group to get a shot at the crystals.


    Play on RP server, You can get a random group that just grouped up for the same reason you would - to get a crystal. They don't have a proper gear either.


  6. I would like to address this question mainly to people who play SWTOR solely because of GSF. So far this is the only space sim set in SW out there, but the premiere of Battlefront is coming closer and closer. There is no doubt that the focus on space battles will be much higher in that game than in SWTOR and the amount of people participating in fights will easily outnumber the GSF community. So is GSF doomed to die?
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