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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. This is NOT A JOB, it is entertainment.


    Do I have to "work for it" to watch a movie? Read a book? Listen to music?


    Why do so many people think I should have to "work for it" to play a game?


    Because these are different types of entertainment and you expect a game to be a movie when it is not because it's an MMO RPG.


    In any game you're supposed to take an active role and be engaged in what you are doing, not to sit and watch passively. That's the main principle of games that defines them. You want to sit and watch? Have you played movie/game hybrids such as Heavy Rain or Beyond Two Souls? It should cater to your taste more rather than an MMO where a player is actually supposed to work on his character and skill to go through content.


    SM, HM, and NiM should do the same, SM for everyone who just wants to sit back and relax. HM for those who want a bit more challenge and sense of accomplishment, and NiM for the uber elites who want a second job.


    Since you tend to call people elites in the blink of an eye...

    How about no operations at all for special casual snowflakes that just want to sit back and relax :rolleyes:


    I would change it to:

    SM for those who want a bit more challenge in comparison to flashpoints. HM for guild players that want some sense of accomplishment and NiM for the uber elites who are great at the game.


    Btw, Dread Council in SM pre 3.0 was still rarely done by PUGs. Commander Draxus in DF was also painful. People used to ignore Corruptors instead of interrupting them. Well, they still ignore their channels from time to time, but now we have higher levels and more HP, so it doesn't hurt much...


    My point is that ToS became a well tuned operation that has only two demanding encounters and it is not that much different situation in comparison to the past. We already had SM operations that were demanding for pugs, demanding in the sense those ops couldn't be facerolled.


    ToS encounters:

    Massassi: faceroll

    Walkers: slightly demanding but fine, and more people will do them as more people become overgeared with the changes to comms in 3.2.

    Underlurker is a bit too much for PUG I agree, but this can be easily fixed with decreasing adds' HP and damage.

    Commanders: easy

    Revan: easy

  2. Though I'm neither, SM operations should be akin to "Windows for Dummies".


    That's not the case with this bunch.



    Dummies still fail at Operator IX in TFB should we ask for nerf too? We told them to go out of circles, to get under Operator when their name is announced, and guess what? They did neither of these.


    Seriously, if a person doesn't understand what others are telling him and seems to ignore basic mechanics, plus he does less damage than my gorgeous Jaesa (1800 dps, yo!),then they are only capable of doing tank&spank. Should this be applied to each SM operation? Hell no. Operations should not be dumbed down to the level of tactical flashpoints. It's a kriffing operation, it's supposed to be big and epic, not facerolled through. New operations should be slightly challenging even in SM.

  3. The only time I wiped in PUG on ToS was because of two reasons:

    1. At least one tank didn't know what to do or was endurance stucker and received too much dmg.

    2. DPS players didn't know what to do or they were not augmented and had accuracy at 95%-97%.


    New SM operations should not be dumbed down to let such players succeed. They don't bother to put any effort into their characters, so let them play old ops and that's it.


    You can also play with the Dulfy calculator here, which has all the tooltips and upgrade costs.


    Btw, why the tooltips in the game are so vague? It's been like that for months. Is it a bug or working as intended to not confuse new players with the amount of stats? :confused:

  5. I think one of the main reasons that discourages random players from visiting each other is the time they must spend on loading screens. To visit another stronghold a player is forced to go back on the fleet which is unnecessarily time consuming. This is especially irritating when all that time is wasted to get inside a stronghol filled with stickers. Teleporting from one stronghold to the other would be much better.
  6. I will tell you what happened. A hive tactic happened with gunships supported by drones and probes killing you from either side and either distance, so what you can only do is to hide behind asteroids and don't be farmed.


    Whenever I join Deathmatch and see the opposite team sticking gunships with bombers I just get a sudden urge to delete swtor from my hard disk.


    Don't get me wrong. GS + Bombers are balanced in Domination because the speed matters in that mode, so Scouts and ST have some advantage but in Deathmatch GS + Bombers are unstoppable.

  7. And please, i would love a book from this time line. ;)


    Indeed, Bioware should ask Lucasfilm to let them release an official Legends book written by Courtney :cool: At least in pdf format on swtor.com and then advertise this book on the official Star Wars site and fanpage to bring it to people's attention.


    At this moment, the vast majority of fans don't know the blog stories exist at all. SW fanpage has over 13 million people, so Courtney's work would eventually become more popular and would act as the official tie-in to SWTOR lore :cool:

  8. This is not going to happen. I'm sure they said on the ships there is too much scripts (or whatever you call it) and mission activation spots. Hence they can't make it customizable because it would be a mess and highly possible that missions which occur on the ships wouldn't work.
  9. It's more the emotions that comes from having such relationships that are forbidden but yeah. It's like Kira explains Marriage is possible within the jedi order but it has to be approved be the council and can only be between Jedi who were raised by the order.


    That's why I didn't like the old Order. After a few generations they completely forbade marriage and love. I always preferred the New Jedi Order created by Luke who wasn't indoctrinated by old grampas because he was growing up among people who loved him. He inherited such values as love, compassion and selflessness. His passion and love saved his father and made him come back to the LS. Remember that both Kenobi and Yoda declared that Luke has to kill Vader...that's why they failed with bringing Anakin back. That's why they failed to see their wrongs which resulted in Anakin's fall and Jedi Purge.

  10. They slightly refreshed the current model after all. :D


    I don't know if it was already mentioned, but on PTS many transport cooldowns have been reduced and what is worth noting is that sub and pref share the same CDs. It's a good change. Prefs are usually former subs so they deserve better treatment and 30 mins on QT with all unlocked perks was awful. It's a great relief in comparison to the current terrible cooldowns.

  11. nope the best bet is it will be released either with 3.2 or sometime after it.

    They are not coming with 3.2. They would have announced that to hype the patch.

    3.2 is for Ziost and Outfit Designer.

    Togruta is probably going to be released in summer or autumn.

  12. I agree with OP. To get the achivement "Lord of the Raklings," you need to kill the Luker once with each of the raklings summoned. If OP is in fact correct about One or more of the pets dropping ONCE per Eyeless Boss fight, then that IS a sadistic, or stupid way of doing things. Yeah, I get the "You have to earn it" BS and the rarity of the item. But having to compete with other players to get it is a big pain in the butt.

    That's why it's rare and precious, you smart Sherlock. It wouldn't be rare if it dropped for everyone per raid. Get your guildmates and run Eyeless with alts. If the same people do it you can get a pet for each person after the second event or keep alts in tunnels and do Eyeless when the event is off.

  13. It was requsted a couple of times but still nothing has been done in that matter :(


    You had a lot of time while scaling the Gree event and Rakghoul event to 60 lvl and yet you didn't put any effort to give something new to the vendors. Those events are the same with the same rewards for 5th edition in a row if not more. If you don't want to put effort in creating new items, do some reskins!


    My guess is that almost every player that has been playing at least a year has lots of Barnacles or Gray Helixes and has nothing to do with them.


    Add Infected Rancor/Orobird/Bantha/any animal mount to Jeelvic.

    Add HK Gree Customization and reskinned weapons of some CM weapons to the Gree vendors.


    Not hard, not much time spent on it and players will be happy with this anyway as it is better than nothing. Please Bioware.

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