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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. The class sub-forum icons are very poorly made, I'll give you that.

    However, if they're going to hire someone, I would hope it would be someone who could devote their time on the actual game. I could care less if the forum looks like sh%t.


    The forum might be the Forum PVP Warzone, but I'd rather they focused on the actual ones.

    Even if we assume that all the icon take about an hour to make, that time spent by a singular graphic designer won't hinder the development of the actual game.

    My point is that such details tell much about their general attitude towards the game.

  2. This is going to be fun :rak_01:


    Your second sentence is sentence totally irrelevant to the issue. End game droid armor would at this point would be BH/Trooper and/or Agent/Smuggler mods in droid shells.

    As someone else said in this thread, the new droid parts are significally better than 186s player's mods, so your claim is irrelevant.


    Your third sentence is completely irrelevant to any issue as it makes no sense in any context whatsoever.

    The sentence makes sense. The perk is only relevant while leveling up. At the level cap people take the droid parts which only have Aim stat. Tip: the pronoun "it" refers to the perk.

  3. That's not even funny. Such a minor detail that can be done in about 15 minutes has been ignored for months. The Stronghold expansion was released nearly half a year ago and its forum is still missing the icon. The class subforums were also ignored and got some temporary icons that look like they have been made by Eric himself.


    Seriously, is there any graphic designer that can be hired for that task?


    Task: A few forum icons

    Payment: The community's gratitude

  4. but 100 but 1000 credits got eaten got eaten up out of my cr out of my credit reserve you know the little somewhere in the gam so all the items so all the items I had when into th and 100 and 1000 credits just went up in smok I clicked on them tryin I clicked on them trying to get my credits back the items went back into the buyback category of the vendor but I did not get the credit amount that I spend on the items I did not get that amount back

    Jawa's gibberish.

  5. Okay I just came back to swtor and resubbed. So far I notice that crafting your skills from green to blue is impossible now. I've made 29 green Resolve 16 hilts trying to open up blues over teh last 3 hours of play time, maybe longer and blues aren't opening up. I used to be able to stay ahead of my levelling curve with purples of every level. So bad decision to lower the rate of crafting skill increases.


    Reversing green to blue is easy as always. You might have been unlucky. I usually get my blues from 3 to 10 greens.


    If you really want that low level hilt so badly, you could ask nicely on the fleet. You would get it for free. It's worth peanuts.


    I used to be very good at PVP.

    Yeah, you used to be. The key word. Now with Disciplines people get the skills in different order and they become more effective with low levels.

  6. That's not how the conversation goes for me. I choose all the same options, but where the guy in the video has a dark side option to taunt her, I only have the other two of attacking, or the verbal option


    I continued further down the conversation tree. I then had her kill her master, and she seemed to go dark side. But the codex entry I got was for lgiht side jaesa.


    So the problem is solved?


    Btw, I'm not wrong. The reflection on Tatooine IS the moment that determines the choice you get during the conversation with Jaesa.

    Here is the example that Dark Alignment is not enough. http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=6248651&postcount=607

  7. 1. Agent

    2. Warrior (my main toon)

    3. Trooper (not many folks like it :()

    4. Knight (too much "save the world" and "ultimate weapon on this planet and that")

    5. Bounty Hunter

    6. Inquisitor (after DK nothing special)

    7. Smuggler

    8. Consular

  8. I agree that Treek scares bantha out of all default healers and she can tank when it's necessary. On the other hand, HK is kinda underwhelming and some people overrate him just like the author of this thread.


    IMO for questing and doing dailies the order of DPS companions looks like this:

    1. Melee DPS in Bleed Stance

    2. Ranged DPS in AOE Stance

    3. HK

    4. Tank in DPS Stance & DPS Gear


    in fact, I personally found HK to be the most useless companion. his one awesome abilities, iMO requires too much of a build up and then wait for it to go off.

    I don't mind the build-up because without it the ability would be too much abused. However, its activation time is totally unnecessary . If I'm not mistaken he doesn't use 1 KO ability in battle. It always needs to be activated manually by the player before engaging a fight, so what's the reason behind the activation time? Pointless.

  9. Only because I'm a capitalist and want to make credits off all the embargoed items I've been saving up to increase in value and this will just hurt the market and make it harder to sell. Still not really a complaint per se I would have just thought embargoes would last a little bit longer to give rare items more value in the long run.


    The old packs are priced between 400k-600k, that's already ridiculous amount. You wait endlessly to see a single pack to be worth nearly 1 mil? Luckily, not going to happen!


    You have done that to yourself.


  10. The most ridiculous thing EVER is that even the non-speaking Basic companions, the ones who don't even require a VA, are silent for the most part too.


    I guess it was possible for them to make more companions speaking for a few classes, but decided to decrease the number to 3, as not to favor any class.

    It's still ridiculous decision. People will always find something to complain, but speaking Qyzen or Bowdaar are better than nothing...

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