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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. I think free to play should changed to be called a trial should only be up to the end of the starter planet. Preferred gets what they have now. If you can't spend 5 dollars on the game to get to preferred then you should not get to leave DK or Coruscant. Just my opinion.

    That's another solution that I could agree with. However, in terms of marketing it would be suicide. So F2P is going to stay and since SWTOR's f2p system is one of the main reasons SWTOR gets hateful comments, it should be slightly improved by removing a few silly restrictions.

  2. If the game is doing fine, then it does not matter if "dead servers" disappear.


    And your post suggests, again, that the way to make the game better is to encourage more people to play for free. Does not compute.


    The point is not to make the current or future subscribers drop to preferred. The point is to bring and keep people that leave soon after they are reminded that they are miserable f2p dorks.


    Clearly your goal is to keep them playing till they reach they point they feel they HAVE to sub (operations or Fallen Empire chapters). That's effective, but not if they drop from the game shortly after starting with nonsensical ugly & off-putting restrictions like unifying the colors/hiding helmet.


    People who are willing to spend a dime on SWTOR, are going to pay anyway.


    But you also have a second group that is on the fence and would like to spend something on the game but they feel like they can't even try the game out because they are constantly bashed by being a f2p player where in other games it's not so blatant and annoying. So they go and try other games where maybe or maybe not spend their money on those other games.


    There is also a third group of players which won't spend $15 a month no matter what but they will go to ESO or Wildstar or any other MMO where you can play for free or just play without restrictions in the base game after making one-time purchase.


    So removing a few cosmetic and quest reward restrictions that don't affect the value of subscription will just help increase the population by bringing people from groups number 2 & 3. They might not spend a dime on the game eventually but at least they would play SWTOR and not other MMO. They would be present in the content 1-50 slowly leveling characters and thus increasing the population and the reception of the game.

  3. *snip*

    I feel sorry for you, I really do :( So much pointless hatred and you even missed the point.

    The fever. The rage. The feeling of powerlessness. That turns good men... cruel.


    You guys whine and complain about the cost and then whine and complain about the quality or quantity of content.

    The op is not whining about the cost. The cost of subscription is good and justified. The topic is about improving a tad the f2p system to make newcomers not feel like the game is forcing them to pay on each step. Silly cosmetic restrictions are laughable. Stop watching SWTOR through rose-colored glasses and compare it to its rivals on the market. Why is that other MMOs like ESO, GW2, FFXIV or Wildstar are not so trashed all over the place like SWTOR is? Huh? Despite Kotor 3 fanboys, it's this f2p system that can't even let you get quest rewards, hide your helmet or match colors that people hate.


    You guys whine and complain about the cost and then whine and complain about the quality or quantity of content.

    Once again, think outside the box. Compare the quality and quantity of MMOs where you have one purchase and get access to most of the content.

  4. So encouraging more people to play for free will help save the game? :confused:


    The game doesn't need saving because its revenue is satisfying. What needs saving is the severs that struggle with their populations. You can act all elitist but the facts remain. The game has 1/10 of servers it initially had and now three another servers have problems with the lack of players. Those people who want to stay have no pops in GF or for GSF/PVP, they are forced to move on to other servers where they might miss peak hours because of the difference in time-zones or simply have worse latency. Or simply they are disappointed they need to leave their other alts on a dead server.


    Servers need more people. More people means faster pops and that means more stuff to do. More people become amazed by the game and decide to sub to get important sub perks (no cosmetic features but important ones like XP Boost, unlimited access to group content etc). All these factors lead to growing satisfaction of the playerbase which means good PR and better opinions on the Internet which again lead us to more players coming to the game.

  5. f2p players want everything for free and want to give nothing in return. Preferred I can understand, but f2p, you get what you pay for, and they don't pay for ****. Andrew Ryan desribed them perfectly in Bioshock.

    Tell it to the dead servers.


    Color Unify, Hide helmet. Thes do nothing but off-put new F2P players. Clearly your goal is to keep them playing till they reach they point they feel they HAVE to sub (operations or Fallen Empire chapters). That's effective, but not if they drop from the game shortly after starting with nonsensical ugly & off-putting restrictions like unifying the colors/hiding helmet.


    I completely agree. Those visual restrictions are pointless. They only give bad first impressions and aren't the reason why people pay $15 a month.


    People will clearly want to try the game out before buying subscription for KotFE and since we are living in 2015, some of those restrictions are plain dumb if we compare them to other f2p MMOs or B2P MMOs.

  6. Ziost's story was amazing. I loved the cutscenes with the emperor and how he trashed Lana and Theron. I felt his power. I hope the quality of cutscenes will be the same if not even better in KotFE. This planet gets hate just because how stupid it was to delay a cutscene to the next week. It got overhyped. People thought it would be new content with an additional hour to play and what we got was just a cutscene and daily hub.
  7. You need to be "a subscriber" to be eligible for rewards. The referral code only grants you "subscription level status", so you get all sub perks but you are not actually "a subscriber". So theoretically you shouldn't get Nico but you might be lucky and get access to him. In the past, Bioware said that only subscribers would receive Black-Purple Striated Crystals in March, but people with referrals got them too (I'm the example of it).
  8. Shameless bump!


    tell you what


    It's not about changing the former conversations. It's now about adding a new story arc to light side Jaesa since KoTFE is incoming. Many companions are going to return and have new stories. It's time to move on with Jaesa's relationship. She already agreed that the idea of having children is harmless. Now let's make one step further and make her fall in love with us.


    Btw, this thread should be moved to Suggestions. I don't know why it's still in the Class section, lol.

  9. Nah, I think MMO's have really just started and I think they will be around for a very very long time if not forever. They may adapt and change to a point where we today do not recognize them, but the concept of playing a game with other people online is just something that's going to be around as long as there is an online.]

    I think he meant MMO RPGs since they cannot compete with single player RPGs where the story-telling is much broader and compelling, and where your choices really influence the world around you. And the classic style MMOs " kill X to get X loot" are not appealing anymore. Only the games with good IPs can survive. The rest are either dead or they are low budget MMOs targeting small audiences to get quick profit from the in-game shop.


    Multiplayer games will be always popular but their popularity comes from the competition between people or their rivalry against AI. People play multiplayer games for those two reasons. The majority of gamers don't play multiplayer games for the story. They find it in single player games where it can flourish. Multiplayer is a certain kind of springboard to different experience. Shooters, rts, battle arenas are going to remain popular but I'm not sure about MMO RPGs that are not called Warcraft/FF/Star Wars/ESO.


    Hey, but maybe KotFE will change the very nature of MMO RPG? Who knows... :rak_01:

    SWTOR took the first step to change MMO RPGs but we are still bound to one story where our choices are mostly insignificant and don't influence the main story.

  10. Bioware needs to fix their bad PR that has its roots in the initial game release and its f2p system. They need to rework their f2p and remove some restrictions like cosmetic features. People are annoyed by the sole fact that they can't use more than 2 quickbars or even hide their head so they just leave the game because of the very bad first impression. That is why SWTOR is generally trashed on the internet because of its terrible f2p. Go ahead and restrict XP, restrict PVP/OPS, restrict credits, restrict chat (because of the bots) but don't give restrictions that are completely unreasonable and if you compare those restrictions to other f2p MMOs, SWTOR looks laughable. Remove restrictions that don't make a difference to subs if f2p players have them. Such pitiful restrictions matter a lot in the general opinion about the game.


    People sub to SWTOR because of:

    1. XP Boost, so they don't need to grind a lot.

    2. Access to the content post-50 lvl (free RotHC, soon SoR and KotFE)

    3. Unlimited access to OPS

    4. Unlimited access to PVP/Ranked

    5. Credit Cap

    6. Sub Rewards (e.g. Nico. I know a few players that don't play SWTOR currently but kep their sub just to get thim).

    7. Possibly faster crafting system?


    The rest doesn't matter to subs. Yeah, it's cool to finally have the possibility to use more than 2 quickbars etc. but it's not the reason to buy subscription. Thus, all the seven points that I mentioned really matter and should get Bioware's attention to develop in order to keep subscribers while the rest of restrictions are simply stupid and only discourage newcomers from playing the game. Those other restrictions don't make people to sub. Their only purpose is to annoy people and that's not cool. Better to have a higher population of f2p players between 1-50 that make the servers alive than to lose them. People who want to pay for the game, will pay anyway but those additional people, those f2p players are constantly lost because f2p players don't stay in the game which result in lower pop times, low populated planets, no people to do heroics on planets etc.




    Bioware can sponsor as many ads as they want but the hateful comments under those ads will keep coming unless they rework their f2p system to make better first impressions to newcomers. If Bioware doesn't adjust their f2p and focus on the above seven points, we will be seeing more servers disappearing one by one. KotFE will bring many players, but how many will leave after the first month or two? Or how many newcomers will leave after trying the game for free?


  11. Sorry - but they are never going to let people buy game time or paid expansions (though KotFE is 'free' with a sub) using cartel coins when cartel coins can be gained FOR FREE over time with a sub, using a security key, playing the game itself, or just getting people to click links on the forums and starter planets.

    Exactly. You could saved up 6000cc but it doesn't mean that you paid for them or that you kept subscription for months. Cartel Coins are gained for free so making expansions for CC doesn't make sense. Anyway, they won't do anything with how Shadow of Revan is purchasable since it's becoming free in a few months.

  12. I hope so as well. Because if they turn around and delete the ToR content they might as well just made a SWTOR 2 instead of an expansion.

    I don't know how you people come up with such unreasonable ideas. No content will be deleted. Don't panic. You act like KotFE is the first expansion to a game in the human history, lol. No, all the the years and 250+ millions that went into the core game development and promotion won't be thrown into a bin.

  13. I will gladly dump Broonmark, Pierce and Quinn on my main character.


    *Broonmark is totally forgettable. We didn't have much conversation with him. He is a filler character with no purpose.

    *Pierce would fit full DS Warrior but mine is more affiliated with LS, so Pierce doesn't fit in my crew. Finally I wouldn't have to whisper to Jaesa and talk about how we want to reform the Empire, lol.

    *Quinn, everyone knows why.


    Companions to be dumped from other classes:





    The rest is okay.

  14. this video. damn i hate it need 8ggb and i will play on pentium other thing HDD is slow and 100% load but i have windows 8.1 issue hope u will repair it mate 8 ggb FTw and new hDD but dont buy hhd maybe ur sata port 2 broken on maotherboard be sure GL


    This is exactly how the fleet looks on my PC, lol. I don't play other MMO RPGs but multiplayer shooters like BF3 or Warframe are working fine without stutters.


    Have you thougt about decreasing the visible players option?

    I had it on medium. I will try the lowest option. The amount of people is causing my problem since when I log in in the mornings I get fewer freezes because the instance doesn't have more than 70 people. In the evenings when the population is around 150-170 it looks like the above recording.


    If decreasing the visible players does not help, my safest bet is to buy more RAM rather than a completely new hard drive, right? My hdd still meets today's standards with 7200RPM and 8MB Cache etc.

  15. Before formatting, why don't you go over to the Customer Service forum and search for similar issues there?

    Every issue I found there was related to either general poor performance or pvp/operation. While mine is solely causedy by the fleet instance and the beginning of the fights.



    My first suggestion would be: Turn off shadows.

    Yeah, I know shadows are very demanding in SWTOR. I always have them turned off.


    It sounds like a memory issue. 4GB RAM isn't much nowadays. I've got 16GB and I just checked the Resource Monitor in Task Manager and I've got over 4GB in use just sitting here idle, without even launching SWTOR. Obviously, your OS is going to allocate RAM differently than mine, but even tho SWTOR is known to be more processor intensive it's still gonna eat up a fair bit of memory. That delay could be your memory getting filled and the hard drive being used as virtual memory which would cause stutters and pauses as you describe.

    This sounds very plausible. When my SWTOR is launched, the memory usage is about 3.5 GB. I thought free 0.5 GB is enough run without any stutters :/

  16. I've been struggling with the performance in wide areas where many people are logged in. Every time I travel to the fleet I just want to uninstall SWTOR because how much time I waste on looking at the frozen screen. It freezes every few seconds and when it's not, the screen stutters nonetheless. So not even for a moment I have a smooth drive through the fleet on my mount. I don't have much freezes nor stutters in pvp arenas. However in operations every time a fight starts, I have the screen frozen for 5-6 seconds. This is very strange.


    What should I improve in my PC to run SWTOR more smoothly with highly populated instances? Is it RAM or hard drive? I haven't formatted my PC for 2 years, so maybe that's the reason too?


    My PC:


    Radeon 7790HD

    RAM 4GB DDR3

    Some 10 year old Barracuda hard drive (7200 RPMG, 8MB Cache)

  17. Also will the changes such as 6 minute quick travel stay or go when the boost fades?

    QT and taxi changes are unrelated to Epic Story Boost. They were introduced to streamline leveling up in general. They are staying in the game.

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