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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. 1. Guss Tuno - I would pay everything what I have to get him on every char and hear his "I heal you with my Jedi powers!". He is incredibly hilarious. He made me laugh and that's something uncommon and worth noting.


    2. Khem Val - a distinctive companion with interesting backstory,


    3. M1-4X and SCORPIO - great droids. Forex is funny with his republic propaganda and enthusiasm while SCORPIO has unique behavior for a droid. Her voice makes me speechless. I'm not worthy to stand next to her /worthy /worthy.


    4. Treek - The mere fact that she is an ewok is great. I like her attitude. I would gladly make a soup out of Rodians that she once asked for.


    5. Vette and Gault - Vette is funny, romantic and warm-hearted while Gault acts just like Lando would. What to not like about them?

  2. they dont get it. Only if they purchase a subscription

    "To qualify for the exclusive set of four Black-Purple Striated Color Crystals, your account must be in active subscription status on March 29, 2015 at 11:59PM PDT/ March 30, 2015 at 6:59AM GMT. The crystals will be delivered in a Black-Purple Striated Color Crystal Lockbox via in-game mail on or around March 31, 2015."

    The 7 free days doesn't qualify as an "active subscription" so if they don't pony up $15, they get nothing.


    Surprise, surprise. They received those crystals as well. My sub run out 7 days ago. I used 7day promo a day later, so as a nonactive subscriber I got the crystals too :D

  3. Dyes shouldn't be included in packs. They should be constantly present in the Cartel Market in the Dye category. It would decrease their prices on GTN but Bioware would still get its revenue and more players would be happy with spending 500-1000cc (depending on the dye color) rather than 6 million credits for black-black dye.
  4. Everyone that I asked to try SWTOR said the same thing:

    "I hate being treated like a filthy no one"

    "It's completely disrespectful to a player"


    The general conclusion is that they prefer WoW even though they can't play after 20 lvl for free, but at least they can try the game fully and see all advantages of it after playing the game as it is intended to work.


    The most hated restrictions that only hindered their trial periods were:

    - chat restriction

    - sprint restriction

    - cargo hold restriction


    Those three are stupid and I agree with that. It's just awful. Chat restrictions are for gold sellers? Don't joke. They already spawn a lot so no restriction will stop them from doing so and this only hurts new players that seek advice and have lots of questions but they can't type them all cuz of this restriction...


    My personal opinion on other restriction is that they are fine except Space Missions which are terribly executed. If you die and want to retry the mission it already counts as another attempt. It's nonsense. Weekly pass for 240cc for Space Missions? Really? That content is abandoned. It's dead. Asking 240cc for it which equals the price for operation and pvp pass is baseless. Those little f2p fellas could really enjoy flying casually on the rails as a break from grinding XP but nope. They have unlimited GSF? They will be squashed like bugs and obviously this won't help them to keep interest in SWTOR.


    No wonder they view the game as dull, repetitive and grindfest. They are forced to play more and spent much more time on the game, but get less than sub does.


    As a sub for the most months in a year I don't care that I'm rewarded gear and lockbox from a quest and f2p doesn't. They earned the reward for completing the quest, give it to them!

  5. Well, I'm not planning on spending it all, but I've got about 20K CC saved up (just because I never spend the dang things,) and I'm thinking about playing the lottery.

    If you don't know what to do with your CC, you can always spend them on decorations, legacy unlocks or buy packs and send them to me :p

  6. Yeah I know.. there also was Lowbacca, a Jedi Knight.


    Then however the midichlorians did see, what a terrible mistake it was, fled from the wookiee and made George Lucas install the "no wookiee jedi anymore" rule.

    How so? A force-sensitive Wookiee from TCW was in Season 5 which aired 2012/2013. It's quite on the contrary what you said. George Lucas changed his mind about Wookiees and their relation to the Force. Anyway, Lucas used to change his mind every interview, so what he was saying wasn't that much important in the first place :D

  7. Generally:

    Accuracy 95,00-96,00%, not more because it would be a waste of stats.

    Melee DPS:

    Full alacrity and power build, augments power.

    Ranged DPS:

    I don't know. I guess power augments but for mods and enhs no idea.


    There is one guy Qwerty I believe is his name. He wrote class guides for dulfy and tested companions builds too. He wrote a few posts about it on the forums. Look it up.

  8. ...and that never actually occurred now.

    Actually SWTOR is heavily set in the Legends universe. It lives on it. Saying JA never happened is like saying Kotors never happened. SWTOR is Legends, period. Unless they announce news bluntly like "SWTOR is a part of the new canon", the game remains in Legends only.


    I think that was the only instance where a Rodian spoke basic and Lucasarts has never officially endorsed it. Now it's "Legends" material at best, while SWTOR is continuing under the guidance of the Star Wars Story Group, who are creating the single continuity of the SW universe.

    Eric Musco clearly said that the story group gave them a free hand. They just need to stick to "Star Warish" theme, so no flying unicorns should ever be added to the game.


    The matter about SWTOR being canon or not was largely discussed in other threads. Not even a single time Bioware said bluntly that SWTOR is canon, they only used PR talk and beat around the bush saying what you posted above that they "co-operate with the Story Group". But what they actually said once was "SWTOR is noncanon" , however, later they changed their policy to PR talk and not to use "canon/noncanon" words at all.

  9. Pretty much, but this is a win/win situation if I've ever seen one. People get appearance slots for free, and charging cc for additional ones beyond this is absolutely fair game IMO.


    Indeed, I completely agree. The credit cost of them is really fine. So whatever reason was behind Bioware's decision we all benefit from it anyway.

  10. Removing a full set of mods is not expensive either. It's all relative to ones own wealth.


    Oh, we haven't been properly introduced.

    Hello elitist!


    Sorry, but the difference between 94k and 539k is huge for the majority of people. So stop trash talk. I don't care what elitists think. IRL you can buy bread for $20 but it doesn't change the FACT it is expensive because its price is much higher than the regular one.


    That said, you are clearly mistaken. 20k does not unlock 5 tabs, watch the video again. I would not be surprised to see increased costs, the more tabs you open, same concept as vault/legacy storage, thereby encouraging poor players to use CCs rather than credits, again, this will not be 1CC per tab, not a chance.


    First 5 tabs cost 20k each. That's what is posted on dulfy. I might have omitted the word "each", but don't jump to conclusions. Where did I say something about keeping 1CC price? Nowhere.



    I do appreciate you optimism though, if you think BWs whole point of running this game is not to milk every last penny out of you, then I really wish I had a pair of your pink sunglasses.

    Again, where did I say that Bioware doesn't want to milk cash out of the game? I didn't generalize about the general situation of the game. I only said that the MAIN goal of THIS NEW FEATURE is to increase the demand for outfits which will result in increased sales of packs. The outfit designer feature IS NOT the whole game. MAIN goal IS NOT the only goal. They will certainly benefit from tabs bought by CC, but the MAIN increase will come from boosted sales of packs.


    You just interpret the posts in a way to fit your reasoning. I'm out of here. You could have warned me before I replied to you that you were full of bantha poodoo.


    <opens airlock and jumps out>

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