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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. I need around 1 million xp to ding - the Yavin 4 weeklies give 40k xp and the dailies give only 29k xp. That means I'd have to do 25 weeklies or 35 dailies to ding.

    I don't know if your numbers are correct... I did weeklies about 3 or 4 times and that was enough to hit 60.


    Btw, on six characters I leveled up, only one ended up on 59 after finishing SoR and it was only because I didn't use 25% global boost to XP.

  2. But will the people who didn't earn it be keeping it?

    You think Bioware that let people keep implants and mass generators from exploiting Nefra...

    You think Bioware that let people keep chestguards and purple matters from exploiting Ravagers...

    You think Bioware that let people keep pvp weapons from win-trading...

    You think Bioware that let people keep credits from exploits (if you were reasonable with the amount you exploited)...


    you really think Bioware will be taking nexus back from people that shouldn't receive it? :rolleyes:

  3. The problem with Bioware is that they don't inform about this feature by some kind of in-game message. I saw too many comments on FB saying that they dropped subscription because they don't like to outlevel content. New players or casuals can't know the possibility of turning XP off because it's not written anywhere in the game.
  4. I'm confused. One guy has the means but another would probably use it better. So- I have to send the certificates to my alt and get him to the fleet

    That's exactly what you need to do. If the character with certificates doesn't need Malgus holostatue, don't use it on him. This way you will save CC since you won't use them to unlock the holostatue on other character. You will simply buy the holostatue on the character you desire. Clear?

  5. Dear David, Y U NOT USE SEARCH ENGINE :rak_02:


    Here is the official mount thread made by the Bioware dev.



    Talking seriously, people have been asking for Basilisk War Droid Mount for years. So it would be nice to finally see it ;)



    and a few other smaller threads.

  6. Top: Noble Attendants

    Bottom: Ventilated Triumvirate

    Boots: Satele Shan's



    Gloves and Belt I don't recognize.



    Chest: Noble Attendant Tunic

    Wrists: Revanite Avenger Bracers

    Gloves: Hallowed Gothic Gloves

    Waist: Revanite Avenger Belt

    Legs: Venitlated Triumvirate Leggings

    Feet: Satele Shan's Boots

    Weapon: Corruptor Blade

  7. Everything is fantastic. I'm sorry you find these releases so dismal :(

    It's the first time I agree with Sarfux.

    OP you are in the minority. Developers definitely did not waste their time on this update.

  8. People have various ideas but many are common and lots of people are looking for several copies of the same decoration. But they are either gone or almost gone. Decorations are not armors. One players needs one copy of armor while needing several copies of decorations if not 50. There is a huge gap between supply and demand.


    The best solution is to release silver decorations on the CM from the shipment that rotates out, so the decorations that are more common would be widely accessible just like the decorations from the bundles but packs keep their value since only they give the opportunity to find rare decorations.


    At this moment, not enough copies of shipment 5 decorations are present on the market. The same situation will happen to the later shipments as the time goes by. Only a few decorations will remain. Many decorations are missing. If they even appear on GTN they are listed for a ridiculous price. In the current circumstances there is no way to meet the demand of thousands of people.


    A few examples from the Progenitor that I wrote down a week ago. The number on the left is the actual number of available copies on GTN.


    0x Voss-ka Street Lamp

    0x Oriconian Lantern

    0x Statue of the Spearman

    1x Engraved Reliquary 890k

    1x Minefield Marker 840k

    1x Shackled Crystal Sconce 2 million

    2x Oriconian Standing Torch 600k a unit

    2x Reliquary Vase 485k a unit

    2x Industrial Fire Pit 800k a unit

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