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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. It depends what OP meant.


    There is plenty stuff to do in general. It's just SoR didn't provide much content. In comparison Warlords of Draenor costs over twice as much but gives like four times more of content. ;)

  2. Lie? Have they said that they would release the pack right after the maintenance?

    You people are crazy. It will appear in the CM sooner or later, just like it was with the latest weapons...

  3. Since you address the color of Satele's saberstaff, you should know that Beniko has a different color as well :D

    In the trailers she uses Orange-Red crystal while on the loading screen she is wielding a default red. Sorry to mention this! It's not like it's a big deal to me. I haven't even noticed that Satele has a wrong color ;)

  4. Synthweaving is not a good choice. I keep it on my main because I don't want to lose all schematics that I've learned, but other than that there isn't any reason to keep Synthweaving. I don't make good money out of it.


    Augment Kits and Augments are not enough. Every Synth crafter is doing them as there is no alternative in this skill. You can always craft armors from 15 to 40 lvl, but this doesn't provide huge profit.


    Cybertech / Artifice / Armstech were and are the real bosses when it comes to the crafting skills. I haven't leveled up Artifice and Armstech yet, but crafting purple hilts, enhancements, barrels, relics, dyes, droid parts is obviously good business.

  5. Augments: 4 Enigmatic Artifact Fragment, 4 Ruusan Crystal, 4 Biocell Memory Core, 4 Adaptive Circuitry

    • Advanced Might Augment 36
    • Advanced Redoubt Augment 36
    • Advanced Resolve Augment 36
    • Advanced Skill Augment 36
    • Advanced Reflex Augment 36
    • Advanced Alacrity Augment 36


    It requires 2x Adaptive Circuitry, not 4 ;)

  6. The only thing that I found is this:


    But Wicked discussed the intro and exploring, not the class mission itself. That is why Talos received the status "No Comments".


    I begin to believe that his line was rehashed because what is the point of asking VA to do one line...

    ... but then why they didn't rehash lines from the other companions as well.

  7. He's a Sith that I respect. The one that sees the old ways are wrong and the Empire needs to be reformed. Since Marr is the leader at this moment, it's already happening. I laugh at psycho Sith like the Emperor, Thanaton etc. I'm not fond of psycho Sith. The Empire can be good to a certain degree. There is no need to be a douche at all times.
  8. Why do you leave such amazing scenes like Revan vs Satele out of the game? You really should put them in the game. I would love to see it with my other alts that haven't done SoR yet.


    The fighting cutscenes is what I was suggesting a few months ago.


    Revan vs Satele scene, or Revan vs any other hero, could have easily occurred after solving Revan's mechanic.


    Something tells me this trailer was made by a different team than the others have been. The quality is significantly better.

    Maybe they were rushing the other two trailers while they had time to tinker with this one. Still, I got pumped up when watching the previous trailers.

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