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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. Again.. there was NO PTS for 3.0. There was closed beta testing, according to Bioware and the NDA was never lifted.


    Facts do matter, especially when trying to lay blame elsewhere. ;)


    I apologize. I meant a testing server in general. Yes, I know it was closed beta. Sorry.

  2. Players need to take the responsibility for their action. They knew about the risk that goes along with exploiting BUT Bioware is also responsible for the current state.


    1. They encouraged players to use exploits as they didn't take any action against players that exploited Nefra. People refused to do Nefra, but after watching people getting advantage without punishment they jumped on the Ravagers bandwagon.

    2. The exploit was reported in PTS and they allowed it to be released and alive for a month.

  3. They'll do nothing...this post is just supposed to make you feel like they will.

    Let's bet!

    I think those who were spreading the exploit in the general chat and those who were selling lockouts will be punished severely. However I don't know what they will do with people that were only optimizing their chars.

  4. Not everyone is a progression raider that enjoys wiping for 16 hours learning a new boss mechanic.

    If you wipe for 16 hours in the new operations in SM, you can't be called a progression raider :D


    I don't care about the changes. The gear that is affordable for commendations is not a good one, but I understand that for casuals 198 is a magic number which they want to get as fast as possible. It would be a nice incentive to leave Ultimates as a drop from the weekly bosses in hard modes of 55s OPS. Ultimates dropping from each boss would be too easy, that is why they should be restricted to the weekly boss. That sounds balanced.

  5. What use is there for lv.60 Companion armor? I know in my case the 172 armor my companions have is already sufficient for Yavin 4. It's not like there's any max level content that'll require higher rating armor for my companion?


    Optimization! There are people like me that love to do that on main companions.

    For instance, I spent several Doonium and Midlithe Crystals to craft the best mods/enhancements for my Jaesa :D

  6. I'm flying on the progenitor right now and I've seen people do that, it's still possible to deal with it.


    For you Otoshimono and maybe Moganas. But you're in a different league than the rest of us. Besides, you're flying on the rep side and the reps have those pro gunshippers that I'm talking about ;) Daisie and Cuv'something if I remember correctly.

  7. Any ship in the right hands becomes op. So if you find gunships giving you a hard time, make a gunship killer, improve your spatial awareness, cycle targets to make sure your out of gunship range. Get in and out quick to harass if you can't out right kill them, get them to move and negate their most immediate advantage.


    I believed in that too ...before I realized that pro players in gunships are nearly unkillable. I invite you to come to the Progenitor and see how two gunshippers sit at the satelitte and you will be killed either by them because they barely miss or even if you get nearby you will be finished by turrets in two shots as your ship will be already heavily damaged.

  8. #3 First come first serve. You get in, you choose your ship type, the first three who pick a gunship get it, the rest cannot be a gunship (this would also reduce the ship changing pre-battle; if you choose gunship you better stick with it or someone else might get your gunship slot).


    This is how I would see it. That kind of restriction is not something extraordinary. It was used in other games and it worked fine.

  9. The problem with Bioware is that they have good ideas, but they abandon them halfway through the project.


    - Space Mission on the rails. No further development. Dropped.

    - Shroud's Heroics that are different form the usual MMO missions. I would love to repeat them in different settings. Maybe the pirate waves on Rishi that you need to stop by charging cannons? Nope. No further development. Dropped.

    - GSF. Only PVP that is additionally limited. No further development. Dropped.


    GSF is fun but gets boring as it's very repetitive due to the low number of maps and modes. It's unbalanced for the new players. They dropped GSF too soon. It deserves to get a second chance and more attention from the devs. PVE mode would definitely be the bull's eye.


    If they can't afford time to program AI for flying ships. Maybe they should focus on developing AI for satellites and motherships instead? Then players would need to destroy those objectives in the same manner as in Space Missions. PVE players would learn how to aim with their weapons and when to disable missile locks. They would be prepared for a possible PVP match better than they are now.


    Invading the guild's flagship with your GSF ships is also a great concept. One guild declares invasion to the other and the battle begins. The objection is to destroy all the shields and turrets on that flagship in a certain time while the defending team attempts to stop the attack. :rak_01:

  10. If you like HK, then use him, and let others do what they want.


    We won't laugh at you for using him :D


    Yeah, it's always a matter of personal preference. I don't deny that. I also like to use HK from time to time, but when it comes to perks and the overall performance we should be objective.

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