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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. What possible reason is there for these things leaving?!

    The old nightmares are staying. It's just Bioware won't make new ones. Hard Modes will be the challenge for more pro raiders just like ToS and Ravagers are. Why? Because only about 20 guilds in the whole game were able to do those two operations in HM and how many didn't even try? Nightmares for new operations would be even less popular. There is no point in spending money on a feature that is played by only 100 people. :cool:

  2. The break between the packs is usually 5-6 weeks now. So I wouldn't expect the new pack until 18th August. Take into consideration that we still have 2.5 months until the new shipment arrives (which comes with KotFE). So that period needs to have something to release which means the Wild Space pack might be delayed while Bioware lay out old packs or galactic packs.
  3. We are hosting the event that requires much of your free time and patience - 50 ppl in the stronghold (the Imperial side). We are looking for people that don't have tendency to leave at the least expected moment. Some of you might already know us because we already tried to do it with random people from the fleet but we need people that are willing to stay for 2 hours and don't leave.


    We will be grouped in 3 ops groups. The ops leaders are the coordinators. They are the people who will be sending invites, so please refrain from random inviting to your strongholds and by that splitting the group. Everyone will get the achievement eventually. Just follow the invites from the ops leader. Don't go to random places. Don't invite on your own. If you follow all of those steps, we should make it rather quickly in 2h. Have 2h of your spare time and be patient on Saturday, 15th August, 16:00 GMT (4 hours after the daily reset if you don't know your exact timezone) :)


    Whisper to any of those characters: Pav'ika Baarur Vhonte V'ras Xyrll (confirm that you are coming on Saturday via whisper or mail (if everyone is offline), or simply be online on that day and send a message to one of these characters when 16:00 GMT gets closer).

  4. We are hosting the event that requires much of your free time and patience - 50 ppl in the stronghold (the Imperial side). We are looking for people that don't have tendency to leave at the least expected moment. Some of you might already know us because we already tried to do it with random people from the fleet but we need people that are willing to stay for 2 hours and don't leave.


    We will be grouped in 3 ops groups. The ops leaders are the coordinators. They are the people who will be sending invites, so please refrain from random inviting to your strongholds and by that splitting the group. Everyone will get the achievement eventually. Just follow the invites from the ops leader. Don't go to random places. Don't invite on your own. If you follow all of those steps, we should make it rather quickly in 2h. Have 2h of your spare time and be patient on Saturday, 15th August, 16:00 GMT (4 hours after the daily reset if you don't know your exact timezone) :)


    Whisper to any of those characters: Pav'ika Baarur Vhonte V'ras Xyrll (confirm that you are coming on Saturday via whisper or mail (if everyone is offline), or simply be online on that day and send a message to one of these characters when 16:00 GMT gets closer).

  5. Council was hard, but it was the last boss after weekly. Even with wipe and group disbanding, people were still getting comms, loot & Weekly for first 4 bosses. Very different to Underlurker mess which is #3 boss in Operation. And there are only 2 level-cap operations in this cycle compared to Palace having TFB, S&V & Fortress


    Yeah, but getting to the weekly boss was also very challenging. Groups often fell apart on Calphayus or Raptus :p

  6. What will be the difficulty of story modes after Bioware scales up operatons? It would be better to set them casual-friendly rather than make them as hard as Dread Fortress and Dread Palace were originally. I remember that on the Progenitor pugs couldn't finish either of these operations. Sometimes DF was done by luck but Dread Council was out of reach.
  7. It's not a problem of casuals or not. It's a question of clarity.

    I call them casuals because they don't even check other comments and answers concerning the same question. SWTOR posts should clarify more but even with confusing wording it only requires low time investment to find an answer to this question and yet those people don't look for that. So I think the term 'casual' fits well since they rejoice in activities that require short time and finding the info on their own is apparently not among these. The question has been answered million times. I personally answered to about 20 people under SWTOR posts in the last days but they keep coming and coming. :(



    Please, don't go offtopic. This thread doesn't concern f2p.

  8. Look at this: http://i.imgur.com/bSVPDEU.png


    Seriously, if you type just one sentence in your post that is kinda ambiguous, the outrage won't stop. It will repeat over and over again whenever we get closer to new rewards. Just add one sentence to clarify things. It won't take the whole life of your PR person that runs your social sites. How about "You can now subscribe and get your Nico Companion through August 10! (Of course July 31 also counts!)


    You need to pander to casuals. It's business. You want their money and not unnecessarily upset them, right? They don't use links you include in your messages. They don't read more than a few lines. Although that strikethrough on July 31 is really confusing. It would be much clearer if you added plus to the previous date "July 31 + August 10".

  9. Nah. They wanted people to use their little refer a friend exploits around the 31th. :p

    Now they HAVE to sub if they want Nico, since you can only use a referral once.

    Quite clever of them really.


    u wot m8?


    A player needs to have subscription status on any of one of those days between July 31th - August 10th. If people used their referrals that ended after July 31th, they still get Nico.

  10. Hell even a boring crafting trailer, remember those from pre-release, highlighting changes to those systems.

    lol, it's not Bioware but you having marketing skills at zero points. "Look, with have a new and awesome crafting system that is definitely worth spending your money on". Flying as Han Solo in Battlefront? That's lame. Better craft those awesome relics.


    The target of such conferences is the casual playerbase. You are supposed to present them what you are good at and since Bioware is the best at storytelling, they advertise cutscenes and the story.

  11. Even so, i still feel, it was underwhelming. Why no 6-7 min gameplay, or dialog, or something footage. It works so well, as MS showed.

    SWTOR won't be a completely different game. Stop deluding yourself. Stop dreaming. Stop setting expectations out of this world. When you follow all of those steps, you will be satisfied with what Bioware brought to EA conference.

    Seriously, why would you need 7 min gameplay? The game is out for 4 years already. All we get in KotFE is just a new skill and a bit more mobility. Seriously. Stop.

  12. If you don't care about early access, you can just sub on October 27th and get access to KotFE. Even if you lose your subcription, you will be able to play those chapters that you had as subscriber. Later, when Bioware releases a new chapter like Chapter 10, you will need to buy subscription again to gain access to this new chapter :) And if you lose your subscription after that, you will keep access to Chapter 10 but you will need to resub again when Chapters 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 etc. are released and so on.
  13. Excellent:

    Male and Female Hunter.

    Male Warrior.

    Female Agent. (Ciri!)

    Male Smuggler.



    Female Inquisitor.

    Male Agent.

    Male and Female Trooper.

    Male and Female Knight.

    Male and Female Consular.

    Female Smuggler.



    Female Warrior.

    Male Inquisitor. (his voice is a sad joke. Lisping much, huh?)

  14. It was the same thing with SoR and the purple crystals thing. People scrambled to get referral links in the hope they could get the prizes, or tried subscribing in the very last hour. And like last time, I *think* unless you have a legit subscription, you're out of bonus stuff.

    But people with referrals got purple crystals. I enjoy those crystal to this day without spending a dime in March :cool:

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