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Everything posted by andysdead

  1. Well you learn something new every day. Cover mechanics are a real blow to charge mechanics that just about every warrior/knight AC relies on.
  2. andysdead

    Valor 70+ gear

    I think 3 tiers of gear for both pvp and pve is reasonable. If they release an expansion for the game, it would be reasonable to assume 3 more tiers.
  3. Nerf the only skill that has a remote possibility of breaking the 5k+ single hit barrier? No thank you. I get few enough medals as it is.
  4. Once she gets the hang of carnage, have her try out annihilation and realize how much better it really is.
  5. I typically use about the same rotation as I do in pve, with the exception being that I use Saber Throw when I'm fighting against a healer or someone receiving heals. It's usually charge/deadly saber at the same time, battering assault, rupture, annihilate, then a rage-generating move, Force Scream, whatever is off cooldown, and then repeat with priority given to keeping bleeds up.
  6. Yeah I've never seen this bug before. New one to me!
  7. My biggest problem as a marauder is actually snipers/gunslingers in cover. Since a large part of my rage generation is my charge, and one cannot charge a player in cover, it means I basically spend the fight rage-starved. In order to counter this, I use Force Choke to get the player out of cover and then charge once he's out, and that seems to help, but Force Choke is a relatively long CD that means it's not usually up when I need it for these kinds of situations. Any thoughts?
  8. Attacking in VS: send all but 2 of your players to one door. send 2 stealth players to the other door. Wait for the main attack to slam the first door and make sure it's with such ferocity that the enemy gets a bit scared. they will probably have one guy guarding the other door. have one of your stealthers CC the guard while the other one goes to plant the bomb. If the CC is broken, don't worry, just kill the guard as fast as you can. then plant the bomb. with luck, you'll be able to plant the bomb on the stealth door. if that fails, the stealthers will draw many of the enemy from the main door to the stealth door, at which point the main door people pop their damage cooldowns and burn the rest of them. plant bomb. once you're through the first set of doors, have marauders/sentinels and inquisitors/consulars pop speed cooldowns and get to the next set of doors ASAP. Do NOT kill any more of the enemy while you are running. Get the forcefields down and plant the bombs... if you kill the enemy at this point, they will simply cause problems for your bomb planters. rinse and repeat until you've got the datacore. Defending in VS: you'll want a healer on each door, and a marauder/sentinel to provide speed buff so that you can switch doors as fast as possible. Call out incs. Should be pretty easy, they'll never get past you.
  9. Yeah, the matches are pretty easy to turn around once all the baddies leave.
  10. ITT: sentinel solos 3 undergeared noobs.
  11. OK I'm going to be honest and say that I have rarely seen a sage/sorc/shadow/assassin use Force Speed effectively while carrying the ball. The most effective ball-running strategies I've seen so far are as follows: a) give ball to marauder/sentinel with 30 stacks of secondary resource up and the 5 minute CD to add another 30 stacks off cooldown. Strategy above easily countered with effective use of roots/CC. b) give ball to a tank-spec'd jugg/gaurd or PT/vangaurd, have the tank run the ball. As these tanks are almost impossible to kill when they have heals, they don't really need to throw the ball at all. c) make good use of Force Pull. Above strategy can be used in combination with any other strategy and practically guarantees a goal.
  12. This bug affects everyone. I bet they don't even know what's causing it. Chances are they'll have to go through hundreds of pages of code, line by line, to figure it out. Solution not incoming any time soon.
  13. You're doing it wrong bro.
  14. Yeah, me too. <--- not a sorc.
  15. Perhaps you should take a minute to define the term "cheat."
  16. quit your whining and learn to play. signed, a double-predation marauder
  17. Well, since you're playing republic, here's a tip: Join a PvP guild and do premades. I'm pretty sure just about every good republic PvPer on my server is in the same guild, and they are always doing premades, which basically means that any time I get a voidstar or civil war match as Imperial, it's going to be a major loss. And I'll see a string of them sometimes, with the same players in every match. The nice thing about huttball is that the pubs don't seem to know how to play it well, so we usually beat them whenever they're in there.
  18. Let's see... I can usually pull 300k damage if I've got a pocket healer (I play a marauder in full champion gear). It's not necessarily about ignoring objectives. Actually, I find that in most huttball games I do the most damage when I'm facing a good team with a large amount of health and I'm sticking to the ball carrier. The key is to be where the enemy is. If the enemy is getting healed, even better, because that's more damage for me to do per enemy. Note that I was not capable of breaking the 300k mark until I was almost full champion and had switched to annihilation spec. (Carnage just wasn't cutting it)
  19. I got 10 once. I was having a really good day. (that included a lucky, one-time-only 5k+ crit with annihilate.)
  20. 2 more coms and I can replace the centurion belt that I never got the upgraded version for. then I can grind out 4 more valor ranks to 60. :-(
  21. I got straight-up rolled by a Republic group in voidstar earlier today. It's just a matter of being in a premade vs. not being in a premade, honestly.
  22. This player clearly has no idea how to properly gear his character. Someone should help him figure it out.
  23. I've got Broonmark is almost full champion tank gear. I am wondering when I can start using him to tank flashpoints. :-p
  24. Built-in modifiable interface and a combat log would solve most people's problems I think. I sure would like to actually be able to look at a log and tell what killed me at least, even if not parsing the data for figuring out my dps.
  25. I bought the game at launch because a) I've been waiting about 5 years for this to come out, b) I played the beta and knew there would be bugs and issues at launch, and c) I am not one of the QQ'ers.
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