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  1. The only thing I forgot to mention was to have it far enough up the tree so that other specs like madness won't Bene This other idea I have was a mechanic I always thought was interesting and us only powerful against players that don't pay attention. (replacing or modify the current slow ability) Lightning shackles Lightning shackles begins with five or ten stacks, Reduces target movement speed by x% per stack. Stacks are removed by moving; however, moving deals x% damage per step. Adjust numbers as needed, smart players will know not to move lol. Doesn't really help pve though. How about we look at changing how tramault works... It looks cool and we never use it. At least I don't it needs to stay a force free ability. Maybe if we can reclass it to be usable after every maul strike? Maybe reduce the cooldown timer. Should allow for a small increase to Dps need to maintain the only useable in pve part., take out the incapacitated part.
  2. Sounds really good, thanks for the advice. Pvp quest are so bad on my server but I'll try it out. Only other thing is talent builds. I know mainly what I need but its those last few points.
  3. So we need a fix for assassins on pve but not pvp? New Talent Static Discharge Vs players: discharge now adds a stacking debuff that reduces target damage by x% Vs Npcs: discharge now adds a stacking debuff that increases damage taken from assassin abilities by x% Thoughts? could increase our damage potential in pve and reduce the glass canon idea. percentages can be adjusted and shouldn't be huge buffs.
  4. Thanks for the tips. What stats should I focus on while gearing both pve and pvp?
  5. Okay, I don't care what anyone says or how bad I know this class is, what can anyone tell me that will help me gear out a level 50 assassin as far as stats and rotation go? Might as well give me something challenging to do.
  6. 10$ says, some of the characters in the game will appear invisible....*COUGH* ASHARA* COUGH* SLAVE GIRL*COUGH* IT'S BEEN 6 MONTHS FIX IT ALREADY!!!
  7. So i was looking for ways to get more into crafting and GTN, let it be known i'm very new to this. Looking around on the GTN I see very few adrenals, zero wilpower stims and tons of endurance stims, and no healthpacks for level 50. So I thought hey maybe I should make willpower stims and med packs for level 50's. I made about 5 willpower stims and so far none have sold. As far as medpacks go they seem kinda expensive to make the blue ultimate medpack, it requires some mats that I'd had to buy (Namely the blue ones) also there are zero on the AH so i have no idea if people are even willing to buy or at what price. Anyone have any thoughts that might be able to help me out?
  8. Thanks for all the great tips, I'll keep that all in mind.
  9. Hey guys, I was leveling a marauder up and while I'm playing I decided to mainly focus on PvP. I noticed one game we had like 4 snipers on the other team and I ended up being knocked back and immobilized a lot. You can't charge a sniper who is in cover and they still have a stun if I get close. So what's the best tactics to close the distance and stay on target? Also what breaks their cover ability?
  10. Denman

    Stuck in Warzones

    Okay is anyone else really starting to get annoyed by this? You basically just randomly get respawned in the spawn area knocked down and your character can't recover. It has to have something to do with Assassin or Operative Knockdowns. Not to mention Bioware introduced the pvp afk timer so you get kicked out. Atleast give us a /kill command so we can respawn.
  11. Hey guy's my girlfriend wanted me to make a post in the class forums that she is gonna try to start streaming this game and she's starting with leveling an imperial agent to 50. She also has a 50 marauder she likes to pvp with. The stream info is... http://www.twitch.tv/asword89
  12. Def. Possible, its really hard to do on my assassin but if I miss I hurt my teams numbers
  13. What's everyones opinion on the easiest way to level a BH Merc, with companion choice as well. I've tried several specs and I don't seem to find one I enjoy really. Just wondering on people's thoughts.
  14. 31/0/10 Assassin here I got into a long 1v1 with a commando, only to have the commando instantly respawn at death. Luckily I had 45% health and stealth on cooldown. Just thought id see if anyone else had this problem or let everyone be aware of fights being more interesting... Btw chased him around ilum after that, also found him beating up a healer. So I instantly taunted and guarded. then he vanished im guessing into a warzone...
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