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Everything posted by andysdead

  1. You can take 2 golds at the same time if you use your defensive cooldowns appropriately and have Quinn healing. I solo'd a [HEROIC 4] quest just yesterday.
  2. Hey, I didn't tell you which Jedi, or how it happens... Just sayin', it's not really a spoiler.
  3. Last night, I was finishing up Act I of my character story and I have to say, turning a Jedi to the Dark Side was absolutely the coolest thing I've ever done in an MMO. The whole sequence gave me shivers, and I was channeling Sidious the whole time, going "yesssss.... YESSS!!! I can feel your ANGER! It makes you stronger! Gives you focus!"
  4. I had a character in WoW named Annarexia. Never offended anyone, to my knowledge, and I'd say that anorexia is a lot more offensive then anemia.
  5. it gets an immobilize effect if you spec into it.
  6. strength and.... strength. and crit, power secondary. then endurance.
  7. I should add that the social gear is male-only, which seems a bit absurd.
  8. bump because it's true: every other class gets alignment gear except marauders.
  9. Why does anyone aim to be the best at what they do?
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