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Everything posted by Jarbarian

  1. All the complaints about how PVP is bad right now (group imbalance, class unbalance, etc) and I bet they do nothing to fix it. Because they do not care about PVP. It's been 10 years. I'm ready to delete the game. Its not fun.
  2. If you play slinger, might as well put that one to bed. Literally every 4v4 has a sword class/merc/vanguard/tank/shadow, etc that can nullify any roll you have (IOW, never ending gap closers). They dont even need healers, they are just mowing people down in 3-5 seconds flat. You as a slinger have no defenses, no heals, NOTHING to stop the barrage of incoming damage (4 DPS on 1 slinger). THATS FUN?! This was their idea of PVP fun? People voted for this? I do not believe that is even possible.
  3. Just wait until you start facing premade comps in 4s/8s. No chance to win or get any medals and the comps are terrible. Again, they are not listening to customers at all.
  4. Nothing makes sense and if you complain about the developers, you get a "warning" in the forums. It's like they simply do not care what their customers think....
  5. So far today, 6 PVP matches, 0 wins. Daily Arena of Death: 0/6 Daily March them Down 2/3 Weekly Go Berzerk! 0/24 Weekly The Spoils of War: 2/12 At this rate getting your weeklies done on one character will take longer than a week unless you group a premade in unranked.
  6. Yep. I've faced nothing but premade ranked players all morning. In fact, the last match they started with 8 we started with 5 as the gates opened. This is a debacle. I suspect many players are just going to quit the game for good. Thats what happens when you disregarding the PAYING PVP base.
  7. We just faced another premade (well, I've been facing premades all morning). Last match we had 5 players vs their 8. How is that fun, fair? As far as Bioware doing anything about fixing the class imbalance, they haven't done so in more than 10 years. They will never do it. Why? Because THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT PVP.
  8. Then the solution is to just stop allowing groups in PVP. PERIOD! The problem with matchmaking is your letting a group (ranked) team join in the queue with causal players. The result is people getting more and more upset with PVP in general. No one wants to play against a premade in UNRANKED PVP. If you're going to remove ranked PVP, then the right thing to do was ban/block any premades in unranked PVP. But that was far too logical for Bioware to act on it. First PVP match this morning was against a premade in 8v8. Utterly DISGUSTING. People are either AFKING out or quitting during matches. IF that was biowares intention, that is what they got. I told them not balancing classes, not allowing pvp to be fair and fun would be the end of this game. That's the exact path its headed.
  9. I play them all. I find Snipers/Slingers beyond WEAK and Operatives/Scoundrels and Balance Sorc/Sages beyond OP.
  10. Oh wow I am checking the 7.2 patch notes. Slingers/Snipers were not touched at all. How much does Bioware hate that class that they consistently praise lavish things on Operatives/Scoundrels (their healing is stupidly OP, along with all the CCs and vanishes). They can't even give a poor slinger a "I can't do damage when behind a shield, so to make up for that, Bioware took away a very small HOT we used to have!" That's how boned that class is.
  11. But historically that is not happening. When a 4v4 or 8v8 team with one side being a group of ranked players, in unranked the other side will be a pug. And that will kill this game for good.
  12. I don't disagree -- which is probably why SWTOR is nowhere near the same league as WOW. And if you can't take criticism well, then we get what we get. A so-so game for PVE (unpopular aspect). HORRIBLE game for PVP (which is the most popular, because facing real people is better than bot bosses).
  13. Yes, premades in unranked is going to turn a lot of players away from SWTOR, but Bioware doesn't care. It's not the cash cow it used to be anyway since they really left PVP for dead. (aka: OP 1v1 classes like operatives just rick rolling everyone and now, balance sages way too OP, yet they nerfed Slingers to the ground). The problem with #2 above is a lot of premades don't even care about DPS #s. They care about "How badly can we embarrass the other team and make myself look superior?" That's what it comes down to. ePeen contests that has already destroyed what enjoyment we used to have in the game.
  14. Not to mention the drop off in players when players get discouraged. This is why premade groups should never ever be allowed in un-ranked PVP. Neither should crafted CC's be allowed, but for some reason, Bioware doesn't see the irony in that.
  15. The problem, again, is BioWare couldn't care less about PVP. They have never done anything about OP Operatives (their healing alone is OP, yet they nerf Slingers very weak hot). They balance everything around PVE (which a lot of us personally could care less!) so really, BioWare is shooting themselves in the foot. Now PVP is going to be even more toxic, and you watch, people are going to bail on this game for good, having asked for fair PVP and classes and being ignored for years. There are better games out there to play where paying customers are actually LISTENED to. This isn't one of them.
  16. In anticipation of ranked being removed, now groups of 3 ranked in a 4v4 are even ignoring their own "stepchild" and not even supporting/healing them. So what we're getting is these snobby ranked players in unranked PVP acting like complete jerks. Thanks Bioware. You thought ranked PVP was bad, you brought that elite TRASH to unraked. I guarantee you the fallout from this idiotic decision is going to cause a lot more players to GTFO and leave.
  17. I mean, really. Even Blizzard doesn't allow crafted CCs in BGs. I see this all the time, people being able to buy crafted CCs and use them in BGs because without the 3rd or 4th extra CC, they'd lose a match.
  18. Not true at all. Extremely hard to "play to win" when the classes are completely unbalanced and ranked pvp groups in unranked are going to wipe the floor with the casual players. Basically what Bioware did was create a far more toxic PVP environment further pushing many casual PVP players to remove the game and quit. Then only hardcore PVP players will be left. That sort of explains why Blizzard is so much better at PVP than BIoware. At least they make an effort to foster ranked/unranked PVP and constantly push out new maps. How long has it been since Bioware released a new PVP map? Has to be at least 5+ years. Bioware has no love for PVP, class balance and fostering fun PVP. Never have, never will.
  19. Those who pay to play. Those who are F2P should not even be allowed in the BGs. That should be the perk of paying, not the pve stuff I'm not even remotely interested in. Bring back rated PVP OR make sure groups cannot group for unranked PVP. Easy fix that makes everyone happy.
  20. With totally unbalanced PVP classes and now RANKED flooding unranked PVP (which any sane company would never allow to happen), you might as well remove the game. Its EXTREMELY apparent this company does not care about PVP players, so why do anything to make their PVP experience fair and enjoyable? I mean, you're STILL giving them money to play a game that totally hates PVPers. Time to delete the game.
  21. Agreed. Nothing but ranked teams tunneling me every regular WZ. This is Biowares idea of fun? delete "Swtor" folder.
  22. Never fails. Sorc/Sage puts a DPS slow dot on me, I die, end up in the start zone, STILL IN COMBAT, STILL TAKING DAMAGE, CANNOT HEAL/STEALTH and I have to walk out of our start area down 100k health. This has been going on for some time and to fix it seems quite easy to do. "CLEANSE ALL DOTS/TAKE CHARACTER OUT OF COMBAT IMMEDIATELY AFTER REZZING" At least 6 months of this now and I cannot understand why it hasn't been fixed/resolved yet.
  23. If rated is gone, that was the wrong thing for BW to do. Because there is a small niche of players whose sole goal in life is to use every advantage in the the game to win. Be it "overpowered PVP classes" (yes they exist) to "really bad game mechanics". I myself am tired of seeing a match with a group of players, a lot of them Operative classes, bouncing between levels in a match when they roll (because they know is a bug so they abuse it) and then by the time they appear where you can hit them, they've already scored. What I am saying is rated was for teams, since that is gone, it makes no logical sense to put rated players on a team in unranked. Everything you said is absolutely untrue. It's not making the game more fun for other people, it's making it fun for a very FEW amount of players. Warcraft learned this a long time ago and corrected a lot of PVP cheats/bugs (Bioware still has not after 10+ years) and they learned that putting ranked teams in unranked was not fun for their base either. What on earth makes you think people trying to get the weekly 3x12 wins every week wants to keep facing ranked teams in unranked and making wins nearly impossible? By forcing them to go find a team as well? No. That is what ranked matches were for. The logic behind removing it and not fixing the PVP bugs, most notably around the Operative class, is going to eventually kill the subscriber base. Non rated will stop pvping all together, ranked players will quit because the challenge is gone. To say ranked players do not play against pugs, you must not be pvping. I see it all the time. All I do is PVP, and that's all I'm seeing in the game. So I am calling your shenanigans right now. I see it first hand. And FWIW, I don't like being in a game that has a pug against non pug, there's no challenge in that either. Yeah the wins will come fast, but that's very few and far in between. Its almost entirely one side is a group, the other is not. There is no magical matchmatching algorithm matching pug v pug. I have yet to see it first hand. Not all 8v8 matches but almost certainly in 4v4.
  24. Don't really care. If you group. regular WZs should be grayed out. You want to play as a team, go play ranked. That's what its for. Playing in groups against PUGs is why they cannot keep up a decent subscriber base. People do not want to play ranked groups in unranked PVP. Why BW has not gotten this message clearly is beyond belief. They are shooting themselves in the foot.
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