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Everything posted by Jarbarian

  1. I see your last Sniper youtube video is over 3 years old. Point made If it was that great you'd be posting a lot of them!
  2. This helped me too. Chat was set to 1 not 10.
  3. Play a few warzones, you'll figure out really quickly how weak our class is.
  4. No, no healing. (Operatives do). You can choose between evasion and stun, but not both (Operatives have both, YOU DO NOT!). You can choose between hideout/scrambling or bombing run, but not all 3. Essentially what BioWare did was make Slinger/Sniper unplayable in BGs. That is why you're not seeing them anymore. What are you seeing? Melee such as Sentinels, Shadows, Operatives and Sages. Those are the classes that can deal out damage and have defensives. But not you. Nope. You are to sit there and watch yourself die as quickly as possible while the opposing team laughs at you. Thats what BioWare wanted, that is what they gave us. Time to delete my Slinger.
  5. We can just agree to disagree. When Operatives are doing millions in self healing with far more defensive abilities, the entire Slinger/Sniper class should just be removed from the game. Its not a fair fight when just dots alone can kill you and you have no way to mitigate that damage. No cleanses. No heals. And you defensive stance and defense screen are burned right through with every offensive ability from other classes. No, healing was not overpowered. It simply helped cover some of the DOT damage. This class needs to just be removed from the game if this is how BioWare thinks it should be played. I don't even see them in BattleGrounds anymore. Why? Because they are the 1st target and first to die, VERY QUICKLY. Don't tell me healing was OP. You're completely wrong.
  6. You're weeks late to what I've been saying. You also missed that they took away heals AND a lot of defensive options to say alive. This class is so bad it should be removed from the game. It's not competitive in PVP, no one is playing it anymore, the class is dead.
  7. Think TRASH. Well, a small gun with paperbag armor and no heals. That's what Snipers are....the are the laughing stock of SWTOR right now.
  8. Why? Because OP Operatives and Scoundrels need heals more than we do? Odd. They heal like crazy and have many different ways to get out of damage. They also consistently out DPS Slingers/Snipers. But I digress. Your statement is illogical. Now we have limited defenses and no heals and our damage is laughable. But sure, who needs heals when you're dead in 5 seconds flat, right?
  9. Ok fair enough. What I am asking is "Do you find Sniper's ability to survive was reduced immensely? Because that's what I see. Sentinels can now heal, but Sniper/Slinger cannot. And with a choice of defenses, it seems they turned this class into paperbag cannons. Sure, you can still hit hard but if anyone breathes on you, you are dead. Same issue with Operatives on Snipers. Its not even a fair fight.
  10. It was a question for anyone who plays Sniper/Slinger to answer regarding PVP. It's not about what I "like to play", I want to know if the current POS patch has made Slingers unplayable, which it appears to have done.
  11. Maps?! No one cares about new maps. The biggest problem in this game is the fact PVP has been broken since the game was released and BioWare does nothing about unbalanced classes and the OP classes, such as Operatives. They nerfed the H*LL out of Gunslingers and took away most of their defenses and ALL of their healing. Yes, you are correct, they HATE PVP. But for all the wrong reasons. They don't hate maps (they couldn't care less). They actually HATE PVP.
  12. Problems. 1. Operatives, since day 1 of SWTOR release, are STILL OWNING PVP. They lost almost no PVP abilities, but kept all their CCs. 2. Why is it my Sentinel can now heal, but my Slinger cannot? My slinger is a PAPER TIGER. Sentinels and Marauders damage is just through the roof, JUST LIKE OPERATIVES. I'm sure there's a huge list of bugs/problems with the game too much to list here. Why not just admit you will never try to balance classes, you hate PVP and just retire the game and delete the code? Plus, NO ONE LIKE GRINDING NEW GEAR!!!! EVERYONE HATES IT!!!!
  13. Need an option to reset your secondary combat style if you didn't understand how it worked (and in game, it isn't explained very well). "Make it so..."
  14. Haven't thought about Ambush, because of the 16 toons I have, gear them up each and then mods, then recall each option for each spec make the game more WORK than FUN. If Ambush has healing then maybe, But if BW thinks that just because we can do some massive damage that self heals aren't needed, they must not have deal with other classes who basically go right through your defenses. Again, SKIP this class entirely. Its DOA!
  15. Skip Slinger/Sniper. Everything you need to survive was taken away, including self heals. But not operative. They got to keep every CC, every heal, every evasion, everything they had before. Its like BioWare said "To hell with Slingers/Snipers, we're only going to give love to Operatives/Scoundrels" And that's exactly what they did. They made us paper tigers.
  16. All forms of Slinger/Sniper healing is gone. So are most of our defenses. Someone at BW thought it'd be a good idea to make us paper tigers. Sure, we can hit pretty hard, but even in cover, you will get WRECKED. What didn't lose healing?? OPERATIVES!!! All the same CC and stuff they had, all the mondo burst damage, all the healing. They were hardly touched. But Snipers were utterly GUTTED. And yeah, Sorcs are destroying everyone right now.
  17. This game is officially JUNK. No one wants to grind full PVP gear on a multitude of toons. No one likes LOSING abilities needed for PVP. No one wants to grind instances for gear. The mass exodus has begun....
  18. Ditto. And to add to the notes you place here: 1. They pruned a lot of skills (except for Operatives, you know, because no matter what SWTOR will NOT reduce the OP-ness of Operatives in PVP). 2. Having to choose one skill over another when BOTH are needed in PVP is flat out retarded. The things they thought were POSITIVE for the game have actually proven to be the complete opposite. I am unsubbing as of now. NOW WAY IN HELL I am going to grind out 16 sets of PVP again AND all the mods needed to be even remotely viable in PVP. I'm done with this game, for good.
  19. Whoever approved the deployment of this "prune abilities, remove PVP needed abilities and oh yeah, let's make the UI UGLY AF" should be fired. If this doesn't kill the game, nothing will....and from what i hear/see, everyone is leaving in droves for much better games.
  20. Same issue, this instance was bugged by an NPC, green never shows at all and I cant reset the instance. Ported out and nothing is fixing this borken, horribly CLASS ABILITIES PRUNED game. I'm ready to remove this game and find something that doesn't PUNISH pay subscribers like this horrible game does.
  21. Agreed. Ran into an Operative in the BGs. Apparently NONE of their abilities were pruned. They have maze, blind, dodge, roll, HEALS, etc. What did Slingers get? NOTHING! But we did lose all of our healing abilities AND we have no blind. We are litterally doing average damage but our ability to survive was completely removed. As if OPERATIVES were not OP as they were, they made them even MORE OP!!!!
  22. Agreed. I need to stop my SUB. I sure as heck am not paying for this debacle of a patch.
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