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Everything posted by Jarbarian

  1. Im for fair pug matchmatching. The guy above me crying boo hoo, whatever. I want a system that is fair. No groups in unranked period. No RATED comps in unrated BGs. Not that hard. Get rid of 4v4 for 2v2, 3v3. Allow spec changes before a match starts. I mean if Blizzard understands the importance of PVP and fairness, not sure why Bioware hasn't jumped at the chance if getting more subscribers by focusing on the only content that really matters, PVP. If you enjoy scripted PVE, so be it, you have tons of catering to. But a good majority of subscribers left because BW won't do anything to make PVP more fair/enjoyable. I'll take a fair loss happily over the typical and VERY UNFAIR pvp losses playing against ranked PVP in unranked matches.
  2. Doesn't matter about Blzzard other than the fact they allow you to do far more things in PVP that BW won't allow. Their PVP system is set up better and you have more options. The best of all being able to change spec mid match if you find you are facing a rated type comp (healer/tank/2 DPS) where your team is not. Seriously. this should be addressed. Bring in 2v2 (unrated/rated) and 3v3 (unrated/rated) so we have actually have some fun instead of the same old BS of 4v4 and 8v8. Give us something other than the same 12 year old manure.
  3. Here's where Blizzard stomps on Bioware for PVP. You can: a) Choose to play 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5. Rated or non rated. They may have taken 2v2 away, still better than a Bioware random 4v4 or 8v8 where the teams are wildly unbalanced, as is always the case with Bioware. b) You can play whatever map you want to play. You can exclude maps you dont want to play in. c) You can play large maps, 20v20 or 40v40. d) You can change specs BEFORE the match begins, that way if you need a healer or tank you can change your roll to one of them. That includes changing to the proper outfit. Bioware already has LOADOUTS for this, just allow it in game, within the 2 minutes the match starts. Bioware has none of that. They have 4v4 and 8v8 where the comps are so dis proportionally unbalanced, half the under-geared team that is getting roflstomped leaves. Then it's a 3v8 or 2v4 match. If Bioware spent 0.000% of the time working on PVP as they do on (barf) PVE, this game would be a lot better. Take the lessons Bioware. Make PVP Great Again (MPGA!)
  4. Ok, you do a 4v4 with a random comp (no healer, a tank who doesn't guard you) and face 3 Shadow + Operative. Watch how fast you die. Then come back and tell me "Crap, you're weren't kidding!". You'll see.....
  5. Why am I getting random 4v4s against all Shadow/Operatives or a complete RATED comp (Tank, 2 DPS, Healer) and I am stuck EVERY SINGLE TIME with 4 random DPS (never a quad comp of the same type!) and half the team is way under-geared (yadda yadda yagga gear doesn't matter in PVP (untrue) yadda yadda yadda) I only see this on the OTHER team. I never see our comp set up as a rated team (standard tank/healer/2 dps) or 4 stealth of the same class that can rick roll you in less than 2 seconds. If your idea is to make people want to just quit the game, unsub and delete the game, you're on the right track with this HORRIBLE comp matchmaking setup. Utterly disgusting.
  6. Or having a class with so much burst damage with 3 buttons is absolutely ridiculous.
  7. On the contrary, I find my Scoundrel the most mindless, easiest 3 button class to wreck all others. Playing operative doesn't require thought.
  8. You don't play Operative/Scoundrel, this is obvious....
  9. I said that earlier. AFAIK, Sniper/Slingers are the only class WITHOUT a heal AND had some CC/Defenses removed. As for the one above you, skill has nothing to do when your class has no way to heal.
  10. Agreed. I see some play it and do well.
  11. Just bring that back. Not sure why BW felt Slingers/Snipers didn't need heals with the extra damage all the other classes have. Dots alone are enough to shut up our ranged class.
  12. Not complaining about 6.x. My issue is with 7.x and the complete removal of all heals.
  13. Since when does Bioware listen to payers like us AND actually cared about PVP?
  14. Been complaining about this since 7 was released. So far, BioWare doesn't care what we think. They took very little away from Operatives (they still heal INSANELY) but took away most of what Slingers/Snipers needed to stay alive. I don't even play with my Slinger anymore in PVP. You shouldn't either unless you like being a punching bag in every WZ.
  15. Ok fair point. But I don't see that weakness on my Scoundrel. I do see my dots melting faces and when I get on my Slinger, it's EXTREMELY apparent that my Slinger is dead by mostly dots alone. Not just from Operatives, but also Sorcs, Tanks, etc. Well thought out, I would just like to see Slingers get their "I'm sitting here behind a shield, I really wish I could get some kind of heal while I am unable to do any damage" kind of thing back.
  16. Nope. Its not about "Facetanking" anyone. Its the fact just their dots alone can kill you, not just their regular and burst damage which is already retarded. Meh, I'll have to go Saboteur just to try to dot them up too. ("Hey you gotta play a dot spec to have a fair fight"!) which is how I see it.
  17. Oh look, someone bothered to go look up my thread to see yes, I've been complaining about operatives for a long time. Why, you say? BECAUSE THEY ARE STILL WAY OVERPOWERED IN PVP!. So before you complain about my LEGITIMATE gripe about YOUR class (And yes, I play Scoundrel too, I think its WAY OP for PVP and has been for over a decade now!). You miss the entire thread. Slinger/Snipers have no heals. NONE! We have no way to mitigate damage like we used to. Operatives can now just toss dots on everyone and ONLY those who can heal can counter that. NOT SLINGERS/SNIPERS. Dot damage alone kills us and the burst damage is just way over the top. Why do you think you do not see any slingers/snipers in PVP anymore? Why just Operatives/Shadows and Jugg/Sentinel? BECAUSE THEIR BURST DAMAGE IS RETARDED! Even Sorc dots are destroying slingers. Do you not get it? We need our heals back to mitigate the dot damage. Scoundrel/Operative/Sorc dot damage alone kills us. Do your own research instead of reading my threads and whining about them. You know your class is OP you just don't want to see them put back on an even/level playing field.
  18. Totally unfair in PVP to have Scoundrels/Operatives who can heal and have 3 different types of CC and defenses and other classes who can heal (including Sentinel!). Look I play every class in the game. EVERY CLASS except Slingers/Snipers who were deeply nerfed. AOE alone is melting our class and we really have no way to recover. A lot of our defenses were removed OR we have to choose between defenses. I'm scratching my head on why this class was nerfed so badly when, AS USUAL, BW does nothing about OVERPOWERED SCOUNDREL/OPERATIVES, whom for a decade now have been Overpowered for PVP yet nothing was done about it. If any class needed a nerf like this, it wasn't Slingers/Snipers. It was SCOUNDREL/OPERATIVE that needed the hard nerf. FIX IT! Bring back our heals at least. We need all of our defenses back. No reason to sit there and in full defenses watch our health drop to 0 with just a Jugg or Operative or PT on us. Its no wonder why people quit. 10 years we've asked for nerfs to Operatives/Scoundrels and BW gives us a big middle finger while taking our money...
  19. 90% of players in uranked could care less about winning. Why then are they there? To compare their DPS to others. That's it. They simply are there to see how much pure Damage Per Second they can push out. They have no regard for other players trying to get their 12 wins/week cap completed. Same can be said of GSF....I've seen that there too. The game should be designed intelligently to be able to recognize players who aren't really contributing and boot them out.
  20. Where the heck is the /stuck button. This is ridiculous that you can get stuck somewhere and cannot get out!!!! https://justpaste.it/6bp9j
  21. Still hard to kill, still the TOP 1v1 DPS spec in the game. If you feel otherwise, you don't play the spec. I do, easy to kill just about anyone.
  22. Oh yeah I've seen it. Marauders/Sents. Tanks Sorcs Operatives (which have been OP since the release of the game yet BW does nothing about it, because they hate PVP).
  23. Ok so its not just me. FOTM classes are dominating WZs and BioWare doesn't give 2 Mr. Hankeys.
  24. 6 of the 8 Sith we faced in a BG today were JUGGERNAUTS. What does that tell you? Every single WZ has 3-5 Juggernauts and either a Powertech or Several Operatives. Even I play Shadow and think they are a TAD OP. So I guess this game for PVP is now down to: Play Juggernaut or PT or Operative. There's also a lot of TANK classes in WZs. I'm not sure who a BW decided to re-scale abilities in the game, but apparently, it was done late a night with almost no sleep. That or this game was programmed overseas with cheap IT labor. Not sure which is more true than the other. Probably both. At least form my perspective, that is what I am seeing. Oh, I'm not lying..... https://justpaste.it/4s6mp
  25. Too far to go back. Summarize it here. I personally think Snipers need some kind of healing to offset the MASSIVE amount of DOT damage we take.
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