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Everything posted by TheMunny

  1. I started playing in late Feb, early March I believe.. Got one toon to 50 and then hit a brick wall. If I PvP I face the same side premade all night, every night, making it impossible to win. Gearing up is a very tedious Task. The recent comms increase for a loss helped a bit, but it would help more if the population was large enough so I didn't face the same premade all the damn time. Wanna PvE on my server? Good luck with that too. I think all the PvE guilds have already rerolled off my server, and all that remains are small PvP guilds who run premades. I gave up and rerolled too, but I can honestly tell you I am looking for a new game.
  2. I think the general consensus is in 3 months they won't need to release ranked WZ's because no one will be here to play them.
  3. /Evil cackle Subscription length problem solved. We can leave them on dead servers for 6-9 more months sir. We asked our computer and it said the drop in subscriptions will be minute in comparison to an exploit in the economy.
  4. Well, an answer would be nice as to where they are headed here, but we all know a /Delete is a coming... The whole Dev - consumer thing only applies during development stages I guess.
  5. Hmm, maybe my keyboard turning, mouse clicking face melting Mara friend begged for more deeps...? I can't wait to see what they did now...
  6. Awesome article, and spot on IMO. Any games that want to clone WoW are going to be disappointed. WoW just happened to hit the market at the right time. People do not have the time to spend playing 6hrs a day or more. Kiddies that grew up on the WoW model are going to find games going the exact opposite of their epic epeen glory days.
  7. There is a reason games that use this very model are dying, while games that use the F2P/P2P model are flourishing. Bet ya wonder why eh? It is called TIME, son... People are willing to bypass the grind for real life cash. What does that tell ya? YOU, are a minority. Not to mention before WoW, games that used the same gear for PvP and PvE were actually much more fun and skill based. They weren't a tedious boring never ending grind. Really, if the whole Asian MMO grind-a-thon is your style you have a few games to choose from that are still hanging on.
  8. Had that very thing happen last night 3 out of 5 games. I managed to get 1 -2 medals in 2 of the 3, but ***, why is my time less valuable than the person that dropped? After the 0 comm insult to injury I went off and played an alt. On my server the 3 win daily is actually a 3 win weekly.......
  9. Because quite frankly... PvP shouldn't be off on its own 'endgame', that is for PvE. If you like to PvP you should have access to the same gear just a different route. Maybe make them similar, different looks.... This whole PvP endgame is fail crap from WoW. It was purely meant to make your grind 2x for various reasons, Sub length, and more time for them to develop more grind, period. If the whole idea of carrot on a stick is your idea of fun I feel sorry for ya. Then again, you are brain washed from the start to consume, consume, and consume more.
  10. Wrong, I see you have never played a real PvP MMO game prior to WoW.... Simple, with all of these different mods available why not let people stack whatever stat they want? Why limit it to just 1 stat (Exp)?? As someone else posted: If you find yourself dying to fast, stack more End, and/or Def/Abs, or all 3 until you are satisfied. Want to kill faster at the expense of survivability, stack Crit and/or Primary stat, or both until satisfied. This way you can tailor your gear to how you see fit. Everyone has their own play style and the ability to adjust for it. Having 1 stat that is the only stat that matters... well why even have the ability to mod your PvP gear at all?
  11. Instanced PvP, and PvE encounters killed open world PvP. You cannot expect world PvP to thrive when you never have to leave a safe zone such as fleet.
  12. If that happens to me..... /uninstall I absolutely loathe Hutball.
  13. TheMunny

    Arenas yet?

    Because it took player skill out and anyone was able to compile multiple abilities into a single macro. Completely opposite of what one would assume PLAYER SKILL equates to. Example would be /mouseover... no need to tab target anymore (skill) simply mouse over and wala!! I personally think macros made it to easy and less skill was actually required. If I had better macros than you I was at an advantage, plain and simple.
  14. TheMunny

    Arenas yet?

    Possible, but the use of macros made Arenas a fkn joke. Anyone with the right team comp and a little practice could go a long ways with the right macros.
  15. Exactly why hutball suxors IMO. It isn't like the jet fans are consistent in their launches either. One time it is forward, next time it is backwards, next time it is to the left... The ability to leap up to the middle catwalk is a HUGE advantage.
  16. Ya... when I watch a keyboard turning, mouse clicking Mara friend lay waste to multiple opponents in a WZ I /giggle. Then, after he gets beat down eventually he goes on to say "X class is OP they need to nerf it!" And I know he is a keyboard turning , mouse clicker as I he introduced me to this game while I was visiting a while back. Now, welcome to the future... That same keyboard turning, mouse clicking Mara beats me 50% of the time, and I do neither of those. Most times he just sits there spinning circles (keyboard turning) because I am running around/ jumping through him. Not OP at all, nope!
  17. Because they are here looking for justification and a sense of self righteousness to prove their decision is a correct one to themselves. AKA - They really aren't sure of the future game, but they have a grass is greener outlook.
  18. TheMunny

    Arenas yet?

    Your first problem is thinking Arenas is end game PvP. Sure, it can be fun at times for the competition, but IMO it gets stale real quick. I guess you have never experienced true open world PvP in a real sandbox game. Personally, I think they need to do away with instanced PvP and get back to helping world PvP flourish. Arenas, would be fine as a side show, but not as the main staple.
  19. Never been to Mortal Online have you? It is sure to make 99.9% of wanna be PvP'rs rage quit in 1 sitting.. I have never been repeatedly ganked over and over, almost never the same person, as I have trying to start out in that game. Been playing since UO and AC days and I raged at times while I was just trying to make some start up cash. Fun at first, but after 4 hrs of corpse running it got old lol.
  20. Mortal Online... Now that is THE wild west of MMO's .
  21. Wow, relax folks this is a game. If that is what he enjoys so be it. If it was able to be done and no one went to help the lowbies, who is to blame, him or the high level population that were to 'busy'? PvP servers here and in WoW are really no different than PvE. It isn't endless ganking and in most cases the guy getting ganked hops on their decked out level capped main and gets revenge. All you panzies crying about world PvP in any form need to go play sims or something...
  22. TheMunny

    1.2 Best PvP Specs

    Enlish MF'er, use it!!!!!!! So let me get this correct... You claim to play all of the OP classes, but at the same time claim greatness and brag how you beat on all the noob classes that aren't OP?? /facepalm
  23. Huttball would be better if it didn't favor a few classes that can leap up the catwalks while others have to mess with the air jets. I am to the point of quitting huttball every time it pops for me. My least favorite all time I think.
  24. So 1 ability by another class that completely negates my "OP ability" is A-Ok in your book... Got it. We can self heal, yup. I implore you to go try one yourself, the heals are near useless.
  25. /facepalm 12% of 16k health = 3200 heal. I get hit harder by heat seeking missles in 1 global than I receive from that 'heal'...
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