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Everything posted by TheMunny

  1. Quite frankly any real PvP'ers who do it for the sake of PvP don't do it for the rewards they do it because they enjoy a good fight. The PvP'ers who only do it for the gear advantage are the ones complaining or quitting. So be it, be gone your kind has ruined more games than I can count. You cannot say you do it for organized "competition" when you are winning primarily due having superior gear in a gear driven RNG battle. There are a few Indy open world full loot PvP games out there for these supposed "hardcore PvP'ers". Yet they are here acting like they are hardcore and not playing a real hardcore game, why? I will give ya one guess.... A: Because they can't grind 24/7 to gain a gear advantage so they can RoFLstomp all the fresh level capped players and pretend it is skill doing it. They don't want equal terms or a level playing field because then it does come down to skill and they might come to find out they are not as skilled as they think they are.
  2. TheMunny

    Sentinel PVP Video

    I must admit I don't watch many pvp videos made by the self proclaimed gods but...... THAT WAS AWESOME!!! The end clip took the cake
  3. Come play Mortal Online with me carebear
  4. People who want to fight people on equal terms are considered hopeless in your eyes? /facepalm.... Hey baddie here is a clue.. it isn't you beating other players, it is your gear and the RNG. There are a few games out there designed for hardcore PvP players. My guess is you'll be back in 3hrs because gear superiority does not exist and won't save your Azz.
  5. Agree, I am enjoying this game for what it is : A GAME. I am having a blast leveling my character to cap and will enjoy rolling alts for once. This game has room to improve as does every other game just released, but for now I think it is the most entertaining game ever for the 1-50 leveling experience.
  6. You big baddie, why don't you go play Mortal Online if you are so gangsta... I bet you'll be right back to a so called 'carebear' game after getting murdered, grief killed and priest camped endlessly. Games like this are PvE centric, period. Your crowd goes from game to game crying about 'carebear' PvP, but you wouldn't last 1 day in a game designed for hardcore PvP. So stop acting all gansta lean bad.
  7. Skill... Skill? .... SKILL?? Scrubs, there is no skill in a gear driven RNG battle, NONE. /thread
  8. Ya know, if you so called 'PvPers' enjoy PvP for the sake of PvP only go play Mortal Online. Yes, you heard me correctly. I guarantee many of you leet wanna be's will be back in 3hrs or less after you are corpse camped naked non stop, or every time you try to leave a city. Go on, be gone, have fun....
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