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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Hoppinswtor

  1. That's you saying matches with three healers don't really count. But four man voip show personal mastery of a class ofc


    It has nothing to do with mastery of a class at all. But to be the best possible player you have to be able to communicate in comms and work with others to make plays and get kills. Voip is completely irrelevant to anything in this thread really. If anything, people will do higher raw dps while solo queuing because they're not being optimally efficient about their dps and they don't have as much information to process. When you're in a communicating group, you're more likely to peel, delay burst to set up kills, CC people, offer advice in channel, listen to conversations, and so forth - all of these things will nerf your overall damage but make you more effective.


    Most of my highest DPS matches came either via solo queue or when I wasn't in comms. But were they really my best games? Probably not.

  2. things like this thread is why bioware doesnt give a **** about pvp. gg at being the most cancerous community in the game.


    This. Lots of people in this thread went over to big bad 'ol Harbinger and got a complex, from the looks of it.


    If I were Eric Musco, I'd look at this thread and tell the developers "Don't give those idiots anything. Make them leave. They're cancer to the general SWTOR community and costing us business."


    It all makes sense now.


    Ima go back to being carebear hoppin.

  3. You don't "jump on DS dick"; you get good, show your prowess in 4's, and then get the tag. We do the choosing and, frankly, people who suck up to the guild get salty when they don't get an invite. Sucking up is the last way to get into the guild. There's nothing wrong with being a regstar (I am one as of late by choice), but group ranked is nonetheless SWTOR at its highest level, and Xani and Jalgo are indisputably the best overall DPS on the server. I will be the first to admit that the screenshots Lalah posted above showcase more skill than any of my recent screenshots.


    The point Lalah is making is that it's harder to maintain high dps and get kills. Anyone can dummy parse off 4 healers once they have a few months' experience under their belt and master their keybinds. But are they getting kills? Sure, putting up numbers indisputably takes some skill, but there's another tier above it. Freq and I had a combined 8k dps in a voidstar the other day - 5 sorc healers on the other team, 60 kills for us. We had to delay our burst and actually nerf our overall dps to be more successful. There is NOTHING wrong with being a regstar (play how you want! I love regs and generally dislike arenas.), but it would be interesting to see how people's numbers fare in a more challenging setting, where you are forced to execute your class' rotation in clever ways and manufacture kills. It's a higher level of thinking that should be acknowledged.

  4. is this a joke thread? this is how you make the big money on the gtn (and how you get fast credits since the flippers will buy your undercut stock nice and fast). you use them; they use you. everyone is a tool and a pawn in a market; emotions have to be checked at the door in such a symbiotic "relationship". beat him at his own game, be happy he's giving you quick credits, or just go run heroics which are wicked lucrative now.
  5. Haha, I was just looking through the prot screenshots and...3.62 million, heh, that's the most I've seen. The enemy team must've had braindead DPS to tunnel 3.4 million of that into a single person. Though with the second tank they would've had very few off-guard options.


    Jug tanks are back!

  6. Ironically, melee specialists make pretty good mercs due to all the buttons/cooldowns you have to manage. It has the highest skill cap of the ranged/midranged classes due to the cooldown management and the sheer number of buttons (snipers are turrets with passive defensives and get a broad cooldown reset, so the curve for mercs is a bit higher) I see some mercs who can do great damage in a group but can't solo queue on the class. It takes practice to become a good merc in a pug setting. And yeah, there's not really an anti-focus button; you just have to pick people off from the corners and use your cooldowns as a deterrent. Net defensively and that marauder will think twice about leaping to you later in the fight. Stay in the back, force tunneling melee to overextend, and make them your *****.


    Of course, if you're the type who always has to queue with a balanced group, you can just fire and forget and still faceroll most teams.

  7. You are NOT getting back something you had. If you are a class that had that companion previously, you don't need to do the PVP at all - he just joins you automatically. So yeah, it's a completely new companion for everyone else.


    The only 'problem' here is that PvEers are expecting to participate in a group without putting in 2 minutes of effort, whilst if the shoe was on the other foot, they be hitting the 'kick' button (and putting that person on ignore) in a split second. If only ignore prevented you from getting grouped with players in WZs like it does for PVE.


    Player 1: LFM Flashpoint XYZ, please be geared and know the fight.

    Player 2: **** you. I'll come along in lvl 30 greens, stand in the corner for the duration, and you'll *********** LIKE it.



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