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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Hoppinswtor

  1. I can't quote you quoting my quote :( Y U DO DIS TO ME?!


    A few other responses to your new comments:

    • I've seen Laf play more on his Sentinel than mara recently.
    • I keep on seeing Zenod from time to time. (Also on the "people not playing on their main" issue, I don't necessarily limit my top 3s to mains only. Plenty of folks here are as good as on their mains and some of them are featured in multiple top 3 rightfully so.)
    • If Poison still has an OP here then he's definitely back in my Top 3.


    That said, your explanations make more sense of your choices. In the end, it looks like my and your list vary mostly due to our different exposures to different factions and players. It also seems that most everyone agrees on a fairly consistent top 3 when it comes to less popular classes. Where it gets complicated is with Sorcs, Assassins, PTs and Juggs. For the rest I'm sure we can all agree on a few hard facts: Frequencyz is top Mara, Xavuy is top Op heals (Tho Poison is looking to be in a position to contest that), Pvesucks is best Juggs tank, and Chasso'fan is the best Merc DPS.


    Just wanted to say that I really appreciate your shout-outs (and everyone else in this thread). We still have a lot of great players on this server and it's nice to get some recognition.

  2. Yeah I just took down my list because it's so hard to get right and I'd always be tweaking it. Too many factors that go into it. Some people are really good at objectives, others are great at putting up numbers. Others still are amazing duelists. Some people are good at two of the three.


    This is like sports lists haha. Brady vs. Manning etc.


    A better thread would be "best players of each playstyle!" A list for duelists, objective players, and farmers.

  3. Djinnie - Lightning Sorc - 2560.22



    I don't mean to sound like an ******e, but 2.5k is about par for the course for lightning sorcs in sustained mid/south node fights with multiple healers. It's still a lot of damage and shows that you were doing a decent job pressuring people with AoE, but sorcs shouldn't really post 3.0 screens here unless they're 3k+ or multiple deaths (e.g. 2.8k dps with 4 deaths). Nice work though :)

  4. Obviously better gear will help and you'd get the #1 parse with no crit and super luck but you definitely want more crit, stacking some isn't too bad because you have basically 110% surge because #balanced.

    I'll try and dig up my sniper parses and post those...





    Character Sheet Some of this has improved since I did the parses but not by that much...


    Wow, surprised the dots would be a greater source of dmg than cull. I always thought cull was the biggest damager.

  5. Started parsing IO last night. This is hardly even close to its maximum raw damage potential: no 6-piece set bonus (unfortunately), mix of 186 and 192 (mostly 192 w/186 relics), power augments instead of mainstat, no datacrons, hardly any crit, and no alacrity. With all that, 5k should be routine for dummy parses.





    Character sheet:


  6. Mercs are basically fine. Just make chaff flare more useful (e.g. 40 percent defense chance for 6 seconds) and remove the cooldown on healing scan while increasing its heat cost slightly (just have tracer lock increase its potency like rail shot).


    Mercs just need something to help vs. tunnel. They also need some slightly better off heals. That's all really.

  7. Merc should beat an equally geared/skilled marauder 80-90 percent of the time (give or take) if both have CD's. And even then, mercs need back crit luck/mistake to lose. Assassins and operatives are tough for mercs...probably less than 30 percent win rate against equally skilled players. Juggs can be tough if they time their cd's correctly (50/50). Snipers and sorcs...all depends on LOS, but you should be winning those more often than not.


    I'd say mercs are the 5th best 1v1 class, behind Assassins, Operatives, PT's, and Juggs. They're just ahead of snipers and sorcs, and way ahead of marauders.

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