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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Hoppinswtor

  1. This is a complete nonissue. The queues are fine. I went through my share of spawn camping before I got good and got in groups. Hell, a lot of premades even ignore objectives. And there's typically four pugs with any premade...
  2. 1: Arsenal/Conc

    2: Madness/DPS-geared immortal

    3: Decep/Veng


    If you know how to use pounce PROPERLY as a merc, it's probably the best dueling spec in the game.


    With maybe the exception of aggressive ops and jugs, and maybe a few deception sins. It's also contingent on having electro net available/energy shield/the right utilities.


    Arsenal might actually be better than sorc heals in duels if you plan everything out.

  3. Here's how I'd rank the top 6 dueling specs:


    1. Concealment Operative

    2. Rage Juggernaut

    3. Madness Sorcerer

    4. Arsenal Mercenary

    5. Annihilation Marauder

    6. Deception Assassin


    Bonus: Jug Tank in DPS Gear


    Thoughts on the current 1v1 hierarchy in SWTOR?

  4. it's friday and I'm in love :3


    sorry to hear that hottie - I'm feeling the same way. merc is a chore to play in yolos (I burned myself out of sorc/PT a while back), I'm always in bed before granked pops, and reg queues take forever

  5. PVPers are in no way spoiled in this game, lmao. First new warzone in 2 years. Should be a new arena and a new warzone every year (same with a new raid every year). Who cares about flashpoints? How about some steady, legit endgame content (warzones/arenas and raids). Oh wait, this game is for casuals and Bioware needs to (understandably) remain profitable.
  6. I've found the best way to counter lethality is to listen to that tell tale sound of weakening blast, which will usually be activated the GCD before Cull. It kinda makes a grinding sound. If you have an LOS object nearby, you can usually block all but the first tick of the cull.
  7. In ranked 4's a good madness sorc will do around 3200-3600 (depending on the situation) and about 2700-3000 when tunneled/shut down. In 8's, it's hugely variable. If the other team is stacking and has a bunch of healers, you can do 5500-6000 fairly easily. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sYJXnGTB-sW90LSugCGr3A5yvk6wP29mSbdxtQMm0mQ/edit#gid=0


    Ultimately it's about putting out enough pressure to get targets low enough for the burst dps. In some matches it'll be 3k, in others it'll be 6k.

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