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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Hoppinswtor

  1. lolol a warzone category with just deception sins and concealment ops and rage juggies


    I'd like a giant ranged map where you can only roll sorcs and mercs

  2. If your team doesn't focus the healer first in a 4v4, you'll lose 70% of the time. I have never played a 4v4 with the healer not being focused. lol That should always be a first.


    80 percent of statistics are made up 20 percent of the time.

  3. premade is not the real problem.


    the worst is that they only play OP classes. most pathetic i see is a jugg protected by a tank and healed by a sorc (same known guild), and he died against my mate sniper and me merc/innovative ordonnance aha poor joke dude.


    Ô glorius, Ô brave, Ô ridiculous. at least playing premade, try some difficult classes/spec. playing with friend is quite legit but at least do it with challenge.


    I agree that people should try and challenge themselves by stretching out of their comfort zone. Ranged players should try melee, and vice versa.

  4. I mean, it's their only significant cooldown...


    Sorc healers ARE really strong right now, but a couple good burst DPS can burn them down if the tank's out of guard range. Barrier is actually a rather finicky cooldown - ask anyone who mains a sorc.

  5. Or, you know, it's an online video game. It's social. I have friends. I play with friends and have fun. Sometimes I play with elite players and sometimes I play with newbies. When there are no friends on, I solo queue or go get some work done. I actually enjoy solo queuing for the most part. Sometimes I get spawn camped against double premades when I solo queue, in which case I try to beat their dps (and usually do so) just for meaningless bragging rights. Sometimes my group of pugs is good enough to spawn camp mediocre premades. It's whatever. If I'm salty in a match, it's over shortly thereafter with no grudges.
  6. Obviously this is about regs, not ranked, so I'm not even going to address 4's here.


    90+ percent of the time, the people who complain like this are not good players. Everything happens for a reason in a warzone. 2.5k dps in a sustained fight is actually pretty low for most specs unless you're getting tunneled/focused by a tank.


    People are right in saying that you don't need to be the top DPS on the scoreboard to be a good DPS (unless you're a dot/pressure spec); you have to be able to get kills and make plays, which takes more skill than mastering a rotation. But when it comes to a video game, like any hobby, people are going to have their quirks. Competition is ingrained in us, and people find different things at which to be competitive.


    It's a video game, and I like to have fun in video games. I'm very competitive. I like to both win and perform well (e.g. top the scoreboard, win a 2v1, whatever) if possible, because I want to be the best I can be at anything I do. For me, the game starts feeling like a job if I babysit pugs all day. If I have a bad performance in a warzone and we win, I'll feel just as bad as if we lost. Everyone should strive for both exceptional individual AND team performance. If you're completely satisfied with a win but your personal performance sucked, then how are you going to become a better player? You can be the greatest objective player in da galaxy, but if you can't get kills as a DPS or keep people alive as a healer, you're pretty worthless. 95+ percent of players fail to realize this; you have to master both objective and class performance if you want to become elite.


    These objective tunnelers and complainers...their only skill is looking at a map and clicking blue things. They couldn't manufacture a kill if their life depended on it. The best players will enjoy a deathmatch but still peel off to reinforce a node if needed, or take a few seconds off from their rotation to grenade a group of people and cap a few ticks on the bunker, or spend a GCD knocking a ripe target into the backline or mezzing a healer, or peel for their own healer instead of spam capping a node that the enemy is watching like a hawk, or guard if the rest of their team is good enough to hold the other node(s). Making plays in a fight sadly doesn't give you objective points, even though it takes more skill and awareness than clicking a glowing blue graphic. But dumb, delusional, and/or bad players (e.g. 99 percent of this game) will still assume they're number farmers because they're completely and utterly clueless, salty, or jealous.


    People who mindlessly tunnel an objective (e.g. orbs instead of kills, spam capping, over rotating) are worse than damage farmers, who are at least keeping the team off the field of play. That one "damage farmer" who goes to the off node to deathmatch with 4 people for 2 minutes? That's creating a 7v4 for your team for an extensive period of time. That one madness sorc who cleaves and dot spreads? They're cancelling out 2-3 enemy healers and keeping them focused on staying alive instead of reinforcing an off node. There is a role for everyone; the problem is that these roles are fluid and the whole team has to understand what's going on in the warzone at all times.


    Some players won't top the leaderboard, but have amazing awareness nonetheless and will still dumpster you. They can be pretty sneaky. Charlie is a great example of a player who doesn't always get top damage but is a HUGE asset to any team because of his utility, 1v1 potential, and awareness. There's no right or wrong answer here...just try to be the best player you can while doing as much as you can to help your team win. And just remember that clicking blue things is only part of a warzone.


    tl;dr: perform well at your class/role AND have good objective awareness. You can't be good without both, because there will come a time when you need both.

  7. This is an important point. If your team is struggling to survive, a couple of orb carriers can flat out lose things for you. Even worse are those 'GET ORBS' yellers who insist on trying to pick up an orb while getting interrupted as their team melts around them.


    On the whole smack talk thing. I'll rarely speak to the other team outside of a GG or a LOL. But I have been guilty of raging at specific team-mates. Almost always because they've given up or aren't trying. Had one guy today deliberately sitting out the match in stealth to throw it (only entering combat to avoid a votekick) - that happens, but it was the other guy who did less damage than him (sub 35k with 8 deaths in a hypergate, ignored ops chat) who pissed me off.


    I'm trying to reform my temper - but one thing that *instantly* improves my mood is someone asking for help. Doesn't matter how bad you are, the impetus to learn is just downright refreshing. If I'm not currently with a group and have some free time, I'll take a while to talk builds, gear, or even run WZs with an *awful* PvPer if they're actively trying to improve. Largely because I've been here long enough to see some really really bad players turn into decent ones.


    People *should* be a little more thick skinned about trolling and smack talk. But sometimes a bit of encouragement goes a long way. Those who obstinately refuse to learn ('zomg hacks!' 'if you're doing that much damage you can't be playing objectives!' 'premades are cheating!' etc etc) could probably use a reality check though.


    Deep down inside, anyone who thinks I'm just a number farmer is a subpar player who doesn't know their way around a rotation or how to dps while keeping an eye on the overall battlefield. People have no idea how many caps I stop etc etc. I do a lot of warzones; sometimes I don't feel like carrying a group of randoms for the 10,000th time if I'm solo queuing. Sure, I don't like to guard and sometimes I don't want to play huttball for the 500th time (or the match is well in hand so I'll just dot spread), but those are in the minority (and for some reason we tend to lose mid when I guard the off node; it's usually bad to have me guarding). It REALLY shows how bad people are with objectives when I'm playing on melee and none of the ranged are stopping caps.

  8. I go to offnodes to cap them. that's generally what people do at off nodes. Not divert themselves to their spawn to shoot at the fresh meat.


    and if not to cap them, then to give my life in glorious honorable sacrifice to draw the vile enemy away from my peasant team mates, thus saving the day. I go to die, so that others my live. I'm a gosh darned hero. <--- wow the forum changed my diety damnation to this hippy *** ****, thanks obama.


    Know your place.


    hmmmm if I'm 8v1'ing shouldn't the rest of the team be 7v0ing and therefore getting all dem objs? I'm an hero too

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