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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Hoppinswtor

  1. Xavuy is literally the best player in SWTOR, at least at healing/doing raw damage with any spec. He just hardly plays. And yes, that includes the so-called "elite" people of Harbinger. It's always humbling to know that there will always be someone better than you who needs little practice :p
  2. Tippin' dat hat to <Republic Bowling League> for being a high-scoring opponent in <Death Smile>'s first conquest win. GGs by all. Let's all queue 4's sometime. Now we all want Conquerer of the Black Hole just for the lulz ;)


    I'm liking this new conquest system; it allows smaller guilds to have a chance.

  3. Who inspired you the most when it comes to SWTOR?


    For me, the two players who have inspired me the most (among MANY) are Abalam and Chasso, and for different reasons.


    Abalam was the first player I saw put up truly monstrous numbers in regs while still performing well in 4's (seasons 2 and 3). Sure, he ignored objectives (something I just can't do most of the time) but he would put an entire team in spawn back when Madness was legitimately fearful. Coincidentally, I decided to main a Madness sorc at the time (just coming off being a clicker) and tried to emulate his aggressive approach. There is nothing more exciting than wiping an enemy team and then proceeding to their node for a 2v5 showdown with your healer.


    Chasso was THE most recognizable/prolific merc for the longest time and is still one of the best. His approach to a weak, turrety but fun-to-play class/spec has inspired a TON of RDPS, myself included, thanks to his YouTube videos. My playstyle borrows heavily from his, particularly in the area of positioning. It is very satisfying to go through an entire match without dying because of smart decisions.


    Without these two players I'd be some crappy marauder named Zeliana. Probably still clicking too.


    Most people fail to get good at this game because they don't look up to people who are better than them and strive to become that.


    I try to use a balancing act between the two playstyles: Chasso's cautious, positioning-based approach, and Abalam's aggressive, risky style. There is nothing more exciting then waiting until the last possible second to extricate yourself from a situation, but surviving nonetheless.


    Both of these players have one thing in common: they take ownership of a spec and become the best at it. We live in an age where most people don't really have the patience to master something (and understandably so).


    Also, Marisi and Fascinate's super professional 3.0 guide to Merc DPS inspired me to give PVE a shot on this toon. Major kudos to them.


    What about you guys?

  4. Hoppin


    4082.56 dps


    25k hit



    Edit: LOTS of pve geared people queuing. 2 games later:




    Moral of the story: lots of pve geared people queue on Sundays apparently XD Wouldn't be surprised if a merc hit 4500 this weekend. It's not a coincidence that my two highest arsenal games came within an hour of each other.

  5. hoppin on harb?!


    moved an alt here just for the hell of it. tends to just be the same 20 people queuing on shadowlands in the morning, and that's pretty much the only time I queue consistently these days

  6. I kinda feel that there should be some sort of system where the top performer gets extra gear. I routinely do around 27-32 percent of the raid damage on bosses (when I should be doing around 19-20 percent) in PVP gear that only bolsters to 104-105 percent accuracy. In other words, I'm putting more effort into the raid than many of the others...yet half the time I don't even get a piece of gear. Elitism, sure, but I kinda want my gear and don't have the time to grind SM ops all day (or all evening for that matter). I'd rather work harder in a shorter period of time.


    Of course, this would be hard to quantify, and some classes/specs just suck in general. Wouldn't be worth the effort on BioWare's part.


    Someone should carry me to a full 220 set. Sadly most of the people I used to PvE with no longer play this game (and for good reason).


    Also, I'm sick of hearing that healers have to "work harder" in some situations. Bad terminology; what they should be saying is that "minimize the amount of damage you take so healers can contribute DPS and keep everyone topped off". You should be hitting all your GCDs regardless of your role, healers included. Apm in this game is only like 35-50; there is no excuse. If you're not healing or cleansing, you sure as hell better be DPSing when that GCD comes up.

  7. Well... I was literally about to xfer to EH because people give SL such a bad rap personality wise. I think Im going to suck it up and pay to move to SL and hope it all works out. Not a problem now as its just 90 cc but when I have 3 toons - multiplication lol.


    Keep the thoughts flowing! Enjoying that this has come to life lol


    This server is carebear compared to Harbinger lol.

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