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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Hoppinswtor

  1. I would love to see 3k plus dps numbers from launch, please share


    He's probably referring to overall dmg (e.g. 12-round hypergates from 8s).


    But yeah, I dunno. I think you do get more casuals these days because it's easier to level. Back then, reaching endgame content was a time commitment, which meant you at least knew your rotation by the time you hit max level. Now, you can be doing endgame content in less than an hour after creating an account.

  2. why you guys have to help cheesuary with their cheesey endless amounts of heals i dunno. not as if they need the help, especially when pvp is dying imp side. i don't get it. :\


    We play both Imp and Pub sides. It's nice to switch it up, gear different toons, etc. :3

  3. It was an extremely boring game for everyone but the two madness sorcs in the game lol. I wish we would get more mid farming game ... would have numbers like these more often D:.


    Yeah, it's fun to try and maximize pressure in those mid fights, but they only seem to happen like 1 percent of the time and the burst specs usually get really frustrated XD. Takes good healers and good sorcs on both sides, otherwise in my experience one side gets completely wiped by that opening cleave and it's off to the side nodes.

  4. It might be worth splitting from after the big surge nerfs to PT/sniper etc as well. And maybe even by class, as quite honestly damage and healing is probably going to be all sages/sorcs right now if they're all jumbled together heh.


    Did you get a screenshot of your 4.2 mil dmg game? I was going to but I forgot XD

  5. Good games by all - it was fun to try out arsenal in a 4's environment, something I haven't done too much of (usually I play PT or Sorc when I do fours). I have a couple toons over here so we could switch it up a bit for kickball :)
  6. Is it as bad as Harbinger?


    Jung Ma and Shadowlands seem to have minimal lag issues (relatively speaking).


    Haven't really run into any issues here yet.

  7. Net is more of a nuisance than anything else. It's a good ability, but fairly balanced. 90 second cooldown, breakable by CC, and so forth. If a merc comes over and screws up your day and your cc breaker is on cooldown, it is what it is. There's a reason that 1v1s in warzones are not a measure of skill: cooldowns are variable. A mediocre marauder of all classes can beat a good merc if the merc has no cooldowns available.
  8. You need to treat juggernauts a lot like dps sorcs. For both classes, their main defensive CD is a big amount selfheal.

    Whats important to know about this, it does NOT mitigate dmg. It does heal for a set amount of life.


    So against dmg incoming from one person, this is very efficient.

    Against dmg. from multiple targets, its very inefficient.


    Aside from selfheal, juggernaut has very little damage mitigation. So a valid tactic against juggernauts is to just burn through. This is the mainreason this class is not considered top tier for teamranked, its defensive is crap against big amounts of damage.


    So for godsake please stop all the cry in the forums and learn to fight against this. I agree its very annoying in regs or in 1vs1 situations, but juggernauts defensive cooldowns are very lackluster for teamranked. So please stop cry about it :(


    Look at teamranked. Theres solid evidence its defensives cooldown are lackluster.


    Use the esc key and a GCD of aoe damage during reflect, mezz during heal to full, and be careful about unshakeable/pooled hatred. With all that said, jugs are still VERY lethal against sorcs/mercs/marauders, but as the OP said, they're not quite as ranked viable as some other classes.

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