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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Hoppinswtor

  1. Updated October 2015. Active Shadowlands players only; people active at specific classes only (otherwise Jalgo/Xani in each category by default).



    Darkness - Badness, Teleport

    Deception - Atox, Iscariot

    Hatred - Inax, Sevenrin



    Corruption - Euthany, Mikey



    Annihilation - Lafayette

    Carnage - Randyscrub

    Fury - Xani



    Immortal - Pvesucks

    Vengeance - Too'stronk, Ily

    Rage - Inaz



    Medicine - Xa'vuy

    Concealment - Tradster, Entity

    Lethality - Thrash



    Engineering - Calem

    Marksman - Dr'venkman

    Virulence - Rexx, Zani



    Shieldtech - Diavola

    AP - Jalgo

    Pyro - Krash



    Bodyguard - Lalah

  2. I get accused of hacking daily, usually by unskilled and/or underperforming players. When I was new I used to do the same thing. I've come to realize that most truly experienced players don't accuse others of hacking, with the exception of the whole DDoS incident which is understandable.


    Many players look for excuses as to why they lost a match or are not performing well in a warzone. Most people have an external locus of control and are unable to attribute their failures to their own errors or lack of skill. Virtually all of the truly exceptional PVPers in SWTOR are hard on themselves.


    To piggyback on those points, a lot of players tend to use the "blame the pugs" excuse as a crutch. Usually this is a legit reason, but it's important to not shift all blame to the incompetent right side of the ops frame (or other 7 players) and look at what you could have done differently. For instance, a good player can push their buttons and put up numbers, or possess excellent objective awareness. But truly great players - true masters of their classes - can do both consistently; they have command of the entire warzone while pumping out above average damage and/or heals. Until you can do 2k dps on a burst spec or 2.5k dps on a dot spec while stopping caps, responding to calls, peeling, and manufacturing clever kills, you have room for improvement and should not be blaming hackers and/or pugs. Unless you don't really care about regs (or that particular reg), in which case you shouldn't be salty to begin with.


    Things I've been called a hacker for doing:


    - Using hydraulics to negate slows and roots (Accuser unaware of how cooldowns work)

    - Absorbing damage with chaff flare (Accuser unaware of how cooldowns work)

    - Seismic grenades (Accuser unaware of how effective cybertech can be)

    - Responding to nodes before the enemy even realizes that they want to hard switch (I guess elementary-level common sense mind reading that any 5 year old should be able to do is hacking)

    - Spawn camping said enemy at the opposite spawn entrance in novare when they decide to switch back to the other node (Accuser doesn't think I have common sense I guess)

    - Spawn camping in Quesh (Accuser doesn't understand the layout of the map)

    - Tabbing over to a nearby target, interrupting them, and then tabbing back to resume dps (Accuser doesn't understand that some people can press buttons)

    - Passing to the tier 3 corner in quesh (Accuser has no spatial awareness)

    - Lagging/glitches/funny positioning (Accuser doesn't realize how bad the engine is)

    - Knocking tank and healer 15 meters in opposite directions, stunning tank, and bursting the now unguarded healer. (Accuser doesn't understand how guard works and/or doesn't realize that some people have at least kindergarten-level intelligence and can make a play)

    - Getting a dps down to 50 percent, tabbing over and mezzing the healer, and then using an autocrit heatseeker and 5-stack railshot on the main target. (Accuser doesn't understand that some people use all their abilities, not just their damage dealing moves)

    - "Healing to full" (Accuser doesn't understand how off heals and/or utilities work)

    - Rocket punch rooting someone with full resolve

    - Kiting with predation from a teammate (Accuser doesn't understand the amazing group utility offered by a competent marauder teammate)

    - Capping on the inside corner of the novare coast bunker (Accuser has no common sense)

    - Coming out of stealth and capping behind a whole team (Accuser has no objective awareness)

  3. "Mercs get a disengage!" - every other class gets a gap closer


    "Mercs need a longer cooldown on hydraulic overrides to compensate!"


    This is technically a nerf. The disengage is neither a buff nor a nerf because every other class is getting something similar, and a longer cooldown on a very important kiting ability is thus a nerf.


    Bioware has once again buffed sorcs and left their red headed stepchild in the dust when it comes to pvp. Not that it matters much, but it would be nice to see mercs a little overpowered in PVP for once.

  4. Looking for decorations for your stronghold? Don't want to spend a fortune? Sick of losing out rolls to people doing 1k dps and/or not holding aggro?


    Hey all. I'm looking for 3 good imp players to run the following ops for decorations approx. two nights a week until the 4.0 buffs:


    1. 16-man NiM EV

    2. 8-man NiM EC

    3. 16-man NiM KP

    4. Anything else that drops phat loot yo.


    All of these old 16-man ops can be 4-manned (even 2-manned), with the exception of EC due to the interrupts on the robot thingies.


    I don't really wanna pug these anymore. I'd rather just run them efficiently a couple hours a night 2-3 times a week (on a couple alts to avoid lockouts).


    We can come up with a good consensus on how to handle deco drops. All the other drops should be needed for dem creditz. We could also work out a system where the person with the highest dps or apm for a fight gets some extra loot, just to make these boring runs a little more fun.


    I was thinking this could be something that we could do two nights a week (preferably not Thursday/Friday because I run NiM farming runs those nights). We'd stick to the older ops but could run other things for deco if there's interest.



    - Must be able to parse 3.8k on a dummy in the classes you bring into the deco runs (just to ensure this goes by fast). If you're in 192 gear, you should be parsing 4.2k. I want this to be for serious players who want decorations! I want to be the biggest n00b in the group if possible.

    - Must be willing to accept me as a raid leader, which may mean occasional master looting for fairness (don't worry, I'm pretty trustworthy)

    - Must know how these old ops work

    - Teamspeak/starparse are a plus.

    - Must be available two nights a week (to be determined) for about 2 hours per night until 4.0 comes out.



    PST me in game (Say'no-to'pugs, Offensive'name, Hoppin etc.). I'm usually on for a couple hours in the late afternoon EST as well as late night EST.

  5. is madness much better than lightning for PVP?


    It depends on the situation. Both have their merits. Madness is great for long, sustained fights due to the consistent dot pressure.


    Some healers are really good at burst healing one side of the raid frame, but many mercs and sorcs struggle with consistent pressure being dished out on an entire team. Tanks can also only guard one target at a time, and enemies have to be in range for their taunts. This is where pressure specs like Madness thrive. By keeping healers cc'd and slowly destroying their teammates, the healer will watch in horror as their heals fall further and further behind and people start melting before their eyes. DPS will panic when they hear the telltale sound of Demolish and will start popping cooldowns one after the other, leaving them vulnerable to killshots. Melee try to retreat to the backline in vain; after LOS'ing a good madness sorc, they'll simply die to dots and AoE from around the corner. Meanwhile, burst specs can pick a low, unguarded target and finish them off. It's a slow death for the other team, but one that is almost certain as long as you're competent and efficient with your dot spreads and you keep the enemy healer locked down with CC. Of course, you can be an idiot like most madness sorcs and just spam force lightning at the healer for a whole match. Healer tunnel only works if you have a lot of burst on your team.


    It's also great for solo queuing because of its self heals and mobility. However, Lightning these days is also quite mobile and has the added benefit of longer range (35 meters, like a sniper!). Lighjtning is more of a glass cannon, though, and the nerf to force storm makes Madness better for sustained AoE-centric fights these days. You can accomplish more in PVP via recklessness + autocrit force storm + dots + autocrit death field than you can with simple force storm/chain lightning spam.


    Madness pros and cons:

    + Survivability

    + Mobility (if you play a more "run 'n' gun" style of madness sorc in which you're dotting a bunch of people and casting off heals)

    + Sustained AoE pressure (dot spread + autocrit death field w/recklessness)

    + Force regen (if you get dot spreads off)

    - Occasional lack of mobility (if you focus on single target dps and force lightning spam)

    - Lacking true, reliable burst compared to most other classes

    - Low single target sustained DPS


    Lightning pros and cons

    + Mobility

    + Moderate burst and single target DPS

    + Bursty AoE pressure (force storm and chain lightning hit hard, especially with Recklessness)

    + Range (35 meters for a mobile ranged DPS)

    - Lack of survivability (self heals are weaker, and not quite as much force regen in this spec if you start force storming too much)

    - Boring (straightforward rotation, little dot management, etc.)

    - Interrupt-prone and predictable


    This is one class you want to pillar hump with. More sorcs get globalled than any other class.

  6. Madness was like one of, if not the best spec DPS-wise a few patches before 3.0 dropped


    Yeah, back in 2.x I used to never tab dot; everything was single target, with 3-stack FL clips and switching targets every 9 seconds (creeping terror CD) for maximum dots/deathmark usage (unless someone needed to be bursted down). I didn't even use affliction in PVP (unless I was dying a lot and could afford the cost). Now I tend to focus more on dot pressure and team utility in PVP.

  7. Interesting! Thanks for the link.


    Just as an aside, I'm not one of those PVPers who looks down on PVE. They're both important to becoming a balanced SWTOR player. PVE on a sorc is a very different beast compared to PVP. Rotationally, in PVP I'm used to trying to maximize dot pressure on multiple targets and then lining up my burst on a single target with another DPS for kills. PVE is all about maximizing sustained output. on a single target. They're both two sides to the class, so I think it's important for any serious player to do both. Two very different mindsets and approaches!


    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction everyone :)

  8. Underlurker is probably the only fight in Rav/ToS SM that can't be 4-manned. It's a very easy 5-man though. Malaphar can probably be 2 or 3-manned. Walkers is an easy 4-man as long as the better geared DPS stays on the bosses. However, the adds in Underlurker make it hard for 2 dps to keep up (requiring a 3 DPS/1 healer comp), and without a tank the healer can fall behind easily. I mean it's probably possible for a well-geared, highly skilled team to still 4-man Underlurker in a 192/198 mix.
  9. Basically whatever I could scrap together in one day, heh. Lots of crit and power augments - stuff I had in my inventories, basically. The vast majority is still 186 gear, and for set bonuses I only have the 2-piece 192. Based on your average times, crits, etc. I take it you're stacking alacrity?


    Edit: I'm parsing right around 4k (an average of 100-150 dps more than usual) after taking a look at your rotation. It seems that refreshing the dots a second or two early isn't a bad thing, as your rotation focuses more on maintaining uptime on the three heavy hitters (FL, DF, Demolish). The difference between the two rotations would probably be even greater if I had less crit and more power, since my heavy hitters would be hitting even harder and I'd be squeezing more of them into the parse.



  10. O geez hoppin lol in the meantime something fun for you to try is soloing dreadtooth 1 stack on section x. Swtor in general is stuck in a slow point as are a lot of games tbh least i think so. Try not to put to much passion into it at least for now go do all the story stuff side missions etc.


    Also hoppin is very very good












    also bonkbonk



  11. So I follow the Zorz rotation perfectly and I average between 4700 and 4800 dps on the dummy (sometimes a little lower due to bad crits). I'm in mostly 192 gear with a couple 198 implants and a Revanite 198 relic. Here's a typical parse:




    If you guys want to break it down and see where the issues are, I'd greatly appreciate it. I have a feeling I should be able to do 5k with my current gear and even with button mashing/perfect heat management/riding that heat edge it seems impossible with my current setup. Apm is as high as I can get it while mashing buttons and using adrenals...I am on wireless so maybe that comes into play, and parsing on the ship is kinda laggy.


    I've looked at the top IO parses and my abilities match exactly (even my filler, as it seems most of us have come to the same consensus on what to use where) until execute range. They're better geared so they hit that execute range right as Vent Heat comes off cooldown so they can go balls to the wall with missile blasts and have a strong final 30 percent while not blowing their heat.


    Edit: I can upload some combat parses too.

  12. So I'm getting kinda burnt out of PVP every day and want to do some serious PVE before I "retire" from SWTOR. I want to be able to go into a warzone and enjoy it, and sadly that means balancing my gaming experience :p It's also getting to the point where I'm king of becoming a d-bag in warzones and that's not the kind of person I am.


    I'm looking for a serious raid team (current HM/future HM in 4.0) to augment a NiM farming team I'm currently on (aka The Team Mikey is Carrying). Or at least a group of players who like to do pve content and care about their mastery of their class. I need people to shoot the breeze with about parses, 4-manning easy raids, and other fun things.



    - NiM DF/DP multiple times, 4/10 Rav/ToS HM, 4-man Rav and 5-man ToS clear (4-man Walkers SM clear)

    - Highest DPS screenshots for both sorc and merc in PVP since the bolster nerf (not really relevant or notable but it at least shows that I can push buttons)

    - ~4700-4800 DPS dummy parse as IO in 192 gear (with a 198 relic and earpiece). 4300ish as Arsenal.

    - Multiple 4k dps combat parses in current content (Bulo 5-man, Walkers 4-man, etc.)

    - Experienced Sorc DPS in PVP who can make the jump to PVE for that toon.

    - Solid overall awareness (often able to hit cleanses before healers, ************ for tanks to taunt, etc.)

    - Usually not an ******e (like 90 percent of the time)

    - Borderline obsessed with being the best Mercenary DPS in SWTOR



    - Sometimes takes things too seriously

    - I occasionally say obnoxious, innocent things in genchat.

    - I'm weird and random

    - Gets carried with mechanics by people like Mikey, mostly due to lack of experience. I did run the bombs when Don't Slap My Jawa cleared Walkers HM though :)

    - Too nice to people on occasion

    - Relative inexperience with new HM ops (just 4/10)

    - I don't really like to heal and have never tanked PVE.



    - Just ask Mikey, Xavuy, Xaney, Vax, Donna, Galen, Jalgo, etc. I'm not a liability in PVE and would love to not have to pug everything I want to do :)



    - In no way, shape or form will I be leaving <Death Smile>, so please take that into account for prog etc if you're looking for someone. All my toons will remain in DS.


    Current gear:

    Mostly 192's with a couple Revanite 198's.


    Typical parse:



    Recent parses:

    Coming soon (accidentally deleted a bunch of them)

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