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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sareeph

  1. They should just remove this mission from the chapter list. Problem solved. Most people won't even know or remember this even existed. It'll be just another one of the hundreds of missions everyone skips.


    Also, expecting people to sub for 6+ months for a companion is insane. It says a lot when you have to resort to trickery to keep people subscribed when you expect the content isn't going to be enough.


    Actually, you had to be a sub on Jan 11th 2016 to get HK-55. To get the bonus chapter you had to be a sub from Jan - August of that same year. No interruptions. There was no trickery involved. That link allows you to see what was available each month for being a sub. You could get any of those things without subbing the entire time as long as you were subbed the specific date of each item.

  2. This is, in part, why I'm against the idea: "I want it, but since it's 3 years old, I shouldn't have to pay what those suckers that already have it paid for it".


    IF they're going to re-issue the promotional content, they should simply re-issue the promotion. I'm not a fan of the concept, but it should be under the exact same terms and conditions as originally: From Date X to Date Y, which should be 7 months, with no retroactivity. If "but it's three years old, it's not worth it" is a valid argument, then it's not worth re-releasing at all.


    That's a fair point. Value is determined by demand not age and as seen in this and all the previous threads concerning this, it still is in demand and therefore still holds it's value.

  3. This is simply not true. Literally every class/spec guide you read will tell you to wear Focused Retribution and Serendipitous Assault. Even the tank guides tell you to wear these two relics.


    So who is this "guy beside me" that is happy he got an Ephemeral Mending relic? I've never met him nor heard of him. I can only assume he is new to the game, and simply doesn't know any better.




    Yes, I was trying to explain to you the difference in types of (seemingly) acceptable RNG versus non-acceptable RNG.


    Are you trying to say that because someone number crunched the optimal items/stats for each spec, that items/mods that don't conform to the optimal are not acceptable? Iirc, Musco said that drop rates were going to increase in 6.0 but they may not be what is best for that toon. That they could be transferred to another being that they will be Legacy. With that in mind, I don't think your idea of trimming drops to meet optimal stats will become a reality.



    On a side note, some times that use relic for a tank does come in handy for the extra cooldown. Not everything needs be on the healers.

  4. Ive never found a loot system that 100% of the population was ecstatic about. I likely never will.


    That said, im all for a system that allows direct purchasing of the specific item a player wants.....BUT it needs to be gated so no specific population can just overabundantly collect their full set within an extremely short period of time.


    If a direct loot system is implemented, it needs to have these specific criteria to maintain balance.

    Endgame items need to be available for all regardless of interests, skill or average playtime

    Endgame items need to be limited to 1 every 2 weeks or so (possibly more due to legacy gear)


    How would the direct system you describe work? You say 1 piece every two weeks or maybe longer due to legacy gear but I fail to see how this would add anything of value to anyone. There are 14 pieces to a set, soon to be 15. If your system is per toon and all gear is legacy, then everyone could have a fully geared toon on week one with 15 toons. If the restrictions are set per account then you are describing a system that would take 30 weeks to attain one set. Really? 7.5 months to acquire a single set? Possibly longer due to legacy gear? How would this be any better received by the players than what transpired with the first iteration of the Command System from 5.0 release or from the Ossus time gating? These questions are not an attack but a desire to understand your view point.

  5. I have, a few times, perused it.

    I saw lots of people arguing about their view of the TOS / legalese.

    I saw lots of people getting far more bent out of shape about this than I understand (but...whatever...I got bent out of shape over conquest changes a couple years ago...so I can relate - in general anyway)


    I don't remember seeing anything like


    "They shouldn't get the same HK helmet I got when I subbed"


    I could have missed it


    That's because that is one of the most used uninformed arguments in this discussion. You did not need to be subbed for 7 months to get any of that other stuff. You needed to be a sub when the helmet for instance came out. Each month had a different prize and anyone who was a sub at that time received that prize. The Chapter was the prize for being subbed the entire 7 months.

  6. See, this is where you're getting a little confused. It is one thing to describe something as exclusive, but it is a separate matter to set a specific time period for which it will remain being so. This content, which no one else has been able to play, has been exclusive for 3 years now.


    There is nothing in what they have said to suggest the content will remain exclusive for all of eternity. This was the same kind of wording used for promotions like Shae and Nico, who were made available again for a limited time, as well as Hexid and the rewards of several in-game events, all of which have now returned to the game and become available again.


    I'm afraid you're going to have to come up with something a lot better than that if you hope to sound convincing.


    That's where you are wrong. I am not trying nor do I have to convince anyone of anything. I am merely pointing out that Ben said specifically that this was for those that qualified between those dates. I don't care if people get the chapter. I know there will be very little trust if any remaining with a lot of the "Most Loyal Customers" described by Ben that remain though. As has been said, they can do what they wish but they have to think of the ramifications for doing so and no amount of you trying to debate people will change that.

  7. Very good point.


    IMO the fact that BW has agreed to review the matter at all is a good thing. The constant arguing about who has the best point to be considered is if anything hurting others that might benifit from that review..... WHICH is EXACTLY why some are continuing this sort of approach to the discussion. (As though no one at BW can't see that ploy).


    For whatever it is worth I sincerly hope that BW can and will follow through with what has been stated by Eric. I also understand that the statement he made is not a committment to make the availability of HK-55 happen... but rather to ... well ... here :





    And yes... I believe that he will keep his word !


    To which word are you referring? The one where they say no one else will be able to play the bonus chapter or the one where he said he would make it fair to break an earlier promise by keeping it consistent with what was the original criteria?

  8. They haven't misled anyone outside of your personal, well read-into interpretation of what they advertised was being offered. You'll have to direct us to where they specifically said this offer or reward would never be made available again on any future occasion. Otherwise, just accept it was your responsibility to know the possibility of this outcome.


    It's not like this is anything new here. There's already an established history of past rewards being made available again, though this doesn't imply all of them will be. This one just happens to be a highly demanded one, relevant to the story, and likely to interest a large number of people. In other words, the perfect candidate to be offered again.


    You really should do some research if you are going to take such a rock hard stance on something. This post here has the relevant answer to your demand. Page 33 if the link acts wonky. The times are there for easy access. This subject has been discussed many times with all the same arguments, just with different names for the most part.

  9. Something that everybody (including myself) is forgetting....


    HK-55 and The Shroud of Memory along with all the other stuff that came with it is.......


    "A Subscriber ONLY Reward!"


    Thus it should Remain a "Subscriber ONLY Reward". Which would preclude the use of CC to buy it since ANYBODY can use CC. The Cartel Market does not distinguish between Subscribers and F2P, since it is a "Subscriber ONLY Reward", CC would NOT be able to be used.



    Easy fix.


    Retroactively award it to people who have been subscribed for the last 6 months or buy a 6 months subscription if they aren’t already subscribed.

    Problem solved.


    This is where it isn't as easy as people like to claim. You can watch the Livestream of Ben and Eric discussing this very promotion and the promises they make for it here. Starting around the 16:30 mark and up to the 18:30ish minute mark they discuss and promise certain things. Like around the 16:45 mark and around the 18:05 min marks. In which they state If you subscribe from January 11th to August 1st 2016, "you will get access to a chapter which no one else can play" and Ben throws the "make them feel more <Exclusive>" tag on these sub rewards for the promo.



    So either they give something away which they promised as "exclusive" and "no one else can play" to people who were not eligible for the promo and piss off those they made a promise to or, they don't give it away and piss off the ones who want it now. Not a situation which providers like to be in and I'm sure is weighing heavily on their minds.

  10. I was here. I’ve been here since day one. I didn’t renew my sub for a few months for health reasons But yes I was here. The fact still remains that you will still have something others won’t so there shouldn’t be an issue. 14 month equivalent for 3 yr old content???? Seriously???? Did you really just say that. And right now what does it really matter. This game needs funds. People want to buy this content. Let them


    Strawman argument. Damask said that people who stayed subbed for the first 7 promo months got the first reward and so if a second promo is run and they stay subbed again, they should get a reward of some sort as well. How old the original content was is irrelevant. Damask is saying that if a new/second promo is run then every one who meets the new/second criteria should get something out of it. Not just those that didn't get something the first time.

  11. You state that NiM needs its own gear, then explain why it can't in the same place. Forgive me for missing your point when you contradict youself.


    Which is it? Gear only for the 1% "top" players or gear to "equalize" everyone?


    Are you purposely misunderstanding what I state? I stated that it had it's own gear with release of NiM in the past (Like TFB and SnV) and there is no reason it should not/can not now. Maybe that clears it up some.


    Actually i have explicitly stated that even if Musco himself gave me a full set of 258 gear I wouldn't use it. Here's the quote:


    So maybe if i have been posting like crazy you could read what i said.


    You got me there. I missed that gem with the They Suck posts you have been making across the forums.


    My issue with the gear is that it was added in the middle of an expansion for no good reason, nerfing every non-gods op in the game for no good reason, and was a completely new system after they spent 6 months getting the previous system working, and added a new currency when their excuse for GC was gettimg rid of currencies.


    Many others have had no problem with them introducing more gear. No good reason? So the only time in the game they should add gear is when they make an expansion? Your opinion and one not held by anyone I know in game. The problem most had was the slot locking and that was covered earlier.


    We have no way of proving it, of course, and they can only work with the player base that is left. I assume that in terms of sheer numbers there are many more PvPers than NiMers because PvP has a lower skill cap, less gear requirement, far lower time commitment, and a lesser group requirement.


    Like your example of only 1% NiM raiders left? The guild I am in has three NiM teams. Granted two people are on more than one team but it's still more than you seem to suggest/think. You may not have much connection to the group and it shows in your assumptions.


    I can extrapolate arguments to the point of ridiculousness too, but again:


    And are excelling at it from what I see.


    I have no issues with them adding new content as long as it does not negatively affect something I enjoy


    And this is the crux of your posts. YOU do not like it so the Devs are obviously stupid for doing what you don't feel like doing.


    And because the gear is linked across playstyles, there is a tangential affect on basically everything. Though I admit some pleasure when my undergeared alts defeat the 258 guy who just whined at me being undergeared and saying i should be doing ossus instead of having fun.


    I am going to assume you mean the rarely used "along the same lines" meaning and not the more common "diversion from the topic" meaning of your flowery prose. As I said earlier, yes it affects all players which is why they gave a means that all could follow if they wished instead of just hiding it in NiM. You do not wish to. End of your point. We get it.


    1. Yes, I am trying to be a statistic against the gearing changes. The idea is that if enough people do not participate, their ridiculous data manipulation strategy for showing ossus is an amazingly enjoyed area will fail. I also fully realize that the call of the shiny is far too strong for this strategy to succeed, so yes, I'm a bit of a bitter, if stubborn, vocal minority.


    Again, you only want them to do what you want, when you want them to. You call it data manipulation because you do not want to do it. They are making content and giving rewards for it. That is why people play the game. To have fun and grow stronger in a fictional setting. Not everything can be fun for everyone.


    2. If BW needs me, maybe they should make me feel valued as a customer and want to stay. Its really not hard. I was accepting the new gear grind. Then they failed to get me my new lightsaber because of the WB bug when 5.10 dropped. Their response to me a week after the fact was that its a bug. I already knew it was a bug. How hard would it have been for them to give me the lightsaber, or failing that, cartel coins. But no, I got a screw you. Why should I want to help them if my loyal and paying support for this game means a grand total of squat.


    So this all stems from the point that they did not give "you" a free weapon because of a bug? The rest of us just redid the WB and completed the quest.


    3. i have largely moved on. I also have remaining sub time, so I essentially paid for the ability to post on the forum as I have next to zero desire to play the game.


    From 3.x and on, to my memory, they have not added 2 tiers of gear and completely scrapped a gearing system. Its only in 5.x where the idea that chasing gear was such a pleasurable activity for the masses that it became a thing.


    There has never been a .10+ to any other part of the game either. This is/was a transition from the whole Zakuul arc to the upcoming Pub vs Imp scenario coming in 6.0


    And you admit that you are moving on and the sole purpose of your posts are to spread vitriol. To show the world that YOU are unhappy. You were quite right about an earlier post you made in another thread…..



    I would rather stab my eye out with a fork than do up to 50 ranked matches for a weekly, and this is one of a plethora of reasons why.


    I might be the most negative jerk you'll find on these forums, but if you find me in game or IRL, I'm actually a rather nice and helpful person.


    As I doubt we will ever meet in person or in game since you have said you let your sub expire, my discussion with you ends.

  12. You missed the point. My only real issue with adding MM GOTM is the new gear. They could have easily added MM gods without 252/8 gear and I wouldnt care.


    The point is that 99% of the NiMers have moved on to other games because of their lack of content development.


    Did these guys come back because they added gods? I doubt it.again though, i have no issues with them adding new ops or new modes of ops as long as they do not add new gear within a major expansion


    And you missed mine. NiM has it's own gear. Has in the past and no real reason it can not now. The only reason they made it available to all is that there is no separation of PvP and PvE gear now. It wouldn't be fair to have NiMers running round in Arenas with better gear than others who don't have the time for Op's. I look around and see many times many with the gear and the thing people do not like is slot locking. That is where they made their mistake and thanks to Trixxie we know they realize that was a mistake. Your hang-up seems to be that you don't want to do what is needed to get the gear. Nothing wrong with working for something. If they gave the gear to all subs in the mail just for being a sub, you would not be posting like mad.


    Your point of 99% of NiMers leaving the game can be said about PvPers. There is a fraction left in the game compared to what we had before the rng Loot Bag and Ilum fiasco's. Actually about the entire players base for that matter. With your rationale they shouldn't make anything new for any of us because 90+% of the original population has left the game. I rather like playing and am glad we are still getting new stuff.


    Good for you. I on the other hand have better things to do than be a statistic for Musco to pat himself on the back with.


    Im not happy, i think adding new gear without having a major expansion is the epitome of idiocy, and changing the gearing system to artifically inflate participation in the new area is both petty and manipulative.


    So why should I lead Musco to believe I am happy and have no idea why I'm here belittling their tremendous success I was a part of? Nope, you can enjoy being a sheep.



    Food for thought. If the only way they can keep the game out of maintenance mode is to show EA that people still play the game, maybe we should play it. You are a statistic no matter what you do. For or against. The question is do you still want to play the game or move on? Also, they have been adding new tiers of gear within an expansion from the start. Should Rakatta/Battlemaster have never been?

  13. Catering to 1% of the player base makes little sense, and i can guarantee more people are playing ossus than doing NiM raiding. If Musco can prove me wrong on this by showing me that more people did NiM gods in January than people completed Ossus in January, I will stop all my complaining and tell him how awesome they are. Thats how confident I am that Ossus is more popular than NiM raiding.


    Scum and Villainy was the last NiM Op prior to GftM and was released on July 10th 2013. That is 5 yrs 8 months ago. The game has been running for 7 yrs 3 months. I would hardly call that catering. More like throwing them a bone finally.



    I'm the trouble starter, punkin' instigator

    I'm the fear addicted, a danger illustrated

    I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter

    You're a firestarter, twisted firestarter

    I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter

    I'm the ***** you hated, filth infatuated, yeah

    I'm the pain you tasted, fell intoxicated

    I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter

    You're the firestarter, twisted firestarter

    I'm the self inflicted, mind detonator, yeah

    I'm the one infected, twisted animator

    I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter

    You're the firestarter, twisted firestarter

    I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter starter






    You're seeing now a veteran of a thousand psychic wars,

    I've been living on the edge so long, where the winds of Limbo roar.

    And I'm young enough to look at,

    And far old to see, all the stars are on the inside.

    I'm not sure that's there's anything left to me

    Don't let these shakes go on!

    It's time we had a break from it,

    It's time we had some leave.

    We've been living in a place,

    We've been eating up our brains.

    Oh please don't let these shakes go on!

    You ask me why I'm willing, why I can't speak to you,

    You blame me for my silence, saying it's time I changed and grew.

    But the wars still going on dear,

    And there's no one that I know.

    And I can't stand forever.

    I can't say if were ever gonna be free,

    Don't let these shakes go on!

    It's time we had a break from it,

    It's time we had some leave.

    We've been living in a place,

    We've been eating up our brains,

    Oh please don't let these shakes go on!

    You're seeing now a veteran of a thousand psychic wars,

    My energy is spent at last, and my armor is destroyed,

    I have used up all my weapons, and I'm helpless and bereaved.

    Wounds are all I'm made of!

    Did I hear you say that this is victory?

    Don't let these shakes go on!

    It's time we had a break from it, Send me to the rear!

    Where the title madness swell,

    And been sliding into Hell.

    Oh please don't let these shakes go on!

    Don't let these shakes go on

    Don't let these shakes go on!




  15. I’m guessing most people missed this recent stream (because Bioware don’t tell us about them). https://m.twitch.tv/videos/398973914


    Part way through (sorry can’t give a time stamp), they discuss the gearing system and part of the philosophy. Then tell us they don’t like it either and wouldn’t do that again.


    My take away from it was they were trying to achieve a goal of slowing the gearing down (aka, slot locks etc), but they’ve seen the way they did it is flawed. It’s probably the closest we’ll get to them saying they made a big mistake and they are sorry for doing it that way.


    Thanks for sharing that Trixxie. Definitely shed some light on some questions/speculations raised here in the forums.

  16. I'd like to use your analogy because it's a good one, only I want to pose it a little differently.


    BW decided to funnel gearing through limited PVE activities, and because PVPers, alt players, and other types of players were ignored these types of players at best don't play the new PVE parts out of resentment or disinterest and at worst have dropped their subs.


    Only the gameplay of a small niche of players has developed with this main focus on Ossus and MM raiding. The game is worse off when they develop a huge part of the game like gearing and center it around only one type of activity no matter what that activity is.


    This game developed over the years to cater to players that enjoyed lots of activities, not just PVE, PVP, or Storymode.


    When they make game design changes that punish alts or go counter to what they have been doing for years all I see happen is more subs drop.


    If the changes they made were good ones, you'd see the population rising. Instead for the last 2-3 years after every major update subs are lost.


    They keep making highly unpopular game design changes which, had they been a little more open to hearing what it is the players want via feedback they probably would not have made some of these major changes which have clearly pushed many people to drop their subs.


    Basically your analogy rings true in the manner that SWTOR has chosen to only work a small part of their body which indirectly causes neglect for other parts that need developed. This weightlifter (BW) chose to only work out their upper body (MM raid PVE gearing system) and as a result their lower body (population of PVPers, other types of players) has shrunk due to neglect.


    Small part? You mean one part at a time right? We saw Chapters. Then PvP ala Season of PvP. Now they finally make a NiM raid (something that was last introduced in April of 2013) and give out NiM gear like they always did before and it's neglecting parts? We all have seen that they do not have the resources to pump out content like they used to. Every time they do something for one part it's neglecting the rest? Not buying it. The problem with content is that this is a story driven game which lends itself to PvE. If you made a quest line about PvP then you would be doing PvE to do PvP (Oh the irony). Story requires more time and resources than a map so yeah, when a longer time is spent making something not PvP, that should be expected.



    My analogy was totally neglecting one part forever. Such has not been the case. They have been rotating types of content. It may not be at the quantity or speed that people want but like I said, limited resources.

  17. You dont think they entered the business knowing that at least 50% of their customer base may like or dislike any given idea or update because thats the nature of a business that covers a wide range of areas, content and interests?


    They are doing what they used to do prior to the Zakuul Story arc. Making a tier of gear for completing NiM Op's. This is the first we have had since SnV came out. The difference is we no longer have separate gear types between PvP and PvE. As seen in other posts throughout these forums and on Reddit, people complained that if someone did NiM content and also did PvP, they would have a leg up over "purists" who choose only to PvP. Because of this they had to make it widely available. I'd imagine that since there are more players that fully or partially partake in PvE than there are who solely PvP, they chose a PvE format to give a greater number of players a chance to get the gear. If a weight lifter only chooses to work the upper body, then they must be prepared to have weak legs. So too the player who limits the content they play. They will not be the strongest overall in the game. It's their choice and they are the only ones who suffer.

  18. Is it not a way to address skank tanks? Does that make sense? Wasn't the issue that tanks were using mods/enhancements/etc in a way that people were complaining about as a bad thing in PvP? It just so happens the attempted "fix" catches everyone else in the same net?


    Kendra, what is the benefit to "Keith and his raid team" for this change? I don't see the angle that would benefit them unless it was a mustache-twirling move to piss off everyone not in his group? What, is he consoling them the best gear and making sure no one can be above him? Is that the idea/accusation/conspiracy?


    Yes, Skanks were quite the outrage. Because of them all tanks had their damage nerfed. It changed the dynamics in PvP and PvE both, greatly.

  19. I think knowing what issues they are having would contribute to an "active discussion on gearing" IF Musco really wants such a discussion.


    If we knew what issues they were trying to solve, maybe the community would have suggestions they could talk about with us, rather than ham fistedly forcing half cocked changes that seemingly a substantial portion of the player base hates.


    I thus conclude that Musco does not really want an active discussion, whatever his stated intention.


    Alternately, they may as well continue their tendency of ham fisted ninja changes because why ask for feedback they have no intention of acting on in the first place?


    I think that maybe they are changing things based on prior feedback. There was a big outcry about itemization a while back. Especially for tanks. Changes don't happen in a game with a snap of a finger. Such a change would require a large amount of time and resources. People in these forums seem to have short memories when topics such as these recur. As I've said in the past, be careful what you wish for. What one visualizes and what Dev's visualize are often, and sometimes quite necessarily, different.

  20. I fail to see how stating they currently have itemization issues without saying what the itemization issues are is an answer as to why they changed something.


    Why did you lock mods and enhancements?

    An itemization issue

    What itemization issue?



    What issue did they solve?


    A better question might be, what else is changing? He said changes and locked mods is only one.

  21. That part just says they are due for itemization changes. It doesn't say what itemization changes, nor does Musco ever detail what itemization issues they are trying to address. He just says "a variety of issues". Issues like what, exactly.


    And as I said initially, it doesn't have the depth (Ie the specific issue) but is indeed a response as to why.

  22. He never said it was done for an itemization issue, nor would that answer the question if he did. What itemnization issue would it be solving?


    He said basically that it was something they meant to do, then goes off on false promises of "active conversations" about gear.


    Here is the direct quote;



    1 - This is an intended change. That being said, we know there is definitely some friction from this change and so keep raising your concerns/feedback which I can pass to the team. We have made no secret of the fact that we know we are due for some big itemization changes to address a variety of issues around gearing. Please keep telling us what you would like to see in the future from gearing in SWTOR. We will continue to gather feedback and as we get into the next year, we will have active conversations with you about future gearing plans.



    This is one bullet addressing a specific question. Anything in said bullet is a direct response to the question. The pale green states that there are issues with itemization which is a reason for creating a change which causes friction. You can't piecemeal a response and count different sentences as unrelated.

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