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Posts posted by Sareeph

  1. OP is not asking for built-in voice chat, but rather for the ability to do speech-to-text for chat. What I don't know is whether such programs can do that *into* a game, and whether they support suitable "push to talk" keys.


    Failure to have a push-to-talk key is OK for dictation software for typing letters, but you *really* need one for in-game chat, otherwise you'll find yourself quickly on everyone's /ignore list when you start blurting out your thoughts on the ancestry and intelligence of your fellow players in a PuG flashpoint.


    Not to mention flooding chat with everything your children/spouse/you say that has nothing to do with the game.

  2. Yes, but still, the point is not that there should be some notional 'neutral' path, but rather that: "Apprentice, go and disembowel those Jawas for a laugh" is a mission which would legitimately raise your dark level. "Apprentice, go to the cantina and get me a salad and the newspaper" is not, and that under the current silly alignment toggle, provided that Anakin remembered to keep his toggle set to Light, he would have been able to massacre sand people, behead beaten enemies, and slaughter younglings with cheerful moral impunity, provided he remembered to rack up enough light side points mowing the lawn and washing the dog.


    "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering, and these aren't very nice, but remember, flipping your UI toggle to the nasty red triangle leads to the Dark Side."


    Well said.

  3. Someone in our guild completed <Advancement: Hail a Taxi> today and they logged off before I was able to ask them about it. I looked through the Conquest Objectives and didn't see anything for taking a taxi. I tried taking one myself and nothing happened.


    Where does <Advancement: Hail a Taxi> come from?


    I may be wrong but I thought this was one of the new low level objectives for Conquest so that lowbies could participate.

  4. I was thinking you taught me a new word, so i had to look up "sluice." Sluice means:


    1. A sliding gate or other device for controlling the flow of water, especially one in a lock gate.


    2. An act of rinsing or showering with water. "A sluice with cold water."


    verb: sluice; 3rd person present: sluices; past tense: sluiced; past participle: sluiced; gerund or present participle: sluicing. Wash or rinse freely with a stream or shower of water. "she sluiced her face in cold water."



    Where did you get the use of this word from? I never heard the word before so I was surprised it existed lol. Kudos for using it, but I think it's not what you mean. But i still got what you meant, even though you used this alien word. :p



    A sluice (/slus/ SLOOS; from the Dutch sluis) is a water channel controlled at its head by a gate. ... Sluice gates commonly control water levels and flow rates in rivers and canals. They are also used in wastewater treatment plants and to recover minerals in mining operations, and in watermills.


    Maybe he was trying to say that it was a pre determined channel of only a few options to achieve conquest?

  5. I asked them during PTS phase to please not nerf it from daily to weekly. But they did. I don't see a reason anymore for guilds to get this perk at this cost. It was a good credit drain. Every week I bought 7 x Iokath Recombinators from the Odessen vendor. Not anymore


    Unfortunate this is. If they did take it out as a daily it would have been nice for them to notify people of such so they wouldn't waste so much of a guild's resources to purchase it.

  6. I noticed the guild perk Crafting: Rally - Part 2 no longer carries the gold triangle next to it in the Conquest list that indicates that is a repeatable objective. Has this expensive perk lost it's usefulness or just an oversight by the Dev's?
  7. I have not been affected by the Friend list bug to the extent as you described. People in my Friend list always showed up correctly when they were online, so I will assume that the player would show up normally if they were online. The only thing is that the Friends button shows less people online than actually are online in the Friends list, but that is why I regularly check the Friend list in its entirety as well as the "Who" lists. I also regularly remove and add anew the character, to see if their level changed or location. Neither one of those ever changes, which further points to them being inactive on that specific character.


    Also, I make sure to specify in the title of the ingame messages what it is about, so as to signify it's not a spam or credit selling message and that it is specifically about the name "Ryssius".


    People can keep coming up with excuses telling me why I never am online at the same time as the person in question, but in the end the most logical and simple conclusion is that they're inactive on that specific character. Either they're intentionally inactive on that character or simply don't bother with it. And no matter how many reasons people try to think up here on these forums just to deny for the sake of denying that I might be right about them simply being inactive, I know they are simply inactive on this character and don't log in on them. Everything I see and experience points unanimously to that fact, simple.


    So what are you really asking here? You say in some parts of this thread that you want to free up names on inactive accounts. In reply to me you say that he/she is obviously inactive on that toon because they are never online on that toon when you look at your friends list. Which is it? Purge names from inactive non paying accounts (I can get behind that), or purge names on specific toons that you personally feel but can not prove are never active? I can not get behind that.


    The game allows a subscriber to have x number of characters and allows them to purchase more if they wish. No where have I seen it stated that a subscriber must log in to every toon x number of times a week/month/year or they risk losing/will lose the names of the ones not active enough.


    I don't want another player's name. I want the name back which I have had for years before, from the player who - from my point of view based on the information I have - took it with spiteful intent when I hopped servers for 1 day. I had used the name since I had created the character that had the name back in 2014 until it was taken from me in November 2019, I have used the name as a nickname for friends and fellow players on Discord and the RP community, I use the name on my social media tied to posting about SWTOR, I use the name for art that I have created about the character that held the name. This is not another player's name, it's my name taken by another player, likely out of malice.




    And yes, this. Whether the name I hope to see released as a result of the name purge will become available or not is inconsequential. This thread is about the name purges that the devs said they would look in to, so as to have them occur more frequently. I used my personal situation as an example, but whether the name Ryssius is freed up or not, I am a supporter of more name purges so other players in a similar predicament to mine can get their names back. If I get my name back, great! If not, then at least hopefully others did. As I said before, that would be enough to satisfy me.


    The above quote leads me to believe you are after something other than that which you express as your true goal. If such is the case. call up customer service or pm a dev here in the forums. Find out if you really have a case.

  8. You keep saying you watched to see if this person logged in by using your friends list. You may want to put "Friends List Bug" in to the search finder here and see that people have not been showing up as online all the way back since the beginning of the game. I have seen this bug first hand. Someone on my friends list messaged me in game and I was like," When did you log on? You don't even show on my friends list as being online even now as I am replying to you."


    As for them not replying to you in the games mail, If I don't know the name I hit delete. I'm constantly receiving in game mail from cred sellers. And so, name I do not know, hit delete without wasting my time looking.

  9. I deconstruct most of the items from crates now that all my characters have 306 gear (there is very rarely a set piece or tactical). You only get a few tech frags, but you get a decent amount of scraps that you can use to buy crafting materials. And, if you don't craft, you can buy crafting materials to sell. So, at the very least you get some income and tech frags for doing nothing more than you were already doing. It's not an exciting system, but it isn't horrible or worthless either.


    The other thing you can get is the legendary ember which is a crafting mat. They sell for a fair amount and can be used to make gear such as the new tactical for Juggs only available through crafting.

  10. not entirely sure if this is a bug or if im just missing something, i figure it should be here regardless, but since the patch I've been having issues with buying items from Takanna, the Spoils vendor on the Imperial Fleet, where i had none before,


    The situation:

    > I get the return message "You do not meet the requirements to purchase this item." on EVERY item she sells

    >>>>attachments and straight items both

    > character is a level 75 Shield Tech Powertech, had no issues buying items off her prior to patch

    > character has more than enough Tech Fragments for any item (1417 at time of posting)


    for ease, what i have tried, based on tinkering and research:

    > have set my Loot Discipline to Shield Tech as per the patch notes change

    >>>> tried to purchase items under other Disciplines for the same result

    > respecced character to test if there was a disconnect happening there somewhere (on the off chance not changing spec in 8 years had an effect)

    > logged out and back in (several times)

    >>>> this includes a client restart and repair sequence


    I have posted in two other threads about this issue. In this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=976235 and this thread https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=976378

  11. Is the character in question a PT Shield Tech? I posted in another thread that same issue but it was only happening when my PT was in tank stance. Going to Advanced Proto or Pyrotech allowed me to purchase from the Spoils Vendor. I just made sure my loot role was still Shield Tech. Going back to Shield Tech blocked purchases again so it seems to be with that stance only.
  12. After Thursdays patch I receive a message stating that I do not meet the requirements to purchase items off the Spoils of War Vendor. When I switch from Shield Tech to Advanced Prototype, I am able to purchase items again. Switching back to ST results in the same message popping up.


    Help us Eric Musco, you're our only hope.

  13. I don’t expect a fix before then. That’s obviously not going to happen now. But how hard would it be for the community manager to do his job and provide some info? That’s well within the scope of a reasonable expectation.


    Have a question to ask. Is every piece of your gear rated 306? I have seen people with a 306 rating but not actually have 100% 306 gear and it has caused them to not get 306 consistently. I had a 304 piece ear at one time while all the rest was 306 and my I-level read as 306 but it wasn't until after that too was 306 did I start getting 306 regularly.

  14. Mini-rant alert!


    What is wrong with you people? Is it a lack of reading comprehension, or are you just trolling?

    Let me try this one last time.

    No, it's not the DPS targeting the healer that helps the healer - it helps the HEALER to target friendlies to HEAL them. So, while accidentally targeting friendlies DOES NOT HELP THE DPS, it can help the healer. 🤬

    Therefore it may be working as intended.


    And .. have any of you actually checked to see if you have "auto-target nearest enemy" (or whatever exactly it's called), enabled, and does it make a difference? (In fact, I'd suggest that that setting is there for just that purpose.)


    Again, it is caused by a healer placing a bubble on someone which then causes the person who got bubbled to target the healer who bubbled them if they do not have something already targeted. It could only make another healer target the bubbling healer which has no benefit at all if the Sage/Sorc casting bubble is at full health.

  15. Yeah well, I play DPS and I can't say I ever target the healer (unless purposefully). So, I don't know what the difference may be. Perhaps the "Target nearest enemy" thing makes the difference - I therefore always target the nearest enemy if none is selected, and not the nearest friendly.

    In any case, I can see it as being beneficial in some cases - particularly for healers - and I think it's working as intended, so there's no need for anyone to berate BW for not fixing what isn't broken.


    When playing a ranged dps in PvE, I always stand near the healer to protect them from healing aggro and therefore have target nearest enemy checked. If the healer bubble's me when I am not targeting anything (usually because I just killed a target) It does indeed automatically make me target the healer. In PvP it can be even more pronounced as the enemy can sometimes be a rational being making decisions the game's AI will not. This has been happening so long I forget when I first noticed it. This in no way benefits the healer because it is being caused by the healer placing a bubble on someone.

  16. The other day a friend asked me to run some fp's with them so I grabbed a toon that had little conquest points to speak of, grabbed the weekly and shared it with them and completed the 3 MM FP with them. I received the rewards for it and so did they. Now when I look at the guild roster I see that the toon I ran has less than 10k conquest. Anyone else having missing points?
  17. Its time to have weapons on the outfit designer. The new system needs it. I am forced to use multiple weapons and waste millions of credits only to have the lightsabers i want. This should have been released with Onslaught to be honest. What's taking so long, its something probably everyone playing the game wants. It shouldn't be all that hard to make. Why isn't it in yet? Have you even started working on it? Is it even on the radar for development? Have some love for us fashion players and please get it in as soon as possible.


    Actually, for me, I have been getting so many barrels and hilts and mods that I don't need to use Legacy Weapons anymore. The 10 toons I play the most have 306 weapons and offhands unique to themselves. I do have legacy weapons with 306 for when I do play the others though.

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