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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sareeph

  1. I think the hamster that runs the login server died... so there is nothing powering the login server now


    Wasn't just the login. Couldn't travel to Strongholds, or ship and people running into invisible walls on fleet moving no where. Check your server lag and everything is great so don't know what is happening.

  2. i really understand how they are working and what benefits you will get. but again! i don't get the sense of it.


    if you are a real new player, not able to buff; you are playing stuff you don't need the buffs. you are exploring

    the worlds, doing all the quests and on every planet, exept the starting one, you will be reduced to the planet max level, because of your earned xp by just playing. so there is no improvement anymore with these buffs at all.

    you just will need the buffs in seperated phases, like in group activities; especially pvp. but in pvp it would not

    work at all, but this is not a problem; because there are enough players buffing you regulary.

    also the chance in playing other group activities, to get 3 other players not able to buff you, is nearly zero.

    also by leveling, i just use my leveling gear, without any enhc or mods. and this is enough to do the content.

    new players are using everything they can get. so their stats are even higher, than the ones of experienced players.

    but of course they are struggling more with their abilities.


    so i don't see any noticable improvement for new players, just the possibility to say: hey. join our guild. we have THE perks. and once they noticed it and know that the sense seems near zero, they would leave the guild for one with some real improvments, like more cxp, xp or whatever.

    so i don't get it, why somebody should block the slots for these, in my opinion, totally useless perks; because they don't stack.


    so in my opinion they won't have an effect at all for new players and they are blocking slots for maybe more usefull perks. so just a waste of data.


    again. this is my opinion and i don't want to offend anybody. maybe there is an aspect i missed...


    It appears that you are of the assumption that anyone new to the game would also be new to MMO's. I know many who came here to see the endgame. They were/are great players in other MMO's and wanted to see what this game had to offer. Although this game is rich in story, not all come for that. They just wish to get through what many here in the forums have called the "grind" of getting to max level and only do such for the knowledge of how best to utilize their chosen classes potential. Having the other class buffs won't change how their class plays but will increase the speed with which the grind ends. The dev's are trying to encompass all play styles and people come here to complain or question them in that what they do is not optimum for their playstyle. The world is large and we are each a tiny portion of it. It's time people realize that the world is bigger than the little bubble in which they live.

  3. Well, I'm not sure that's completely correct. PvP Challenges will not reward UC, CXP, credits, Requisition, comms, whatever. But, they will impact the Guild Heraldry system which will tie into Flagship perks, all of which comes after 5.10. So, the existing rewards won't be attached to the challenges, for obvious exploitative reasons, but the challenges will not remain reward-less.


    They haven't really said much about Heraldry other than it won't be in 5.10 (38:30 mark of the stream). I would imagine it's some form of artwork (heraldry) that can be associated with your guild name much like what they have in WoW. The only thing they said about the challenges was that you could track them as a guild and place the results on your Landing Page. The Landing page is an "about your guild" message board similar to your guild message board but people outside your guild will be able to see it. It will have no game-play benefit. The perks are gained by meeting guild conquest targets. Challenging a guild to a pvp match won't affect conquest in any way. At least that is what they said. If you have seen anything that states challenges will have some type of heraldry reward, I would love to see it.

  4. First, I would be complaining no matter what because I think adding gear at thus point is a stupid and pointless waste of energy they could be better exerting elsewhere. They're supposedly soooo shorthanded... why waste those supposedly limited resources on futless gear grinds hardly anyone cares about?


    I don't have 50k UC but they took the time to earn them, so how is that an unfair advantage? PvPers mostly don't care about gear provided its a level playing field. Gear is a customization amd optimization tool, not a progression like it is in PvE.[/Quote]


    Gear has always been a progression system in all aspects of the game. From leveling in vanilla (not this boosted xp stuff) to Fp's to Op's to yes, PvP. Even GSF has it. People started going on about taking gear out of the equation when 5.0 dropped. The 50k UC's was about how unfair people like to conflate things as being. Tying in with my statement about having massive amounts of old pvp coms.


    With all due respect to the 1% overlords who still bother with NiM - my not doing NiM has nothing to do with how good or bad I am at my class or mechanics. Further, the PvP and PvE playstyles are fundamentally different - what about PvE tanking makes me a better PvP tank?


    There was a time (before they pissed me off) where I was spending 4 hours a day practically every weekday and often more on the weekend devoted to running my guild and running stuff with my guild. There was a time when we could claim a raid team. That time has passed thanks to the abysmal decisions they have made. I spend time in swtor because its like an irritating itch you can't scratch with anything else. [/Quote]


    The part about the NiM was the fact that they are so good and know their class through and through like a lot of PvP gods claim. It was not about you personally but that they are some of the best players in the game and likely to beat most people no matter what gear they are in.


    I feel like as a PvPer, yes I should have easier access to the best PvP gear easier than a PvEer. I don't see why this is such a difficult concept. Other than the fact, of course, that they made the gear the same DESPITE the innante philosophical differences in the communities.[/Quote]


    And I as both a PvP and PvE person, don't feel that a PvE person needs to have a harder time than a PvP. There is no PvP gear. They aren't likely to put it back in as many of the people who are not solely PvPers will quit pvp if they have to spend double the time just to multiple types. Why do you feel that a certain subsect of the game deserves things easier?



    I was just doing this myself yesterday - destroyed many people on my 230 left side geared hideaway alt. Doesn't change the underlying philosophical concept.[/Quote]


    What philosophy is that? That we need to segregate the game and drive it further down the hole? I've heard many say there are elitist NiM raiders and many say there are elitist PvPers. I am neither.


    They said in the stream that guild/group challenges will have zero impact on Conquest and Ratings. That it is something that can be tracked for guilds not pug's, but has zero rewards.


    Yes - zero impact on conquest and ratings and no reward. My concerns are with the future inplications. I have seen plenty of people whining about prenades in regs. My inner cynic sees this as a method to give guilds an avenue for group non-arena pvp that they can then use to eliminate groups queuing in regs.[/Quote]


    To what end? They get friendly competition. People can already do something similar with the new SH on Rishi. I doubt that it will cause Regs to go extinct.


    This would be the end for me. It's a stretch of logic and gross extrapolation but if anything even slightly resembling this idea goes through my money is gone. I already have to deal with the worst idiots in the queue being on my team (like the 215 geared PT dps with a tank stim that did nothing except spam his flame aoe at mid the whole match or the sorc healer who stood in a corner doing nothing but casting DoTs or the other tank who kept running to the off node futlessly in hypergates. All 3 of these idiots were on a team with my 4 yesterday evening- we never got an 8th- and somehow I'm supposed to carry them).


    The game frankly doesn't have the population left to support their good intentions. The obvious system of "match both teams so that they have the same average score" does not deal with outliers well - the best player(s) will always be matched with the worst is a moronic attempt to create an "average" team. The bottom 2% or whatever that actively screw other players through their stupidity or trolling should he equally likely on any team - not have me expected to carry them constantly.


    So, because someone isn't the best they should be excluded from playing the game? Trolling is one thing but to exclude someone because they don't meet someone's standards is a bit unrealistic. That would be almost the entire world as not everyone has the same idea of what is acceptable as others. Just remember, the opposing team has just as much chance to get the "Bottom 2%" and give you an easier time of it.

  5. And when it "used to be" this way, they had completely seperate pvp gear, with its own (much faster) grind from 204 to 208 (granted this wasnt really much of a grind).


    I'm fine if they want the best gear to he dropped in NiM though I'd prefer it to be all NiM (but thats purely hypothetical as I don't have 8 people with the time to commit to NiM prog). We just (at this point philosophically) do not like the concept of PvEers jumping into PvP with an innate advantage (however small and insignificant it may seem).


    I should think loyalty counts for something. I've been a paying subscriber in this gsme (with the exception of a couple days lapse between game time cards. Shouldn't my loyalty count for something? They have your unfortunate attitude of "well they're here spending money, thus they will continue to do so indefinitely."


    This gear thing, provided its a pathetic an increase as I think, will not run me off by itself. Combine it with what I see potentially incoming with the guild v guild pvp and the potential for them to wreck conquest more, however, and it just might be the straw that broke the camel's back.


    Grind? What grind? People used to be able to store enough pvp coms to fully outfit 8 separate toons in BiS gear as soon as the new gear came out. They made it too easy on our PvP population. The cost for gear was cheap and so large cache's of com's were acquired just by playing. The dev's took that away and people reminisce about the "good ol days". That was much worse for the casual gamer than what has been laid before us now. Now it is throttled so the casual can garner gear at a rate somewhat closer to the regular player. I say casual meaning those that play 1 or 2 hours a day not 1 or 2 a week. Those are not even casual by gaming standards. Of course those sitting on 50K+ UC will still have an "Unfair" advantage.


    You don't like PvEers coming in with an advantage? They are gamers who are spending more time playing than many others and know the best way to utilize their toons abilities. They also get only 1 piece per week per boss (as a group) and only if they complete the fight. There aren't many, if any, who will walk through the whole Op in one week. The same could be said that PvPers spending more time playing will have an advantage over those that don't. Shards will have a growing price per toon per week so having alts can be a boon now. The distinction you make sounds like a bias against a particular playstyle.


    The people who spend hours and hours grinding NiM GotM will not be flocking to pvp in droves. As has been stated by many people in many different threads, the size of the community who can do NiM content let alone NiM GotM (the hardest content ever produced to date), is very small. Most competition will be with those who can't so people will have mostly an equal chance. For the ones that do, life isn't totally equal. I have seen people on alts with gear two levels below BiS, come in and annihilate many of the self-proclaimed gods in BiS. There will always be someone better and will always be someone who will claim the problem is not in themselves but in the set-up.


    They said in the stream that guild/group challenges will have zero impact on Conquest and Ratings. That it is something that can be tracked for guilds not pug's, but has zero rewards.

  6. Are 252 and 258 gear meant to be achievable by everyone with sufficient but extensive effort, or are they meant to be only feasibly gained by dedicated MM GOTM players, who will be unlikely to enter PvP? Because as it appears now, it is neither faster/easier for MM GOTM to gain this gear by any of the pathways I describe above, nor is it totally fair for pvp'ers who may encounter this gear, even if rarely. What is the true design intent/philosophy?


    As stated in the Livestreams, the gear is for doing (Like it used to be) MM(NiM) content. Fortunately it will be available at a slower pace for those that choose to not participate in that content (unlike before).

  7. It's not selfish to ask for heroics, which have been soloable for quite some time, to continue be that way. Without those, there's really nothing left for solo players in the new content except one run-through of a story that is shaping up to be subpar. People won't stick around for that.


    I'll also point out AGAIN that at least one of the PTS heroics is so overtuned that **groups** can't do them right now.


    Except that never before have the Heroics been part of BiS gearing. It has been reported that now you will be able to get shards for Masterwork armor from doing those Heroics.

  8. That said, here are my final summary points about this:

    1. You are putting the cart before the horse to call this system out before it is announced or explained in any way other than to make you aware of a smidgen of it's existence.

    Agreed, they have not fully announced what their intentions are so there has been a lot of supposition posted on the forums.


    2. It's fine to talk about different ways this might be handled, but is not fine to throw so much fanfare, hype, paranoia, and certainty behind said discussions. Bioware developers themselves might not even be sure how it's going to work yet.

    You don't know if they know how it's going to work? Not a valid argument. When you know they don't know, it will be valid.


    3. This is not the first time in the history of the game that BiS gear was available for crafting/purchase from other players (via GTN, Trade or Fleet chat, or whatever). The only difference between this and the other tiers that were in the game pre-4.0 would be if you could craft set bonuses. They have made no such announcement that set bonuses would be able to be crafted, and there is no precedent to expect that the new tier will include set bonuses as craftable.

    Other than the fact that every incarnation of tier from Tionese to todays T4 has had set bonuses and the fact that they said in their stream that they intend to make crafting valuable again. Early sets were craftable through RE but did not carry the bonus if crafted. This "Tier" will only be available from crafting. Musco stated that the intention of this tier is a reward for doing Master Mode op's or working towards defeating MM op's(12:50 of the stream). Later he rephrased and said for progression raids and players(22:20 of the stream).


    4. Even if set bonuses are not craftable, it will still be numerically BiS in all slots apart from the set bonus armorings (which by the way, you don't need in all slots to get a set bonus and some people run with only parts of instead favoring higher stats to the set bonus). Set "bonus" is a bonus... it's in the name. That does not make it numerically BiS, but it may still be preferred (and I agree, usually is). This will not be the first tier of gear that was available to be crafted EXCEPT for set bonuses if that is indeed how they roll it out. The point is, no one has ever been able to craft set bonus armorings before, but that didn't keep the newest tier of gear from being "BiS" in every other way. If it had the set BONUS (again, bonus)... then yes it would be an absolute perfect world in BiS land. But that has not been the case in other tiers, and was not the end of the world.

    No, it would not be the end of the world but those of drama sure like to paint it that way.


    5. I think it is also much, much more highly likely that the new tier of gear will not include set bonuses because it's not coming with new set bonuses themselves, no level increase, and no expansion to warrant such a massive change to the crafting system of the last 7 years to add crafting set bonuses. Sure, I could be wrong, but I did said "likely" because none of us is 100% certain. It would be pretty crazy though for them to add this massive a shift in the scale of crafting in the game to make set bonuses available anywhere outside of set gear tokens/pieces from CXP crates... and I just think that's much more likely when there is something to justify it (like brand new set bonuses, a character level cap raise, a whole new expansion, etc.).

    Historically new tiers of gear have not only been introduced for an expansion and level cap. From the beginning we had steps within level caps and expansions(Ie Tionese-Rakata).



    To the OP


    You think that this is Pay to Win but they have not said this new crafted gear, introduced for progression players and raids, would be available for sale. What if this tier is BoP or BTL with set bonuses so that the new Master Mode Gods can be defeated? How is that for supposition?

  9. This is still an issue over a year later. Any text input when the G-window is opened automatically closes every time someone logs in our out. Can not do basic functions when you are part of a large guild. Motd, rank changes, member ejections, chat of any form. All subject to reset from logging. Please fix this. Tired of chasing names and dropped windows.
  10. The game isn't going to die out anytime soon. However it is of a smaller calibre than it used to be, the playerbase is small so the content releases are as well.


    You have that backwards M8. The player base is small because the content releases have been small. That and bad decisions.

  11. Periodically unable to access the Cartel Market and/or Collections in game. Whether I try to click the icons or use the Ctrl+M or Ctrl+C functions they just won't open. Doesn't always happen with both at one time and it could be either that isn't functioning. It isn't continuous either but the only way I have been able to correct it is to fully log out of the game.
  12. Recently I started having problems with the launcher accepting my security key code. When the key selects a new number and starts the timer over, the game won't accept the number until the timer is almost finished or right after another code is generated. It just keeps sending me to a screen telling me I entered it wrong so now I wait for the timer to almost expire before I re-enter the same code. I know people will think I am entering it wrong but I have been copying it before I hit enter and just hit ctrl-v then enter on the next screen right before the code expires and it works.

    I think the game is out of sync with the Key generator.

  13. I realize how data can be skewed, but what's going on in-game doesn't jive with what a lot of angry forum posters are "seeing" on an anecdotal basis, when Bioware has all of the empirical data. According to their metrics, the changes have been a success because overall participation is up and more guilds are earning rewards than ever before (sorry to the 5% of guilds who had a monopoly on the rewards for the existence of conquest up until the new changes, maybe you're seeing more competition, but that was sort of majorly a big point that Keith brought up a long time ago).


    I do wish they'd lock out guilds of certain sizes from the lower tiers. It's ridiculous to see the slumming giant guilds take small-yield planets and only a few of them go after their proper tiers. One of their stated goals was for smaller guilds to have a way to earn conquest titles/chievos and that goal has failed spectacularly. It's the same giant 5% of all guilds that are dominating the top spots.


    Unless the devs make it so that all planets have 3 yield sizes, you will continue to see the slumming giants go after small yield planets to get achievements for particular planets. Not all guilds select planets based off of size or reward yields.

  14. I think the point I am trying to make here is that there has always been some person or group of people that have experienced enough lag to come to the forums and complain about the servers. Just search "lag" and confine it to titles only. You will get the (max) 500 topics found by the search engine limited to titles only. On top of that, you see the same thing in general chat ...


    "Anybody else having lag...?"


    --"All day"

    --"I haven't noticed any"

    --"maybe a little..."

    --"game crashed 3 times already"


    In other words, it's the same thing we always see. Some people have lag. Some don't. There will always be people that assume their lag is related to yours if both are having problems the same day. If you do that thread search I suggested, you will actually see some thread started the week before 5.8 about the same thing.


    Finally, I just want to remind you that the OP has always experienced lag that is game-breaking to him or her. I just don't feel this is the fault of SWTOR. Making classes less fun, screwing up conquest, etc... that is their fault, but this ... I have my doubts.


    I just went through every post made by the OP and found only 2 posts, both in this thread, about experiencing lag issues so not sure what you are going on about.

  15. So I should be having noticeably worse lag too, right ... and everybody else?


    You don't think that there's any possibility whatsoever that something else could have occurred on the same Tuesday that could contribute to the problems?


    Look at the IP's in those. Some are definately the Server Ip's. Just because some people do not have the problem doesn't mean it has to be something other than the servers. Also, this problem has been going since the patch, not a specific day or couple days.

  16. So ... are 100% of the drivers experiencing the same exact potholes now? In other words, is your sample size (you and a few guldies from different regions, using different ISPs) large enough to represent the entire player base and their experience?


    I'm a west coast guy. My latency increased significantly after the server relocation (from about 25 ms to 85 ms at best). I notice more variation than before, but it stands to reason my "path" to the server is much longer now and more likely to find snags along the way. The weather lately hasn't been stable and the release of patches often happens to coincide with a significant weather event this time of year.


    There are so many possible factors that can contribute that I just don't see how people regularly want to blame the game servers for all of it. I prefer to blame people that feel the need to bog down the internet with pictures of their latest meal.


    I have toons in multiple guilds and one of those is one of the largest in the game (approaching 400 unique accounts). It has multiple members from each of the many outlying regions. ( Australia, Germany, Russia, Ireland to name a few). I believe it is a sufficient microcosm of the game for this discussion. Many in that guild have mentioned the sudden spikes around server prime (as well as the other guilds I am in). Some living in Virginia and surrounding areas with pings in or below the 30's that suddenly spike to the infamous red X. I just find it hard to explain away, that people from all over the world using differing ISP's and routes, consistently start having the same issue at the same time (both date and times) because of something like weather or food pics.


    Yeah I've been getting random bouts of lag spikes since the patch. I ran a wireshark trace while it was happening once and there are a bunch of dropped/delayed packets ("TCP previous segment not captured" and a bunch of dup ACKs) from which is the EA IP.


    It's not a constant thing usually I'm only at like 20-40 ms but then it seems randomly I'll have bouts of constant lag spikes and sometimes it stays in the 100s for a bit.


    Two threads going on about lag. Just posting this here in case one thread stops going.


    Ran a tracert


    Here is what I see between 6-11


    6 14ms 13ms 13ms

    7 * * * Request timed out

    8 20ms 21ms 18ms

    9 91ms 87ms 89ms

    10 110ms 107ms 108ms

    11 87ms 91ms 93ms


    These are a couple posts from the multiple threads about this issue.

  17. Why didn't you quote second bit about players who were subscribed as well?


    Which part? the part where they say email your friend a link and have them log back in?


    LINK UP: Give your friends your personal referral link and tell them to use the link as the first step when creating a new account or logging back in to an existing account. When they click through the link to create an account or log in, they are linked to you as your “Friend” referral.


    If that's what you mean, logging in doesn't refer to a sub but rather anyone that has an account. If otherwise, I don't know what you mean so can not respond.

  18. It's great that you can personally attack me and call me names, yet the scammers who prey on people who don't know any better or are new to the game are A-OK in your book. It's awesome that you're fine with people gaming the program to make billions.



    Ways it's a scam:


    1) The scammer isn't honest as they never say that they are the ones who truly benefit with Cartel Coins every month. Yet, they're happy to say how many amazing "goodies" you get, which are mostly trash anyway, and love to say "go read the ToS" or "go read the Referral Program to see what it's all about" but somehow never want to just say "By the way, I get Cartel Coins every month as long as you're subscribed, so I can make billions on the GTN with all the packs I buy, which is why I can afford to bribe people who don't know any better with (chump change) 5 million credits", but they never want to put that part in for some reason.


    2) They don't pay, then they put the unfortunate clicker on /ignore, and there are plenty of posts and complaints from people who have been scammed like that.


    3) I doubt the referral program was ever meant to be abused in this manner which is why they "take care" of the scammers very quickly.



    I know that it's not allowed or else my own /friend list wouldn't be full of referral scammers that, hmmmm, I never see online again within a few days of reporting their scam. Go figure.


    If this really *were* allowed then wouldn't chat be flooded with referral spam? The fact that it isn't says a lot.

    Thankfully, at least on Satele Shan, I don't see them very often any longer and certainly they're gone soon after reporting their scam.


    TL;DR - Go ahead, keep fighting the good fight for the scammers who take advantage of people, real noble work.


    You forgot another reason


    4) They are asking for current subs who never used a referral to click their link which the terms specify is prohibited in the Equal Opportunity portion of the program.


    So they are also scamming Bioware.

  19. {I was driving around recently and noticed a lot of potholes around my town. I instantly contacted Ford to ask them what they are going to do about it. Still haven't heard back from them for some reason....}


    Did those potholes start appearing as soon as Ford performed maintenance on your vehicle? Do they appear around the same time every day? Do others on your driving team that use different brands of vehicles and live in differing states and countries also experience those potholes at the same time?


    People in the guild I am in, that use different IP's and live in different countries with different routes to the game, started experiencing greater latency issues to the "game only" since 5.8a was introduced. It also starts appearing around the time that would be Prime Time server time. The world is complicated but when people start having the same issue doing the exact same thing at the same time from different points around the world starting on the same date, people tend to find the common denominator and point towards it.

  20. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=947570



    I've been getting lag the last 2 weeks in the early evening, west coast. Goes away by late evening say 9 or 10pm. Had very little lag until the last 2 weeks.


    I've noticed a similar issue. In the evenings like you but I also noticed that many times after it happens, when I log in to the forums, It asks me to chose a language before letting me view the types of forums. Like something is being reset or diverted.

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