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Posts posted by Sareeph

  1. I missed those above, good catch. Masterwork and Monumental Crystals will both be going away / converted to credits. The intention is that those vendors on Ossus will change to selling their items for credits. ((There is a known issue at launch where they are still requiring the currency which we will fix in our next patch.))




    So all the people who pulled the 258 armorings and threw away the non-legacy shells will not be able to buy the armor until after they reach 75 and can no longer use the set bonuses to get to 75.

  2. I like CCR.


    Since we sharing classic songs and all here's one for you! Here you go. Mr. Trololo himself, since we sharing fun songs and all. Right here is the original trololo singer and song. All trolls rejoice!



    When I was a kid I recorded on cassette tapes from the radio, and had tapes with 60-70s stuff, Steppenwolf Magic Carpet Ride was one of the songs I always played from those tapes lol.


    I've always been more partial to this version of Trololo



    Ps: Why isn't the insert link working?

  3. We caught it in advance for 5.0 as well. I wasn't in the beta for that, but beta testers have come forward and said Bioware was warned how bad GC was at that point and they were ignored. As soon as miners leaked the system anyone with any math sense was on the forums telling Bioware what a bad idea GC was going to be, and we were ignored. We did get them to narrow rewards down to advance class so the crates were't dropping inappropriate gear, which is why it was a surprise to see that back in the new system.


    It was caught in advance for 5.0 this is true. The thing people have to realize is that with the amount of time it takes them to come up with new systems, the bulk of observations/feedback given is where they will start after implementation. People were not ignored. Their opinions formed the basis of what came next. Sure, they can make tweaks in the short time between PTS and release but they won't scrub the system as it takes too long to build a new one.


    What baffles me is that this is pretty much what they had for the initial 5.0 (meaning excessive rng) release and they have failed to learn from it. How many times can you make the same mistake without that lightbulb lighting up? They originally had it in PvP loot bags which bombed way back when, brought it back much later with 5.0 and scurried to fix it, and now 6.0. IMO they could have kept the gearing style we have now giving multiple new set bonuses, added amp slots to new shells, and created the new tactical pieces. We really don't need a totally new gearing system for each xpac. Want to add variety? Tack it on and change the currency, do not revamp everything.

  4. Correct, and the change was made in order to close a loophole where you could unlock the crystal for the whole legacy (not the whole account) by spending only credits. (Put it in legacy gear, transfer the legacy gear, pull it out, put it back in (unlocks it for this character), pass it on to the next one.) That doesn't work any more because you cant move the item around if it has an "Unlocked for character" crystal or tuning.


    Ahhh, but the purchase is per account. They used the wrong terminology so I used their descriptive so as to not confuse.

  5. I don't remember Eric or Charles mentioned an upper level on RC. i think you can go as many as you like, but i do remember them saying that you can go as far as you like as a sort of brag about it if nothing else. With RC on the way and this double xp/cxp event coming to a close, any last chance for GC tier completion for legacies is also coming to a close as well because at that point it will be put into archived and can't be improved on any more.


    I'm certain that you'll start from the beginning again, but there is no tiers to worry about, any gear you get will be based off what you currently have and get the next best option with the rare chance of a top end piece that you'd find in operations with no more limitations in play aside from RNG.


    Here are some links referencing the underlined portion of your post.


    Under Supplementary Systems.


    Under Galactic Command and Conquests.


    At the

    of the Livestream.
  6. It’s the EXACT same attitude that sb monkeys display. The argument that one side doesn’t care about the others’ time explicitly works both ways. No one will win that argument until one side just says out loud “you know what? You’re right. Everyone else’s time is far more valuable than my time and sub money and I’m just gonna step out because I’m ruining your [speed run/cutscenes]”.


    You'd be correct except I know several people who do not spacebar just so they can see how worked up they can get the rest of the group. They find it extremely funny to agitate others. After telling me this I put them on ignore of course.

  7. To have them let use make modded end gear items.


    At the moment the last we know is that we can craft end game gear that's non modded.


    Simple ain't it.


    And place 1 part needed behind NiM is to me as the same as give us non modded armour.


    Point is still, Since day one as far as I remember every "end game" items have been non modded.


    the simple question is why.


    Still GATE it behind OPS. is not the answer, since that takes it away from 90% of the people that play.


    They also said you will be able to make mods. What is different is the fact that set bonuses are now part of the shell. All new modable gear will be Legacy as well. There will also be more set bonuses available for each class than ever before. The simple answer is this. What you are asking for in essence is to have access to making Legacy gear with every set bonus possible. If they do not do that then people will be able to cry foul, it isn't play our way. We have never had the ability to make legacy gear in the past and only recently have they allowed us to make set bonus gear but it was gated behind extremely difficult content. Unless someone can come up with a way other than gating mat's behind content, that is not ROFLMAO, I agree with the Dev's decision. Imo crafting BiS should not be hand outs but rather something you have to work for.

  8. Yeah, that rings a bell.


    But then again, why is ALL The gear up to date that we can craft non modded.

    258 you can mod with bought schematics and we ALL know that's not an option at this stage.

    So far EVERY high end item a crafter can make, Weapon, offhand, Armour what not is ALWAYS non modded.


    So how many NON modded items do your end game char use ?.


    for my 30 level 70 char on DM the simple answer to that is ZERO


    As you just mentioned, we can craft BiS items that are modable now. Yes the 258 mat's are behind a wall or extremely expensive on the GTN but that has not been your argument. What are you really asking for? To have BiS with easy to obtain mat's? If so say that.



    To answer your last question, I use zero non-modable armor and weapons on my end game toons as well but, some of what I use I did craft so it is an option.

  9. It baffles me why people get so defensive when other people want something as simple as having the white acute module vendor available at all times. How on Earth does that hurt you? He's not insulting you. He's not asking for you to play his way. He's just asking for a stupid vendor to be available at all times! Not everyone enjoys the game the same way you do. Get over it!


    It's when people offer help and get snubbed/snapped at for doing so that baffles me. There are work-arounds until such requests can be fulfilled or denied.

  10. The difference is in such a way that I have to heal after every encounter as opposed to wiping out 100 groups without breaking a sweat.


    Playing without companion is not viable as it spawns everytime the instance "resets". Happens every 5 minutes and desummoning is annoying. They are also part of the content, their story. I don't want to dismiss.


    I don't want to handicap myself by not wearing armors and or using skills. Makes no sense.


    Your damage comes from your stats which comes from your gear. You may get a few more health from leveling but if you wear the gear that you get from the quests, you will be doing damage and have health on par with what you would have at the appropriate level. As for your companion, don't give them any gifts and only have them gain influence from the conversations and they will not overpower your experience either (Use only the companions you gain from your story as some like Shae are overpowered.).

  11. So you necroed this thread just to bash solo players? Lovely.


    It's amazing to me that GROOOOUPPPP!!! HUR HUR GROOOOOOOUP! proponents insult anyone who doesn't share their personal playstyle of running in a horde or accuse them of whining, constantly bash people who cannot play to their standards in group activities, and then wonder why some players want nothing to do with that toxicity. Hmm, I have no idea why we wouldn't all line up for that.


    The class stories were always meant to be one player's story completed solo, and this game has always been open and friendly to solo players. It's why many players are here in the first place. It's too bad that some players can't accept that there are different ways of enjoying a game outside their own POV.


    Actually a solo player necroed this thread to complain about group play.

  12. DISCLAIMER: The figures .02% and .01% were (I would think, obviously) just to illustrate one figure being larger than the other. They do not reflect any real percentages. The author is not privy to any inside information about drop rates. :)


    BTW - since they said they increased the drop rate, I've gotten 2 (or 3) Artifact crates from Command crates**. Neither one was of benefit because, by now, I already have full 252 sets on both my main characters. But it is an indication that the drop rate has indeed increased. (They were both armor pieces though, so I could transfer the mods to some alt.)


    ** Not sure how many crates, but somewhere around 20.


    Of course it was but it also seemed to be intended to state that the increase was negligible which I think is misleading. As the post below would demonstrate, people like to exaggerate to push a point of view.




    A 100% increase of NOTHING is still NOTHING.....



    0 + 0 = 0


    PS I have now received my fourth this week as well as 2 Master Shards. Definitely a substantial increase from what I was receiving before.

  13. Here's question that probably only the devs can answer. Is the contents of the chest determined when you open them, or is it already determined when you get it. So, in other words, would new content or increased chance have any affect on old chests?

    Also, of course, obviously, a 0.02% chance is higher than a 0.01% chance - but still very small. :)


    Not sure where you are getting your statistics but getting zero for months to getting 3 in a week does not seem to be a .01% chance increase to me. I'm sure some would say I could have gone from terrible rng to absurdly lucky rng but I do not believe so.

  14. Strong indication <Dantooinian Culinarian> is unobtainable. Only 2 of the entries were found on the PTS, and I do not see these present on the live server.


    EDIT: According to Musco will be available after the event ends.


    I can tell you that the at least 3 of the items for this are present on the live server. I have the Charred Kath Shank & the Irritable Bloatgourd and just missed the Nova Blade Rotgut by a second as someone beat me on the click. Haven't seen the Fragile Glowshroom, Perfectly Ripe Vormfruit, or the Unnaturally Huge Tuber but have no reason to believe they are not present as the first 3 are definitely present.

  15. You can gate crafting in other ways. In the earlier game, it was gated by time/resources. Time, in that it took hours of RNG RE'ing to get the best schematics. I was one who got every schematic and all levels, for all skills -- and then crafted every purple in the game and sold them on GTN. It was a full-time job. Resources, in that the rare, purple mats used to come from running and critting high level crafting missions. This also was time-consuming (and costly).Gating the mats behind hardest content actually undermines crafting as a gameplay alternative and defeats the purpose (it really just adds in a pointless side activity: play for the mat for the item you want to craft, then craft the item you want to play for:confused:)


    The players focused on these crafing (done right) will not be able to focus on end-game, hardcore content -- or practically any time-consuming content. It's nearly a full time job - when I did this (and made a truckload), I didn't have time to do anything else, and I enjoyed every second of it!


    Now if the hardcore player wants to get my rare, top-tier, crafted item they will have to earn by playing or pay major credits for it. Either is net beneficial to the game. But crafting it themselves isn't an option. That's why it all works....


    You are over dramatizing things here. I also have every one of those earlier patterns and also had time to raid. Crafting and doing other things in the game should not be exclusive of each other as you suggest and seem to want. You wish to craft only then have at it, but do not try to convince everyone that to make crafting viable that no one but a full time dedicated crafter should be able to craft high end gear. You are not suggesting play our way but rather play "your" way.

  16. Like others in this post, I really really really dislike the thought of having set bonus tied to shells. I personally use at least 2 sets of shells for each job. Healers have their set legacy set that looks a certain way for a certain job. Tanks use 2 different shells for for each for each with different stats in them for PVE and PVP. My PT has 3 sets of armoring, My mercs have 2. That means bounty hunters have 5 sets of armorings. If you tied set bonus to the shells I get them with I would need to have 5 sets of identical looking armoring. It would be very hard to keep track of all that gear. Warrior class uses 4 sets, Agent uses 3 sets, sin/sorc 5 sets. Total of at least of at least 17 sets of legacy armors.


    Please don't tie me down to 4 sets of armorings that look identical in my inventory.


    Adding another slot to the shell for set bonus would be ideal.


    As this poster appears to be using the word armorings instead of armor, I would say I have to agree with him/her. Unless the Dev's plan to have different looking skins for each type of set bonus for all the classes and spec's, This could quickly become confusing and could cause a myriad of problems. They did say in the stream that some set bonuses could be 2, 3, 4 or even 6 piece bonuses. Trying to keep which bonuses you want to pair with others could quickly become a nightmare in tracking when you switch spec's/roles if the shells look identical/similar. His/her suggestion of adding a 4th slot in each shell to house set bonuses seems to me to be the best and least confusing solution.

  17. I’m only in a guild because it’s my own family one. Otherwise I’m with you on this


    To be able to “play the way you want” as a crafter means that all mats NEED to be available outside of Operations or ranked Pvp.


    I’ve even started a thread to ask Eric about gating mats behind content and everyone, including him has ignored it. So I guess other crafters don’t care if the mats are gated :(


    Ask for a third Charles Point vendor that sells mats.

  18. What about the other players in the game (since we know they will also be able to get them eventually)? Well, there are 2 possible scenarios, and they both have wildly different outcomes:


    1. ChuckBucks/CPs have their own vendor, and you can purchase the rare tactical you want directly using your saved-up CPs. They're costly, so it takes a 2-3 weeks to have enough for one. (I like this option).


    2. The ChuckBucks/CP vendor doesn't actually have any specific tactical items on it. You save up lots of CPs, and then buy a Tactical Box. This has all of the tacticals in the game inside. Each box has an 80% chance of giving you a normal tactical, 15% chance of a rare and 5% chance of an ultra-rare that you can otherwise only get from NiM OPs or Ranked. (Does anyone like this one?


    Both are possible, which is why it's important to ask questions instead of blindly raging against something or accepting it as the second coming of Ajunta Pall.


    Actually they did discuss this issue in the stream on Thursday. At the 1:04:50 mark they mention two vendors. The first will have the same specific slot items for Charles Points but which may not be the best in game. The second will have a rotating list of items which you can spend your Charles Points on and get the item you are looking for but you must visit them regularly to see what new items are available or you may miss the one you really want.

  19. Completely disingenuous and off-point.


    We didn't call out your understanding of Eric's request. We called out your understanding of the original HK promotion as presented (i.e., the plain meaning of the text) and your understanding (or lack thereof) of the EULA.


    Two completely and entirely different things. Your shell game failed. Classic, yet poorly executed deflection. We accuse you of A and you have no defense. So you switch to -- they accused me of B and I can prove that's idiotic.


    Meesa not gonna fall for that. We never accused you of B -- in this case Eric asking only for positive feedback.




    Please show me where Eric asked for you or anyone to debate/argue/debunk/accuse anyone of anything that posted views dissimilar from popular or hopeful views. He didn't. Below is what he did say.


    This conversation is certainly timely as it is a topic we have been revisiting internally as well. We have been actively talking about how, when, and if it would be possible to get make the HK chapter available again in some form. Whether that is a sub reward, sold on the market, etc.


    Here is the thing we are trying to be sensitive to. Individuals who have it right now subbed for a number of months to get it and so if/when we bring it back, we need to make sure that we do it in a way that is fair to what they went through to get it. Ex: if it was a sub reward it would likely require multiple months of sub, or, if it was in the market it would be sold for a premium.


    There is a lot of sensitivity on both sides. We agree that we would love to have a way for players who don't have it to get it (since it is story content, afterall). But it has to be done in a way that is fair to those who already have it. Let us know your thoughts (for, or against) and I can make sure all of your feedback is captured in our on-going discussion.


    As a note I won't likely have an update on this in the short-tem, but as soon as I have any details I will pass them on.





    He asked for feedback to enhance their discussions. Not name calling nor accusatory confrontations from forum lawyers.



    PS: As I mentioned earlier, text was not the only format for this promotion.

  20. Would like the ability for my bounty hunter to use rifles instead of pistols. I know this would take some reworking of animations for some skills but since you guys are all about us playing our way , that’s what I would like to see!:)


    This has actually been on my mind since release. Every bounty hunter in the movies except Jango Fett carries a rifle of some sort. Even his son carried a EE-3 Carbine though many have claimed it to be a pistol. I think it would be nice if they gave PT's the rifle ability while the Merc's continued with the dual pistol motif. Maybe something for 6.0 as they plan to change things around anyway.

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