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Posts posted by Sareeph

  1. Having certain huge special occasion rewards return in steady intervals makes them much less special. They stop being mementos marking some specific moment in time.


    That said, by far the best DPS companion in the entire game has no business being locked behind some special promotion that took place half a decade back.


    So why not introduce Sharon Vizla, long lost daughter of Shae who has same abilities, same dps, and maybe same voice so shoestrings from budget don't have to be invested.


    It'd be nice to have special major rewards marking some occasion actually ..,,remain special rewards marking some occasion.


    It doesn't take much to keep things different and unique. Name of a companion, serial number of a droid, hue of a deco pillow. Stuff like this on otherwise identical rewards kinda suffices. Spamming same completely identical rewards over and over again makes them bit less special and bit more pointless each time.


    Personally I would rather have Zoom or K1-Z3N as a dps. Sure, Shae does 5k more to each of her 5 targets than the other two with their AoE ability, but Zoom and K1-Z3N do almost 37k more to a single target with their sunder attack than she does with hers. All 3 have the same damage on their terminate (HK style) attack below 30% health. Shae may fare better on lower level content but I feel the other two do better on content where the mobs have higher health. All these numbers based off all three being 50 and operating at level 75 content.

  2. Random thoughts in a mostly useless thread....


    Anything in game CAN be automated (bots) if the player has enough technical savy and doesn't mind risking their account, as evidence see the thread by Keith about adverts and credit farmers which both mentions credit farming bots as well as their actions taken to ban those accounts.


    Macros (of the simple gaming mouse / keyboard type) CANNOT automate crafting to any meaningful extent as the crafting UI requires much more that simply clicking the same place or hitting the same key over and over (gift giving or the casino slots however are easily macro'd, and both are against the ToS).


    Actually there was a person in an old guild I was in back when the cap was 50 that had some sort of set up that let him record every move and action he made in the starship missions and complete them. He would be in there for 8, 12 hours at a time and we wondered why he liked them so much. Suddenly he disappeared from the guild with all his toons. About a week later he came in to Teamspeak and told us his account was banned. He we using some sort of macro thing to level his toons to 50 in the starship missions while he was at work. Your first sentence was much truer to the mark than your second. Anything can be done in video games with enough knowledge.

  3. A news came out saying that they will migrate an engine: https://bityli.com/fyDxd


    Thanks for the teleport back to the late 80's.


    We'll get the fun and exciting return of DvL in which you too can enjoy rehashing all the old content again on eight different newly created toons. There will also be a Cartel sale on additional character slots so you can participate in this joyous occasion. And if you act quickly and log in during certain dates prior to the anniversary you'll also receive a gloriously recolored droid pet.

  4. You may have noticed we made a few adjustments, but the hope was you only noticed the results. It might be short-lived, but at least for the time being, we are experiencing a little peace and quiet. Our changes will not stop all the spamming! We need your help as it begins with your spamming reports. We decided if something wasn’t bothering you, then we’re going to allow the chat to come through. So, if you see a credit seller’s message – right click, report it! That will initiate the new processes we put in place. Oh, they’ll try to circumvent, they’ll change their message, they’ll spam more, they’ll add more accounts, more bots, but keep reporting them. They won’t like it.






    Hopefully there is something in place to protect honest people from being spam reported. Not a mindless code that just counts reports and bam, your account is deleted. Imagine all the people trying to sell items through chat without going through the GTN or those trying to recruit people in to their guild just getting whacked because of a right click.

  5. Illum PvP had conceptual issues but what really killed SWTOR as a PvP game was the inability of the engine to actually handle PvP there without turning into a slideshow fps wise.


    Funny, I remember Ilum as Imps spawn camping the Pubs and gaining Valor and gear thereby and when it was finally fixed and the Imps were allowed to keep said gear, many a Pub left the game reducing the pool for PvP. Yes, the fps sucked due to all that AoE on the spawn point. When the game finished rendering, you were dead and couldn't even leave the area.

  6. Just purchased like 30 million credits worth of items on the GTN and when I got to my mailbox to claim the items, there is nothing there. The mail icon showed that I have 12 messages, and now it shows zero.


    Has this happened to anyone else?


    I had 9 mails and when I checked, it showed I has 9 successful sales but when I clicked on them they said there was a mail server error and when I checked again all my mails were gone. Even the ones that I never even check like the 1st anniversary fireworks which I have no interest in. I closed the game and started it again and it was all back and I was able to receive my monies.

  7. I'm not sure I follow, all of the planets, from all of the events, are always there. The event stuff is removed when not on, and brought back.


    Every other event still has vendors "somewhere" even when the event is not running except this new Swoop event. Everything packs up including the vendors. Even the Nightlife event still has vendors in place when not running. Why not this one?

  8. Any one else unable to use the tools for posting? I can not use the colouring, underline, insert link or any other of the tools for the forums. Had this issue for a while actually. Can not recollect the exact date I noticed it.
  9. No swoop event fixes, no nightlife event fixes. Most of what you've done is changes nobody cares about nor asked for. *** are you playing at? -_-


    Are you kidding? Many people have been begging for the improvements to Conquest concerning PvP and GSF.

  10. In the Objective Meridian FP on Master Mode (Imperial side), the fight with Jakir Halcyon and Seldin (the 2 Jedi Masters) is bugged. Specifically they put a debuff on the players which increases the damage taken. The bug is that the debuff does not expire when the fight ends and the duration is 10 minutes.


    There are only a few trash pulls before the final boss ***so you end up either wiping on the Tau Idair fight due to the excessive damage everyone takes or you have to stand around for 5 minutes waiting for the debuff to drop off***.


    The duration should be a max of 1 minute or at least automatically be removed when the fight ends.


    ***Or you can jump off the structure straight ahead as you go up the ramp and jump off killing yourself and respawning with no repair bill instead of turning right and taking the first elevator up the spire***. Not saying 10 mins should be there, just offering a solution until it can be corrected.

  11. The fact it has an ad on it, makes it an advertisment, an ad bar. and to some, yes, what it is, is a problem. This is a paid game, we pay a sub. If people downloaded a game from apple store, or other online things, and paid for it, and still had ads, how long do you think people would pay for the games?

    AGAIN, just because something doesn't annoy you, do NOT mean it should be allowed to annoy others.

    Justin bieber annoys me, I couldn't listen to him, so should I be forced to listen to him because others do.


    I do not see it that way. When I open a newspaper I see adds but those in themselves do not make the entire newspaper an advertisement. And again, what is on it is a non factor if it stays closed.

  12. i have the suspicion that these 3 machines are somehow shared amongst all the servers, instead every server having 3 machinesd of its own in every open instance... it appears they re occupied all the time... also from a distance they appear clickable (finger-cursor appears, but once you cross a certain distance threshold they become occupied / unclickable again


    Interesting. Have not seen the usable at a distance but unusable up close feature. I always see it as a nonfunctioning deco when the problem is occurring.

  13. If you had read the thread, you would have seen that peoples anger is justified. But people who don't experience the issue are minimising it. It's got nothing to do with being 'cooped' up, nor, does it have anything to do with 'blow of steam', and yes, the 'anger is genuine'


    It's like paying to go see a football match or concert, you sit down to watch it, but you've a wall in your way, the person to the left and right can see the concert, but you can't. When you complain, they say, what are you talking about, we can see it fine.


    Several times I've put up here, the issues people have been experiencing, some worse than others.

    1. It moves, when it shouldn't

    2, doesn't fit in with the UI, and can't be minimised the way the other one could.

    3. It opens after every reset, and for some everytime they move

    4. It wasn't asked for, wasn't needed, yet they've ignore serious bugs, in order to force this down our throats

    5. It's basically a pop up ad bar, in a paid game. I'm suprised this hasn't pissed off more people, the reason a lot of people pay for free games is to not have to put up with that.


    I'm sure there are others I've missed. So why is it so hard for people to actually understand these issues? Just because you don't have them, it doesn't mean others don't.


    1. Yes, needs to be fixed (This problem was fixed for me with their update)

    2. Do not see why it couldn't be put in to the interface editor

    3. Yes, should stay closed if I closed it.

    4.We did not ask for the Cartel Packs but many love them. They have fixed the repositioning problem for many so

    they are not ignoring us nor the bugs. They have not commented on the reopening of the thing each conquest

    reset that I have seen so we do not know if it is a bug or not.

    5. One part of 3 is an add. That does not make the whole thing an add bar. If they make it so it only opens when you

    open it then what is on it is a non factor. The fact that it opens on it's own is the issue, not what is on it.

  14. It seems that when a large amount of my guild is logged on, that I loss the text of the guild listing unless I am moving the mouse of the listing to see what is there. And even when this happens, sometimes it's still not clear in reading.


    Also, it happens at random times when there is a large guild listing bug happening, that in one or more of my chat windows the text will either go black or not be readable and clear.


    Has anyone else seen this issue?




    I have noticed this happening if I have multiple pop-ups in use. Guild window and inventory or crew skills window for example.

  15. Some of the Known issues and the caveat is this is not all the listed items


    Current known issues Nightlife event:

    NPC for Counterfight Token not visible on Nar Shaddaa for Imperials (potential phase issue)

    Wrong mission marker for Counterfight Token on Mek-Sha

    Emperor's Grace Slot machines can get stuck (potential phase issue)

    Players can interrupt other players conversation in the "Counterfight Token" missions by starting a fight with the NPC


    Can someone add that the red notices for double chips and feeling lucky are showing up on peoples screens that are not even using a slot machine?


    As for the Emperor's machines. I was in front of one using it when several people came up trying to spam it to interrupt my use ( I guess not caring to wait for me to finish) and then the machine stopped working. I did double check to make sure I still had Emp Chips. Any reason why there are only two of these machines when there are many times many players trying to be the first to get whatever good things drop from it?

  16. The ship for one of our Imperial guilds has been lost to the void once again since earlier today. None of the usual factors that make ships vanish were in play so not sure what happened this time.


    6 years of the same bug. Please fix.


    Yes, this bug keeps recurring. So much so that none of my guildmates leaves any of their toons on the ship when they log off. Doesn't fix the bug but at least we get to still play our toons.

  17. Doesn't work on Nar shadda, is bugged, guy doesn't spawn. Spawns on Meksha at level 75, so anyone who isn't can't do it, who the **** comes up with this ****, seriously, are there monkeys creating these events,


    It's bugged in some instances but not all. Of course the ones it still works are full.

  18. Basically, the emperor slots are broken. You can't interact with them at all. They are broke. How? No idea.


    I kept changing instances when the emperor slots were not reacting until I got on one which it was. Seems to be broken in some instances but not all.

  19. With the Nightlife event on..


    I was a bit hyped after reading about the supposed "New Kingpin’s Predator Mount" and "New Taxidermy Stronghold Decorations" but when I got on.. ? Where is the mount? And the Taxidermy in the vendor is just the Onderon Rep ones..? So not new at all. IS this bugged or is this it?


    I also noticed that the companion this year is the same as last, the Rodian. And the Gam is still for sale at the vendor. Kind of expecting something new there.

  20. one click to minimize it.

    first thing I do when I log in.


    not a big deal to me.



    ditto. i understand the worry some people have, but this isn't that bad


    Agreed. We click on something so many times every time we play. We click to mail, join a queue, accept a queue, use an elevator, GTN, quick travel, go to a stronghold, etc. Just about everything that can be done in this game requires you to click something to do it. We even click to launch and end the game. I guess this one is the click that broke the bantha's back.

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