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Posts posted by Sareeph

  1. On Tatooine, the big jump over the sandcrawler, sometimes you just drive straight getting stuck in the sandcrawler. The jump still gets registered tho if you run as Pit Screamers. Same happens on Onderon on the second big jump, at least not getting stuck there tho.


    It happens to me, too, about one time in ten. I reported this during the PTS phase.


    I noticed it happens to me when I use the Turbo effect on the Razor swoop just before that jump. As if the turbo is overwriting the jump.


    I thought of that at 1st too, but not the case, unfortunately for me it happens more often than not :(


    No, I tried 5 times in a row with the Turbo effect (The one from the orbs not the one mapped on the number 1 button) and five times without it and every time I used Turbo I landed on the speeder and when I did not use it I successfully made the jump. It may not be the only factor that can cause this issue but it certainly is one factor that can.


    (Trying other abilities on the swoop does the same thing. Just tested it. It appears that the jump function is a built in ability which shares a cooldown with the other abilities that are mapped on your temp bar.)

  2. On Tatooine, the big jump over the sandcrawler, sometimes you just drive straight getting stuck in the sandcrawler. The jump still gets registered tho if you run as Pit Screamers. Same happens on Onderon on the second big jump, at least not getting stuck there tho.


    It happens to me, too, about one time in ten. I reported this during the PTS phase.


    I noticed it happens to me when I use the Turbo effect on the Razor swoop just before that jump. As if the turbo is overwriting the jump.

  3. On Tatooine when using the Razor mount you can get the Turbo ability to proc just before the high jump on to the Sand Crawler. If you use that turbo ability just then, you end up not jumping through the high hoop and sputtering down on to the crawler and get stuck in it's contours.
  4. With every other Rep. there are multiple green rep tokens. Many more than the other values. Now we can save Rep tokens over our weekly cap (Thank You) and I am noticing a lack of the green tokens. Are the quests that give greens broken and not renewing each day or are there quests besides the initial ones to do errands on Dantooine, Mek-Sha and Tatooine that I am missing? Seems odd that I have multiple blue and purple tokens in my bags but only one of each green.
  5. Who the blazes are you tell me or anyone what is boring? And you are WRONG about it giving rewards faster than anything else. Just plain wrong.


    It's fine and there is unanimity as far as I can see that GSF / PvP and Uprisings should reward more Conquest points.


    It's pretty arrogant, however, to tell other players that their preferred way of playing is - to quote you - "boring" and constitutes spam.




    Great strawman. He said they spam until they get bored and then spam some more. Doing the same thing over and over does get boring for most people in the world. Many people need variety which is why there are so many threads complaining about lack of new content. Why so many use the argument that the game is losing subs because of that lack.


    Yeah, we talked about this in the now locked thread. Singular activity that gives rewards much faster than anything else has huge draw to it. Same phenomena is there for Hammer Station. It is much faster MM than any other so tons of people spam it. They spam it til they get bored of it and then spam it some more. Getting bored don't matter as much as getting rewards matters. It is no different with conquest; how much you dislike/like planetaries or multiplayer stuff don't matter. Planetaries are vastly superior so it is planetaries that plenty of ppl do.


    ..And I'm upset they nerfed my fav. activity quite severly. In a patch that in general increased rate with which ppl earn conq by 400% or something. It t akes 90 mins to reach conq target in GSF. Takes 10-15 mins via planetaries or amp clicking.

  6. It depends on what level the items are. ie, if you have a 306 item, it is still the same or similar cost. But if you have a lvl 10 item, it’s less than half the cost. Which is fine if you’re only using it to get conquest points. ;)


    No. I mean the 306 has changed. I would get 5 rerolls before reaching 31k but now am getting 10. I would count to 5 as I rolled and if I didn't get the amp I wanted I would just Frag it. I counted 5 rerolls this time and wasn't to 31k yet.

  7. Actually, no. The cartel market is in the tool bar, you have to click it to see it. This new ad bar, is in the play area, with no clicks, and shoves CM items in your face. Yes, it can be min'd, but it can pop back, when travelling to other places.

    The problem is, this isn't a free game, and as such, ads shouldn't be shoved in our face. And that's all this new change is, it's a poorly designed pop up ad spammer.


    Mine has moved back to the original place a couple times but it has never popped back open so I see an add. Once I have closed it I have an oddly shaped social bar that moves some times.

  8. Okay, I have to ask ... How have you been checking the Flash Sales up until now?


    The only place that I know of where the day's Flash Sale is displayed is on the first page of the Cartel Market interface, and you can bring that up with just one click. Or two keypresses (CONTROL-M).


    So you can see the Flash Sale with one click on the Social Bar or you can see the Flash Sale with one click on the Menu Bar. Guess the Menu Bar is an insult as well.


    Only thing I am seeing wrong with the new Social Bar is that some people are having problems with it staying where they move it to. I'm sure that will be fixed in the future.

  9. Okay fixed the problem, did the following from: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Troubleshooting-Guides-Info/GUIDE-Launcher-Stuck-at-0-or-100-Complete/m-p/5282877#M28


    "close the launcher, right mouse click on the game shortcut, select open file location and delete the BitRaider folder.

    Then start the launcher"


    did that and now I'm back in. cooler head also helped, this thinking part is painful


    Try this! It worked for me, thanks for this hint <3


    Did that also and it had no effect. Can play a toon on the starter world but not any established toon. Can not even travel to any of my strongholds on the new toon.

  10. You're so wrong


    My guild and I played beta, gave consistent feedback on the resolve system and got no returns.


    We waited several publishes until they gave us 8v8 ranked. Time and time again they cancelled that update,the majority of top players left after losing patience. Those who were left scrambled to make new guilds/groups to participate.


    Thats why pvp in swtor failed.


    My guild quit after the Spawn camping debacle on Ilum. Not from delaying any 8v8 ranked update. Over 100 players gone overnight and back to playing WoW.

  11. Aren't all sets or nearly all sets available to everybody from a vendor/crafted? Tech fragments from all alts, weekly conquest completed in five-ten minutes - and you can buy everything.


    All sets have a chance to drop from all content according to the Dev's. Different set's have a "greater chance" to drop from doing specific content or types of content. I have more "Dxun pieces" by buying from Kai directly or from buying his unidentified pieces than I have from actually doing Dxun. I even had one drop from the unidentified piece from the Spoils of War vendor.

  12. I think you're all exaggerating. It would just add a new dynamic to the game. How about this idea instead; players can start a warzone 8v8 and when one team is slaughtering another, then one player should have the option of literally betraying their team mates and going on to the losing side so it then becomes 9v7 or if it floats your boat, a losing player can jump to the winnings teams side. That is another awesome idea I had.


    A whole new level of win trading

  13. Firstly, DWHo,its nice tnat even though you find my post disagreeable you actually argue the points made instead of talking past them and focusing on the poster.


    This being a false statement is prolly why nobody has claimed " everyone" does planetaries. When planetaries are 400% better conquest than -anything else-, then its a pretty safe bet to say a whole ton of people are doing them though. Entire top-10 board on every planet on every server has every guild up by 400% or thereabouts. Conq given by PvP and GSF have actually been nerfed, Flashpoints and Ops earn about the same they used to I guess. Menial garbage tasks are a big part of this for sure. However, thats "only" 30-50k conq or so/day/account. So..do you wonder where all the extrra conq is coming from? Howcome guilds have 4-5 times mor now? I'd love to hear your answer to this. Double xp?

    Boldened bit here is very telling though. I have no idea why either. If they wanted to farm a ton of conq fast..yeah. Planetaries.


    Because they are not doing KP anymore. They moved on to a different Op. Watch the chat. They even have special names for the runs if you look carefully and think on it.

  14. Lots of little details creep in at various points as a wink-wink nudge-nudge, like the fact that the republic ship droid likes to use air freshener... but his name is the chemical formula for cyanide (C2N2).


    So I am not the only one that caught that gem. Still chuckle when I board my ship.

  15. This post just reinforced my point:


    1) Grats to your smaller guild! They have everything opened but now you seem to care that even smaller guilds can get a chance to open up those rooms after seven months (which impacts you zilcho, nada, bupkiss). Moreover, your alts even get some benefit with some bonus 400 Tech Fragments!


    2) Your Mega-Guild was never interested in Planetary Yields since they were going to achieve those regardless. I do not believe for one Death Star of a laser second that your Mega-Guild cares about achieving Planetary Yields (those were a given). It cared (and cares) about rank. The new system does NOTHING to change that equation.


    You are wrapping yourself in the same contradictions and conundrums as Stradlin. You want not just the mantle of exclusivity, but the cosmetic benefits as well.


    Just wear and own it.




    Read that post again. I said my smaller guild had no problems achieving a fully opened guildship prior to these conquest changes. In no way does it reinforce your point.

  16. Fair enough, but the devs are balancing the ephemeral, esoteric feel good karma you experience achieving a previous goal vs. those of us in smaller guilds who can now do something tangible like decorating a Guild Flagship more easily. If you are in a mega-guild (which I believe), you can still compete for ranks on the planet. That hasn't changed at all.


    For me, the choice is clear b/c you can still get your ephemeral, esoteric rush by ranks.




    In point of fact I am in two guilds. One is a small 6 person that has not had a problem reaching the medium yield and fully opening our ship prior to these changes to conquest. The other what people like to call a Mega, as you assumed, because I also like to raid and like the people there. I will reach target on the latter just by doing one raid. I accumulated over 80k on my first toon in the small guild shortly after Conquest reset today. That guild hit the target for small yield already. Six people with over 500k just playing and not really trying. It wasn't about a rush with an elitist attitude. Some people take pride in accomplishing things while others only look for rewards all the while missing that there is a difference between being given something and earning it.


    If having a good feeling about earning something is elitist (from your earlier post) in your book then so be it. Our 6 man guild is elitist for sharing a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie all the while having fun.


    P.S. The true Mega is about to hit 20 mil 3.5 hours after reset and that's not counting their second guild. Broken is not defined by what people say or want.

    P.P.S. The only thing I see if they keep it this way is Keith revamping objective requirements later.

  17. Your argument seems to at least be consistent and doesn't meander like a different poster. Philosophically, you think rewards should be more exclusionary b/c that gives them more meaning / satisfaction in your mind. Nothing wrong with that. You do you.




    I don't believe they are exclusionary. I believe the purpose of Conquest was to get a guild to work together and accomplish something. Now one person can do so at the hardest levels (Large Conquest) thus bypassing the (what I believe) original intent of Conquest in the first place. My opinion has nothing to do with decos or conquest mats. I just feel Conquest is now a non factor in the game. One less thing to strive for.

  18. No, he's pretty much correct and you're wrong. :rak_03:


    That is your opinion. I stated my opinion. I love how you can say your opinion is more valid than mine. Also, I don't require your validation so save you judgements for those that may.


    if you've read the thread like you said you did, you would have noticed I said most of the people like this, a few times, not all. And there's has only been one dissenting voice. My comment was about what was going on here, ie, what people here were talking about. On this forum, there has been only one dissenting voice.


    As for attacks. People used the word troll. A troll has many meanings. One is someone who argues for the sake of it, someone who does it for reactions, someone who changes what they say, etc. If anyone on this thread has been called out, you can see why. The only person who is misdirecting things is the person you are trying to white knight, everyone here has stayed on target, that person is the one that's all over the place.


    I'm not white knighting anyone. I am saying that not everyone agrees that this change was a good thing. That people can see attacks based off the mob mentality in these forums and refuse to post.

  19. Well, it's the end of week two, and apart from one dissenting voice, I think we can agree it's been a huge success. Lots of people are having fun with it, much more then ever before. Looking forward to the week ahead, and waiting eagerly for the new race event :)


    Just because people don't post here doesn't mean you are correct. After watching the attacks I was not going to but I will just to bring context. Whatever the OP wrote in that other thread and whatever misdirections and strawhats were posted in response, I will give a bit of context.


    I'm in what many here would call a Mega Guild and just wanted to post a couple numbers. We have one person who has one toon close to 3 mil conquest and when you add their alts to the tally, they ended with 4140008 points. They do not craft nor do they run around gathering. One person almost had the points needed to secure a Large Yield planet all by themselves. They said they stopped because it was boring so I have no idea what they could have achieved all by themselves. Yes, I think the system is broken and definitely lost something. Some people like to be spoon fed but not me. I like challenges and imo one more has been squashed by the Dev's overreaction to player requests.

  20. Probably at least something (new companion and new mount as the grand attractions), with the previous stuff moving to the vendors, as it was last year with the Rodian companion as the new one, and the Gammorrean (?sp) Guard from before moving to the vendor.


    But no guarantees - I'm just Some Dude On The Internet, so my blitherings are guesswork at the best of times.


    They posted vaguely on this in the Upcoming Releases thread seen here. Look in the 6.2 update section.

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