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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sareeph

  1. No, it isn’t a false question. I can absolutely explain the advantages of fewer more globally useful abilities. I’ve already done so. It’s easier to balance, easier for the player to manage, and allows the player to focus more on fight mechanics and damage rotation. It’s not simplicity for the sake of simplicity. It’s simplicity with a clear objective reason behind it.


    Balance? Have you played this game? They have never balanced it and it was NOT MEANT to be balanced. Every class has something that can be used to advantage by design. Knowing "how best" to use it is what separates poor, mediocre and skilled players.


    Easy to manage? Many have no problems what so ever managing as is. There will always be someone who has problems managing or grasping a concept no matter how dumbed down we try to make it.


    Focus? Focus is what allows you to manage these dcd's. Those that lack it will be the one's having problems with them. People that have problems with mechanics tend to be rotation/keyboard tunnelers and they will still have problems if you gave them zero dcd's.


    Simplicity for simplicity sake, I would say you are asking for simplicity for your own sake.

  2. What is the advantage of complexity in this particular facet of the game? I still have not seen an answer to that question. It’s complexity for the sake of complexity only. That’s poor design. You should have enough variety in your rotation and in the fights themselves that you don’t have to manufacture complexity by taking up half of a quickbar with different defensive cooldowns.


    We have seen what happens when the Dev's simplify parts of the game due to public feedback. The gearing system was too confusing so we adapted this much easier form of attaining bis gear. Asking for the dev's to merge dcd's to alleviate confusion or bloat is just asking for trouble. Every one of those has a place and time.


    You keep stating that a "pure dps" doesn't need that many. My question to you is why having too many dcd's are relevant to a pure dps and not in general? Also, one of the five is an agro dump if used properly and another is a utility which you seem to think is only a personal defensive. I can think of multiple situations in both formats of playstyle to apply obfuscate of which none are when I am being targeted.

  3. Hey folks,


    Quick update. We have a solution ready to go to get everyone their rewards. Right now our plan is that we will push the "reward button" sometime Wednesday morning. Note that we will likely have to restart all game servers to make this happen. I will let everyone know exact timing once we lock it in.


    Thank you for your patience!




    I'm hoping that since this will happen on Wednesday, we won't suffer another broken or "reset" conquest.

  4. Against the ToS yes but have you never wondered why gaming companies cannot shut down those sites? And just because it's against the ToS doesn't change my point at all.


    When it comes to gambling different countries have different rules. In my country one of the stipulations for it being gambling is whether or not you can make real money with it. From that point of view being able to monetize items is an element to consider. I agree with you though that the risk taking factor is key as well.


    What are the other stipulations? With you posting only part I could say that me going to work is gambling. Also, one can dissect a whole and come up with differing conclusions based upon the dissection but as a whole the meaning of things can be quite different.


    Besides, your statement was that because someone could take an item in their possession and sell it for real money makes it more like gambling. Them opening the pack and hoping for something they could sell is the actual gamble.

  5. You do know that there are credit sellers that sell cartel packs and actual items and auction sites where people can sell their items directly for cash to other players?


    This would not be possible if you couldn't trade items in game.


    The fact that you can trade or sell items from the packs doesn't make it gambling. The fact that you are taking a risk at getting a possible result is what makes it gambling.

  6. Just a question.


    I know it says to complete either 3 PVP or PVE missions, which I have done the 3 PVE missions. But, it is still saying that I have not completed the achievement until I do the 3 PVP missions. Will I still get her on the 28th if I don't complete the PVP mission, because I honestly don't like PVP and don't want to do it.


    You can get her by doing either. The tracker in the Legacy Tab is just showing that you haven't received the achievement for the PvP queues. If the PvE says it's complete you are golden.

  7. I always ask if a group-finder team-mate is doing a particular FP for the first time, and say that if they are, then I am prepared to explain as we go. I try to make things as comfortable as I can. I mean we were all new once. If we encourage people and provide a welcoming group experience, they're more likely to keep coming back.


    Admittedly, I do get bent out of shape in Tacticals if I'm on one of my healers and people insist on panic clicking the kolto stations instead of trusting me - especially if I have said beforehand "Please don't click the kolto stations. Keeping us all alive is my responsibility. If for whatever reason my normal healing isn't enough, I will click the kolto. You guys focus on the fight :) " or something similar.


    Oh well. C'est la vie.


    You are aware that the person clicking the Kolto station gets a massive heal and the others are getting smaller ones? If someone is about to die because of excessive damage, the healer clicking it is wasting resources and could continue to heal while the one about to die clicks the station.

  8. So... I just got back and found out I have to delete, like, 90% of my characters in order to be able to make new characters, because the servers merged. This seems a bit... uh... problematic, as I have to activate characters and see what they have before deleting them... and this is a lot of work. Can someone direct me to wherever EA/bioware talked about this change?


    Here you go http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20171002

  9. I hope OP stays away. The forum is like a pack of rabid wolves looking to rip someone apart aka blame game. You might accept an apology but others may not.


    Dear forum,


    If someone told you to drink boiling water, would you? If someone told you to jump off a cliff, would you? Are you getting my point?!




    If you choose to follow some random's advice, that's on you. (That said I'm pretty sure bw said this would be ok & I'm pretty sure bw can recover your missing items)


    Actually the Op went in to other threads that were posts stating what people were doing as precautions and tried to flame them saying they were paranoid and purposely fear mongering trying to frighten others. He also started this thread telling people not to do anything precautionary and said anyone stating otherwise was giving bad advice. Now that something that has come to pass which people had tried to warn was a possibility, he denies it stating it was something the individuals did wrong. He needs a little attention in many peoples minds.

  10. Maintenance: November 8th, 2017 | 11.09.2017, 06:17 AM

    Here is some additional information on what we worked to address. As players started logging into the EU servers we noticed that we began getting alerts for players with more than 500 items in their CM item stashes. Even though it was only a handful of players, we quickly stopped new logins to begin investigating why we were getting the alerts. There was a small issue which we could address quickly to avoid any possible player impact. That is what we corrected and tested, leading to EU coming back online (we also pushed the fix to the NA servers to avoid the issue there when it comes online).


    That's the info on what we did with EU.






    What of the reports of Legacy bank issues?

  11. There are threads going around telling people to do this.




    If you have more than one legacy and too much stuff you will get an expanded space in your Legacy.


    If you take all your stuff out it will not trigger an expanded space.




    Of course some will tell you the new feature won't work, if you assume the worst just sell EVERYTHING and keep the credits :rolleyes:


    On Darth Malgus I can't seem to find any items I stored in TOFN legacy cargo, only those that were in TRE. Any special place to get them?


    On TRE my cargo wasn't full, no item appeared from TOFN on the free slots.


    And this is the exact reason I took everything out of Legacy cargo and then got all my mail on 100+ toons.


    Oh look, it was broke and had to be fixed. Hope they got all the peoples stuff back

  12. I would like to see a return of the Rakata AlphaWave Inhibitor in either a purchasable form or as schematics to craft making it possible to fight the Nightmare Pilgrim. I believe 4.0 changed many of the vendors and removed this from the game, so it is near impossible find someone who can still craft enough of them for a 16 man raid, let alone a big guild.

    I'd also like to suggest the return of the original rakghoul event and the chevin event. Why go to all that effort to create this unique events to only do them once? Bring them back, give them new rewards and run them in syndication with other events.


    Lastly, you did a good thing adding opposite faction companion vendor. But not all of the customizations are there. The collector's edition and security key vendors need to be cross faction because you're still limiting (and in my opinion the best) customizations to one faction.


    You no longer need the Inhibitor to fight the Pilgrim. He gives no debuff.

  13. It remains to be seen how that will be implemented, however.


    I would expect that it will require a character to visit a legacy bank to deposit credits, but will it require a character to visit a legacy bank to withdraw credits? Will characters be able to spend "directly" from the legacy bank?

    How will the legacy bank be implemented with regards to preferred and F2P and their respective credits caps?


    What will happen if a subscriber drops to preferred? What happens to any credits they may have had in their legacy bank?


    We shall have to wait and see exactly how it is implemented.


    The guild bank which has this feature allows for repairs if the GM deigns to grant permission, and allows some the ability to "G-Summon". Possibly this will allow all toons in a legacy to repair and use their ship to travel between planets?

  14. Jdast, I already have T4 gear on my smuggler. I just didn't like the way my cxp was cut after getting my consular to 300. I had a feeling it would do that since my smuggler was doing that but I still disagree with it. If you get characters to 300 then the rate should stay the same, not reduced.


    Just doesn't make sense to me but then again some things they do don't make sense p.


    It is a perk added to give your alts an easier climb to rank 300. Once you get there it's business as usual.

  15. I have 2 characters (one smuggler and one counselor) at Rank 300 but once they reached 300 their xp was cut.


    Prior to my Consular reaching 300 she was getting 101 or 112 (xp) due to the extra 25% I had from my smuggler and the Improved Command Experience my Consular had (10%) but now that she has reached 300 the command xp is 82 instead.


    You actually reduced the amount of command xp I was getting even though I have 2 rank 300 and the extra command experience. This gives the impression you should not reach command rank 300 if you are cut the command experience.


    The bonus is for toons under rank 300. Once you reach cap you no longer receive that bonus.

  16. I thought they were mega servers. SWTOR's population can't be big enough to overload a mega server, can it?


    Is there even anything in place to keep everyone from joining 1 server?


    The server transfer function is disabled atm. If they felt that the possibility of server jumps would strain their hardware they could just leave the function disabled.

  17. No. The problem wasn't the gearing, the problem was the lack of new content. It's still the problem, it's been the problem. Hell, lack of endgame content was the problem at launch and these decision making team at BW decided to make the same mistake over again, and we've had over 2 years to see the results.


    All Toraak is saying is that if gearing is too easy then there will be people who leave. He never said it was the sole cause, just that is one of the causes. I agree with him. I have seen quite a few people leave because they believed that by getting all the best gear they had beaten the game. That's a recurring MO with the console games. You beat it and move on to another. I do agree that the lack of new content here is the greater problem but that's the thing with MMO's, when someone quits because they "beat the game", they often come back later when more content is introduced to beat the new stuff. With that lack of new content in this game, the repeat winners are not returning. As stated by Toraak, there is more than one reason to play and quit a game.


    here's the thing. If gearing is to easy, people will leave anyway because there isn't anything to dp. Personally the GC grind is nothing. I have 13 rank 300's now, and 2 more I'm working on. It's not hard, but it is a time sink. Not to mention the main point for GC Since 5.2 is to get people to do ALL content PvP, and PvE to gear out the fastest anyway. Doing only Operations or PvP exclusively will slow done your gear progression big time. It's less about RNG, and more about do Operations get 242's, then do PvP/GSF for components to upgrade those 242's to 248's. (tho after 5.6 you'll be able to get UC's from Disintegration so this is about to change again anyway).
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