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Posts posted by Sareeph

  1. I've heard that clicking a link when you don't know the repercussions can lead to bad things.


    It may be distasteful, but it's been going on for years. At some point, though, some onus should be on the person clicking the link w/o investigating its purpose.




    No it's not a scam, it is allowed, for it to be a scam, it would have to be against the rules.


    Is it fair or even. Probably not, but it depends on whether someone is going to be a long time sub, or just the once. Not everyone stays subbed, a good chunk of the people who've used mine only subbed for the month. (I've never sold a link, before the cc's my friends and I used each others to get the mount & pets, then with the advent of cc's, I put my link here, and have gotten most of my clicks that way)


    I like to think that if someone (anyone, not just me) helps someone on the forum, they click the link as a thank you.


    If you use a link, and someone doesn't pay up, then contact cs, but use the email (support@swtor.com) , not the ticket system


    Last time I looked, the page you get your referral link from specifically states that it is for those who have never subbed or have not been a sub for the last 90 days. People who spam on fleet specifically asking for someone who is a current sub and never clicked a link are trying to bypass a detection system. They know it is wrong but do so to get free Cartel Coins. In essence, a scam. As Jdast stated above, bad things have been known to happen for the one clicking such a link. Not everyone knows referrals are for "never subs" or "90 day out of subs" but the ones spamming their intentions to pay one for doing so surely do.

  2. Regardless of this behaviour that you're reporting (that I've *never* seen any hint of in my own characters), Diplomacy has its own particular lunacy, where the shown alignment symbol represents the position of the toggle and not the points that come from the theme of the mission.


    To put it another way. the problem with Diplomacy is that is used to be the only crew skill that awarded light or dark points. There was/is one of each yield at each grade. One light rich and one dark rich. Those values have never been removed so when you have light side toggled and do one that was/is tagged as dark, you get your light side award and then the dark side tag associated with the original mission. Makes the whole system seem screwy as it always seems to give the toggled value first and then screws up your score by awarding the tagged value afterwards.

  3. Hhehe, I just started the Iokath following conclusion of all Chapters including Eternal Throne. Still I find it CRAZY insane, I've burned through 300k in as little as 15 minutes Gameplay.


    NOTE: Someone above 2 years ago said be 'full 246 rating' and it's December 2020 and I'm 304.


    I did the 3 Terminal Droid's fine, but as soon as I leave the Republic Base, now I'm getting beat down brutally bad.


    Seems in 2 years they still haven't addressed this. I managed to avoid 2 Sith Warriors (Star difficulty), by pulling them toward a Jedi (Star) Master. While I in fact then pulled another single Sith Warrior with 2 lower level enemy; toward 3 Trooper's they didn't help at all, as non on my side had a Star, even with Turrets I got hammered.


    Not ENJOYING this at all.


    Your gear may be 304 but you are bolstered down to planet level which most of the time is below what was possible back when the content first came out. It's why certain bosses like Hateful Entity are harder now than when they first came out.

  4. The one major flaw is in the stories when the player goes to voss, how the voss react to non voss, etc. We've seen several posts about it already. All of those interaction would have to be redone,


    Yes, that is interesting as the original species on Voss were the Gormak which the ancient Sith considered little better than animals when they first landed planet side stripping it of resources. The Voss are a product of the Jedi training the Gormak who could wield the force after they ran the Sith off. After the Jedi left, the force using Gormak evolved in to the Voss. Although the Voss as a society may have certain views towards the Empire/Republic from past experience, "Star Cabal", that does not mean that none would have a different attitude. Think Treek.

  5. It's nice to see that the bug is fixed, but I'd have to say I'm curious about why someone would mail items to alts rather than just use Legacy storage. 🤔

    (Other than it may involve some sort of exploit-ish quirk in the mail system.)


    Items you get in a FP or OP are marked Legacy but have a timer on them which prevents you from putting it in your Legacy storage. You can pay to rip out a mod and place it back in to bypass the timer or you can mail the item to the target alt for less than the cost to rip out a high level mod. Of course you can wait for the timer to expire......


    PS I am speaking of the timer that allows you to trade it to someone who was in the FP/OP with you.

  6. All playable races MUST speak Basic as their primary / native language

    All playable races MUST be Human sized and fit on a Human Size Skeleton

    All playable races MUST be able to Wear Human gear and use Human Weapons.

    NO playable races CAN be an integral part of the SWToR story-line as to prevent conflicts within the story.


    Though Kel Dor can speak Basic it is not their primary / native language.


    The Voss are not Human sized and can not fit on a Human sized skeleton and they are an integral part of the SWToR Story-line and a Player Voss would cause major conflicts with the story-line, especially when you go to meet the Voss for the "First Time'.


    The native language of the Chiss is Cheunh and they can speak Basic.

    The native language of the Kel Dor is Kel Dorian but they prefer to speak Basic offworld.


    My Body type 3 male is taller than the Voss and my type 2 male is the same height as the Kel Dor


    The Voss can use Human gear (based off my body 3 human male) and use human weapons and we have seen the Kel Dor using lightsabers.


    While the planet Voss is part of the storyline, Dorin is not.


    The Dev's have already broken the primary language rule with the Chiss so not sure how sacrosanct the integral part of the story line is to them. Given the native language discrepancy, not sure why the Kel Dor could not be playable.

  7. I want Voss. and no the arguments against in the Voss thread are not valid. There are already Voss off world. Even before KOTFE. A smuggler can end up visiting them. There may even be a Gormak out in the galaxy.


    "Before KOTFE" doesn't mean at the start of the story, which is when they need to be in the wider galaxy for it to work.


    So, yah, totally valid arguments against Voss.


    The Imperial attack on Voss initiated by Vitiate was in 3649 BBY. The establishment of both Imperial and Republic embassies on Voss was started shortly after the failed attack. The game starts in 3643 BBY. That is 6 years in which the Voss could have been "off world" prior to the start of the game.

  8. I don't know about the Star Wars galaxy but on hr planet Earth ship captains being authorized to marry people is a myth.


    Malta, Bermuda and the Bahamas are three countries/territories that permit captains of ships registered in their jurisdictions to perform marriages at sea. Others exist but I am not going to do a full listing here.

  9. Yeah the new bounty hunter package is a dope set all right... except your BH can't use the rifle :rolleyes:


    I think I'll give it to my operative. :D


    ------------ \o/ ------------


    Still never figured out why they didn't have Mercs sport dual pistols and Powertechs sporting blaster rifles. Look at the

    and every single BH on it is carrying a rifle or a carbine (Boba's).
  10. You need to type the entire planet name in the /who and mouse click the magnifying glass. The enter key no longer works.


    Also to note you can't search for planets with 1 word names like Coruscant. You can only search planets that have 2 seperate words on them or numbers. Examples would be Nar Shaddaa or Yavin 4.


    I have always used the magnifying glass. Guess I haven't tried using it on a dual entry planet though. Thanks for the input.

  11. As the title says, the three emotes that have been added with the current event are not unlockable with cartel coins in collections although they show up there. I am not certain if this is indeed a bug, but I hope it is, as I'd like to unlock those emotes for all my characters.


    The items themselves read as locked in collections in their description when viewed on the vendor so I believe it is a bug.

  12. So when checking planet pop its only showing friends online not the actual planet population. Minor but still it's a bug.


    I have noticed that when I try to use the /who function on a planet for the planet population, I get "no results returned" even though I see people running around me. I jumped to several planets to see if just the one was bugged but all I have jumped to seem to be affected.

  13. I'd personally be interested is seeing major exploits dealt with. That usually hurts the market more than helping it.


    IF, however, there was a sudden increase of credits made simply because players have learned how to better make / sell mats or finished goods (crafting) ... THAT is NOT an exploit. That just means that a player has done a better job of marketing.


    Selling mats nor making goods via crafting bring credits in to the game. They just redistribute said credits. Not sure why people keep trying to misdirect the fact that there have been quite a few known exploits that did create an influx of credits in to the game. That people did avoid notice and kept the ill gotten booty. Vendor items have been a source on multiple occasions. We can not discuss details here in the forums so quit asking. There are those who like to discredit by way of asking for evidence they know others can not post.

  14. She's not the only one who knows how to make a few extra credits....


    It's not a massive waste of time ... unless you're just trying to stir up trouble.


    2.3 billion credits is not that hard in that amount of time. It can be done with a minimal amount of effort / time IF you know how to play the market.


    IMO ... stop griping about the credits that people can make legitimately .


    Crafting / mats / and only about 3 or 4 armor pieces (sets) ... 30 - 45 minutes a day (OK maybe an hour) without any hassle and it can be done.


    (Ok maybe being a retired purchasing director helps) :D


    The point is the credits are there to be made. Good grief ... (sounds all to familiar these days )


    Wasn't this thread about how the credits are entering the game? Not how I can make 2.3 billion on the GTN?

  15. Any one tried to see what happens when you ignore someone who hasn't earned their Legacy yet? Or even the ones who just never put in a Legacy?


    I'm happy about it being legacy-wide on both relevant legacies, that's a slightly better than what I was counting on.


    I'd have liked a comment option, being able to note why I added someone to my ignore list, if only to be able to clear out the credit spammers faster when I need space--which reminds me, I imagine it might be a bit hard to test whether there are more ignore slots now, but I'm really hoping for an increase over the current 128 also.


    Don't the spammers just keep making free accounts when one is banned?

  16. If there are any, we aren't allowed to discuss details here, and the the people who claim that Guild XYZ is botting to get points are just talking out their fundamental orifices, or might as well be, even if they say that some XYZer or other claimed to be botting. There's never any evidence presented, and there's no way I'm willing to put any trust that even a screenshot of a conversation with the said XYZer means anything other than an empty boast, of the "We bot our way to success and you can't do anything about it, God it must suck to be you" type.


    Isn't it ironic that the very same reasons people are not allowed to discuss details here in the forums are the exact same reasons people can not post proof or details of how someone is cheating that people keep asking for here in the forums?

  17. I did a test a few weeks ago using "archived" entry level schematics.

    I chose archived for two reasons:

    1) Some of them used to give back more mats than you used to create the item. This seems to have been changed, at least with what I crafted.

    2) Archived schematics were the target of that OP's rant at the time.


    So, to craft 50 items I maxed out my companions and it took 6 minutes to craft 50 items and then RE them back to mats.

    I got about 75% of my mats back, and 1560 conquest points.


    6 minutes per round, 75% mat retention rate. also, not enough time to effectively switch alts and do it on two toons at once.


    So...60 minutes / 6 mins per round = 10 rounds in an hour.

    15,600 conquest points in an hour.


    24 hours in a day.


    24x 15,600 = 374000 conquest points in 24 hours.


    Even if, hypothetically, you could double it by getting each round down to 3 minutes using 8 level 50 companions, that's only 748800 conquest points in a day, strictly by crafting for the 50 items crafting goal that infinitely repeatable.


    In a large guild where you can get multiple raid groups farming mobs in SM Operations...the crafting seems the least effective.


    I don't know how long it would take for a single character in a raid group to farm that many points, but I can get that many points in 6-8 hours just doing solo pve stuff



    Botting is against the rules. Flat out. It's really clear that the essence of the rules is one button press must equal one in game action.

    So if you have PROOF of BOTTING, by all means, forward it to the people in charge.


    going by conquest points alone is not proof of botting.


    You were obviously using the wrong archived pattern. The one that was being used and subsequently was changed by the Devs for the advantage it held, would give you 6 items in 7 seconds per craft with a possible crit for a 7th. It was nerfed to 3 items in 12 seconds with a crit for a 4th which still yields you more than attachments for time spent. That pre nerfed pattern could give you 384 items without a single crit in just under a minute using 8 comps. That's 7 1/2 conquest dings a minute. Now with the nerfed pattern you can yield 120 per minute without a single crit which gives you 2.4 dings a minute. That's 144 dings an hour without a single crit. That gives you almost 225k conquest per hour and even more if you crit. That's 1,707,120 conquest points (with zero crits) IF (big if) you have something running for 8 hours while you are at work not playing. Now that crafting bags have unlimited capacity you can have guildies give you mats and with an empty inventory you could hold just under 800k of the crafted item since they stack to 9,999. They also give you back about half the mats needed to make them when deconstructed.

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