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Everything posted by Antipodes

  1. This was brought up before, but lowbie huttballs usually end with zero scores or low scores. This is because there aren't enough tanks and healers to make it to the goal line. Highly doubt resolve changes made a big difference for # of scores total, especially since the patch removed 30 meter stuns could catch ballcarriers in the fire hazard.
  2. Each class gets two pages devoted to companions. Uses in-game graphics for their images though
  3. Three a week is fine. F2P was never meant for PvPers to play for free. The real issue is somehow making the three games they play quality games. Maybe have a F2P-only queue?
  4. I get kicked out of the queue if I don't accept the invite. So I'm guessing they did.
  5. The EWH bracers/belt are fully moddable with 27 PvP armorings in them already. At least on askmrrobot they are. So this unfairness issue will be moot soon enough. PvE armorings are probably BiS anyways but they are expensive
  6. Gotta save some stuff for the expansion. The real one, not just one planet, but multiple with an extension of the class quest. Sadly, very unlikely that this game will have an expansion.
  7. GW2 has lockboxes. People end up with something like 130 Black Lion Chestts to 3-4 Black Lion Keys, which are conveniently purchasable on the Trading Post (double clicking the chest will send you to the store). Is that game illegal anywhere?
  8. Ability gap is much harder to balance and will most likely lead to crazy setups that become unbeatable.
  9. Funny, because the GW2 CM first said he would be responding to PvP concerns in a few days, but it eventually took a month. And when he did post that, people were not happy with what he said.
  10. Yeah, that's too bad. 1.5 would be a great time to win over the PvPers again. It seems they're going with a staggered release of every 6 weeks and the WZ will probably be in 1.6. I'm going to be very optimistic that the WZ is < 2 months away.
  11. BiS for Sorc/Sage healers is debatable because there isn't one answer to whether high endurance or low endurance mods are better, or a mix of both.
  12. There are at least a handful of fully augmented 49s on the Bastion that have 18-19k HP. They leave the game before it ends so that they don't get almost any experience to level themselves out of the bracket. Why would they after spending so much money on fully augmented 49 purple gear? I also find that the claims of TTK being longer in the lowbie bracket to be completely untrue. I am leveling a Jugg and I find that I have no way to keep myself alive (yay 3 minute saberward). This is compounded by the fact that there are far fewer tanks and healers, so the games are comprised of more damage classes. Just take Huttball for example. There are very few games where a team wins with 6 points, simply because the carriers are dying far too fast.
  13. ^ Unremitting/Unstoppable sucks when I am playing a DPS Sage. There's a lot of "tanking" time because they'll push and get another leap + immunity. I don't find Sentinels/Marauders to be any more scary than other classes, especially because they can be kited.
  14. The SWTOR CEs dropped to $20/$30 but most were snatched up in a day or less, with the exception of a few stranglers in B&M stores. CoD BO and MW2 Prestige Editions also dropped to $15 at one point even though they were $150
  15. Grats Bioware! It's kind of sad that SWTOR won "Best Online Technology" but perhaps that makes up for losing "Best Audio for an Online Game". Undeserved win balanced by an undeserved loss I like the art style of this game, the animations are solid, and the planets look great on max settings.
  16. Did a healer insult you for taunting him? Just wondering because there are a few Vanguards/PTs who obviously macro their taunts to their damage abilities. It's funny getting taunted on cooldown when one is tunneling me
  17. Bastion still has rated games during primetime, and occasionally off-peak. The rated scene is definitely not healthy, but it also isn't non-existent.
  18. Antipodes

    Merc is TERRIBLE

    You missed all of the horrible players complaining about Tracer Missile spam back in Jan/early Feb. People complained about it as much as people complain about Smash now. These threads started thinning out as people learned to play (snare and interrupt is hard for SW nerds), but a few of them cropped up every once in awhile until 1.2. Here are a few examples that came up from google search: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2735943 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2010378#post2010378 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1074681 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=205369 The problem is that bad players are the first and the loudest complainers on the forums. Happened back then and happens now. Here is my post that I made back in May after all the complaints with the 1.2 changes. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4247294#post4247294
  19. I'm still around because I didn't like GW2 and leveling my Monk through Barrens in MoP bores me to tears. Doing Arenas again is tempting, especially since they are far more competitive than the dying ranked games on SWTOR, but it has gotten stale for me after getting glad for the first 8 seasons (sig).
  20. I'd rather have the "half assed" solution than none at all. I want to see my character's faces. Not cover it with a hood or a helm.
  21. Ever hear about alts? People PvP on alts that started *after* you. Even as a fresh 50, I never felt useless even going in with recruit gear. I still ended up doing better than half my team.
  22. I miss the month break we had from people crying about gear when GW2 was released Wasn't that game supposed to be the haven for these idealists? What happened? I'll raid operations once just to see the content, but I don't enjoy them enough to *grind* them for gear. Likewise, if you consider PvP a grind, don't do it. I'm still having fun with PvP and the gear is just a nice incentive to play more often.
  23. Because people in that bracket are bad. Covered in the OP's first paragraph. And damn those stunlocking operatives. Let's nerf them again to appease people like you.
  24. That's exactly why they like it. The average skill level is way lower so it is less demanding. Once they hit 50, there is a huge experience gap on top of the gear gap. The level 40+ heroes suddenly get their egos deflated. When leveling, I'm always valor capped, and I've leveled one class purely on PvP, so I have a lot of experience in both the lowbie and 50s bracket.
  25. I already bought the another weapon so the EWH weapon cost me 5775 RWZ comms Don't make me re-buy the whole set!
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