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Everything posted by Antipodes

  1. There's a huge difference between sexy and ****ty armor. The latter just looks silly in cutscenes and doesn't fit their character at all.
  2. I love the rare version of this chest which has a single color hood, no shoulder pad, and no arm straps. I used it in all of the cutscenes on my Sentinel. If there is an orange version of this I would use it. Unfortunately the extra stuff on Aspiring Knight's ruins the look Example here:
  3. Makeb might be laid out in a way that encourages would PvP. Besides "designated" areas for world PvP always end up lame. It's more fun if the conflicts happen organically.
  4. 10 ticks of a dot, not 10 dots... Really now, haven't you seen that debuff tick down?
  5. Jugg Unstoppable: A distinctive shield pops up on their body Guardian Unremitting: A circular glow around the body. There is a distinct visual effect for Unremitting but it is much harder to detect in the heat of battle. Usually, I'm not targeting the guardian so checking buff icons isn't the solution.
  6. /signed Sometimes match color doesn't come out well.
  7. Can we get an option to try out new way then make a permanent decision to your character which one you take? I'd be happy if all the keyboard turners choose the old delayed 360 knockback then cry about it a month later when they see good players using the new knockback effectively.
  8. WoW has the best instanced PvP. It's just incredibly old for those of us who have played since launch. If you haven't tried it, I suggest you do. Arenas are the most fun I've had in a MMO. Strangely, I've been having fun with WZs since launch, yet I got bored with WoW's equivalent (BGs) very early on. The smaller team sizes might have something to do with it, as it makes both your teammates and opponents feel more important. Every person can make a meaningful difference in the game, whereas in a 40v40 match, it's just a bunch of green and red bodies. Not saying that I would mind a larger WZ in SWTOR. It would be very exciting for the variety, but I'd get bored for it faster than the smaller team maps.
  9. Hmm. I thought new character creation on origin servers was locked? Otherwise, can't people who have a stray character on an origin server just create 7 more to circumvent the character slot cap?
  10. This game has attracted a lot of haters that want nothing but to see the game fail. Ignore both the hype and the hate.
  11. I've had great experiences with the CS so far. 1) Factory reset my phone with the security key app. I thought once I redownloaded the app it would be fine, but that's not how it works. Called at 10 PM PDT and promptly got the security key removed. Back when I played WoW, their CS only worked during business hours. 2) Exchanged my BM saber for WH, forgetting my 2.5 mil white lightsaber crystal was in it. Oops Put in a ticket before dinner, and the crystal was in my mail after dinner. 3) Swapped from a phone authenticator to a keyfob. Honestly, this one shouldn't need a call. CS was friendly.
  12. Thanks for all the tips, I'll try some out tonight. If you are asking about Columi dress, it did not match well with the WH chest. The color of the dress remained mostly white even after unifying the colors. I also found a friend who has the the Legacy dress and WH chest. I asked her to check whether unifying colors would change the dress to brown, but the servers went down for maintenance.
  13. When SWTOR was announced, using the Star Wars IP was a big negative to me. I would have been much more pleased if they chose to use the ME universe. The original SW trilogy is a classic, but the prequels sapped away all interest in the universe. The aesthetic looks outdated and the alien races look like silly puppets. After playing SWTOR though, I've become much bigger fan of SW.
  14. Damn, I should have made better looking characters on the origin servers. I have a bunch of randomized placeholder characters. F2P will probably have one slot. The free class story will tempt people to buy a slot for another class. The average player doesn't have more than two max level characters.
  15. Would Aussie players be happy if they were transferred back to NA servers? That's really the only thing that can be done in this situation.
  16. Let me guess, you're talking about Bestworld from Bastion? You really can't stand it when anyone says DPS sorcs/sages are good. I can't speak for the two East Coast PvP servers, but the consensus for Jung Ma to Bastion transfers was that the level of competition on Jung Ma was terrible in comparison. A transfer guild, Sleens, that was bragging about going 60-1 or something on Jung Ma disbanded in a week It's all moot now that the top 3 guilds of Bastion have quit or are inactive. Bestworld is the guild leader of one of the three, and they seem to have (temporarily?) reformed with some of the remaining PvPers.
  17. From what it sounds like, the current plan is just to merge origin servers with destination servers. If that's the case, I don't see the point of this test. I'm guessing there are at most 10 concurrent people online during prime time per origin server.
  18. I'm surprised people don't know about this. Capping in cover is just using class abilities in a smart way. What's next, people complaining about Guardians grabbing the Huttball with Unremitting up? Or Assassins running through fire with Shroud?
  19. Many of us aren't PvE heroes like yourself. And they might change the expertise DR once the full set of PvP gear is released.
  20. PUG WZs average time is around 15 minutes. Sometimes, it isn't worth it if the game is painful (i.e. everyone defending one turret two minutes into a losing Civil War). I'd rather quit and do stuff outside then sit at the turret all game. Basically, this will deter people who are quick to jump ship in hopes they can queue with a better team.
  21. ^ Same goes for people who are complaining that their class buffs are not enough. The Vanguard/PT nerf was huge. Sure, they'll still be a PITA when they get close, but that means they are somewhat kitable and have to put themselves in more danger to do damage. I generally agree with the nerfs, but I think they should keep their 50% snare.
  22. Hmm interesting, never thought about that. I assume it's the same with Rakata/Columi/Tionese? So classes who get better set bonuses from PvE gear can move the new 1.4 armoring to PvE gear while keeping the expertise? What happens when you put a WH armoring into a Rakata shell?
  23. It's a tough act to balance. Reward participation too much, and you'll get people who either AFK games, or have "quit" but do not leave the game. I would just go with a 15 minute lockout for leaving. It'll deter quitting but the punishment is not sever enough that people feel forced to stay.
  24. I think people just notice it more when it's the supposed FOTM classes. I've been in lowbie games full of sorcs/commandos post 1.2 patch. When that happens, people don't think anything of it. Then they see a bunch of marauders and assume everyone is rerolling FOTM. Snipers have always been strong, but people just don't gravitate to the class. No doubt that there will be some rerollers, but I suspect most people won't reroll Snipers because they don't enjoy that type of play-style.
  25. Bump. One legacy quest per class is fine. After finishing the class storyline, the legacy quest becomes unlocked. The other three classes (same faction for now) can access the legacy quest. Based on the "guest" class, there will be differences in the dialogue, but the overall quest structure will be the same. For example, a Jedi knight would react to a Smuggler differently than a Jedi Consular. Key choices made during the game will reflect upon how the legacy character is introduced. Players control the dialogue options for both the legacy character and the guest character. My suggestion is to keep the interaction to cut-scenes for simplicity. As cool as it would be to have your other characters fighting along side you, it would be strange to have the AI control them.
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