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Everything posted by Antipodes

  1. Nice post. I don't agree with all of your points, but what you've written is way better than this garbage thread 1. PvP currently has no matchmaking system beyond 10-49 and 50 The population is not high enough to support brackets. The general idea is good, and would have helped the longevity of the game if there were brackets AND cross-server queuing at launch. 2. The current PvP queue does not differentiate between solo and grouped players I disagree with this. MMOs are a social game and there should be some advantage of queuing as a group. Keep in mind that the max pre-made group is 4 people. There is always a chance that you'll be paired with a pre-made as a pugger, and a chance the a pre-made group gets paired with bad puggers. I've played plenty of games where fighting a pre-made group was no harder than fighting a pug. 3. Gear becomes one of the most (if not THE most important) determining factor This comment seems to have a PvE bias (you mention people can't bother with having two gear sets). As someone who only PvPs, I actually think expertise should be removed all-together, as long as the best gear can be obtained through PvE and PvP. 4. Current Resolve system means that cc breakers are vastly inadequate for the amount of cc players are subjected to BW had many good changes with 1.4, but then squandered it with the resolve changes, bubble stuns, and focus/rage buffs. I'd like to see all of these things reverted to pre-1.4 and buff sages in a different manner. 5. Class Imbalance Class balance is never perfect, but people make it out to be much worse than it is. I play four classes in RWZs and I feel 7/8 classes have at least one spec that is very competitive (sorry Mercs). Sentinel, Vanguard, Scoundrel healer, Guardian tank, and Shadow tank are all a bit strong currently, to the point of them being required. Still, that's 5/8 classes, and having a Sage DPS/healer and/or Gunslinger rounds out the team very nicely. 6. Ranked Warzones are not providing enough incentive for top players to play them Yup, I agree. To really compete in RWZs, you need close to full WH gear. Then where is the incentive to keep playing if your team starts losing? The rewards simply aren't attractive enough. My server, the Bastion, had tons of PvP guilds playing the first week of RWZs. It seemed as if 80% of the guilds quit within a week or two when they realized they couldn't compete 6. World PvP is non-existent Yep, it sucks. As stupid as it is to have two warring factions sharing neutral towns and quests in WoW, at least it raised the tension by putting opposite factions in the same general vicinity. The questing areas in SWTOR are too large and segregated. Population balance needs to be managed better too. 7. Lack of communication from the developers I'm kinda split on this one. On one hand, I think it's good to have a healthy discussion from the developers on their goals with PvP. On the other hand, it also promotes people to whine for attention. This forum has been dead wrong about balance changes in the past (see complains about Mercs/Sorcs/Ops a month into release) and there's nothing that will make people more mad if the developers tell them that they are wrong, regardless if it is the right course of action.
  2. The Jugg/Guardian slow is amazing. My only problem with it is it lasts too long for an AOE slow. It should be ~5 second duration. Even as Rage/Focus it is incredibly cheap in resources. VG/PT tanks need something like this. I don't know much about the spec, but that's mostly because their tank spec is extinct in rated games.
  3. ^ Funny how a whining thread with no substance is so popular in theses forums. Really, this is as far away from constructive criticism as it gets.
  4. If it is my first time though, I'll watch the cutscenes. Requests to skip it are ignored. If I have already watched it, I'll ask beforehand if people are going to be watching the cutscenes. If they are, I'll just watch it again, otherwise I'll spacebar through it. I find it 10x more boring to spacebar through the conversations only to wait for someone to finish watching it.
  5. It's almost like everyone with full WH played from launch, never rolled any alts, and that you never get WH players on your team or get any comms for losing.
  6. Aw, you're hurt and can't admit being wrong about the changes. Please BW, give people like this a *permanent* option to keep the old delayed 360 knockback. Ironic thing is in your Scoundrel example, the old knockback would not go off before you ate the dirty kick. With the new instant knockback, you can get it off before they get the second stun off.
  7. If you're talking about RWZs activity, what Smashbrothers said was true. Like I said in the first response, one of the biggest problems was the lack of brackets. Brackets would have at least put like-skilled groups together.
  8. Nope. A single 4 second stun would not give you full resolve pre-1.4. That means you can eat another 4 second stun afterward. Hitting full resolve does not break you out of the second stun. With the resolve change, the maximum time chain stunned is now just under 9 seconds*. Stun the person with overlapping stuns for 4.9 seconds, then hit them with another 4 second stun. * The exception to this is the exploding bubble. If you chain exploding bubble stuns perfectly, you can get them with 9.9 seconds of overlapping exploding bubble stun, then follow it with a standard 4 second stun, for a total of just under 14 seconds. Now that is pretty ridiculous
  9. The term "tryhard" comes to mind. Unless they are using the re-usable ones
  10. Nope, Recruit MK-2 is more than enough for normal WZs if you are good player that knows what to do. Since you're only presenting your side of the story, it's hard to honestly judge whether you are good though.
  11. *shrug* It wasn't Okuyy, that would be too obvious.
  12. That was like 5 months ago, but IIRC it was some variation of "Maul" back then too.
  13. So it was you. I logged on to the Imp Fleet for the GTN and you were talking about how Okuy was the best VG on rep side
  14. If Okuy came from The Crucible Pits, he's a weirdo. He would talk up his own alts as being the "best" on fleet chat.
  15. WTH is this? 1) VG/PT is the only other AoE stun I can think of at the moment, and it does not break on damage. 2) Bubble stun gives 100 resolve per second. Resolve bar fills at 1000, meaning resolve will be capped out after 4 bubble stuns. 3) The range of bubble stun < 10 meters. Not sure the exact range, but 30 meters, really? 4) Only accurate one but that's including the PvP healer set bonus (which can be used be used by DPS).
  16. Grenades have a cooldown, and your team has access to them too. Good teams don't get wiped out fast. In fact, it's incredibly hard to cap the middle nodes of Novare/CW because people often respawn faster than the rate of killing.
  17. That statement reminds me of keyboard turners that get mad when people strafe behind them in a duel, and complain about how it's not 'honorable" to do that. It's always amusing to me how uptight MMO players can be with made-up rules on what their vision of "sporting" combat should be. If you feel grenades are overpowered, then make a new thread (since grenades are *not* exclusive to RWZs) with a strong argument on why that is. I would somewhat agree with you that grenades are OP, but as long as it is in the game, you can't fault players for using them.
  18. Pretty sure he said that even with gear, the other team would still beat them with coordination. Which does imply L2P (i.e. practicing coordination/communication).
  19. Yup! I remember all the whiny sage/sorc forum goers putting up polls on how the new knockback was a nerf. At the time, I suggested they could permanently keep their 360 delayed one. Oh, how sad it would be for them once they realized how wrong they were.
  20. But really, the one of the biggest flaws with the implementation of RWZs was the lack of a matchmaking system. It's completely demoralizing for a new team to be destroyed by the best team over and over again. It's too late now. Unless there is a huge influx of F2P players (yeah right), even cross server queues won't have enough teams to have meaningful brackets.
  21. If it was just a simple "trick" than why have so many subscription MMOs failed over the last 8 years? There are plenty of MMOs that aren't WoW-clones that failed to find success too (TERA, TSW). The short answer is: it isn't easy at all. Again, this is not just a SWTOR problem, but a rather, the business model just doesn't work. Sadly, the age of large budget subscription MMOs is ending.
  22. How many MMOs post-WoW have failed at the "real solution"? Again, this isn't only a problem with SWTOR. At this point, it seems like a problem of the business model.
  23. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/gear/42515/elite-war-hero-enforcers-belt There you go, non-issue soon enough.
  24. Every post-WoW MMO has people whining that the "game wasn't ready for launch" or that the rate of new content isn't worth a subscription. Hell, even GW2 is having a problem with player retention when it doesn't even have a subscription fee. It's not just SWTOR, but the MMO industry as a whole is struggling to keep a healthy base of loyal players. Producing a game which grabs people while leveling, and still having thousands of hours of end game content, seems like a unrealistic goal at this point.
  25. The EWH bracers will be fully modifiable, at least according to askmrrobot. Meaning they will contain a 27 PvP armoring/mod.
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