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Everything posted by Antipodes

  1. Antipodes


    It would be nice for there to be a higher rank of Noble Sacrifice. Make it take 3x to health but gain 3x the force. I don't like how Sages/Sorcs have to waste so many global cooldowns to get force back. Your first suggestion might make force management a no-brainer. Maybe make it a channel like the mages evocation? As for your second suggestion, the middle tree Sorc/Sages use that spell. Right tree would use it when it becomes insta-cast giving them unlimited force. I like the idea that it makes Sages more hybrid-ish, but perhaps make it so our melee abilities give us force back?
  2. Yup. Instant case makes a huge difference. Having a lot of fun insta-knockbacking leapers or knocking people off ledges. Great for peeling too.
  3. MoP is already out. I reactivated (hence my sig) but I lost motivation on my Panda Monk within a day or two. WoW is a great game but it's the same game I played for 6 years. Despite the bugs, I'm having more fun in 1.4 because the changes at least mixed things up a bit.
  4. Shouldn't all of the idealist have left for GW2? If you want to play a gear-less game, there are plenty of options out there. Hate them all you want, but the gaming industry is adding more progression systems even in games that typically didn't have them (i.e. shooters).
  5. The two biggest issues I have right now is resolve not being added for overlapping CCs, and being short handed for games. The first is self explanatory, the second is frustrating because not having one player is huge when the games are 8v8. At the very least, they need to have a player counter visible for everyone, so that the team with players knows they are playing with an advantage. Focus/Rage is the next big issue. The spec was fine and didn't need any buffs. Considering how Sent/Mara has been a top class every patch, buffing them (even if it is to one spec) is going to cause more ill will toward PvP balancing. Vanguard/Powertech damage is also somewhat concerning now. I was a fan of the changes to make them less effective at range, but more effective at 10 meters. However, the damage and burst they do now seems a bit much. Many Vanguards/PTs are now hitting 1k DPS much more often. Overall, I think many of the changes in this patch were a step in the right direction. In particular, the Sage, Shadow, Commando, and Scoundrel buffs all helped classes/specs that could use a boost. All in all, I'm having more fun with this patch than 1.3 just for how it mixed things up a bit.
  6. ^ I love the instant knock back on my Sage. Conversely, I love when the keyboard turning Sorc/Sages miss their knock back:
  7. I noticed that if I am AFK when the queue pops (basically the join prompt expires), my icon on the minimap still blinks as if I am still looking for a game. I bet that is what is broken. People who don't take the queues are still taking up a spot.
  8. I've seen too many false complaints about hacking (oh, you silly speed hacking combat sentinel teams) and never anyone hacking in game. Furthermore, almost all of the accusations have come from bad players. Never seen someone from the top PvP teams complain about hacks. So, if you are going to accuse, please include proof.
  9. I simply wanted a fun MMO and I got one. The best experiences are the ones I didn't know I wanted.
  10. 1) JK 2) JC 3) Trooper 4) Smuggler I seem to like the force class stories more, so working on a Warrior and Inquisitor.
  11. You're being vague How was my post not a response to these statements?
  12. You can't join as a team for sPvP in GW2. There is no gear advantage in sPvP/tPvP. Go ahead, knock yourself out. Yet, with all of the good will and hype going into the game, people are already getting bored 1 month in
  13. If the population could support matchmaking based on valor level, then it would greatly improve the experience of new players. Unfortunately, it doesn't. Your suggestion is terrible though. Punish players PvPers in favor of casuals that play once a week? Anyways, it seem like GW2 is what you're looking for. No premades except for tournaments. Full gear instantly.
  14. If the sum of the changes was a nerf, then I like the nerf, because I'm blowing people up even faster than before. Even if the range reduction is causing the class to die more, that's not causing their overall damage to down. Here is an example of post-patch PT damage from our server forums: http://i.imgur.com/Dv82n.jpg What made the spec interesting to me was 1) blowing people up 2) taunts 3) pulls. All of that is intact. We still have 30 meter range abilities that still hurt (SG, HIB) and even more damage when in 10 meters.
  15. The spec doesn't have to run in mindlessly still. Rather than doing AP -> IR -> HIB, I just do SG -> HS (till proc) -> HIB. I can still play safe when in situations I need to stay alive (i.e. long res timer on VS defense), but it's not as damaging, which I think is fine for a class designed to be most effective at 10 meters.
  16. It's actually easier now to do more damage.
  17. I'm a fan of the changes to the Assault/Pyro tree. My problem with the spec was their ease of applying damage. They could lead in with heavy burst even at 30 meters, or finish off people who managed to kite away. The changes have made the spec weaker at range but stronger in the 10 meter range. There's more risk reward and the squishiness is balanced by how obscene their burst is now when they get into that range. I think Van/PT overall damage in a match has gone up since the patch, despite the reduced survivability. Since patch I've hit 950 and 1000 DPS on my Vanguard.
  18. Fair? Yes. Necessary? No. I think Bioware's reasoning for changing the range is misguided. If I were to fix stuns in this game, I'd take them off GCD but lower the stun duration by half (while giving the same resolve). That will keep stuns almost as potent in 1v1 but not as frustrating in 1vN.
  19. I"m worried about the buffs to Focus/Rage also and posted it here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=5206116#post5206116 Focus/Rage was already a powerful spec pre-1.4 worthy of a spot in a RWZ team. To be fair though, I haven't experienced anyone dominating with the spec yet. While that may end up being a big blemish on the class balance changes, I think Bioware was spot on with the Sage/Vanguard changes.
  20. After hearing a bunch of Sages/Sorcs complain about 1.4, it motivated me to try out my WH sage first. After playing games as full Balance spec and full Seer spec, I am very happy with the changes. First thing I noticed was how great the new knock back is. Instant knock back + server force/slow is amazing! Icing on the cake is when you see the FOTM Rage/Foucs spec miss their AoE, whereas I would have gotten hit if I used the old delayed knock back. The instant heal is better than I expected. 3k instant free heal as DPS spec? When I went Seer spec, the heal was critting for 6k+. Lastly, Force Speed has always been our best defensive cooldown and the buffs to it were very nice. Force management is still a downside and the 10 meter stun was more noticeable than I thought. Still, the class definitely feels stronger than before. After doing very well in a handful of games, I went on to test my WH Vanguard. I didn't have high hopes because, from the patch notes, it seemed that the class received nothing but nerfs.. Admittedly, the class was overpowered pre-1.4 and I thought some of the range nerfs were fair, but the snare reduction seemed unnecessary. I figured the class would still be good, but not nearly as scary as before. Then, to my disbelief, a friend mentioned that Sticky Grenade no longer shared a cooldown with Assault Plastique. Wow. That possibly makes up for all of the nerfs and then some. At range, I can still open with Sticky Grenade, then put a Assault Plastique when I get closer. The burst potential is insane when using both these abilities. Overall, I'm really happy with the changes to these two classes.
  21. I agree. Loot in this game is already bland. Having perfectly itemized gear would take all thought/variety out of gearing. Though, it would be nice if the vendors sold individual mods/enhancements for something like 1500 comms. Yes! If not, at least keep the same type of stats on the gear per tier. It's frustrating that the WH Force Mystic Lightsaber has surge, and the Elite upgrade has alacrity. Meanwhile the WH Force Master Lightsaber has alacrity, and the Elite version has surge. Now I'm forced to buy another WH lightsaber just to trade it in for the upgrade.
  22. I don't PvE often, because I think PvE in SWTOR sucks, big Time. But I don't have a close minded view that the game should only cater to me.
  23. Prior to this 1.4, PTs were the #1 overall DPS class having the highest overall damage, best burst, and great utility (taunts/pull). With PTs getting nerfed in 1.4, Marauders would have taken the top spot by default. Adding addition buffs (even if it is to one spec) doesn't seem right. If anything, Carnage's run speed talent should have been nerfed. As of now, it is a requirement to bring one Carnage Marauder to a RWZ group.
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