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Posts posted by Xcore

  1. This problem is even worse for Snipers because of the cover mechanic...

    Some abilities require that you be in cover. Well, even going into cover lags and trying to immediately cast an ability after going into cover.... makes me want to kill a ****in kitten.


    That is logically correct because we rely on the (instant, no GCD trigger) cover ability for everything. So it simply stands out more... Perhaps I was drawn to make this thread through the extreme frustration of playing a Gunslinger?


    I think this entire issue is most noticeable on chaining of instants and casted abilities in a rotation. The tighter the rotation, the more noticeable.


    You have no idea how frustrating it is to run a tight rotation and then try to include the "Buff" that makes my next a ability a crit etc. It Interrupts the entire flow even though It is supposed to be Instant and not GCD triggering.


    Never, ever did WoW have such issues, not even at launch.

  2. I never understood his problem until last night.


    My main is a Jedi Sage (Seer spec), absolutely no experience with this problem in PvE. No issue what so ever for the past 48 levels.


    Last night I was fussing around with a new Bounty Hunter. Just the first few levels I was able to experience misfire, non-firing, not registering attacks, interrupts, etc.. The description of it being like I'm disconnected from my avatar is 100% accurate.


    The thing that bugs me is that I've never had these problems with the Sage. Could it be that these issues are confined within several classes? Did we ever look at which specific classes are having these issues?


    No, no offense but you simply haven't perceived it well enough. My fiancee plays a Sage as well, coming from competitive environments in WoW she says healing is hell in SW:TOR...


    Try this, , its really simple to notice how unresponsive the whole system is:


    Enter Warzone or Duel:


    1) Get CCd

    2) Use PvP Trinkets which is instant and does not trigger the GCD

    3) Use your knockback ability


    You will notice the "sluggish" feeling, the above moves should be chained In no more than .5 sec to 1... this is impossible.


    Tirion_Raptor surmised the issues a few pages back.


    Again, I urge you to be more critical in observation on your Sage as well, every single class suffers this issue and every single ability contributes to the overall feeling of disconnect. What is important to understand that due to several mechanics and technicalities, some abilities or rotations showcase it jarringly, some faintly and some, not at all.


    Even abilities or rotations that do not display it at all suffer this. We're simply lucky that it may be masked far better.

  3. you're still stuck on a game that came out 7 years ago. WoW has never been good and it's certainly not the be-all and end-all of MMOs.


    swtor doesn't use auto attacks or animation clipping so stop blaming your problems on a design flaw. set your ability queue to 0.5 or fix your network issues.


    You are the reason I am unable to express myself eloquent anymore. 5 threads of you can drive one insane... I don't belive you understand the issue discussed here at all...


    On another note, Tirion_Raptor (cannot confirm name, on phone... apologies). I agree and I think I've/we've come go a good understanding. The most Important thing that this thread can accomplish (its original purpose) is to establish that there is a discernible problem.


    Also, of course i knew he meant GCD when he said "quickslot recovery", just needed to poke a bit of fun at someone using terminology such as that to undermine this entire thread... my cynicism...

  4. i did not say people have to wait. i said the complete opposite.


    Ok so you agree with the issue on ability delay and avatar responsiveness? If not, explain the Smuggler Grenade video or any other one listed.


    Why is this an issue?.:


    1) Stunned - Use PvP Trinkets (Instant, doesn't trigger GCD)

    2) Cover - (Instant, doesn't trigger GCD)

    3) Knockback - (Instant, triggers GCD)


    Why does this this take 3+ seconds if its all instants without GCDs? It should be 1.5max...

  5. it's the panel where all your abilities are slotted. i guess quickslot bar is the common term.


    what is everyone's ability queue set to?


    It's called the GCD "Global Cooldown", so my original reply to you is accurate. You believe that the issue is that people have to wait to hit their next ability until the GCD concludes. The problem is abilities still delay by at least .5 seconds or missfire completely.

  6. I think the thread idea is fine. Gather relative information to help the developers. However the style of the OP isn't about assisting. It's about attacking. Numerous comments that are to bolster his argument just end up being far more like a child whining. "Professional Gamer?" really? Game is unplayable..... there are over a million people playing.


    The OP should redesign his argument to be more assisting with defining the problems than being aggressive.


    The OP was written 5 threads ago, at that time "no-one" was mentioning this issue at all clearly because we collectively had no idea how to properly define and express it. The OP I believe served its purpose far better than expected. It is in no way aggressive... Simply assertive and attempting to raise awareness.


    You know, I really dont understand why people are so offended by "Pro Gamers". Would you be offended if we were here discussing a racetrack and Michael Schumacher came along and gave you his "firm" critique? Or would you value it higher than the average Joe's because his ability to perceive the very hard nuances is far greater?


    The OP will be updated, not edited in content to suit the progress of the thread...

  7. the ones complaining haven't acclimatized to the combat system and don't really know how to play.


    after you use an ability, you repeatedly click or tap a succeeding ability as the quickbar is recovering. swtor doesn't actually use a queue system (at least with my settings). the quickbar recovery is there for a reason. there's no auto attack or animation clipping. the combat is simply not as fast-pasted as you were expecting.


    What is this "quickbar recovery"? Are you trying to say GCD? If so, are you implying that everyone here over the past 5000+ replies, 600+ pages simply has to wait for their GCD before hitting the button? and if this is your statement, then you don't understand the crux of this every complex (technically as well perceptibly) issue.


    Also, why does mashing your button bug out the game? Why is this considered bad? Is maximization and efficiency considered bad?


    I thought SW:TOR was going to compete for Market Leader, I thought PvP and PvE was supposed to be crisp and responsive, action packed and reward quick and mental agility? I believe this is a requirement...

  8. That is because over 200,000 people do not understand how the internet works. Trust me on this one, I've been doing this a long time. Ability delay is NOT a bug, it is a fluctuation in ping time's between sending and receiving, and the small window of opportunity inside of the ability queue system. It's NOT fixable, it's HIDEABLE. Read my posts again, this time with a little less bias. Stop pretending that Bioware is bowing to your every whim and treat them like a multi million dollar corporation. They know the truth. Just because they tell the user base there is a problem doesn't mean there is. They're going to mask the problem, but it will still exist because its a ping issue, tied to the TCP protocol. Cannot be fixed, ever.


    You do not understand how these games work, nor do you understand how the internet works. When you have someone like me, sitting here telling you the ABSOLUTE TRUTH, instead of hiding behind corporate things like "we acknowledge theres a problem", you don't jump down my throat. You're supposed to take that knowledge and learn from it. Explore it. Stop denouncing it simply because you don't understand the terminology. I'm tired of trying to help you people. I can put it all into numbers for you if you'd like, but it would be pages long. Why bother though, right? You're going to denounce this information as if I'm a witch in Salem.


    BTW, the fireball in WoW reference is factual. It is THE technology that Blizzard implemented to get around all sorts of game delay. They developed it specifically for this issue, in house. Go test it if you still play. Open your combat log, watch the fireball hit you(in the log), and observe that your health bar hasn't moved. Now, kindly shut up with your spreading of misinformation. I seek to inform the masses, not dumb them down like some posters in here.


    In WoW, the client delays what it shows you until the server has given the OK. In SW:ToR, this is not the case. That is your elusive "ability delay".


    You are correct in everything you say in regards to the Client Server communication. However, you must understand that is only part of the problem that causes the feeling of unresponsive gameplay. It is furthered by Animation Prioritization that can be found in the Smuggler Grenade video etc as well as ability and animation bugs such as Riposte AND lastly UI and GCD (aswell as sound) sync being unpolished and simply bad.


    Last point of contention is that WoW launched with the illusion of client/server delay, it was not fixed later... I remember the fix in Beta 2 of WoW.



    Posted on phone, apologies for mistakes...

  9. Ahh, now that you've explained it precisely, I do see what you're referring to. The first click happens before the GCD is done. The second is clearly AFTER the GCD is done, but doesn't trigger the ability (which, combined with the early first click, is what fooled me into thinking ability queue was on initially). Third click comes very nearly simultaneously with the ability activating...


    and with the charged burst animation starting.


    It actually looks like the same exact hitch on the end of the heals in the IA video.


    Which I'm still thinking is probably a client server sync issue, especially since the client doesn't even START simulating the GCD off the second click. On that one bounty hunter vid, there's a point at the start where he tries to fire a rocket after an unload. The GCD starts for a fraction of a second, and then aborts with the error 'Target dead'.


    What appears to be happening is that, indeed, the client does not yet think it's a valid time to use a new ability. Based on the similar behavior of the heals, I'd guess that with the castbar finished, the client goes into in a 'hold' state waiting to receive confirmation that the ability actually executed, and only then starts to animate. And that the hold state also locks out using new abilities, which is either a bug or very, very bad design.


    The hitch itself could also be caused by a bug OR just network latency... but if it's the latter it's the result of a very naive design, as it apparently doesn't use any sort of compensation for it at ALL.




    Except it'd look awful, and yes some people do care. You could accomplish the same thing by just fixing that hitch.


    Edit: it occurs to me that something similar to the /stopcasting trick from wow might break the hold state and eliminate the hitch, if done late enough. Though I have heard reports of abilities being interrupted after they were believed to be finished, so this may not work, or may require such absurdly precise timing that it's a practical impossibility.


    I agree with you now, perhaps we were misunderstanding. Either way, I am of the firm belief that the "Green" is correct.


    1) Bioware's lack of communication leads me believe they are unable to resolve the issue or even understand the issue. Both of which point to incompetence.


    2) Bioware's inexperience with multiplayer leads me to believe in the naivety


    3) Bioware's love and constant pre-marketing on animations (lightsabers connecting etc.)


    4) Bioware's purchase of the Hero Engine, not developing their own engine code etc.


    5) Bioware's generally incredibly casual nature towards gaming, I don't believe any of them would notice .5 sec delay on anything...



    In any case, the IA video I am willing to argue and concede Client/Server Communication latency/lag etc. However the smuggler example is really what 90% of the people in this thread are noticing glaringly and that is, bad design... bad coding... bad ideas... bad everything.


    Furthermore, it is the first step to bad PvE Endgame and PvP Interaction in general.

  10. Either way, the effects of the grenade are fully applied BEFORE you could possibly activate a third ability, plain as day.


    That isn't the problem, the problem is the .5 sec delay after the Cast of the previous ability as well as the GCD completing to get the next instant ability off, which is the grenade ability.


    Its a very small delay to some, to others its incredibly jarring and quite obvious.



    If the Grenade ability would simply clip the previous ability, as in WoW... there would be no real issue.

  11. Imagine trying to do something like tyring to sw:death a poly in this game. You couldn't... and it's the main reason I can't take this game or it's PvP seriously. With controls like they are now the skillcap is being pushed to the floor. This may be good for the average or bad player but it isn't good for the exceptional ones. There is something wrong with "character responsiveness" and frankly, I don't give a flying **** what the issue is. I just want it either fixed, or some indication from the developers that it CAN'T be fixed so I can move on.


    Rofl, don't be ridiculous.... I think the Hero Engine would blow up...

  12. Because the OP's really, really long and in places rather hard to follow. Especially when it gets into the videos (with little indication of what they are, or are supposed to show), and the quotes from specific people(which are frankly uninteresting in concept, regardless of content).


    As far as the videos go, I don't really like watching them in the first place, especially the ones where the guy talks for five minutes before he gets to whatever he's trying to demonstrate. If I can't see something fairly obvious fairly quickly, even after skipping around in the video a bit, I skip to the next one or just stop watching them entirely.


    It's very much an amplified version of TLDR: If nobody but people who'd read the entire thing posted, this wouldn't be on its fifth thread, it'd've died out days ago.


    P.S. I wouldn't keep repeating myself if it didn't seem like something wasn't getting through. Think I'm wrong about something? Give me something concrete, and I *will* change my tune.


    I just think you're wrong in not understanding the whole concept of the problem behind the feeling of Avatar/Character Responsiveness and Ability Delay.


    There is quite a bit more to it than the fact that Client and Server are not in sync.


    My only point of contention is that you are not accounting for the fact that Animations are Prioritized over Player Input. It has nothing to do with the fact that an animation and ability effect are separate in technicality. Bioware's combat design does not allow (in many cases) for animation clipping and because it prioritizes animation execution before you can initiate a new ability (regardless of GCD status) it comes off as clunky.


    Now, the fact that there is a "not so hidden" delay between the server recognizing a new command and the client executing/displaying it is only part of the problem.


    Once again, the smuggler video shows it well enough. The player is completely unable to even trigger the ability/animation or effect of the Grenade Ability until "after" the animation of the blaster bolts has absolutely concluded... even though the Cast time on the blaster bold ability has long finished AND the GCD has concluded as well. So in that case we're looking at about a 1.5 sec delay.


    1.5 sec delay before the command can be sent to the server etc. and yes completely besides the point is that the mob takes damage immediately instead of when the grenade hits it. The point is the ability itself is delayed by 1.5 seconds overall (roughly).

  13. Edit:


    I don't suppose you could point at me that one? I've got a 42 trooper, and I'd just love to play around with whatever's doing that a bit(if I haven't already)


    How can you post in a thread of which you haven't even read the OP? or seen any of the discussions before joining?



    P.S.: Not going to lie, I stopped reading your actual posts... its very much repetition and I don't have the time...

  14. Wow's precipitous decline in Cataclysm (over 2 million subscriptions lost in 12 months) is proof that catering to the hardcores is indeed not the way to maintain a healthy game.


    Wrath was much more casual friendly and was WoW's peak in terms of paid customers.


    This is off-topic but I believe WotLK's success is only due to TBC popularity which if you recall was not very casual at all. Cataclysm's failure is due to WotLK failure in effect.


    That is my belief anyways, or at least I believe this is a contributing factor.



    Most will agree that TBC was WoW's Prime




    I see nothing but failure for Mists of Pandaria... sadly...

  15. I think the combat log is definatlry needed, but i am not too sure about stuff like recount and gerscore.

    It is wrong to differentiate between players by the amount of damage they do or how good their gear is, these sorts of add ons do more damage than good in my opinion and these were basically a smack in the face for some poor people in WOW.

    I would rather TOR did not go the same way as wow did with the elitism and hardcore raiders, it was fun at times but it did not do the MMO community any favours at all in regard to public relations. Nowadays i just want to play with people that are fun and friendly and contrary to popular belief, it is possible to do all the end game content without strict guild rules, written applications, and checking peoples performance.


    I think a Hardcore Community is a sign of a healthy endgame environment, healthy meaning competitive as well.

  16. How do you know? You cannot tell from the evidence available on screen in that video what's actually happening. There's too many different things all going on at once for you to be able to isolate something like that and be certain that what you think is happening actually is happening. You literally *cannot* tell for certain what is happening, other than the grenade anim being delayed by the charged burst anim. That is the ONE thing that is absolutely clear.


    You can guess, you can assume, you can speculate, but you cannot be sure, because there's too many other possibilities that fit the observed facts.


    In short: need more data.




    Again, you contradict your statement that you understand it's only what happens on the server that matters.


    By the time you receive a damage notification on your screen, accompanied by the reduction in the enemy's hitpoints, the server has already calculated the damage done, applied it to the enemy's health, and then calculated how much health it has remaining. It has to have done, because it has to send all that to you before your client can render it, and it takes a short period of time to get to you if nothing else.


    In the case of the grenade anim, the fact that the damage and debuff appears immediately when the ability starts animating leaves only two possibilities:


    1.) The client just happened to receive the damage/hp/debuff info from the server at that moment and chose to display it immediately.

    2.) The client had already received the damage/hp/debuff info prior to starting the animation, and waited to display it until the animation started.


    In either case, you end up with the state on the server having been updated before the grenade fires. In the former case, only by a relatively small number of milliseconds(But if this is the case, that would mean the server delayed sending the damage for some reason, which may or may not be related to the animations, though I would speculate more likely not. Either way it's serious problem.). In the latter case, by an indeterminable amount of time that could possibly be less than a second after the ability was activated from the quickslot.




    Maybe because you keep driving the ones less stubborn than I am off? And that thread was only about one of the problems anyway.


    One which you gave me a lot of crap for reporting, I should add.


    There is no contradiction in any of my statements... I don't even disagree with your theory on Client/Server and general Server argument... all I say is that there is also a definite Animation > Player Input Priority as well as other contributing factors to overall feeling of Disconnect from your avatar.

  17. Actually, with the grenade, it APPEARS that it's not activating until the previous animation's ability is completed...but frankly, with the short time periods involved and only one example to go off of, it's not readily apparent if the damage/buff trigger was delayed by the animation, if it actually DID take effect before the client even showed it taking effect, or if it was simply a coincidence that it showed up at the start of the anim because of some very lucky timing.


    One thing that I noted when watching it is that the second rakghoul never takes a single step towards the player throughout the entire video. You can tell when he aggros, because he rears up, but he doesn't take a step until after he gets blown into the air by the grenade anim.


    Unfortunately the timing's so tight that I can't readily tell if he got frozen in place before or after the grenade anim started: he clearly rears up before the grenade anim begins, but the other 'ghouls don't start moving until shortly after the grenade anim has started. He rears up just a tiny bit after the charged burst finishes its cast time, which is also right when the grenade gets activated...so I also can't tell if he got chain aggro from the burst or direct from the grenade. It's almost precisely simultaneous with the burst's first damage tick, so I'm inclined to think probably chain aggro... but I can't be absolutely sure.


    That's the thing. Too many variables to be 100% sure about precisely what is actually happening, because there's several alternate possibilities that can't be told apart with that vid.


    As for this smuggler cover trinket thing...I'm not sure what you mean there either.




    Without guesswork through observation, you would not be playing SWTOR right now, because almost none of the technologies used to make it, run it, or that it builds upon would've ever been invented. Practically every bit of knowledge you've learned throughout your life ultimately came out of some guy making a guess based on something he saw.


    Observation, in fact, is the only way to be SURE of most things in this world.


    Any help we give them in figuring it out speeds up the process of getting it all fixed.


    Cramming them all together under one, not entirely accurate banner doesn't help with that. It makes it so that when someone says they're having problems, you can't be sure what problem they're having. It may not actually be all of them! It might only really be one or two. It might be something entirely new that hasn't been reported on yet. You don't know, because they said 'it's not responsive'. How does Bioware find out what's wrong from that?


    It would, in fact, be far better if each individual problem making up your 'greater whole' had its own thread with separate documentation and information about that bug only.


    Right now, I have no idea which of those videos in the OP is supposed to reference which problem, and it isn't always apparent from watching them.




    As I've said many times, you've already cast the ability before you see it on your screen. Yes it's delayed, but that delay so far as I can tell only affects what you see, not what you can do.


    The fact that it takes so long to show up is irritating, yes, but shouldn't be impairing your ability to PvP, for the most part.


    The bugged abilities or the screwed up action queue, on the other hand, might.


    Negative, you have no idea what is actually happening in the Smuggler Video if you believe that the Grenade effect is timed properly and happens when its supposed to (as soon as the cast time for previous ability finishes).


    Also your ending statement that its simply delayed on your screen a little... is not only wrong but shows that you don't know what you're talking about.



    Lastly, why don't you retreat into your own thread that you've created in regards to this subject? You have pretty much no-one here agreeing with you.... at all...

  18. When I cast an ability, it takes 0.5 to 1 seconds after I hit the button before the animation starts and it casts the ability.


    It works the same way with my moves that have a cast time, there is a delay between when the cast bar ends, and when the ability starts.


    Its impossible to PvP like this.


    I think the first issue is Client/Server Communication tied in with ability wind up. There is a trooper video that has a .8 sec delay due to Animation wind up.


    Second is the chaining (rotation) of abilities which is imo 100% Animation Coding.



    Yes I realize that the animation and ability effect are separated etc. thats not the argument. The issue is that their Effect recognition server side is sync'd with animation not input...



    Once again, without Bioware input... we don't not for certain... what we DO know is that its a real problem.

  19. ...would you care to elaborate on what specific problem(s) you are experiencing, and how it is/they are frustrating you?


    There's about six separate issues being discussed here, and it's not at all clear which you mean.


    The six issues or more discussed are all cause and symptom of what he is experiencing. There is no one single item that will define what he means.


    Thus a thread called on the overall issue of Responsiveness... the problem you're creating is separating the issues and attempting to pinpoint key and exact causes. This is up to the Dev Team, the best we can do is point towards the individual problems. We can attempt to diagnose but without Bioware's input we can simply not know the exact causes. My problem is that you claim that you can without any idea of the coding issues involved. Every single proposition you make is at best, guesswork through observation.


    In fact no-one really has any idea of the details on the Engine/Feature/Interaction Coding at all... besides Bioware, or the Engine Devs that they bought it from...



    Its actually up to Bioware to fix it, not you or I... and as far as providing "feedback" there is plenty in both the OP as well as throughout 5 threads now. I believe they understand the problem quite well at this point... from every angle.




    P.S.: You have to remember that basically until this thread, it was more like "Um... something is clunky"... /cancelsubscription.

  20. I'm not ignoring it: I'm stating that the important UI bits aren't delayed, and you can get enough feedback from them alone to perform quite well.


    The bits that ARE delayed are non-critical to your combat performance in the vast majority of cases.


    Most of the stuff that is affecting combat isn't related to the display delay: it's just something that's flat out broken, and would be still even if the delay wasn't there.


    Not sure what you're on about with 'feature coding' and 'engine coding', which I'll freely admit.


    You can't make the claim that "the bits that are delayed are non-critical" at all. The grenade is a perfect example of it being critical. The ability is not triggered until the animation of the previous ability is completed.


    Also my Smuggler, Trinket -> Cover -> Knockback issue displays this as well. This is within part of the feature coding, the way the game handles Animation/Ability Priorities.

  21. It's wide consent that Project has a .8 delay on dmg. It backloads damage vs. Shock's frontload. The .8 is almost a whole Global Cool Down for others to react.


    Don't believe me beyond the other buffs and examples I have given?


    Cast Project on a monster, monster bites your leg, you take damage, rock hits monster, monster dies.


    Take same monster, same level, same gear etc...


    Cast Shock on monster, monster dies. You never take damage.


    This folks is a game mechanic, flawed by design. I am not talking about animation issues.


    Its not a mystery, its the simple Animation > Ability priority around which the combat dynamics are designed. For our Dinosaur friend, Project is processed server side later than Shock.

  22. There've been a few occasions where you said you understood the whole bit with the server being what does everything ...and then immediately after said that things were going off late, apparently based on when the animation started and the damage text appeared on your client.


    My entire point is and always has been that because of the lag in the animations, the ability has ALREADY 'gone off', where it counts anyway, before you see it, and that because of the delay you can't rely on the animations or display of damage to indicate when something happened.


    And no, I have said that SOME of it is client/server latency issues, and then after looking into a bit changed my mind. There is a difference between client-server latency and client-server synchronization. The former is just networking and processing lag, and shouldn't be a problem all that often. Latency is just *part* of the problem with client synchronization.


    I have said I don't know how many times that there are things in the code(I even listed a few) that could also affect it, and at least three or four times that I thought something in the code probably IS, because the problems sync problems are too consistent, too regular to just be latency. The latency is always going to cause some of them to happen some of the time, but not NEARLY to the extent we're seeing.


    That titanic hitch in the IA video between the castbar ending and the heal going off, for example. That's definitely the client waiting to get the heal information from the server, but it shouldn't be nearly that long or that regular if it's just latency. Either the castbars on the client are shorter than on the server, or something in the code is delaying the signals on one or the other well above and beyond just network lag. Could be netcode, as I've said six times or so, since that's a fairly common cause of this sort of problem, and something that Bioware doesn't really have much experience with.


    And what I've been trying to do? I've seen way too much of 'here's this thing, that thing, this other thing, and these things over here, they're all ability delay, bioware needs to fix them'.




    Translation: 'there's so many different things just being thrown together in here that it's hard to pick out what the actual bugs are and what might be causing them, but it's fairly apparently some of them aren't related and will require completely different fixes'


    What I want? I want more than just 'oh hey it's bugged fix it'. If we really want the bugs fixed, we need to track down each one individually, back it into a corner, and document very clearly what happens, how it happens, and when it happens, for each bug. Doing some experimentation and analysis to try to figure out WHY it's doing what it does certainly won't hurt anything. The more clear and detailed the information we give them is, the more likely they are to find it and fix it, and do it faster too.


    If we just go 'oh there's poor responsiveness', it could take them YEARS to find it all, let alone fix it, and they could very well 'fix' several things that didn't need it in the meantime in order to try to appease the people complaining.


    From my perspective, then, the thread has BEEN derailed since I got here. Instead of identifying and documenting the problems to try to get them fixed, it seems to have degenerated into 'it's broken fix it!', while classifying every single problem with any ability whatsoever as 'poor responsiveness'. That doesn't help anything or anyone, in fact it might even make it worse.


    What you see on client side is vital, you're ignoring it as you continue claiming that only what happens server side matters. The disconnect for the player is what he sees client side.


    This is part of the issue.


    The Smuggler video demonstrates another part which is Feature Coding.


    The IA video demonstrates another part which is Engine Coding.



    You're ignoring these other facets Client/Server Latency as well as Sync is not the whole story.

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