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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. Rattataki agents get some weird lines.


    Example: Agent and Kaliyo meet a guard in the Citadel on DK.

    Guard: The Rattataki must wait outside.

    The guard does *not* mean the agent.


    Example: Companion conversation with Kaliyo. As with Aric Jorgan and a Cathar Trooper, she will tell you things about growing up a Rattataki (specifics on life on Rattatak) as if you wouldn't know.


    Example: Companion conversation with Raina Temple, when you first gain her as a guest companion. She asks you about "the Rattataki" as if that couldn't refer to the agent.


    Example: Something that happens on Corellia. Someone you don't like insists on something happening to the Rattataki, once more as if that couldn't refer to the agent.


    At no time are you offered a wise-guy remark as if you think these references mean *you*.


    To the point of kaliyo explaining life on rattataki, if you are a rattataki agent, then you grew up in the empire and not on that world, especially given you still have an imperial accent.


    As for vette explaining the customs...most twi'lekks barely know ANY of their customs because they are sos pread out and over half the race is enslaved tot he point that their culture has been all but shattered. So it isn't a huge stretch tot hink you wouldn't know about it (this one however is because that species couldn't be a warrior originally)

  2. Corrupts, yes. Destroys, no. Some abilities are considered unnatural which isnt the same as actually unnatural. That doesnt necessarily mean its destructive either.

    I cant point at a single dark sided character from lore with similar dirt in the face nor are all sith blessed with it either. Feel free to show some so this "dirt" makes sense to enforce on everyone.


    Still, making it optional would be the optimal solution for those that like the far progressed dark side "cancer" in their face.


    If you are talking about the comics or cover art on books, you are dilluding yourself friend. They intentionally don't show it on most characters for fan service (read most every female sith, talon being the most obvious stand out) or for 'heroic' service (read big darksiders like bane, who int he books they describe his corruption as being like open scars yet pictures of him never have them). They don't show it because they don't want to lose the fan service.

  3. I think that the BIGGEST mockery of a choice was, to kneel, or not to kneel.


    I was so happy, when I thought that I actually COULD, kneel in front of the bad guy, with my Wrath. Well... He didn't even seem to remember it. He even went to the point of accusing me of "resisting him". Even though I literally NEVER said no to him. I mean, even on Ziost, I told him that I still wanted to serve him even if he killed everybody.


    You fought against him on Yavin trying to slow his rebirth. So no matter what you do at one point you resisted him. I know...it is story entrapment as you were after Revan and all but it is there. Then there is Ziost where outside of that last conversation with him you were effectively resisting him.


    The guy eats planets, he is prolly finicky enough to hold that against you for the next thousand years.



    You know the simplest thing to do is to just shutdown this game and make actual singleplayer or continue the game and actually add MMO content for christ sake or at least make the gosh darn singleplayer in the game worth something.


    I enjoy the story, even with the problems it has. I do miss getting OTHER content though.

  4. Assuming you chose to use both satele and mar's ideologies together when you make the weapon, you have an ability that reflect damage back at him. Time it right and he actually hits himself harder than he ever hits you. Was funny to see a 20k hit from a reflection when he certainly never hit me that hard.
  5. There still are non tactical FPs out there, and horribly tuned flahspoints that have been made into tacticals that still require mechanics.


    It isn't perfect but it ended one of the major problems, people spamming endlessly for groups. If you can't que and go relatively quickly into dungeons a game dies these days and fast.


    Edit: Though I admit I miss Colicoid war games...the starship troopers vibe there was kinda fun.

  6. 1. I think its a spoiler..


    2. You could kill him, it was your decision?


    No matter what you try he gets away.


    As for the op...chances are they will either force an uneasy alliance in which case he turns on you, or if you let him go originally than he can end up respecting you over the next 'book' and want to fight along side you for being like Thexan.

  7. You are talking about missions designed to get you crafting materials. They were never intended to get you massive credits.


    If anything this incentivizes you to play more. Go do heroics and you will earn money (with the slash to treasure hunting they AGAIN have increased the credits payed out for completing quests).

    Complaining about crew missions is absurd as you are just complaining about free money you were getting.

  8. Encouraging skank tanking? Blasphemy!


    I encourage anything that pulls a team together to keep people standing and contributing. If a tank isn't available and your healer keeps taking dirt naps, swappign stances and throwing up guard can help keep the healer alive long enough to make a difference.

  9. You must mostly be playing Imp, try pugging Rep, on any server, see if you can get a positive win ratio. You won't on the 2 biggest servers anyway.

    It has nothing to do with people knowing what to do in whatever warzone, it has everything to do with the fact that almost all good pvp'ers go Imp.

    I could have a group of Reps knowing every tactic in the book, against better Imps, that will mean crap.


    Play Pub on Ebon Hawk...win ratio over the past week has been 6 wins for every 1 loss. And I solo que.


    Primary problem on BOTH factions are the dps players that get tunnel vision and ignore their other abilities. Do you have an instant cast HoT? Then USE IT on allies at half health. Can you shield other people? Then do so, constantly. Can you taunt? Taunt every chance it is available in combat on someone not targeting you. Have a healer that seems to get targeted constantly? Swap stances and put guard on them during the next big engagement.

    PvP is about the team, not you posting amazing dsp numbers or having a great kill/death ratio. I always vote MVP on whoever has the most protection, as it is the easiest thing to do yet so few ever do it. That and tanks are just as unapretiated in PvP as they are in PvE.

  10. I can only speak for the WZ's on Ebon Hawk but there I'd say it's pretty even these days. You will have days where one side is dominating on any given tier but it goes back and forth quite a bit. Don't ask me for statistics that's just my personal experience. If you want a more balanced server and you are sure that it's not your own personal fault your team is losing then you should try the Ebon Hawk server if you haven't already.


    Our personal experiences match than. I bounce between rep and imp pvp toons and regardless of which side I am on it seems pretty even. I would even go so far as to say that rep seems to be the better on Ebon Hawk.

  11. Searching through your previous comments on this board I'd say you almost never know what you're talking about and shouldn't be taken seriously in any way, so no I'm not assuming anything, although I would guess you are a straight up liar that just wants attention so you are welcome for mine that I have given.


    Hardly a liar. Considering you go to this much effort you are going through one would assume you are the attention seeker. A normal reaction if you had that assumption of a liar is to shrug and move along and let the subject drop.


    I would be curious as to what other posts you believe are lies in my past but frankly, I don't care and have to get back to debugging. You made my break amusing if nothing else so thank you for that.

  12. I couldn't make a better case than your stream of misinformation as to why these forums need more and better moderation.


    The amusing this is, you are only making yourself look foolish. Chasing someone from post to post to discredit them rather than be constructive makes you look the fool.


    As I have already said, I even contacted the support staff about this and gotten mixed reviews weeks ago. Also, yes...2 of those 15 people waited till 15 to sub, they were locked...the exp bar did not move and they could only get to fleet/capital/starter worlds.


    This is fact.

    You are working from assumptions that you know everything and couldn't possibly be wrong. Not the best place to ever speak from.

  13. Nothing on either f2p breakdown says anything about beging level capped at 15.


    Recap 1, SWTOR.COM


    Recap 2, SWTOR Reddit


    I am aware of this, as I had that very conversation with several people, yet the popup still happens. I tried it myself and saw it for myself.


    So, unless you all have a reason for multiple people (up to 15 now that I know personally having seen the damn thing) are getting that popup upon the very first time they get into the game (yes you will need a clean install of the game, leave no files on your computer than install it as if it was never there to begin with, this requires hunting down all kinds of files that do not auto-delete when you un-install) than there is some missing information on the website, or there is some funky coding in their current fresh install folders. The customer service/help desk? Not all that helpful. One said "yes that is intended" the other said "that shouldn't be happening".

  14. A list movies and games are all translated for foreign audiences, you just keep making yourself look more and more foolish with these uninformed and not well thought out posts you're making today.


    I could care less about what ranks the game uses in what language but to address your above chain of misinformed nonsense let me quote you 'You sir and/or madam, lie so badly here.'


    Actually I don't have much misinformation. Those games and movies, don't translate the ranks. I WATCH them in other languages myself. So you make yourself look foolish by assuming they are if you don't personally watch them. You are assuming.


    You know what they say about assumptions right?

  15. Being a subscriber, I know just how ridiculous some of the restrictions in this game can be. The EXP limit is kind of ridiculous and excessive, not even Daybreak Games does that with their MMOs (I'm all access to them, and I don't have any regrets).


    However, if there is one thing I just can't get from a Subscription MMO anymore, it's time. Most subscribers to MMOs (from what I can infer) play these games for hours every day, and I'm just an on/off player to multiple different games. It takes serious dedication to make the most of a subscription model, dedication I just don't have. Heck, the last time I even loaded the game up was a week ago to play a Hard Mode Flashpoint at level 50.

    Free players are people who 1) Don't have the money to pay for a sub or 2) just can't dedicate enough time to the game to sub, or somewhere in between. EA doesn't seem to grasp that problem, since, from what I can tell, only seems to draw from a small group of people who play the game constantly and accommodate for them rather than the majority who (practically) don't get a say to the problems at hand. Even worse? Non-subscribers can't use the majority of the forums (not even general discussion). And, yes, I've checked this, because I've done this. I've never seen an f2p MMO do this. Sub MMOs are excluded, since the sub is mandatory. Wait...


    It most certainly does NOT require dedication to make the most of a subscription model. It is 15 bucks...that is 50 cents a day or so. Do you go to the movies? That's 15-20 bucks for 2 hours of entertainment. Go out and socialize? 5 bucks for a drink, 15-20 for food. I don't log in for days at a time, hell I've not logged in for months at a time...I am still subbed. The cost/entertainment value is just too good. If I break to play something like DA:I for a month it doesn't bother me one bit.

    People get hung up on 15 bucks and fail to realize you spend more than that for pretty much all other forms of entertainment out there.

  16. You know there isn't any such thing as level 55 free-to-play, don't you? F2P means you haven't bought anything, and that includes not buying RotHC which is what enables getting beyond level 50.


    F2P is hard locked at 15.

    Preferred is the one that allows over 15. Preferred means you have spent money at some point (maybe to buy the expansion even, imagine that).


    There are plenty of non-subs at 60 running around waiting on the expansion.

  17. Sorry but I do not agree with this. There is no way they should get enough in game credits to pay for unlocks. Spend some money if you like it that much. And going one step further I agree with the guy who said restrictions should be more severe. I think that f2p should be capped at the capital worlds. If you want off that planet spend 5 dollars to get to preferred.


    Wow...this shows you don't know the difference. F2P IS restricted to Corusant.


    They can only talk in general once a minute, that cannot talk in general at all before level 10.

    They only have unrestricted speech in local and in guild chats.

    They cannot trade directly to other players.

    They rarely get anything but exp and credits from completing missions.

    They are hard capped at level 15, anyone over 15 is preferred or sub.

    They also cannot accept or start a group with anyone not on the planet they are on, a weird glitch perhaps but this happened routinely with a friend of mine (who now subs).


    That is just what I remember.

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