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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. done it on a min/max 55 tank and ye for him its way waaay to easy. no challenge at all


    done it also on a low lvl alt the xp is nice but same as the 55 no challenge at all.


    Imo a real gamer is after the feeling of victory, play your A game to get things done, work together, learn and down it.

    This FP doesnt give that at all, but in all fairness its the community behind this ,cause when something challenging comes out ( LI HM ) ppl scream nerf all over the place.


    Kinda sad this is the future of gameing, im probebly getting old but back in the days games were tuff and gave you a great feeling after completing it .


    Want to talk real gamers? How about those of us from EQ grabbing the legendary sets? 1 month of prep time and 100 players need to help you down a boss that drops only one item...your legendary. You won't see that again as FPS style gamers have moved in and demand something for every second of time...there is no real "community" these days.




    As for this tactical crap...I, like others, will point you to GW2. The loss of roles makes any kind of group content total ridiculous crap. I am fine with removing tanking and healing...IF they add in new roles. Controller (hard CCs that work even on bosses of every kind, no such thing as anyone or anything being immune...damage output far lower than even a tank due to needing to channel the hard mezzes), Waller (able to put up barriers no enemy can move through, including bosses. barriers can be ranged specific or even reflective for damage), De-buffer (able to seriously hinder enemies making even bosses incapable of using any special skill besides auto attacks, able to lower damage output, armor, attack speed, tech/force damage, etc etc), Leacher (variation of de-buffer by leaching something fromt he enemy to give it to the group, health, armor, speed, and damage being the primary).

    The problem, of course, is that this requires brand new classes and TOR won't give us these classes.


    GW2 was fun for leveling/exploring...a nightmare for PvP and Group content. The total lack of any role but damage and forcing people to watch over themselves is horrible. You either have to keep the game so easy that those who can co-ordinate walk through it in a zombie-like stupor...or you force roles and you get some form of trinity back into the game. This route TOR is taking is just horrible if it continues beyond story mode. Especially if it becomes their "new direction". It'll kill the PvE side of this game as badly as arenas and GSF have killed off ground PvP (hint...people begged for and asked for more 8v8 OBJECTIVE maps...they give us 4v4 arenas...because it is simpler to design a kill map than an objective map).

  2. The way the dark side corruption affects characters has been a rather common thing people have issues with ever since launch, me included, so don't get your hopes up of anything actually being done. They scrapped the whole idea about making alignment a big deal, probably due to resource constraints. We were *supposed* to have multiple different entire outfits that were dark/light specific. It all just kinda got cut.


    It got cut because people complained about darkside corruption being forced to show. You know, because of customization.

  3. I suggest you re-watch those movies...it was damaged. It also is not armored, as such the machinery in the jet pack would be destroyed by the crushing nature of the maw anyway.


    Jango was the template for the clones...not Boba, try again. The entire focus on Boba is rather amusing really given that it just so happened they used that cut in the movie where Vader pointed and said "..and no disintegrations!" Every take of that shot he pointed to a different character. When making the movie they basically flipped a coin on which take they used...that is literally where the entire Boba Fett thing started. He never talked, we never SAW him do anything special, and in all honesty he wasn't even close to being menacing. The armor design was cool...that is about it. The character was completely designed as a throw away bad guy with a unique look, that is all. Thus he was killed off in a pit...fulfilling his need.

  4. This confirms what I've said from the start of the whole wiping out of the EU: The best characters and ideas will be saved for the movies and related lore content.


    The rest will be trashed.


    Good...because almost everything post movie era in EU is full of horribly Mary Sue-esque characters and an exceeding high amount of deus-ex-machina even for StarWars.

    Nevermind that I have never met one person that actually liked the Yusong Vong.

    The pre-movie era EU tends to have less deus-ex-machina.


    Also...given the fact that post movie EU loved to completely ignore things that were etched in stone as far as lore goes, aka Boba Fett died in the sarlaac pit...thus everything in EU that relates to him after that point is...at best...fan service fantasy and not even close to being canon, makes it hard for many to even care that they are rendering it all moot now.

  5. No I expected it to be based on skill no auto target, I expected to be able to use my joystick, and I expected to have my cockpit view at the least. So yea to me it was a disappointment. Is it so much to hope for perhaps that we have guild capital ships fighting each other in space?


    There is no auto target (you still have to move your rectacle where it needs to be in order to get a hit), and the other 2 requirements scream of nothing more than preference and self indulgence...needing a joystick and cockpit view or else you won't bother with it is akin to a 6 year old stomping their feet in the cereal isle demanding sugar coated cereal.


    As for SWG's space fighting...apparently you are like so many others with rose tinted goggles on...or have you forgotten he ships with laughably small hit boxes where you would see blaster shots hit the ship yet go through it because the hit box was so unrealistically small?


    I still want a more realistic movie based fighter...scouts should be one hit kills by EVERYONE. As THAT is what a scout is...you have no armor, no shields, your hull could be cracked by virtually anything hitting you reasonably hard.

    Strikefighters should be the backbone...90% of each side should be flying them. They should be the best armed, best defended ships.

    Gunships should pretty much be just as they are...artillery platforms, however their flight ability should be lowered even farther to balance them properly as mobile artillery platforms.


    If the balance isn't such that everyone wants to fly strikefighters than they haven't balanced things out properly yet. Scouts don't have enough drawback (yes they need to be far more frail to be true scout class ships) and gunships need their mobility lessened even farther (I would actually suggest removing their ability to use engine skills to break lock ons and instead give them decoy skills to fool missiles...that way they don't get mobility options).

    This would bring it more in line with what you see in the movies.

  6. Opinion.



    It takes far more skill to know when to use something than it does to just have some passive boost randomly apply to you. Hence why active dodging/active defense games (GW2 for example...manually dodge and manually block..NO PASSIVE DEFENSE) take far more skill to pvp in. The more passive buffs/defenses you have the less skill is involved. It is rather the definition of skilled gameplay by making everything manual and nothing automated.

  7. I'd be happy if sage/sorc got a resource-free ranged attack. I mean, PT/vanguard get one even though they are more melee based, and scoundrel/operative get a free ranged attacked while being melee based.


    They have one...both DPS builds have a basic ranged skill that gets tied to energy regeneration...thus it is the de-facto ranged skill you should be using a LOT. As for healers throwing attacks...if your healer has time to attack in group content...you aren't pulling fast enough or enough mobs.

  8. I would actually suggest that covered escape should roll you BACKWARDS not forwards.


    It makes no sense that I should roll forwards...so that the enemy I am escaping from is now behind me and behind my cover. It also makes no sense that I would drop my damage behind me and not In front of my screen as the entire point of a sniper is to keep everyone in FRONT of your cover.


    If it must roll forward because the devs cannot handle blind roll backwards...than when it drops you into cover it should automatically pull a 180 degree turn so you are now looking at where you escaped from, thus to target the enemy you rolled away from and keep your cover between yourself and the enemy.


    Just asking for some LOGIC to be used in this skill is all. As it stands...I only use it in huttball as it serves no other purpose.

  9. Short answer? No.


    Why? Game mechanics trump all. You CAN use a single saber right now and have access to your shadow/assassin skills, they did away with the restriction a long time ago. Yes, you will do far lower damage but that is due to the actual stats on the saberstaff compared to the single saber. Nothing more, nothing less. No, it should not be "fixed" as nothing is broken.


    If you want to feel like the stereotypical Jedi/Sith...there are a plethora of games out there to allow it...this game must remain balanced properly around the mechanics. Besides...no one who expects a typical traditional feel to Jedi will ever pick Jedi Shadow even if you make this change...because anyone who knows the lore knows that the shadows a very very grey...knowingly doing some seriously shadey stuff (shadows commit actual assassinations after all, and kill unarmed opponents if said opponent was someone that honestly needed to be taken out for the greater good). Shadows also study the dark side, something that the Jedi Council rather publicly expects no Jedi to do outside of researching ways to counter corruption.


    Also, in all honesty...anyone hoping to play a traditional Jedi will end up picking Jedi Knight as it even sounds in the description exactly what you would expect.

  10. Actually...going by the typical use on ships...lets put scouts at 2 deaths then locked out for 10 min so these fights resembled PROPER fight scenes?


    Aka...strike fighter swarms backed up by heavy artillery (gunships) and none of these scouts in the way that if it was remotely realistic the scouts would die in 2 shots (or one salvo from quad lasers).


    BTW...I main a scout ship and am saying this.

  11. I thought you were joking at first...


    Yeah, I never really cared for the idea that max level characters would invade lowbie zones and kill all the quest givers, the flight masters, the vendors. It was fun in higher level zones and in the major cities, but not everyone has a max level character or friends on who had them, and that sometimes just left a hand full of sad, helpless lowbies who can't do anything but watch or log off.


    That is why there are 3 leveling paths in WoW...if one spot has been invaded, go to another.

  12. The ranked players I knew quit queuing for ranked (and then quit playing at all) when the relic bug wasn't squashed right away and the rankings were never reset when it was. They probably were the tiny minority, but for people who take ranked seriously, having people with grossly inflated ranks due to exploiting a known bug, it really was a "slap in the face". On top of that, arenas aren't as popular as 8v8, so they ditched the popular format in favor of one that is, to put it kindly, less popular. Between the borked rankings and ditching 8v8, there really is no surprise that ranked is suffering right now. Bad decisions on Bioware's part don't mean people don't want to play ranked, it means they don't want to play it in it's current messed up state.




    I also know of a large population of PvPers that would love ranked...if they removed all arenas...removed all relics that are proc based (true skill is in ACTIVE USE relics...not passive procs) ad swung the focus back on tight objective play.


    Heck a mini version of the old Ilum battlefield would be a GREAT step in the right direction. I've pretty much stopped pvp at 55 due to all the foolish crap going on. Things are honestly more balanced in the 30-54 bracket than the 55 bracket. I've shredded 54's as a 30 over and over again no matter what the 54 tried to do...it isn't hard. I've also done the inverse of that. You don't have passive relics or raid/pvp gear bonuses to worry about.


    I know a surprisingly high number of pvpers who have done the same.

  13. That's a great way to get people to play for a few months and then leave. It's not how you make a good game.


    Think about it...a twitch based playstyle inside of a game designed around pure math and random luck percentage chances. Even the best geared tank can get a huge unlucky string of rolls and get decimated by a boss despite having near perfect defenses. This is, at the end of the day, an MMORPG and not x-wing vs. tie fighter or CoD. Thus by leaving in things that feel familiar helps to get people to move more into the twitch based game.


    BTW...if that was true to form honest starfighter style design and total twitch play...NOTHING would get past a gunship. By definition of a rail gun it would continue through anything it hit...line up multiple ships and blow right through them all. Also...scouts would be one hit kills from ANY missile and 2-3 hit kills from blasters if you wanted this to be true to movie specs. Strikes would be able to take repeated punishment and gunships would be extremely vulnerable to missile fire while nigh impervious to blasterfire. THAT would take far more skill to fly around in if we used the actual specs of the weapons and ships from lore and put them into game and actually forced people to bob and weave without any extra guidance systems in place.


    What we have...is a middle ground between twitch gameplay and percentage luck based combat from standard MMO fare. If evasion gets forced out completely you will find it harder to actually get people to play because the heavy/mid/light armor style and fight style distinctions between scout (agile) strike (heavy armed close range) gunship (long range) and bomber (battle support) fit archetypes of a standard MMO group.

  14. It's important for developers and designers to realize that there is a difference between chance and luck when it comes to games. Both are important for adding surprise, and thus fun, to the game.


    The short version is, luck is when the game decides whether something will happen, for example when the computer determines whether an attack hits, misses, or crits. Chance is when various strategies decide whether something will happen, for example "what's the chance I can sneak up on this gunship without him noticing me?"


    The critical difference between the two is player response. Players can't do anything about luck, and while good luck can be exciting, bad luck quickly becomes frustrating. Chance, however, is something the player can respond to; if one tactic reveals itself to have a low chance of success, the player can adapt his tactics to something more effective.


    It's also critical to understand that while chance favors the experienced player (because increased skills make for a higher chance things will go your way), luck favors the novice player (who must more often rely on luck for success than he does his own tactics and skills).


    If this is to be a game based on skill, there need to be major adjustments in the presence of luck and chance (among other things). If this is not to be a game based on skill, playing it will become an exercise in frustration.


    Based on your own definitions, and the fact the GSF is still not fully rolled out (it will be fully unveiled and fully in the game completely when bombers are available...till then it is just playable demo) luck based is the better option as it is always better to pull in novice players than it is to keep the minority entrenched vets happy in a game that is essentially FPS/twitch based.

  15. I agree... I have nothing against PvP, but trying to complete achievements makes it annoying... put them in their own category.


    Make a new category called "World PVP"

    And move all the planetary, daily, and event PvP achievements under it.


    Also PLEASE make valor rank legacy wide... this shows the PvP skill (time spent) of the player not the character.

    (Social should be legacy wide as well) ... I really have no urge to PvP on alts because of this.


    And what makes Alderaan so special you need to kill 1000 players? Making up for only needing 50 on Nar Shaddaa?


    If you wanted to finish all the world pvp achievements that would be killing about 10,000 players. Hard to do on a PvP server let alone a PvE server.








    Nar Shaddaa-50








    Section X-1000

    Black Hole-500


    While I agree that the PvP quests need taken off of planet completion...


    Valor should be character only (or through legacy be shared amongst the same advanced classes if you happen to have 2 of the same). I know more than a few people who can play one type of build/class combo amazingly well and clean up while playing a different role you would swear they have never PvP'd a day in their life.


    We all know those people, put them on a sniper and have them defend a turret or ramp and they will do the job perfectly on target and clean up the scoreboard if given a chance. Take that same person and put them on a BH healer that needs to stay on the move constantly or go splat? They fumble and suck. Take a madness sorc player that fully uses the build (healing and damaging while shielding/healing allies) and place them in a tracer missile merc build...watch them get splatted over and over again. Thus valor should not be shared, earn it on your alts...it seriously only takes a weekend of PvP to rank up....plus...if you are PvPing as you level your valor is only 4-8 games from capping anyway.


    Social rank should definitely be legacy wide! Character wide makes no sense at all now that we have legacies.

  16. I think this is never goin to happen. They are focusing solely on species that have human-like bodies.

    Look at the cathar, if you put a helmet on the poor thing, you wont be able to tell what species he/she is.


    The human body restriction is for multiple purposes;

    -showing emotion (we understand humanesque emotional body language, far harder to pick up on an insect or tentacle creature's emotions)

    -relatability (the more human something is, the more people can form an attachment to it in regards to emotional stories)

    -romance arcs (you wouldn't make out with a wookie, for example)

    -clothing availability (would need all new armor designs for midget races or nonhumanoid ones)

    - 2 hands (goes in hand with humanoid body type, but you won't be seeing any 4 armed playable races either as the natural thought would be why can't they hold 4 blasters?)


    just to name a few

  17. How do you "know" that? Are are you just assuming that driven by this forum and your own feelings over the event?


    In my guild, I haven't heard a bad word about the event and with 5-7 instances in the rakghoul tunnels, it seems like either a lot of people are masochists and play the event even if they do not like it... OR... more likely... they actually like it enough to play it.


    I was able to do the H4 on 4 different chars within 2 hours last evening. And while I was doing them, there was constant general chat asking for more groups.


    So yes... ANY content that does at least reach a good part of the community is indeed good content. Next update might be some arena stuff, which does not interest me at all, but so be it. I will not be claiming that to be no content, just cause I personally do not enjoy it.


    I'm on the fence...most people I actually talk to semi-regularly hate this event. Yet gen chat on Alderaan (checked out the event slowly this time around) is always jumping so many do enjoy it. fair enough.


    However...Arena is HATED byt he majority of the playerbase so I cannot fathom why they keep dumping resources into making more of them. Arena's are only being played because they are short...most people just crush rush them to get them over even faster I have noticed...abandoning smarter play they regularly use in objective based combat.

  18. All you had to do was follow them (seriously...you are a marauder...you should already be running faster than everyone else in combat (dot spec is only for bosses...ataru for everything else) coupled with a throw snare, leg cut snare, and a leap and forced mez...they should never have been able to drag it so far that you lost the ability to hit it.


    Yes...if they jump to a spot enemies cannot get to and taunt it can cause an evade but if you don't stop swinging it won't reset and will default back to agro onto you.


    If they found some other way to force an evasion (really sit down and think about it, where did they stand? what skills did they use?...yes you should know their skills by what effects you are seeing) it could drastically improve their ability to prevent it in the future.

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