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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. GSF is simply more fun then ground PVP. I don't get stun locked and even if I'm getting stomped I can acheive things


    I have seen this from so many people, they refuse to fix resolve and it allows stun-locking (hint, the moment the bar fills it should break you out of CC) and the fact they offer a PvP option with non-of that crap in it, people flock to it. Amazing huh?

  2. It isn't a cooldown technically, just a fire rate, which is 90 RPMS. It is same as your blasters, just determines how fast you can fire them.

    You can speed that up by using a crew member with a faster reload on secondary weapons, making it fire faster than your blasters, perfect for ruining a turret or gunships day.

  3. Funny, my lethality op can control range... I have a spamable snare and a far stronger snare and a way to make myself move faster...just stab someone close by to suddenly get a speed boost to get to my actual target...works great.

    I love how you go that spreading dots does nothing but pad your stats. Spreading your dots is exactly what you are supposed to do as a means of keeping steady damage ticking away...considering my needle ticks for 800-1k a tick...it adds up to serious damage, nevermind cull spam. I've jumped behind full tank builds and a simple dot-dot-stab-cull-stab-stab-cull....they are limping and running for the hills while I let them go and destroy the now defenseless healer as nothing I used had any real CD to speak of, wonderful isn't it?


    Can't take a hit? Do you forget about your shield drone? Your guaranteed dodge skill? The ability to roll into cover to cover distances and simply get out of a tight spot? Your defensive roll? The fast CD stun/blind (you DID say you were lethality so you should have both)? Yes we are squishy but it is not hard to slip in and out of fights to wreak havoc and keep people scared. If you want to be able to take a hit better than just a few seconds here or there (use those skills at the right moment and you just made their highest damaging attacks do nothing and put it on CD) then you chose the wrong class.


    Can't fight at range? Throw grenade, shoot a needle, shoot your rifle while you close the distance, or duck behind something till they forget about you or are forced to come in close.

    Can't fight in melee? You have 4 ways to stab something. Your goal however is to move in, stab, move out...and stay 5m away from your target so they can't melee you back. If you want an easy "stand in one spot and fight" class...you chose the wrong class. The op/scoundrel have always been about fighting in people's blind spots.


    People love seeing me on their team when I am on my operative. I usually have the highest damage done, highest kill count, highest solo kill count, and mid to high objective point count. I'm not afraid to break my cover to act as a pocket healer when needed (I've had 400k damage done and 300k healing done in a single wz despite being an op not specced for healing...it's not hard you just do whatever job is needed for the team as it is needed), nor am I afraid to just run in and die to prevent a cap and buy my team time to get back. I'll trade places with people stuck on defense so they can get their 8 medals or simply stick around on D if they keep sending a stealthier to harass the person already on D. There is not a single spec/class I don't have 1 on 1 wins against, yes...for some of those specs luck makes a HUGE difference (a perfect cull crit for example can make a third of a health bar just vanish instantly regardless of what they are).

    It sounds like despite it is your favorite spec/class combo, it may not be the one you are best suited to play as. A friend of mine LOVES powertechs due to the flamethrowers, however they also suck at it and admit it, thus pvping as a, and I quote, "sissy sorc" that he uses cartel gear on to at least look like a powertech using a techblade heh.

  4. Fixing PvP would not be hard.


    1) separate arenas and warzones completed (this means you have to que for arenas if you want arenas, or que for wzs if you want wzs.

    2) create 5 more wzs (seriously...this would NOT take long and would make people happy)

    3) just throw ranked out the window

    4) allow us to keep track of win/loss ratio...highest hit ever done, highest heal, most damage done...etc broken up by class.

    5) allow said stat tracking to be inspectable by others if you are standing near each other.

    6) fix resolve by making things apply to it uniformly (all knockbacks function he same, alls tuns, etc...) and make it so the exact second the resolve bar fills it auto breaks the CC on you and makes you immune. add snares (slow/root) to the resolve system but only in that...if the bar is full you are immune to them as well.


    bam. PvP is fixed and people will stop gripping so much.

  5. The goal of GOOD PvP is to take gear out of the equation and make it about who can get in the better position, use their skills properly, and work as a team properly.


    The BAD PvPers whine that their gear doesn't make them better than others. The raiders whine the loudest about this because they can't be weekend warriors in PvP and just stomp on people.


    Originally, PvP in this game was so horribly off balance due to gear. When expertise was first put in...I was one of the first people to get a full set on my server. I could steamroll 4 on 1 as a shadow tank and not even bother to use all of my defensive cooldowns. People just didn't stand a chance. You want to go back to that...why? I stopped wearing my expertise gear just so that I'd have proper fights. Steamrolling over people is not fun. Fighting with no risk to yourself is not fun. A coward wants huge advantages beyond experience and knowledge.


    Bolster is fine, besides...after you get 5 pieces of 55 comm gear you have more expertise than people wearing none. Not a lot...sure...but the gear imbalance begins again. It just isn't so bad that it is a huge problem, a full expertise set only gives you a small advantage that skill can eclipse.

  6. It's not that easy to target lock with missiles AND get to take the shot if the pilot you're chasing is even halfway decent. It takes so long to acquire lock that they're fairly easily avoided, especially with the retro thrusters.


    The issue is that dang lock sound will get you in a panic if you keep hearing it over and over. Try some tricky flying around structures and asteroids...sometimes you can kite your pursuer right into a wall!


    I'd have so many kills if they counted how often I get persuers to fly into objects...

  7. I'm looking to go back to GW2 for one simple reason: entirely too often I end up dead by someone I cannot even see. And I'm not talking about Gunships, I mean other players. In regular PvP I can at least stun or slow them and try to escape, or turn around and pound them into the dirt.


    Yes, I know it's partially a learning curve thing and yes, I know GS is optional but here's the issue: for every player that plays GS that's one less player in regular PvP. This means longer queues. BioWare also added another bloody 4v4 Arena (which I loathe) to make it even worse.


    I'm playing various MMOs until EQN releases but I can honestly say that this is the first time in 13 years a patch has, by itself, made me start looking elsewhere.


    I freely admit to being annoyed that they haven't put in cross server PvP ques yet. GS has made the ground PvP ques so much longer...I miss stabbing people on my operative yet que times are so bloody long.


    The fact that they keep forcing arenas on all of us is not helping matters either. The majority of the MMO PvP crowd across all games...tends to hate arena style gameplay as death-matching is boring as sin.

  8. You can call me ''lazy'', but this thing is called a ''game''. In a game, you do something called ''play'' to have ''fun''. Spending hours trying to figure out controls is not, at all, what I call fun. I have no issue at all to lose when I understand the controls and I'm fighting the opposition and not the controls. I'm not turned off by 15 years old graphic, bugs, difficulty or incomprehensible plot, but bad controls are an anathema for me (as said in the OP, I have several X-360 and PS3 games that I dropped after one hour because the control scheme made no sense and I had no interest into spending 20 hours fighting it)


    (1)To be honest, the core of my multiplayer experience is game like Europa Universalis IV, Hearts of Iron III and Civilizaion V, which are certainly complex games but certainly not games with complexe control schemes. Even in WOW, which I have played for six years, I suck royally at PVP.


    That's fair then. I actually love the Civ series as it is basically a glorified chess game. Thinking ahead of your opponents to overcome them while ensuring you don't fall to those who aren't right on your border yet. It is a great way to expand one's thinking.


    PvP itself isn't for everyone, and if it is controls with multiple games all being just too complex, I can get that.


    Unfortunately your post came after I have been dealing with a bunch of SWG whiners unable to adapt. While still claiming their beloved game was the be all end all of awesome (the rose tinted glasses with this crowd is insane, I played SWG I am just far more realistic in how it was).

  9. Who here spoke about joystick ? Any gamepad did the trick for FREESPACE and Co.


    And one more time, the point is, in TIE Fighter, you had to actually do manoeuvers, not press a key. When an A-Wing locked a concussion missile on you, you had to either outrun it or shot it.


    P a scout, you can outrun missiles, juke them into hitting obstacles, or simply take the hit then reinforce your shields. Oh look at that...exactly what you just described no?


    You can also pull off manual barrel rolls if you set up your ship properly...it doesn't auto disengage missiles but can make it a nightmare for someone to keep you locked. You can also pull off manual 180 degree turns nearly as fast as the auto-maneuver buttons. I'm not seeing the problem here, the difference is the button guarantees the missile loses tracking, the manual one doesn't. Being able to pull off the manual one however does ensure you will be able to shoot people down and surprise the heck out of them however.

  10. You find that stupid to avoid games you find frustrating ?


    When the reason for the frustration is your inability to adapt? Yes.

    If it was frustration over something specific (mouse sensitivity, horrible ship weapon balance....something honestly specific to the game) I could understand it. Yet your list of grievances is rather petty, and exist in other titles that are on many people's top 10 best ever flight simulators list.

  11. Maybe fighter pilots around the world should convert their flight systems to SWTOR's keyboard, and mouse flight system. It's clearly superior to anything before it.


    I am always amused at how fanatical people are about flight sticks, I've been able to use a flight stick or mouse in any flight game and get similar results (some games the mouse wins out, others the flight stick), however...for a flight stick to work the targeting rectacle needs to be fixed. With how GS is set up...joysticks simple don't work properly to even feel remotely correct or responsive.

  12. For those saying there is no air in space. Have you never seen any of the Star Wars movies before? Considering you play a Star Wars game I'd have thought you would have at least have seen the films. The starfighters all work like aircraft. They all bank and use drag to turn. Lucas was copying the WW2 films with the Spitfire and Messerschmidt when he made the space sequences in the movies.


    Banking to turn really needs to be introduced to make it more like the movies. It will also cut down on the classic circling you get in spacefighters like this.


    You CAN bank to turn, roll your ship side-ways and point up. You actually turn FASTER if you do this. Why do you need buttons to do this when you can do it yourself manually using the mouse+roll buttons? That is the point of GS...work it manually and show you have skill rather than using keys to do it. The fact you have to use your mouse also gives you more control, you don't always want it to be an on/off switch when you turn that way, while weaving between the shipyards and struts...having exact control over the turns is needed.

  13. I agree with the OP about the expansion, I still love the ground game though. They really should have invested more time and added in joystick control. I have a basic keyboard and mouse and it is impossible to play the expansion with that setup. The control scheme is a head scrambler for sure. Not sure why they have over complicated everything with GS.


    I will probably play the expansion once they add in PvE content and improve upon the controls but as of right now the expansion is a NO GO for me as well.


    In off a basic keyboard, a basic 2 button+wheel roller ball mouse...and I do wonderfully in GS.


    The problem is so many people play 3-5 games and expect to have it mastered. You have to actually LEARN the controls and get used to them.


    As for the OP...really? 3 runs and you are done? You must get slaughtered in ground PvP and rage quit too right? My scout has zero upgrades (I've been turning the ship rep into fleet rep for the other ships) and still slaughter people. The upgrades you can grab are merely fine tuning...your skill will always trump someone else that is all kitted out.

  14. In SWG I PVP'ed in space a lot, and my favorite ship to fly was the A-Wing. In that game, the skill of the player that crafted it for you mattered, and I had one that had more mass points than any on my server (traded a player city for it in fact...).


    In this abomination of a space fighter sim, the scout doesn't seem especially agile (or is that the awful controls), or fast, and if a heavier fighter breaks wind in your direction you are dead.


    Given how awful this thing is designed, the only way to get anything out of it is to fly the most heavily armed thing you can get, since pilot skill is IRRELEVANT, and at least having heavier guns and armor helps make it matter if you manage to get something to blunder into your sights.


    This is something I keep seeing, and laughing about. The great pilots in SWG are getting their arse handed to them because they are totally unable to adapt to a different control schem. The fact is that player skill has a HIGHER meaning in GS than it ever did in SWG. I was considered a great pilot in SWG...here I am a middle pilot with flashes of brilliance.


    I also notice so many people "hate" it or say it "sucks" because they can't jump in and immediately be great at it. They jump in and get shot down fast and hard with no idea what is going on, rage because they aren't as good as they think they are, and just throw a tantrum and never touch it again. I've pointed that fact out to a few friends, who after giving it a second try and actually playing more than 5 rounds...have come to love it for just how much your skill and ability to read the enemy matters. The fact is...GS plays a lot like any WW2 fighter simulation...event he hornet nest effect is exactly how those battles played out.

  15. So you don't agree with him.....but you provide him with information that would support his statement? Being in a dogfight 10-15km away will not help your team. The reason you're winning is because your team is playing the objective, while you're off playing in the middle of no where.


    10-15km may not seem like much to you, but it's so simple to steal nodes from situation you claim to be involved in.


    I regularly steal nodes out from under people like the op for being that far from a node. If you are not ON the node...that node is mine. It really is that easy.

  16. Yeah...people need to realize you have to play and defend exactly as if it was Novare Coast. Pure scouts set up for raw speed and engine power can crank to a node faster than you think and if 2 go for each node it'll be capped before anything short of an enemy scout built for pure speed charging in after them.


    As for ship loadout...I am falling in love with the second fighter...extra defenses and 2 missile loudouts...the 10k range missile is great if people leave you alone. Sit back like a gunship and blow people to bits...if they close with you...swap to concussion missiles and charge right into the dogfight with zero fear.


    The advanced scout is another favorite, proper dogfight missiles and stronger blaster setup at the cost of comm range...worthwhile if you don't want to give up your speed for extra fighter perks.


    Gunships still need balancing IMO...they have far too strong of defenses for how hard they hit. I've set mine up to be able to ignore someone peppering me long enough to blast them 3 times if necessary...and it is rare that you ever have to hit someone more than twice.

  17. Give an example? I don't know of any.


    DAoC had it's anti ganking features for high levels pushing into lowbie territory of other realms.


    Warhammer Online had the BEST feature ever in stopping high levels from messing wih people that stood no chance against them. If you went into an area where people have no chance against you, your character was turned into a chicken...literally...and all you could do was run around and cluck at people.


    After all, only a coward picks a fight that is so lopsided in their favor to be laughable.

    Heck the op is generous...I'd do something like Warhammer...only far more amusing. If the level range is bigger than 4 and you are the aggressor, you get that first hit off...and then are immediately down-leveled to level 1 for an hour of played time (logging out is not an option), your gear grants no stats and your weapon grants no stats (thus you do unarmed damage values and are forced to use the unarmed attacks to defend yourself). You lose access to your ship, cannot quick travel, cannot fleet pass, cannot join a group (are also immediately removed from a group if in one), cannot talk in guild or general chats....essentially made out to be a sitting duck just like they were hoping to prey upon due to having no spine. After all, who cares what happens to you if you are too afraid of a fair fight to attack people in your own level range?


    This comes from someone that at one point in time used to hunt people of lower level just to drive them out of an area a guildy was attempting to quest in and was getting slaughtered.

  18. I was in alpha, closed beta, and open beta. The changes in just that time frame leading up to release made me sad...


    I Miss beign able to kill companions (I would kill Quinn every...single...time) and I missed having the option for different companions (Praven for JK, Jaxxo for Trooper...to name 2 well known characters). I also miss the classes not being mirrors across the factions (they were more like opposites).


    The game also used to be a whole lot more punishing. In closed beta, people would get to Voss and just start crying as soloing was so hard on Voss. I used to get amazed responses when people would see my Shadow soloing on Voss and H4's on every planet used to be just that...you needed 4 people to have a chance at it and those 4 people better have been a properly balanced group of tank/heal/2dps. The game was designed to actually try and kill you, by the time act 2 came you had to know how to stun/interrupt/jockey mobs. To see the game the way it is now where you can ignore your armor for 10 levels and still roll over content...it is kinda sad.

  19. Well, I disagree with the majority of the posts. This is 2013-2014. This update would have been terrific 10-12 years ago.

    I agree that we all have presupposed ideas on what we were getting. I guess my take on it was that is was going to be innovative and exciting.


    There is no flight model. As an ex-flight simmer I know that's expecting too much so wont comment on it.

    The feeling of floating forward as opposed to jetting through space is too high. The controls, the way the plane is piloted is mushy and counter-intuitive to say the least

    Immersion is not there. I really didn't have much hope for that anyway. launch, die, re-spawn. Race toward A B or C to circle in a Cluster F- - - hoping you can keep the other guys targeting lead reticle with in your screen.

    Which leads me to the use of leading shots.

    Lazer, space...there is no leading of shots. Lazer's go the speed of light. You don't lead in space like you would on Earth with gunpowder rounds.

    But even if you have to have target leading, you've way over done it. Sometimes my leading is so far from the actuallj enemy as to be laughable and not fun.


    I think this addition is below the current standards of programming and innovation.


    Mommy, why doesn't the King have any clothes on.


    This rather sounds like a "why can't I have a flight stick?!" grumble in disguise to me.


    Check the movies, they have to lead their shots because the laser is not a true laser, it is plasma energy sheathed in a magnetic shell...it is basically a dense energy bullet. Thus they you have to lead your shots because it is NOT a laser. There is one gun that actually acts as a laser (and ironically is not one if you look at the description) and it is the rail gun on the gunships. Put the ship in your sights and pull the trigger, no leading necessary. Yes, this has been discussed in the books and in the design used for the movies...you can see them leading their shots in both the prequels and the original trilogy.


    The feeling of floating forward is more a personal one, the speed is slower to allow more people to play it. The faster you make things move, the less people will find it enjoyable. Even current day flight simulators artificially slow things down...usually it is harder to notice when you are in the cockpit than if you are using a follow camera. You would think an ex-flight simmer would know this?


    Going to assume you didn't play many combat flight sims than? That hornet nest effect is common in any flight combat...though admittably less so if you use modern plans with locking missiles you can fire from well over a mile out...so you begin shooting before you even see your target. WW2 flight simulated combat looks exactly like this combat...and it is realistic to see it this way. The respawning is so the games don't end in 2 minutes, the node control is so you have objectives...they listened to the majority that finds death matches to be boring and translated it to flight combat in a way that works. If it's not for you...world of planes exists for your death-matching needs.


    FINALLY you hit something that makes sense...yes, they make you lead WAY TOO DAMN FAR! It honestly doesn't make a lot of sense. I have also noticed that if someone is within' 100m of you, you cannot hit them with blasters...it is very eery. Even if they aren't moving you can't hit them...


    Really...your list of grievances is rather...lame duck.


    As an aside, I wish they allowed us to tone down mouse sensitivity while in GS only...as I find it a tad squirrely.

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