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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. I have to agree with what a few others have said. We don't need more abilities, they need to add to the abilities we have so that our classes can work together better.


    Class synergy needs to go up by quite a bit to add some complexity back into the game.

    A sage/sorc drops their dps aoe, a tank uses an aoe taunt within the radius and it causes the taunt to also slam the enemy with a high damage attack along with the taunt effect.

    Aoe heals go off and an aoe attack that is instant (not channeled) is used within it, and the attack gets a heal effect added to it so that whatever the damage of the attack at double the radius heal effect will heal any allies in said radius.

    BH/Trooper using any channeled ability gets hit with a beneficial effect from someone else (heal, cleanse, buff, temp buff, etc) shares their gas canister effect with everyone in the group (NOT raid...group) for 15 sec or so.


    Give direct attack skills a chance to place a specific (by skill) debuff on the target that can be consumed by other class' attacks to cause an additional effect. These debuffs will do nothing on their own and cannot be consumed by the class that places them.


    These sort of synergies would help, add something to the game that is critically missing. The classes don't actually interact...outside of taunting/tanking/healing...there is almost no interaction at all. Nothing actually shows people setting up combos to act as a team.


    This is one thing from GW1 and 2 that is missing in TOR. GW has limited abilities...true...until you play with a group. Say you are a warrior...all of your skills are attacks of some kind that are direct and weapon based. Your elementalist lays down an aoe fire attack. The warrior can do any of the following using that aoe; cause an aoe fire explosion, grant every ally inside that fire aoe extra damage for 20 seconds, grant every ally in the aoe one attack lined with fire fore extra damage against specific creatures, alter a buff to instead be a debuff on the enemies in that radius. The warrior has seconds to make the decision yet the right decision can change the course of a fight. This is only what the warrior can do with it, and only if it is a fire aura...there are also water, earth, air, light, dark....the synchronizing with other classes is vast. Now imagine that kind of synchronizing of classes in TOR...it is ripe for it!

  2. 1) Were you on a PvP server?

    2) Those types are in EVERY social game. Anyone that thinks otherwise is viewing their old games with rose tinted goggles.

    3) Putting packs on sale for 5k people will assume you are trolling or scamming. When people know the typical price, they will only believe things are legitimate if you dropt he price by a certain amount...or toss them on the GTN and then they assume you just missed some zeroes.

  3. I'd have to agree with OP, because of the fact that certain bugs, like crashing at the end of Black Talon still haven't been resolved. I acknowledge that they have attempted to address the issue in the past but the bug still remains. I'm not saying bugs should be stamped out immediately, though it would be ideal, I just wish it didn't take such a long time to fix these persistent issues which have piled up over time.


    Just spacebar through the fade out after selecting the destination. It loads properly when you do this, the bug seems to be with the warp animation causing the crash.

  4. I want bug fixes in a reasonable amount of time. The only thing we can do is compare this MMO to other MMOs, and look at the average length of time bugs go unfixed. I think you'll find that yes, compared to the vast majority of its competitors, this behavior is very unprofessional.


    Known WoW bug for OVER 2 years? Warriors not getting rage when hit while shielded in any way. (Oh the many raiders that raged at over zealous priests shielding the tanks...)

    Known Aion bug since release? Chanters can glitch up to 5 auras active at a time (still in game today despite them saying they fixed it...repeatedly). Since 2.0? Rangers being able to force a one **** KO glitch every 10 min.

    Known DAoC bug that took 3 years to fix? You could bug the defensive spell casts to be usable while on the move (seriously problematic for various melee classes). Cavaliers being able to glitch their self buff to ignore armor (normally lasting only seconds) to being permanent.


    OP...MMO's always have bugs...some can be incredibly detrimental yet not totally game-breaking. Such as the glitch that locks people in place using a specific set of skills (there are 3 I am aware of). The solution? get your enemy to use their knockback/knockdown before you use one of the bugged skills. It is not hard, and the glitch goes away after you die (or always has for me at least) so really it is a minor inconvenience. What? You think you are some pro gamer? If you were so good you'd know how to get an enemy to waste a KB/KD so you could make better use of the glitchable skills.


    Game-breaking bugs have always been worked at pretty quickly on TOR. Launcher problems however...yes they truly move at a snails pace (Myself and at least a few hundred others going by individual postings still have to patch the game on a laptop and transfer it over to our PCs).

  5. How? Easy, no more expertise pvp gear, no more relics with abilities (make relics stat boosts only), fix resolve so the exact moment it fills it breaks you from all CC, and add 10 more warzones. Increase the money payout from warzones so that it is actually worthwhile.


    Just return the old operations into a new mode and call it good for PvErs...they whine to bloody much about lack of content when the PvP crowd's been getting shafted for forever.

  6. I honestly feel they should go the GW route and just make our legacy our actual tag in chat.

    If you friend someone, you friend all of them (it is not that hard to simply tell someone that you're doing your own thing or want to be left alone...if saying that is SUCH a hardship...don't log in) also...if you ignore someone, that entire legacy should be ignored.


    This would also free up guild slots as if you join a guild your entire legacy on that faction is now in the guild (no optional separation, this would cause people to be a tad more serious minded in how they guild).


    So, what about those people who like to RP, PvP, and raid occasionally? Well, they better find a guild that enjoys doing at least 2 of those activities and another guild they have friends in that will keep doing the 3rd activity with.


    As for cyber stalking...you can't stalk if you are ignored...just make it that if you ignore someone it de-rends them and makes it impossible for the person you ignored to see what YOU say as well as impossible for them to see YOU. Problem solved.

  7. lol...i see people yell about this in chat on the fleet(well...not yell, just typed in all caps)


    all i can think is how much of a bigger target you just became.


    Irsonally target ANYONE that complains about being hit with something that does nothing ala the tinsel bomb or snowballs. You can even click the buff and turn it off if you want...that is WHY they made it a buff for crying out loud!


    As for the OP and anyone like them...this is an MMO, if you don't want social interaction and all that it entails (aka putting up with behavior you don't like/agree with) then play a single player game.

  8. Sorry, but if you don't like the laughter you simply have never been in real combat.


    People grunt and groan in combat, you inevitably get those who nervously laugh... a LOT, and you get those who chuckle "heh heh" when they see an opening to take advantage of (I am guilty of this at least twice with well placed rifle shots and once with a grenade that I can remember).


    Sorry...the fantasy of fighting for your life just being labored breathing and the occasional pained sound is false...combat tends to be full of battle cries (actual words, wordless screams are actually rarer than you think), battle commands, and laughter. The better trained a person, the less likely they are to cry out and the MORE likely they are to find humor in the situation they are in. Humor...gallows humor or just situational...and laughter itself is the greatest psychological defense humans have to the horrors of combat.


    You call it distracting? I call it the sounds of real world battle mimic'd in a game.

  9. To have a black LIGHTsaber is completely off for black is mainly an absence of light. Don't get me wrong, i like the color scheme with it all, but it's just now everyone only wants/has a black color lightsaber in game.


    If you have played KOTOR 2, then you should know the 2 color crystals in that game that should be put on here. The Silver crystal, and one of my favorites, the Veridian crystal (dark green is ******). I also mainly want the original looking crystals cause i like to read the lores sometimes and the color of each crystal has a meaning of why that jedi/sith has it.


    To find a meaning of orange, purple, silver, veridian, cyan, etc. That's something we should think of........




    There are meanings for most.

    Purple...according to lore, only existed because when Windu was creating his lightsaber he was filled with an odd duality of justice and anger...hence why his lightsaber form of choice was Juyo (a stance that by the lore was only taught to very very few Jedi due tot he fact it relies upon embracing the emotions caused by battle). Technically speaking...only Windu could ever have a purple saber, all others with purple are non-canon.


    Silver was given to Jedi that stood above and beyond the norm, they stood their ground and stared corruption in the face without waivering, the process of creating a silver gem was long and complicated taking a master quite a while (the time has never been stated but implied months) of meditation upon a crystal within a crystal forge. The recipient would be handed the crystal in the fountain room of the Jedi Temple where the recipient would take apart his saber and install the new crystal to have it's first lighting in the room of a thousand fountains. A symbolic gesture so that the blade would appear to reflect the purity of the water all around them.


    Orange was an unusual color and typically held by those who embraced the warrior's way of life. Jedi Generals used them as a badge of honor and a mark of understanding...every time they ignited their saber they were reminded that at some point they would have to meditate and step away from conflict...setting aside the orange when their duty to defend the republic in a time of war was done. The color was at one point a badge of honor while also symbolizing the fact they strayed from their ideals, by embracing war that fully they were risking falling. The point of the orange was to be a reminder that if they did not remain vigilant they would fall.


    Those are the meanings I am aware of...I would assume cyan and viridian would simply be the same as green and blue given they are nothing but a hue change rather than a true color change.

  10. It can also be because other classes have a "disarm" ability and the devs wanted that ability to basically disable all yours. I don't know.


    From a force user's point of view, we can use lightsabers and we can use vibroswords, and certain things are disabled when using vibroswords. I can see not being able to reflect blaster shots with a vibrosword, but unable to use the Force? I don't know.


    NOTHING is disabled when using vibroswords, that changed when the game went F2P.

  11. I actually disagree with this, have better situational awareness or learn to better include LoS in your weaving while in a hornet's nest. I've never had much of a problem with this as I regularly weave in and out of obstacles specifically to break 3rd party lock on attempts even if no 3rd party is readily apparent just yet.


    Sure, I get caught and shot down by those helping who I am currently gunning down, that is how it is SUPPOSED to work as they are being proper wingmen. Those who prefer to stick with missiles rather than blasters while helping are just being smart, trying to get a bead on you in a way you can't readily tell a direction.


    As I said, learn to bob and weave better even if it costs you a perfect kill shot. At the end of the day your kill count matters not...only your team winning matters. I've won more than a few of my matches with the other team having a craptonne of kills yet our score doubled theirs. So I will always say, those worrying about personal kills are the same people who jeopardize their own team's chances at winning.

  12. If you are a scout, going for damage reduction...you are a total fool for thinking that matters.

    The scout's exact opposite is the gunship, which has 100% ignore damage reduction on all of it's rail gun options.


    I actually use the ion rail gun quite often, hit a ship once with that and you strip away 40% of their boost, swap to slug gun then finish them off.

    I occasionally use the proton rail gun on strike fighters or turrets. A single full charge proton rail shot will usually kill a turret or severely damage it so someone can come by and sneeze at it to kill it (it's a dot after all, use it like one). This is also a great gun to use to get a LOT of assists.


    If anything, if people playing scouts want to truly prove they are the gods of dogfighting they say they are, their hull should be cut in half so they are true scouts incapable of long term fighting. a scout is characterized by hit and run fighting...ANY long term engagement should be death for a scout and yes they should be balanced around that (and I say this as someone who loves to use the Sting advanced scout). In my mind a scout should die from a single blaster hit to it's hull, aka the moment your shields are gone you die.


    Gunships should be the inverse, incapable of having any real shields and totally reliant upon their hull for defense, in this way a gunship cannot simply take a few hits and escape to the nearest help to stay alive as event he best gunship pilots will simply get worn down as their hulls can't keep being repaired endlessly (yes I know their is a repair crew skill but it is on a long cool down and if you leave ANY gunship alone for that long they deserve to kill you endlessly). In this way shields are used for nothing but to absorb the first hits of an opening salvo.


    If you want good shields AND a decent hull you should be forced to fly a strike fighter as that is what they are for...taking punishment and dealing death in true ww2 dogfighter fashion (which is what Star Wars space fighting is based upon btw). To be labeled a true dogfighter able to actually shrug off hits in any meaningful way you should be forced to fly these particular ships.


    Lets recap for the tldr crowd...

    Scouts - cut hull health in half, make them unable to improve their hulls at all, keep current shield ratings as is...forcing scouts to act as scouts...play hit and run or die horribly.

    Gunships - cut shield strength by half, increase hull strength by a 4th, remove shield upgrades, increase hull upgrades...farther reduce total base engine pool of the gunship.

    Strike fighters - leave as is.


    This creates actual balance as scouts typically have to run from a strike fighter and get distance, while treating gunships as prey. Gunships can continue to do what they always do...snipe and move trading kills for deaths. Strikes continue to do what they always do, taking the brunt of the punishment while adding what damage they can.

  13. I, for one, won't be buying the shipment 1 hypercrate, considering the cartel rep vendors sell items from shipment 1, they should have at least added cartel certificates to the packs.

    Besides, as I remember, shipment 1 had terrible rare item drop rates, so your likely to end up with a bunch of junk in your cargo hold!


    Just my opinion! :rolleyes:


    Shipment one considers things like credit booms to be rare items that take the same place as things such as revan's mask. So yeah...your chances to find things you actually want are pretty low.

  14. Main reason against this is the simple fact that there are a huge amount of idiots.


    They que for both ground and star pvp...they get ground but really wanna be in star. So star pops in the middle of the ground pvp...and they leave for it immediately. Screwing over their teammates.

    Yes, it would happen...a LOT.


    Unless you forcibly make them leave all ques upon accepting one, which is a step many games forget. Also, add int he anti-leaver penalty to the pvp side of things. If someone leaves a wz or sf match mid game they get a debuff of "coward" for 1 hour of played time, logging out will not get rid of the debuff and neither will death...as long as you have the coward debuff you cannot que for ANY pvp.

  15. I just stopped PvPing in 55 bracket. The broken relics and the constant 8 man premades ruin it for me.


    They seriously should make it that if you drop out of a warzone (LD or simply leave) you are locked out across all characters from queing for an hour of PLAYED game time. Yes, this would hit me as I occasionally LD from a match. Fair enough, no big deal. It would however kill many 8 man premades as they would have the option of fighting against each other or fighting different people, or waiting an hour before trying again.


    seeing 2-3 people from the same guild...even 4 from the same guild on one side is not a problem. When you get more than that it tends to become a problem as the PvP in this game was always designed to primarily be "pick up group" style.

  16. I do have to say, by the logic and grammar of your posts I am doubting either your stated credentials or the quality of Harvard Law.


    Pretty much, as any student of law cares quite a lot about grammar and spelling. Any student of law would also be well versed in the knowledge that unless one actually attempts to communicate properly (spelling, grammar) they may as well not bother posting at all.

  17. lol I cannot take you srsly how anecdotal


    Amusing, as no one takes you seriously due to how you type.

    Try actually typing out your words and thoughts more properly. Text-speak has no place in a forum or, quite frankly, when you are at a keyboard.

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