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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. Pub side routinely comes up as less good stories mainly because people are already used to these stories, they play out in the movies over and over again, and int he books. You also have the fact many under 30 are far larger fans of anti-heroes than actual heroes so the stories are even harder to get as rated "good".


    - The knight is KOTOR all over again which is great nostalgia, and being a sassy Jedi is fun there as your master gives you it right back without batting an eye. Yes the story is a pretty predictable chosen one story without many surprises, but it is a good star wars story. Unfortunately for many the KotFE storyline pretty much is written from the JK viewpoint which is why so many other classes just feel wrong in it.

    - The consular gets good after act 1...but it is definately not for everyone as if you aren't a thinking type of person you will find it incredibly boring playing diplomat and then general (yes some of your decisions can seriously hurt your army and your ending will be different for it, and not hey aren't light or dark decisions). The extremely dry lines and a story that expects it's player to be invested in the lore of star wars and truly understand deeper nuances makes this story fall flat on it's own merit as it expects you to understand various things while never giving explanations.

    - The smugler is fun, assuming you go into it not expecting things to be overly serious. You get a very han solo vibe through out the run, though it starts to become incredulous later on in the story, making the smugler in charge of a fleet like an admiral is over the top and not in a good way.

    - The trooper is actually a great story with some wonderful moments, but it is painfully obvious most people just aren't fans of being a 'trooper' if you go by the story popularity. Yes it is a very similar story to any soldier/military game out there, but what else do you expect from a class that is all about the military?


    Imp side appeals to those who want to act with impunity and be "dark" and "edgy" so naturally it is more popular as people get to act out their impulses and be rewarded for it.


    - The BH story is actually, pretty crappy to be honest. It is TOO consistent with zero surprises or even curveballs and has a companion literally force their way onto your ship and crew. I'm sorry I am a bounty hunter that kills people for a living, the grand champion, and I let someone just steamroll onto my ship? HORRIBLE story telling.

    - The IA is both an amazing story, and a horrible one all at once. Keliyo should have been killed off, no matter how you play your agent, no one would trust her for long and yet she is all you get for 5 planets! The story itself has some great points, though is heavy handed with deus ex machina far more often than any other story.

    - The SW is a great story, completely bland and forgetable as a pure darksider...yet such an AMAZING story as a lightside playthrough with many parallels with Luke's journey if you take the light path consistently.

    - The Sorc is...over the top in many ways and offers you control of things that...don't do anything for you. At one point you get control of your own cult yet this resource is unavailable for you to use for anything till much later in your story, and it is a one off shot and the cult is never mentioned again. The 'ghost indegestion' problem is just awkwardly handled, but the final act and rise of the character is very satisfying.


    My favorites? JK and SW.

  2. I really don't understand why people complain. Subs got all kinds of free stuff other's couldn't get. The companion is only a small part to it (those HK hand guns people seem to be envious of as much as the companion) and frankly if they put him on the CM for the cost of a hypercrate I'd be ok with it. After all, I got it for free as I stay subbed for the perks and not having to care about how much is in my escrow while you had to spend money on it.
  3. Do any of you remember Beta? Our companions used to jump on the taxi's with us. The two seater large taxis still have a second seat specifically for them. The large circle in the back is where droids would be sitting such as those unable to reasonably climb into the seat like T7.

    For speeder bikes they sat behind you and held on, which did look kind of funny for T7 but it was a nice gesture that showed companions as meaning more.

  4. You should have played when there was ability training...and speeder piloting was prohibitively expensive...and running crew skill missions cost about 30% more than they do now. Yes, I sound like one of those old farts who say, "well back in my day, I walked to school uphill both ways in the snow, and liked it!" :p


    oh yeah...I once forced my girlfriend to play like we had to...no sprint till 15, even with the speed we level at now she was crying. When I told her pilot speeding lvl one...our first mount...didn't show up till 25 she looked at me like I had 3 heads.

  5. I would love to have one, unfortunately I came to the game too late to get Cartel Certificates.

    Could you help me get one on Begeren Colony?

    I believe you have to talk to the droid for your faction, so I would need two.


    I'm on Ebon Hawk, also they recently released old packs (this was the 1st round of packs) I believe the second round of packs had certificates...so you might have a chance yet if they re-release the next few sets.

  6. At least on the shroud H4, if someone without the mission kills the droid on the bridge after the panel pushing anoyance the next door will not open. People without the mission CANNOT get the killing blow or the instance bugs.


    Seriously these needs to be turned into flashpoints or solo-able.


    If you have to offer credits to get people to run it, then you have obviously proven there is a problem with the quest.

  7. There is an epilepsy warning with this game. There is with almost every MMO because various abilities fired in rapid succession can trigger people.


    Any game that has flashy skills (large light of any kind) can trigger epileptic episodes.


    I am light sensitive, it is not up to developers to accomodate me, it is up to me to accomodate my handicap. So I run my monitor darker than others would.

  8. Yes but in SWG to be a crafter you had to BE A CRAFTER; you had to dedicate your one and only character to the crafting skills tree and heaven forbid you ever want to do anything else.


    Getting back on topic...


    while the odds of 4 consecutive failures is small: 0.000625% or 1 in 1600, that is far from statistically impossible.

    But it is the reason I superstitiously do not send the same companion on the same mission twice is a row. I have had companions fail the same mission multiple times in the past and I just don't send the same companion on the same mission twice anymore...It's just habit.


    I'm really glad I am not the only one that has this habit/superstition.

  9. Because you can get other vendors.


    The prefab droids let you sell and repair. The Jawa scrap dealers also let you sell and repair. There are also faction specific medical droids that let you buy/sell. You can also get a few vendors that sell the things from the weekly events.


    Those are the vendors just off the top of my head. So no need to have more than 4 of the one.

  10. No sense in making a new tread... so I am bumping this up. :)


    Would really love to have them in the SH as i spend more time there, than on the ship.


    Agreed and adding my bump. Plus we can create armory rooms with training dummy's int hem that are usefull!


    Heck, turn the skytrooper chasis that are on poles like scarecrows into training dummies.

  11. I try to get one of everything that comes out. It's good for my stronghold prestige.


    I bought all the affordable Labels for my strongholds. I picked my favorite five and based my stronghold themes around these. I created characters with names that enhance the titles. For example, I have "Drifter's Marketplace Cantina" and "Hondo Ohnaka's Pirate Roost".


    Due to the types of decorations most commonly available, I find these room themes easiest to build --

    * Sith or Jedi training room or temple.

    * Medical bay or research lab.

    * Computer or robotics engineering room.

    * Casino, nightclub, and/or bar.

    * Pilot's hangout.

    * Military barracks or personal quarters.

    * Weapons testing lab.

    * Vehicle garage or showroom.

    * Garden or greenhouse.

    * Military or combat training room.


    I've seen some lovely museums and art galleries done by people who bought the Arncellean masterpieces and reached max reputation with Makeb. I have also seen a great rakghoul containment facility from someone who obviously spent a lot of time on that event. My favorite has been a bounty hunter's room, but these days it's next to impossible to come up with a bunch of holding cells. Having max rep with BBA helps.


    Two of my strongholds have specific sections for Republic and Empire characters, indicated by banners or holographic flags at the entrance to each area. I did this with both my Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa SHs.


    I decorated my Coruscant stronghold as if it was an alliance stronghold away from Odessen. However I could not resist putting my JK's name "Amun'ra" on it so it says Amun'ra's Temple of Light. :D

  12. These are some great ideas! I personally would love to see a stronghold on Hoth. Some of the ice caves that you can find roaming around Hoth or Ilum are fantastic and would make for a nice basis for a stronghold. I would imagine it being more open (similar to Tatooine).


    The second place I would love to see a stronghold on is Yavin 4. I love the planet and certainly brings back memories from the movies. They did a nice job on the planet for the dailies, but I would love to see a more expanded version.


    My third choice would be Korriban/Tython, just because they are the starting planets for the sith/jedi and I would imagine many Siths would have a housing on Korriban.


    There is no housing on Korriban, there is only the academy and the council halls, a few bases for those who are stationed with the defense of korriban. Korriban is 'holy ground' and no one is allowed to set up personal homes/bases there.


    As for Tython...Jedi do not have homes, they move from one location to the next wherever they are needed. Anything a Jedi "owns" is technically the property of the Jedi Order as a whole.


    I'd rather see Corellia, Alderann (solong as the strongholds don't experience the same frame rate dropping the planet seems to), Voss would be my favorite but lore wise makes no sense, Dantooine.

    I would love if KotET would bring us a Zakuul Knight class and a stronghold on Zakuul though.

  13. Hit the nail on the head OP. I would like to add; leaving the Star Wars universe to Zakuul was a big mistake. I don't care what happens in that universe. I don't care what happens to it's people. I don't care who rules it. KOTFE is a complete failure story wise for me. Then to add the boring face roll game play between cut scenes I don't care about. I could only bring myself to do it with one character.


    Bioware you're lucky you have that Sentinel Watchmen class or i would have quit years ago.


    PS: bring back Raids


    You talk about boring gameplay (faceroll) and then ask for more raids? The single most boring gameplay ever thought of by MMO devs?

    If you want challenge you should be asking for more punishingly hard flashpoints. In raids people that don't know what they are doing can be carried to varying degrees. In a single group flashpoint designed to punish players...it forced DPS to do more than just DPS and rotations, proper CC usage is needed or else the group wipes because the DPS failed at their job and other such things.

  14. Actually...the preview window fixed and is working perfectly fine for me now. Or has the past 2-3 days.


    You can tell if the preview window will work or not by going to your collections. If the game is showing you all the armor available in collections the preview window will work. If it won't show you the armor but mounts/toys/etc are all viewable, than the preview window is going to be wonky.

  15. I notice this all the time, and it makes me laugh. People saying that people need to roll the other faction (in any game) but THEY continue to stick to their faction and veteran characters. It doesn't work that way. You want to balance things, YOU DO IT. and you HOLD to it. You fight those losing battles, again and again and again and again.


    If you go by ranked, don't bother. Many of those people swap factions constantly. Ranked is also arena which...is the biggest waste of resources ever put into PvP in ANY game. If you just want to death match, go play a FPS...in MMOs we expect you to be intelligent enough to play objectives and do more than kill the other faction.


    Also, outside of ranked I don't see the pubs losing so spectacularly at all on EH. It is pretty 50/50 over all.

  16. I couldn't help but go back to the begining and remember what the woes of pvpers were like 5 years ago. Notice a few posts about pub pvp. Hahaha here's a look at your fossilized ancestors...pubs will never have enough players. :)


    Irony here being that in the DvL event pub is steamrolling over the imps pretty regularly, my win ratio over the past 3 weeks is getting close to 20 win for every 1 loss, and I single que.

  17. Far be it from me to be one to point out horrible spelling and grammar, as my own leaves much to be desired often, but the original poster seems to be a horrible choice for such a thing even if it did exist. You would want someone who can type well and clearly without error.


    This of course ignores the fact that this is an absolutely horrible idea.

  18. I created and kept 8 characters for DvL. A few names took a few tries but I didn't really have any problems coming up with names for them. Try being more creative than "Rey" or "Poe".


    Amusingly enough...I've had "Poe" on a smugler for 4 years now.

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