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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. 1 of the things is tht its very clunky. Alot of pvp'ers are disappointed with it so u are not alone. GL in ur future gaming endeavors.


    This is because a lot of the PvPers aren't good at twitch gameplay and throw a tantrum worse than an 8 year old when they get ripped apart. Most of the MMO PvP crowd is horrible if you erase gear advantage.


    The perks from upgrading your ship are minor tweaks. I have been playing since dec3rd...haven't upgraded my strike fighter once. I destroy people in it as a stock ship. regularly blowing people out of the sky who have fully upgraded ships. Skill far out does upgrades here.

  2. i disagree, many apologists use this word wrong 99% of the time, like go grab a dictionary and look up what it means bc i don't think means wat u think it means...


    that being said, I wouldnt be against it tbh


    I must point out how hilarious it is that someone talks about using a dictionary and yet is incapable of spelling simple words correctly. You are on a forum, not texting, actually take the time to type properly.

  3. Also, are Devs not allowed to discuss things with the players? I've seen at most two comments from Devs on a single thread, almost always completely cautious and overly ambiguous. It's like they're kept on a short leash or something. It'd be nice to see them actively discuss things with the players. One can dream...


    This would require Bioware breaking one of their cardinal rules of developing games....discuss nothing not set in stone or guaranteed to be in the live server. This was a problem even in the ALPHA stages of testing, those of us in that closed testing environment regularly grew frustrated at how little they would share with us. Think back to open Beta...they shared even less with us in Alpha that they shared with the Beta testing crew.

  4. I've been frustrated lately with the lack of speeders that don't have insane clipping when it comes to speeder piloting, and I've basically lost hope in waiting for a speeder that doesn't suffer from these issues.


    But if there was a "Force Flight" speeder that allowed a character to hover around in a similar fashion as the Rocket Boots, this would alleviate the problem some. It'd basically be an invisible speeder, with maybe some added visual effect like a glow or something.


    What do you guys think?


    Use some of the earlier ones in which you stand on the back end of it...et-viola no clipping.

  5. i'd be very interested in having a reversed grip on a single blade saber, main and off hand...


    Ah the reverse grip...something that makes every real world sword enthusiast and real world melee combatant cringe. If I was fighting someone and saw a reverse grip used...I would laugh in their face and kill them in 3 moves or less. Every so often someone comes into the dojo and tries a reverse grip, and after anyone there spars with them the person very quickly see's the giant gaping flaws in such a stance.


    I train people how to wield melee weapons, this is what I do. Only a total idiot would hold a full length sword in a reverse grip and expect it to be worthwhile. It goes against the very skeletal structure and musculature of the human body to even try and fight that way. The wrist, elbow, and bicep are designed for a swing in which you push your wrist toward the pinky while swinging something (an important part of a swing is the final snap of your wrist, it is where the burst of speed actually hits the tip of the blade...something you cannot do even remotely well or with any strength in a reverse grip). Your body is also not designed to take shocks in a revers grip, meaning you cannot block properly with the weapon unless you use both hands (thus negating the reverse grip) or putting the blade against your arm (which would cut your own arm off with a light saber).


    ...and no. You cannot compensate for the inherent vulnerabilities and lack of any kind of honest support from your own body by using an explanation of "the force". Why? The force isn't going to suddenly make your body work in a manner it was not designed for (you would need to grow new muscle ligaments in different places for that to happen) also...so you are using your force energy to hold and support your weapon in an inferior grip. You now have sever limitations on how you can use it for anything else due to already channeling it to support your body. Your enemy, however, is using a PROPER sword stance, need not waste their force reserves on supporting their body (as you must do just to be on equal footing with them) meaning they if they do channel their energy to improve how their body performs...oh look they outclass you due to the limitations of your stance anyway.


    The Force Unleashed did a HORRIBLE disservice to the genre for making Starkiller run around using a reverse grip.


    Reverse grip is perfectly usable for a jute or a knife (you aren't depending on your wrist for part of your power and speed...though to use a jute properly to capture an enemy sword you would need to hold it properly). To put into perspective, one could hold a shoto light saber in a reverse grip and use it as a stabbing knife but I still wouldn't rely on it to block with in a reverse grip as the musculature of our hands and wrists are not designed to lock against that movement. You also couldn't rest the shoto against your arm for a 'body block' as you would cut your own arm off.

  6. I would not pretend that this game doesn't have performance issues. It does. They just aren't game breaking, or bad enough to override the fun of the game, at least on my end.


    It's definitely worse for some people more than others for reasons that are hard to say offhand. For some strange rason, GW2 runs pretty bad on my comp. I have no idea why to this day, because it used to run really well when it was new. But I'm going to blame something with my settings there.


    GW2, around the first Christmas event they did, updated some of their code, which actually broke it horribly for those with NiVidia cards. There is also known "random LD" bug that's been present since the 1st Halloween event.


    The irony that these bugs exist for AMD cards in TOR amuses me. TOR also has the ever lovely memory leak bug though that puts it's performance problems on the worse side of things.

  7. The surest way to prove they are OP is to just look at how many gunship flyers saying they are NOT OP.

    They are not slow, they have great armor, they have the longest hardest hitting gun in space. The old argument "learn how to fight them" doesn't wash. Just look at the kill board after every match - what ship dominates?

    nuff said


    What ship dominates? The Great flyers regardless of what ship they pilot.

  8. I wouldn't mind seeing a race of some sort. Imagine the a high speed gauntlet like the one millenium falcon had through the death star, where all is permited. :sul_wink:


    This would be horrible due to EVERYONE running scouts for a race. It wouldn't be varied enough IMO.


    While a huttball in space sounds interesting...I can only imagine the headache of trying to "throw" a ball around. I love huttball but just don't see it as being too possible here.



    I actually just had an idea...


    make 5 capture points that are hangers/factories. 2 of them spawn anti-aircraft tanks, 2 of them spawn fighters, one of them just shoots missiles. the middle of the area is a base that the two sides have to fight over, you earn points for owning spawners but you earn the most points for owning the center. The center spawns nothing but turrets that the spawners can destroy. If you own the middle your spawners reinforce the turrets.


    It would be hard to hold onto so many things so people would see the 6 points changing hands pretty frequently.


    The tanks can simply use basic AI, it goes forward till something is in range it cans hoot at, it stays put and shoots till it leaves it's radius where it then continues to the middle to attack the turrets/base to gain control for it's faction.


    The ships can use basic AI as well, have them use a single speed of booster, basic following routines, simple blasters. Only single stack of shields instead of the double that players have and weak hull. Essentially something that yes, could be one shotted by a maxed out slug railgun, however that means said gunship isn't shooting at players. The AI doesn't need to be anything special, these ships are for harassment purposes...a minor annoyance and nothing more.


    The missile silo's would actively target enemy players nearby. If no enemies were in range it would target enemy AI prioritizing the turrets on it's side of the field.


    The base would have 2 turrets per side facing the other 5 bases (meaning 10 turrets in total) that would function just as the turrets do now. Though I would make them look like ground turrets (the round balls with cannons sticking out of them that sit over Aurek Base on Hoth would be a good model to use...scaled down some).


    This map would actually have ground, thus it would have a "deck" and be true atmospheric flight.

  9. I hadn't thought about switching between ships in a battle. I guess mostly because of the cost to move ship requisition to fleet requisition. I'll have to try switching things up from my strike. It does make since, from a team perspective, to be flexible and be ready to jump to a different role should the need arise.


    Oh, trust me...doing it this way does mean you upgrade slowly. But the upgrades don't make a HUGE difference. I consider them mostly QoL improvements for my ships heh. I actually don't turn my ship req into fleet req...ever. Figure I'll just earn it all the normal way and make do.


    Though I do find it hilarious when someone rages out because they are fully upgraded and getting shot down repeatedly.

  10. Man oh man....you best bet I'll be grinding all weekend for some of these upgrades!


    I have been putting points into my thrusters (turning) and my blasters (extending range/damage). The probe thingy is a stop-gap on the way to bigger and better upgrades.


    I was curious about the quad lasers...but if they perform well enough, then they seem to be a worthy upgrade.


    God, I love this f**king game!


    Quad Lasers are my favorite ones, decent rate of fire and they hit hard. They are, however, a bit of a drain on the base scout's power...which may be why I prefer the advanced scout (that and concussion missiles that lock on in just a lil over 1 sec is wonderfully terror inducing in people I am hunting).

  11. Speed Thrusters - Theres a reason the faster aircraft not the one with tighter turning were the dominant aircraft in war.

    Distortion Field - Evade blasters and break missile locks. Along with retro thrusters makes missile much less worrying.

    Quad Lasers - Pew Pew


    Actually, look back at WW2...the tighter the turning, the more dominant the plane. The plane with the most kills under it's belt is the one with the tightest turning radius due to the "wheel of death" dogfighters find themselves in (that and the planes that could take the bigger punishment...aka the fabled Mustangs...able to take a beating and the tightest turners above the European theater). If you hit the gas you take longer to turn...your speed amounts for nothing if you can't get your nose on the target. A full thruster upgrade against a full turning upgrade on the same class of ship? The turning upgrade is going to win due to sheer agility. Assuming same skill level of the pilots.


    Modern warfare, speed matters more as you begin firing before you can even lay eyes on the target these days.

  12. How is daily requisition bonus working then? Since I just stick to one ship from start to the end rofl. How much time do you have to play to get it, do you need to end the fight on that ship or?


    What you do while in any given ship is what req you get with it. I routinely switch ships based on what is needed at the time. If we have too many strike fighters, I switch to gunship. If they have a lot of gunships I use one of my scouts (pure scout if they have a lot of gunships, advanced scout if they have a few so I can dogfight using quad cannons against other scouts and fighters). If we have a lot of gunships I use a fighter.


    Being a specialist means that you can end up trying to shoe-horn yourself into a bad situation. Be flexible and you can maximize the destruction you can accomplish.

  13. It's a minimal bonus added for paying for the ships in the Cartel market. You're still gonna need to grind your butt off for ship req's though.


    The different designs are kind of cool...but imho not worth the $20 you'll pay for one.


    This. If I am paying 20 bucks for a ship...that ship better be far more capable than the other ships. As it stands...I have only faught against one of the CM ships and I blew it out of the sky over and over again with impunity.

  14. So he was flagged for PvP yet you both viewed it as a problem that he was getting killed while questing? I don't PvP, so I play on a PvE server. If someone plays on a PvE server, they can avoid getting "murdered" by not flagging, including not doing quests in PvP areas like the Outlaws' Den. "Problem" solved.


    There was (and still is for that matter) a bug that leaves you flagged while leaving a warzone at times if you are on a planet shared by both factions. Even on a PvE server this causes you to stand out (you can see a flagged person nearly twice as far away as a non-flagged one I have noticed) and it takes all of 3 min tops to get off your lowbie and on a high level to go grief.


    Also, I can tell you are not a player from early on. The first 3-4 months of the game, simply entering another factions "area of control" would immediately flag you. The warning message and timer were glitched and never displayed...you immediately were flagged. Meaning a very innocent exploration could quickly turn into a gank fest on a PvE server. I had to rescue more than a few guildies due to this bug. Several medcenter locations also had no guards, meaning you could be farmed (several places on Hoth on both factions were infamous for this). The original guards were also the level of the area...meaning my shadow tank could invade any Imperial town on Tatooine or Hoth and basically laugh at them while /waving at the Imp players. If I had wanted to I could have entered any town I wanted and farmed the crap out of people.

  15. See, he can't wave his epeen around therefore he isn't interested in it.


    True PvPers care less about any of that. I regularly top out on several categories in any PvP match...I frankly could care less about valor. I am there for fun and the challenge of playing intelligent opponents. Valor and similar things are pointless epeen waving things ment for those with fragile egos.

  16. DPS are the single most populous role in all MMO's...it surprises you that the wait times are so long?

    DPS is also full of absolute idiots incapable of managing their own agro. The tank is not there to control YOUR agro, only to offer buffer zones to everyone, if you are too stupid to know when to burst and when to back off and give the tank time...YOU are the reason that DPS que times are so long.

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