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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. Great threads in this post. I like the types of tiers in the guild description and the other post talking about the game being more guild orientated in the first 3 years of SWTOR. From experiences are similar.


    In my favorite guilds height we all did story mode 16 man raids. It was hilarious mumble banter where the conversations were just as fun as the operation. The low point was when it boiled down to serious punch in your time card to be in a HM 8 man progression group that raided on set times during the week. Rock bottom for the guild now is mainly due to people having 15+ alts and dipping into the guild for 5 minutes and logging out. They are off on other alts doing DvL.


    if they have made DvL characters why aren't they int he guild? You can still run together, chat together, enjoy the game together. If they ignore the guild now...they were never invested into it in the first place.

  2. It is like you completely failed to grasp the concept of TOR.


    Each planet is a snapshot in time. You start on Tython, by the time you leave time has passed. You aren't there for a single day, you are there for at LEAST a month as far as the story is concerned. Now let us look at the planets themselves. Taris is 1st half of act 1 for Reps, while Imps don't see it till act 2. This is because time has moved on. The Reps try and rehabilitate the planet and settle on it, the imps come back later after the war has started to destroy it all and prevent the Reps from reclaiming a planet Malgus destroyed 300 years ago (it was a city planet like Coruscant before). By contrast, In act 1 the Imps take control of Balmora while in Act 2 the Reps come in and rescue it, kicking the Imps completely off the planet and reclaiming those huge weapon factories. Which int he story is the beginnign of the end for the Imps, Marr even mentions it in the Makeb missions that lack of weapons (Balmora is the galactic location that makes some of the best weapons) is why the Imps are a breath from losing everything.


    Then you have the act 3 planets that take place even longer after that. Each and every planet is a step forward in time as you move forward through your story. It doesn't even stop after the class stories. Makeb, SoR, Ziost makes it the most abundantly clear.


    these are not constantly evolving planets. Yes you can go back and visit those planets but when you go back it is just dailies and such, mechanically you have already moved on.


    What you are after are planets that aren't built as snapshots, the space part is totally un-obtainable. As the poster above me has said...you are after EvE-Online...

  3. Yes... and with being able to mod easier comes with things like this....https://youtu.be/yF7CyqbSS48?t=597


    Or maybe I'm just really bad and only PC players have mad skillz like this :(.


    The controller is a handicap in shooting games. It is why they separate consoles and computers in games like overwatch. You can take the worlds best console player and put them up against a random average player on a computer in an FPS...that world's best will get ripped apart simply because you cannot beat the control of the mouse. They did several tests in various games before the industry admitted that, yes, computers are superior to consoles and we cannot keep throwing the two players against each other in competative environments.

  4. Guilds rally around 3 things. Raids, PvP, and RP.


    Small group content will never sustain a guild despite that truly hard group content make ANY raid look like a walk in the park. No, we haven't had that kind of group content in TOR exept for when the rackgoul fps were first released and then nerfed a week later. Ironically due in large part to whining from raiders!


    Raids are boring to me personally (too damn much standing around waiting) and for the majority of modern gamers (go look at the statistics, YOU my dear reader may not fit this but you are a minority) anything over an hour is too long, and even an hour can become too long for a single uninteruptible time block. People have lives and families and need to get up and move away from the computer. The old raid styles are dead and gone, some games still try but the "wing" method is far more embraced as you can plan half hour-45 min blocks for a wing then do another wing another night. Raids themselves are dying simply because people are sick of waiting on that 'one' person who is always late, or always gets up in the middle of a run, etc. Raiders tend to brign out elitist snobs that demand the best of everything, from the game's community (raiders deserve 224, the rest of the community should be fine with 208) and from even within their own guilds (I need that upgrade, I do more than you).


    PvP itself breaks down into two paths. Deathmatchers and objective players. This is in ANY game btw with instanced PvP (and non instanced PvP games typically still have objectives). Deathmatch guilds form and die out constantly. This kind of playstyle gets old fast and tends to breed the most toxic of communities and the guilds tend to implode quickly. The objective guilds tend to survive for as long as the PvP is fun. It need not be rewarding, simply fun and enjoyable. The toxicity here tends to come from people sick of yelling at guildmates that get target fixation or deathmatch and not focusing on objectives.


    RP guilds are made, die, merge, break, fracture, last... they tend to be havens for PvErs that can RP a small bit but otherwise just sorta tag along. RPers themselves tend to not be very demanding, give them tools to look how they want, simple interaction with the world, and they will be off and running. They do, however, bring all kinds of people and playstyles which don't always mesh well.


    Basically, every time you bring a group of people together you will have drama, and people gravitate then fall apart in an endless loop. This expectation of a dev to create a reason for people to socialize is a fallacy. Don't be a git, actually talk to strangers like normal everyday people...and you will find others even in a solo focused story focused game. I always find people to chat with, in random FPs I constantly chatter if the people aren't sticks in the mud. The only thing that can make a game anti-social is you by not being social in the first place.

  5. You are not as squishy as you think you are. Rotate your defensives and time your heals (never use a skill that heals you if you are at full health for example, which yes means you have to go "off script" from your rotation at times).


    Fully PvE equipped, I walked into an arena. 4 shadows on my team ( 3 infiltration, I was serenity which is the shadow's hatred) against a merc, sorc, jugg and mara. One of the infiltrators was whining about me being pve equiped and how we are gonna lose and I am going to suck...I out damaged, out healed, out protected (you have a taunt, USE IT!) oh, and I solo killed the sorc BOTH MATCHES while fending off the mara. The whiner? Charged straight in both times and got gutted like a fish while the rest of us weren't idiots and took round about routes and actually made stealth work for us. 2nd match I was tanking their whole team for most the match, cycling my skills as needed and holding off on stuns and such unless their resolve bar was a breath from filling. Cycle your heals while kiting (which is something you can do pretty well as serenity/hatred) and you can be surprised how much that 10% actually can do.

  6. Honestly they should hand people their interupt earlier (say level 15) and make 15 the lowest level allowed into a warzone. PvPing before you even have your interupt is idiocy at the highest degree. Yes I sound like an elitist but hear me out.


    I happily help others with class issues...usually if I am helping someone out I'll group with just them, otherwise I solo que everything and just have fun.


    The best option is for them to separate entirely arena and warzone gameplay (arenas are NOT warzones, wars are fought over resources, strategic locations, etc...every last kingdom that has started a war simply to kill has lost spectacularly). When you que up for PvP you should have to choose arena or warzone.

    Let the deathmatch CoD crowd focus on arenas and let the rest of us have objective gameplay without quite so many deathmatchers ignoring the objectives.

  7. do a forum search for bitraider, people have typed up very detailed methods of getting rid of it. Frankly it is astonishing that the devs haven't just trashed that part of the launcher. Using bitraider it takes you hours to download something that should take all of 5-10 min.
  8. I'd add one small change to it. When you display your ignore list, it should show a legacy-ignore as "Charactername and legacy" rather than listing all the characters on the legacy. (Otherwise I could ignore your legacy, then unignore it in order to learn all your character names.)


    I don't see this as a problem. Personally i think our legacy should be EVERYTHING. When you join a guild, you join as your legacy, NOT a character. When you friend someone, you friend the legacy, etc.


    If you want to be totally anonymous...move to another server.


    There is no reason every character needs to be it's own seperate entity. "RP" is not good enough. You can be a part of something without being in the guild (actually it is far more true to form if you ARE NOT in an actual guild that is not a huge organization. A mando clan would not be worthy of a guild (the clans are loose affiliations). Criminal anything benefits from realism to not be in a guild. Etc...etc...

    Don't want people bugging you? Tell them no to their request that you are just doing your own thing. If they can't respect that they aren't a friend.

  9. I would love to have more interaction added to all the romances, both past and current love interests. It's the saddest thing in the world, when you marry them and they never speak to you again. Romance is a big part of the enjoyment in this game, and it desperately needs more of it. :)


    There are many real life married couples that would LOVE for their spouse to just go silent for awhile. Just sayin'.


    Honestly I don't think that will translate the same to an mmo. ME3 multiplayer was fun but to keep it fresh what did they do? Adding new weapons, new classes, new playstyles etc. TOR really isn't in a position to do that unless they pull out some kind of fixed build classes that aren't the PC classes kinda like GSF ship classes which would be dumb.


    In the end the horde-meta would probably revolve around using the most mobile classes to kite and avoid damage to clear the higher levels if damage gets too strong and until then tanks would probably just be responsible to round up the horde to AoE them down. It would take a lot to bring in some interesting mechanics that require smart play and frankly KotFE has been pretty light on that.


    Put hey all those Snipers that think Suppressive Fire on repeat is the ideal rotation will be vindicated.


    It might actually. If you have mobs such as the Left4Dead style rackghouls that can yank someone out (originally the one could yank snipers out of cover even, I wish they still could). Give some mobs infinite mezzes...(not a mez locks both you and your target, otherwise it is not a mezz)...that require your allies to save you. AI that actively avoids being corralled; yes, AI that ignores aggro and/or actively attacks whoever has the lowest aggro.


    Hell, can even make successful completion a lot box of random NEW shells and weapon shells. Taking down bosses (with 100% randomized abilities) earn you mods to slot those shells or your current ones. It would work well. It would also be the challenge so many say they want. After all the raiders and such constantly harp they want REAL challenges...making abilities of enemies totally random means you cannot strategize for the fight ahead of time, perfect challenge!

  11. Hate to compound the issue but it seems there has been a slight stealth nerf to cartel packs as well now... items that go into the stash now appear to be perma bound to the character drawing them down.


    Before we had to wait a period of time before being able to sell items that we get that are unwanted.. now after that waiting period the items are now perma bound to the character anyways.


    My sith inquisitor now has a nice selection of sniper rifles, assault cannons, blaster pistols and rifles all bound ready for her to use just filling up those extra slots in the inventory.... oh wait they must just be just for show.




    Sounds like you have a bunch of DvL freebies you pulled out. Those were always going to be bound and never undone. If you mixed yoru DvL freebie crates with a bunch of other stuff...well...that is bound to happen.

  12. I have a feeling it's going to be some sort of Horde Mode encounter type, similar to ME3 multiplayer. That seems to be the sort of thing they'd push out.


    If it does not have an 8-man mode though, I am willing to wager the forum PvP won't last very long at all. :(


    You know, ME3 multiplayer is still FILLED with players, be it 6pm on a week night or even 3am on a week night.

    When something is good, it's good heh.


    A horde style area with objectives that make you have to come up with strategies ont he fly could actually be fun in an MMO...shake raiders out of complacency of "this encounter requires this strategy and deviating from it means we will yell at you, hate you, and kick you...mostly in that order".

  13. It wouldn't exactly be the focus of what I described either. It would be technically possible but virtually useless as you'd get almost nothing out of the solo version of a world boss. You'd get a lot more out of the group versions.


    You misunderstand me, I mean, I don't think they want WBs to be soloable.


    Posting this as you obviously fail to understand what he meant.

    It does not matter how, what, or why...they do not want you to be able to solo a world boss for any reason or under any circumstances.


    In Beta it was possible for commandos and mercs to solo WB if they kited properly and self healed (at this time sorcs didn't have all the tools they do now). Because of us Beta testers they had to add in the buff that makes companions useless, made it so you can't slow them (originally they were all succeptible to slow), and that all of them were now guarenteed to close to you and beat on you properly. Was kind of fun being 3-4 levels under a wb, soloing it, and leveling a few times from one kill. However it was also totally rediculous that it was able to be done at all.

  14. Guard is damage mitigation. It's not intercepting anything. Again, this wouldn't be a permanent ability like guard. It's merely a way to help players who are being focused.


    This is proof you've never played a tank. The tank takes half that damage bud, your health goes down by the prescribed amount. Mitigation is reduced damage.


    Incase you don't know what guard actually does. 25% threat reduction, 5% damage mitigation, 50% damage interception (as apparently you don't understand the terminology of redirecting damage).


    In essence it is already in the game. Every tank has it. Also, out taunts work in PvP as damage mitigation for everyone but us. IE I taunt you, unless you damage me you will due reduced damage for the taunt duration against everyone else on my team.

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