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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. Subscribers lost interest in it fast because those who are good at it have been playing so long their ships are all perfectly tuned. Anyone new who hops in is playing with a crappily tuned ship.


    Lets just get rid of the customization entirely and force everyone to fly the same ships, or unlock every customization from the start so a new player can tune a ship how they want it from the get-go. You'd have a lot more players even with that change.


    However, no matter what you do...GSF will always retain only a small number of players as it is NOT an MMO playstyle, the kind of people who would play it are off playing the flight combat in Battlefront.

  2. Much like Kylo Ren, Vaylin is just the distilled responses and personality all the flamers and trolls constantly show on the forums. So if she is such a bratty child, perhaps some introspection is needed on your own parts as well?


    Here is a hint, Vaylin is only NOW finally able to flex her muscles. Her mother AND father (aka Vitiate) have been holding her back. Vitiate was actually dampening her connection to the force on purpose to control her. What happens when you give anyone a sudden surge of power? Pretty much the inevitable lashing out.


    As for Arcann, he has shown us, through the glimpses we are given, regrets over Thexan and wishing he could travel down Thexan's path (honor/integrity). They are subdtle yet there, and masterfully so, especially given how few people actually notice it. Everyone only remembers his outburts, or the way he says things rather than WHAT he is saying and the inflections used on those words.


    You cannot have a great hero without a great villian. Of the class stories, only the JK has a great villian (the Emperor himself) and it is a villian that gets talked about in 4 class stories! In doing the other force using class stories you get to know even more about what the emperor has been up to and doing...you can extrapolate on motivations but you get more information. Hell, want to know why Act 1 of the consular was so bad? Even after Alderaan you STILL have no real feeling for the villian other than "he was left behind". By alderaan your first act villian should be a pressence you feel, know, and understand...yet it is mostly just a hand wave ordeal for the class stories. The villians are forgettable and ignorable because we don't actually have enough information for someone we are actively hunting.

    As far as storytelling, without a well rounded and understood villian, the story falls flat on it's face.

  3. I like the idea, but not in open world areas. Solo FPs already have the Jesus droid, and I'd rather take 2 companions for those (Hell, I'll take HK as a second companion, at least he has dialogue).


    Interestingly, in the later chapters of KotFE, there are sections where you have multiple companions (Don't want to spoil too much, but I think there's a section where you have 4 total people following you), so it doesn't seem like a technical limitation. To me, it seems like having more than 1 companion is just too overpowered. If current companions were nerfed then I'd see it making more sense, but the current companions are OP enough solo once you get them to rank 20+.


    Chapter 16, at the beginning you have 5 people following you so yeah it isn't beyond the scope of the game.

  4. wrong gear or not, it will be easier to get it from a already level 65 224 geared (weaponmaster gear) than starting a new char with 24 gear or whatever the lowest is. and as i said before, buying every mount and armor set from my collection will cost more than if bioware chose to add possibility to change advanced class even for 3000cc, all my items is not even accessable through the collection.


    That is all QoL stuff, not necessary for the class to be viable. It is vanity not game mechanics or balance reasons you are arguing now.

  5. Actually, when it comes to them saying "never" they have stayed on point with it. As they say it so infrequently that it tends to keep the meaning properly.


    You cannot switch it. Every MMO that uses an advanced class system hard locks it so your choice actually has meaning. Your advanced class is your real class, those first 10 levels are just tutorial levels. It is a method of artificially having more classes without having to make more content. Otherwise they would have you make a sentinel or guardian from the beginning rather than making a jedi knight that then becomes one or the other. Which is also why they do not let you switch them, it marginalizes class choice to pointlesness.

    If you get bored with classes so fast then have both and play whichever one suits your fancy rather than deleting and remaking.


    As for the doing story after skipping ahead to the chapters...much like your class choice...sorry they warn you with several things you must click accept/ok on. Those warnings plainly read that you will miss out on everything special the story gives you. So no, you lose out because you got impatient. It is that simple.


    Decisions have consequences and honestly it is better to have more such hard coded no returns than less as it makes things have more meaning. Just as real life has meaning because there is no 'do overs'.

  6. I like this idea, and hope it gets implemented.


    The solo aspect of this game is one of it's biggest draws for me. My life simply isn't conducive to being able to devote large amounts of uninterrupted time for groups/operations. Hell, it's rare I can go an hour without having to leave for a few minutes at some point. Groups are difficult, and operations are simply out of the question.


    It would be nice to have a shot at being able to complete a star fortress solo, or finish the arena on my own. This idea sounds like the easiest to implement and would really help out people in my position.


    Build up a companion to the 20+ rank, do a lot of heroics so you are in a full set of blue data crystal gear. Have all 4 of the leads of your alliance at 10+ so you can use every cache you find. You'll be able to solo it. Also remember to grab the buffs from your people at the beginning.

  7. This would destroy the looks of the classes. Just because you are dark or light doesn't mean you suddenly know how to use the other side's abilities. The process to produce force lightning is far different than the process to throw stones fast enough to peal away your enemy's skin.


    Now the Bioware/EA explanation is simple, they want the classes to feel distinct, otherwise there would be even less of a reason to ever play both classes.


    I would actually say killing by lightning is actually more humane (and faster) than taking hundreds of tiny pebbles and shoot them like a shotgun over and over and over again at someone... cutting them, tearing flesh, cracking and breaking bones...all things someone can easily live through.


    Honestly the various cut scene options of the sorc torturing people with force lightning is actually a HORRIBLE idea for a sith that wants to hear screams. If you can SEE the electrical arcs that easily the voltage and amperage would be so high that your torture would last 3-4 seconds before instantly stopping the person's heart if not outright causing it to explode. To lower it to the point of only causing minor harm, you would never see it, and would barely hear the electrical crackling.


    Honestly the consular skill set is capable of far more terrible things when you think about it.

  8. I've been subbed for almost 5 years straight, and I don't care if they put him on the CM so people can get him. Doesn't bother me in the slightest.


    I'm with you. Heck I think any/all bonus companions should be direct from the CM. This includes every companion from the packs. None of these things mean anything, they have no story elements that mean anything. Hell after the point HK55 gets destroyed he is never used again in the main story, and I expect him to be ignored in the next 'book' of chapters too unless they give him back to everyone.


    Special things should be kept to things like armor/weapons/crystals/mini pets and such (his duster is actually just a recolored CM trenchcoat even so it was nothing special).

  9. East/West is not relative. If you do not change your minimap settings even once than every map will appear exactly as it should be.

    Do not turn on the ability for the minimap to spin around your character, you will destroy your ability to respond in PvP if you do not know the maps well.


    As for voidstar, and people saying they flip sides on you....they don't, your brain is messing with you. Standing at the spawn point as defender...east is to your left, if a bomb gets planted there it will say that the bomb will go off on the east door in 20 seconds.

  10. Except this is not true. Vader took his armor off regularly, and we saw an example of this in ESB. He could not live in the armor permanently, so he definitely had exposure to light.


    The only time he could have the armor off was inside of a hyperbaric chamber, hence he was pale white under it as the only light to ever touch his skin was light that couldn't tan you. He did live in his armor because he could not breath without it. With both legs gone, an entire arm, and half of the other arm he could never take it completely off anyway.

  11. You are making a fallacy of understanding. Rep and Imp are not light and dark.

    If you want PvP to be impactful then it should be those whose alignment is light and those whose alignment is dark, if you are neutral you don't get to join in.


    You would likely find the imps cut down the middle, as would the pubs.


    Remember the even is light vs dark, not governance ideologies. A republic can be far more evil and sinister than an empire could ever hope to be, and far more patient of an evil as well.

  12. You all made out.


    I got the same mount 3 times in a row.

    Some of the most fugly sets (of which I only got 2 complete sets...and 20 repeats!!)

    10 color crystals.

    only weapons I got were the fat pistols...4 of those now =/


    Not a single item of legendary, not a single item of gold quality.


    They should have added an equation that forced gold/legendary at least once, and also ensured not a single double.


    The 3 decorations I got were the highlight of all my packs.

  13. You earn money farming heroics and dailies. This has always been the way you earn money in every mmo. You never earn enough just doing your quests and dungeons, if you did the inflation would be even worse.


    The reason prices are so overblown is actually not because you can't earn money in game...quite the opposite. It is because you can earn rediculous amounts of money now, add that on top of the fact if you have been active for 4 years than you have a crap tonne of credits sitting around unless you've been spending them constantly.

  14. Healing always feels like I'm actually contributing and theres really not a rotation that you can just macro, playing dps is just really unfulfilling and repetetive. Especially in easier content, the derpier the people are, the more interesting the healing becomes. It is never boring or the same. As a dps I feel that I'm "just there", as a healer I feel like a sexy mofo.


    You pretty well described me and tanking. PvE I tend toward tank. PvPing as a tank is the world's most thankless job as when MVP vote time comes around people just toss them at the healers and ignore the protection stat. It irks me when a healer that only did 200k healing gets 4 mvp votes and I'm sitting at 400k protection getting notta.

  15. I know so many people who have never done this and never will because getting a full group for the heroic at the end is impossible.


    As for the "get those people together" argument, they aren't all on at the same time ever.

  16. This is an option that would be REALLY awesome, If the devs actually read through these posts, PLEASE... In the next patch PLEASE! Have an option to remove slots from your outfit designer, Like the waist or glove slots... These ruin all my outfits!!!!And you could say the "Covert armor" Exist, But it is so extremely rare and costs TONS of credits on GTN, So devs if you truly read these...Please give us the option to hide certain slots in our outfits. :(




    If their solution is the covert peices, those suckers need to be available at the Cartel Bazaar for similar pricing to the other credit outfits there. Under a mil for an entire set.

  17. Here is the biggest amusement I have with much of this discussion and it can be bets put by the first page. Raiders cryign that if things like HM flashpoints give rewards comparable to raids then raids would die. The whole point you do anything is for fun. If you are only raiding for the gear, you are doign it wrong mate.


    I don't raid, because it ain't fun. I PvP. So this whole discussion doesn't effect me really. However all raiders everywhere need to have a whole lot better of an argument than "giving 220 gear would kill 16 man" because if you aren't raiding for the experience of raiding you are proving why raiding needs to die and never come back in any form ever.


    Do PvPers whine about gear? Nope, we get ONE set a season and often you don't even need to upgrade from season to season. All we want is more warzones.

    Maybe raiders would get more raids if they didn't also try and keep all kinds of exclusivity on gear ranking it would be more likely to happen? There is a reason raids are dying in most MMOs...people clamore for them, run them a few times then want a new one. Devs can do single loot drop bosses in a flashpoint and people will help run friends and newbies through it for months while whining only a third of what raiders whine when they put a raid on farm status.

  18. Honestly? OPs can stay dead and buried forever IMO. Raid mentality usually ends up destroying games and forcing all kinds of balances upon everyone else, destroying classes in the process.


    However, new FPs seriously need to happen. Hell follow the path of the Torch FP and you can create wings that can only be done one at a time. Picking one path locks you out of the others till next week. It slows raid/FP progression and you can extend the FP like a spider web from there after the first round of bosses is made.

  19. Why did you do it so fast when you have all of september and october left?

    No reason at all to burn out getting it done asap.


    Aslo a founder and done everything up to legendary this point...I won't be doing legendary as that is just blah. Took me like 2 weeks to do the rest though. Know where everything is and can just speed right on through.

    light 5/dark5 is easy if you just spacebar and do an entirely one sided character.


    And while I love the stories, I still occassionally make new characters just to pick different decisions in the main stories...I primarily just PvP anymore.

  20. End game, as in hardmodes and operations pretty well necessitate joining a guild that has members interested in it.

    Also, playing on a server in which the server prime time is when you play is also important.


    For example, being in the UK and playing on an American server (I know a LOT of people who do this for the all english servers) have to recognize that they won't be seeing the same numbers as those who play in prime time.

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